how to receive multiple input variables in a BPEL process? - bpel

I want to create a simple BPEL process where in i can enter data into 2 input variables and concatenate it and print it in the output variable.
I did create 2 variable ( default input variable , new_input ) the problem is when i am testing the soa application in OEM . it only shows input box for one of the variables , but not both of them.

Are you working with Oracle SOA suite ? (OEM = Oracle enterprise Manager ?)
If this is the case, the Oracle solution does not let you control the contract of your SCA components (the WSDL of your BPEL) : your could not have a wsdl with 2 inputs in the same operation.
If both input are from the same source, you have to design an XSD wich describe a complex type containing both inputed type (simple or complex) and generate your BPEL interface from this XSD as an input type.
If the source of the input are differents, you have to work with a correlation.
about correlation :
Designing BPEL for Oracle SOA Suite : section 11-2


How to run cucumber scenario's based on Test Case ID that is appended with the Scenario name?

I wanted to run Cucumber Feature file based on the Test case ID that scanerio name contains.
I know we can use #CucumberOptions 'features' tag and specify the line number to execute e.g "src/test/resources/Folder/myfile.feature:7:12"
This will run scenarios at line 7 and 12. But i wanted to run based on the TC ID.
Below is the feature file code
Feature: Login Functionality
Scenario: First Test Case(TC.No:1)
Given I perform action 1
Scenario: Second Test Case(TC.No:2)
Given I perform action 2
Scenario: Third Test Case(TC.No:3)
Given I perform action 3
Scenario: Fourth Test Case(TC.No:4)
Given I perform action 4
Scenario: Fifth Test Case(TC.No:5)
Given I perform action 5
All the scenario's are in a single feature.
For the feature file code above i wanted some way through which i can execute based on TC Id. E.g I only want to execute TC1,TC2 and TC5( TC id's picked up from scenario names).
There is a property file that contains the TC Id's to be executed. My code should read the file and then execute only those TC id's.
This can help me in reducing the number of automation TC's to be run.
Is it possible?
You can use the name property of #CucumberOptions or use the '-n' option if you are using the cli option. It also supports regular expressions.
To run TC.No:1 and TC.No:4 use something like this
#CucumberOptions(name = { "TC.No:1|TC.No:4" })
#CucumberOptions(name = { "TC.No:1","TC.No:4" })
You can get more details at this link.
As you are reading the ids from a file, the second option is the best. Use the cucumber.api.cli.Main class main() method to execute the features. You can create the options dynamically. Refer to this post.
CLI reference docs.
Not familiar with cucumber-jvm.
But, here is the general logic which should work (based on my ruby Cucumber knowledge)
In the hook, you can write the logic to under before method to get the scenario name and then extract the TC.No. Compare the TC.No and skip if it's not part of your list.
Here is the link which will give information how to skip the scenario (use this class in the before method)
However, the best practice is to use the tags, it would have been easy if you had #TCId-xx tag. Still you can write a simple program that will scan all the feature files and update the scenarios with the tag based on the TC.No in the scenario name.

Adding json data to json column is adding escape characters

I am using postgres database, I have a table called names which has a column named 'info' which is of type json. I am adding
{ "info": "security" , description : "Sednit update: Analysis of Zebrocy: The Sednit group \u2013 also known as APT28, Fancy Bear, Sofacy or STRONTIUM \u2013 is a group of attackers operating since 2004, if not earlier, and whose main objective is to steal confidential information from specific targets.\n\nToward the end of 2015, we started seeing a new component deployed by the group; a downloader for the main Sednit backdoor, Xagent. Kaspersky mentioned this component for the first time in 2017 in their APT trend report and recently wrote an article where they quickly described it under the name Zebrocy.\n\nThis new component is a family of malware, comprising downloaders and backdoors written in Delphi and AutoIt. These components play the same role in the Sednit ecosystem as Seduploader; that of first-stage malware."}
Here I am using node js, with sequelize as orm. When I save it in table. I see "\\n" for "\n" and "\\u" for \u. Can anyone help me to avoid escaping characters while saving to table.
I see \n for \n and \u for \u.
In your json description is type of string , so it will convert the new line/enter to \n that the default behavior , or else you will not get the new line / enter when you try to fetch the data again.
And \u is for unicode , you might be saving some smily or special character so that will be converted to such strings.
So there is no bug , this is how it works.

