ImageMagick's display GPU "memory leak"? - linux

I'm testing CUDA app and I have run into strange memory issue:
My program performs some image operations and displays it using ImageMagick's display program.
The problem is that every time I run that IM's display I get more GPU memory usage, so less memory for GPU computation.
I'm using IM's display, because I couldn't find anything that displays image from the pipe input. Any suggestions?
Anyway why IM's display takes so much GPU memory and why is it not freed?

Based on your question, you're attempting to display a series of files in sequence using a shell not unlike Bash after performing a set of GPU-intensive operations. You're curious why more GPU memory is being consumed with every subsequent invocation of ImageMagick display, which appears to be closing out successfully after the conclusion of each operation.
We may further theorize that you're using ImageMagick's OpenCL support for at least some of your processing. While we don't have enough information to determine what your GPU's texture buffers look like at the completion of each rendering via display, I speculate your GPU isn't freeing textures expediently, causing memory to slowly creep up.
Instead of continuing to build conjecture around this hypothesis, I will instead recommend a tool to debug your issue: gDEBugger. This should allow you to interrogate your video card to determine exactly why things are slowing down.
Best of luck with your application.

I know it's old, but we have figured out that using pipes (popen()) makes sophisticated copy of the program in memory, what also causes copying the end program directives, or whatever called... So when I close program opened with popen I also finish all CUDA related context that are usually freed in "background", when program ends. So cleaning CUDA memory after I close popen application won't work, and I thing here was my memory leak and general major program error.
I hope someone will find it useful.


OpenGL: render time limit on linux

I'm implementing some computation algorithm via OpenGL and Qt. All computations are executed in fragment shader.
Sometimes when i trying to execute some hard computations (that takes more than 5 seconds on GPU) OpenGL breaks computation before it ends. I suppose this is system like TDR from Windows.
I think that i should split input data by several parts but i need to know how long computation allowed.
How i can obtain render time limit on linux (it will be cool if there is crossplatform solution)?
I'm afraid this is not possible. After a lot of scouring through the documentation of both X and Wayland, I could not find anything mentioning GPU watchdog timer settings, so I believe this is driver-specific and likely inaccessible to the user (that or I am terrible at searching).
It is however possible to disable this watchdog under X on NVIDIA hardware by adding a line to your xorg.conf, which is then passed on to the graphics driver.
Option "Interactive" "boolean"
This option controls the behavior of the driver's watchdog, which attempts to detect and terminate GPU programs that get stuck, in order to ensure that the GPU remains available for other processes. GPU compute applications, however, often have long-running GPU programs, and killing them would be undesirable. If you are using GPU compute applications and they are getting prematurely terminated, try turning this option off.
Note that even the NVIDIA docs don't mention a numeric quantity for the timeout.

How to dump the heap of running C++ process to a file under Linux?

I've got a program that is running on a headless/embedded Linux box, and under certain circumstances that program seems to be using up quite a bit more memory (as reported by top, etc) than I would expect it to use.
Since the fault condition is difficult to reproduce outside of the actual working environment, and since the embedded box doesn't have niceties like valgrind or gdb installed, what I'd like to do is simply write out the process's heap-memory to a file, which I could then transfer to my development machine and look through at my leisure, to see if I can tell from the contents of the file what kind of data it is that is taking up the bulk of the heap. If I'm lucky there might be a smoking gun like a repeating string or magic-number that comes up a lot, that points me to the place in my code that is either leaking or perhaps just growing a data structure without bounds.
Is there a good way to do this? The only way I can think of would be to force the process to crash and then collect a core dump, but since the fault condition is rare it would be preferable if I could collect the information without crashing the process as a side effect.
You can read the entire memory space of the process via /proc/pid/mem; You can read /proc/pid/maps to see what is where in the memory space (so you can find the bounds of the heap and read just that). You can attempt to read the data while the process is running (in which case it might be changing while you are reading it), or you can stop the process with a SIGSTOP signal and later resume it with a SIGCONT.

j2me out of memory exception

I'm making a game using J2ME and sometimes while testing it I'm getting out of memory exception, I know what it means but how can I solve it ? if I'll call System.gc() in my game loop every time will it help somehow ? Any tips on how to prevent this would be appreciated !
I see you've also asked j2me wtk find memory leak
In my experience, memory leaks don't cause OutOfMemoryExceptions. All they do is to slowly use up all the memory in the device. And when it's all nearly used up, the device is then forced to call System.gc() itself.
System.gc() is a blocking call, meaning it'll make your whole game stall for some microseconds, which of course is annoying. And this is why people go hunting for memory leaks - to prevent the automatic call to System.gc().
An OutOfMemoryException may occur if e.g. you have 1mb memory left, while trying to load a 2mb resource. And while a memory leak may dramatically increase chances of running into a situation like that, your problem is not the memory leak itself, but more likely that you're using too big resources.
Are you using mp3 files for music? Or big images for backgrounds or maps?
You could try calling System.gc() just before loading big resources, and it might reduce the problem. But the problem doesn't have to be related to your game alone. It could also matter what other apps are running on the device at the same time, and how much memory they use.
You could also try replacing mp3 music with MIDI music, if only just to test if it makes a difference. (Find JavaME optimized MIDI music at
And if you do use big images, make sure you optimize them with tools like PNGout or Optipng.
If original file is not too big then no need of decreasing size,you can use jpeg instead...also you can just have specific limit to your local buffer size.and before system.gc() you can make use of Thread.sleep() for testing purpose to check the effect and to give time to Gc.also check with WTK's performance monitor to check actual pick location.

CUDA Card Occasionally Crapping out with mid-run 'Launch Failure', along with Snow

I would like to take a picture of whats happenning to my screen, but screenshot won't capture it, but the best description is snow.
One of my projects has a habit of randomly failing on a new iteration, and I always assumed it was a 'You're using too much memory fool!' error, so was happy to restart, deal with it, and try to fix the problem.
Then I started to actually monitor the global memory assigned; Its constant at around 70% free throughout execution until suddenly dying on a fresh malloc.
To make matters more worrying, these Guru Meditations have started to habitually appear in my dmesg; all (that I've noticed) with the same address.
NVRM: Xid (0000:01:00): 13, 0008 00000000 000050c0 00000368 00000000 00000080
Any words from the wise on what the hell is going on? I'm still continuing investigation into issues with register and shared memory, but wanted to start this question for any ideas anyone else has.
If none of your CUDA memory allocations fail, then your problem isn't that you are out of memory (if you were it could be due to fragmentation, not necessarily due to 100%+ consumption).
If you are getting a x-mas tree effect, then you probably have a kernel that is writing outside of allocated memory. Check the indexes of pixels/array-cells you are accessing and the memory offset calculation of their position in the output buffers.
You can also try using 1D index while invoking the kernels, to make calculations simpler.
(You can model any multi-dimensional array as a long 1D array.)
Please wrap all calls to CUDA Runtime API with cudaSafeCall() and add a cudaCheckError() after all kernel invocations. These utility functions are exposed in cutil.h. This should help you catch any CUDA errors at the point they actually happen and their error message should help your investigation.

JavaME - LWUIT images eat up all the memory

I'm writing a MIDlet using LWUIT and images seem to eat up incredible amounts of memory. All the images I use are PNGs and are packed inside the JAR file. I load them using the standard Image.createImage(URL) method. The application has a number of forms and each has a couple of labels an buttons, however I am fairly certain that only the active form is kept in memory (I know it isn't very trustworthy, but Runtime.freeMemory() seems to confirm this).
The application has worked well in 240x320 resolution, but moving it to 480x640 and using appropriately larger images for UI started causing out of memory errors to show up. What the application does, among other things, is download remote images. The application seems to work fine until it gets to this point. After downloading a couple of PNGs and returning to the main menu, the out of memory error is encountered. Naturally, I looked into the amount of memory the main menu uses and it was pretty shocking. It's just two labels with images and four buttons. Each button has three images used for style.setIcon, setPressedIcon and setRolloverIcon. Images range in size from 15 to 25KB but removing two of the three images used for every button (so 8 images in total), Runtime.freeMemory() showed a stunning 1MB decrease in memory usage.
The way I see it, I either have a whole lot of memory leaks (which I don't think I do, but memory leaks aren't exactly known to be easily tracked down), I am doing something terribly wrong with image handling or there's really no problem involved and I just need to scale down.
If anyone has any insight to offer, I would greatly appreciate it.
Mobile devices are usually very low on memory. So you have to use some tricks to conserve and use memory.
We had the same problem at a project of ours and we solved it like this.
for downloaded images:
Make a cache where you put your images. If you need an image, check if it is in the cachemap, if it isn't download it and put it there, if it is, use it. if memory is full, remove the oldest image in the cachemap and try again.
for other resource images:
keep them in memory only for as long as you can see them, if you can't see them, break the reference and the gc will do the cleanup for you.
Hope this helps.
There are a few things that might be happening here:
You might have seen the memory used before garbage collection, which doesn't correspond to the actual memory used by your app.
Some third party code you are running might be pooling some internal datastructures to minimize allocation. While pooling is a viable strategy, sometimes it does look like a leak. In that case, look if there is API to 'close' or 'dispose' the objects you don't need.
Finally, you might really have a leak. In this case you need to get more details on what's going on in the emulator VM (though keep in mind that it is not necessarily the same as the phone VM).
Make sure that your emulator uses JRE 1.6 as backing JVM. If you need it to use the runtime libraries from erlyer JDK, use -Xbootclasspath:<path-to-rt.jar>.
Then, after your application gets in the state you want to see, do %JAVA_HOME%\bin\jmap -dump:format=b,file=heap.bin <pid> (if you don't know the id of your process, use jps)
Now you've got a dump of the JVM heap. You can analyze it with jhat (comes with the JDK, a bit difficult to use) or some third party profilers (my preference is YourKit - it's commercial, but they have time-limited eval licenses)
I had a similar problem with LWUIT at Java DTV. Did you try flushing the images when you don't need them anymore (getAWTImage().flush())?
Use EncodedImage and resource files when possible (resource files use EncodedImage by default. Read the javadoc for such. Other comments are also correct that you need to actually observe the amount of memory, even high RAM Android/iOS devices run out of memory pretty fast with multiple images.
Avoid scaling which effectively eliminates the EncodedImage.
Did you think of the fact, that maybe loading the same image from JAR, many times, is causing many separate image objects (with identical contents) to be created instead of reusing one instance per-individual-image? This is my first guess.