Skip element in BizTalk flat file assembly?

I've been tasked to map an input xml (actually an SAP idoc xml), and to generate a number of flat files. Each input xml may yield multiple output files (one output file per lot number), so I will be using xsl:key and the key() function in my mapping, based on the lot number
The thing is, the lot number itself will not be in the file itself, but the output file name needs to contain that lot number value.
So the question really is: can I map the lot number to the xml and have the flat file assembler skip it when it produces the file? Or is there another way the lot number can be applied as file name by the assembly without having it inside the file itself?
In your orchestration you can set a context property for each output message:
msgOutput(FILE.ReceivedFileName) = "DynamicStuff";
msgOutput then goes to the send shape.
In your send port you set the output file like this:
The result:
If the value is not required in the message content, don't map it. That's it.
To insert at value in the file name, lot number in this case, you will need to promote that value to the FILE.ReceivedFileName Context Property. Then, you can use the %SourceFileName% Macro as part of the name setting in the Send Port. You can set FILE.ReceivedFileName by either Property Promotion or xpath() in an Orchestration.
Bonus: Sorting and Grouping in xslt is rather unwieldy, which is why I don't do that anymore. Instead, you can use SQL: BizTalk: Sorting and Grouping Flat File Data In SQL Instead of XSL

Take mean of feature set using openSMILE audio feature extractor

My problem is taking mean of all features from different frames in one sample .wav file. I am trying cFunctionals in "chroma_fft.conf" file which belongs to latest OpenEar framework. For best explanation, i am writing these essential codes which i wrote in "chroma_fft.conf" and it is shown below;
instance[functL1].type = cFunctionals
reader.dmLevel = chroma
writer.dmLevel = func
frameMode = full
functionalsEnabled = Means
Means.amean = 1
reader.dmLevel = func
However, when i run from command prompt in windows, i got error;
"(ERROR) [1] in configManager : base instance of field 'functL1.reader.dmInstance' not found in configmanager!"
Very similar code is running succesfully from "emo_large.conf" but this code got error. If any body knows how to use OpenSmile audio feature extractor, can give advice or answer why it has error and how to use "cFunctionals" properly to take mean, variance, moments etc. of large feature sets.
In this case you have a typo in
which should be
I admit the error message
"(ERROR) [1] in configManager : base instance of field 'functL1.reader.dmInstance' not found in configmanager!"
is not intutive, but it refers to the fact that openSMILE expects a configuration section functL1 of type cFunctionals in the config to read the mandatory (sub-)field functL1.reader.dmInstance, which it then cannot find, because the section (due to the typo) is not defined.

Pass DB Connection parameters to a Kettle a.k.a PDI table Input step dynamically from Excel

I have a requirement such that whenever i run my Kettle job, the database connection parameters must be taken dynamically from an excel source on each run.
Say i have an excel with column names : HostName, Username, Database, Password.
i want to pass these connection parameters to my table input step dynamically whenever the job runs.
This is what i was trying to do.
You can achieve this by
reading the DB connection parameters from a source (e.g. Excel or in my example a CSV file)
storing the parameters in variables
using the variables in your connection setting.
Proceed as follows
Create another transformation for setting the variables (you cannot do this in the same transformation that uses it):
In the Set Variables element configure the variables:
In the element reading/writing your data create a new connection and set the connection parameters using ${variable_name}. Note that you have to blindly write ${password} into the appropriate field. Also note that this may be a security issue because the value may show up as plain text in log files!
In your job call the variable transformation first and then the functional part:
All you need is the XLS input and the Set Variables step. Define your variables as being valid in the Root job and you can use them in subsequent jobs, as long as they're called by the same root job, when defining the connection.
The "Copy rows to result" and "Get rows from result" are used to send information (rows of data) from one transformation to the next transformation or job in the same parent job. They're not used to send data between steps, that's what the hops are for.
