Single page design using Orchard CMS - orchardcms

I have a client who want's a single page design for his site where the content for each "page" is shown/hidden using javascript as the user navigates the site.
I'm not sure on the best way to approach this using Orchard. One option would be to have the content all on a single page content item but then you lose the ability to use the navigation features of Orchard and can't let the client think about administration in terms of pages.
Does anyone have ideas or experiences on how best to set this up in Orchard CMS?
Here's the solution I used based on Bertrand's advice:
public ActionResult Display(int id)
var contentItem = _contentManager.Get(id, VersionOptions.Published);
dynamic model = _contentManager.BuildDisplay(contentItem);
var ctx = _workContextAccessor.GetContext();
return new ShapeResult(this, model);
I created a new module with a controller containing the action method above. The action method takes a parameter for the content part id. The _contentManager and _workContextAccessor objects are being injected into the controller. The Layout.Null.cshtml view was created exactly like Bertrand suggested.

Here's what I would do to achieve that sort of very polished experience without sacrificing SEO, client performance and maintainability: still create the site "classically" as a set of pages, blog posts, etc., with their own URLs. It's the home page layout that should then be different and bring the contents of those other pages using Ajax calls.
One method that I've been using to display the same contents as a regular content item, but from an Ajax call (so without the chrome around the content, without bringing the stylesheet in, as it's already there, etc.) is to have a separate controller action that returns the contents in a "null layout":
var ctx = _workContextAccessor.GetContext();
return new ShapeResult(this, shape);
Then, I have a Layout.Null.cshtml file in my views that looks like this:
Clearing the wrappers removes the rendering from document.cshtml, and the template itself is only rendering one zone, Content. So what gets rendered is just the contents and nothing else. Ideal to inject from an ajax call.
Does this help?

Following along the lines of Bertrand's solution, would it make more sense to implement this as a FilterProvider/IResultFilter? This way we don't have to handle the content retrieval logic. The example that Bertrand provided doesn't seem to work for List content items.
I've got something like this in my module that seems to work:
public class LayoutFilter : FilterProvider, IResultFilter {
private readonly IWorkContextAccessor _wca;
public LayoutFilter(IWorkContextAccessor wca) {
_wca = wca;
public void OnResultExecuting(ResultExecutingContext filterContext) {
var workContext = _wca.GetContext();
var routeValues = filterContext.RouteData.Values;
if (filterContext.RequestContext.HttpContext.Request.IsAjaxRequest()) {
public void OnResultExecuted(ResultExecutedContext filterContext) {

Reusing Rahul's answer with added code to answer #tuanvt's question. I'm honestly not sure what your question is but if seems like you want to access the data sent with the ajax request. If it's JSON you're sending set contentType: "application/json" on the request, JSON.stringify() it , then access it in Rahul's proposed ActionFilter by extracting it from the request stream. Hope it helps in any way.
public class LayoutFilter : FilterProvider, IResultFilter {
private readonly IWorkContextAccessor _wca;
public LayoutFilter(IWorkContextAccessor wca) {
_wca = wca;
public void OnResultExecuting(ResultExecutingContext filterContext) {
var workContext = _wca.GetContext();
var routeValues = filterContext.RouteData.Values;
if (filterContext.RequestContext.HttpContext.Request.IsAjaxRequest()) {
if (filterContext.HttpContext.Request.ContentType.ToLower().Contains("application/json"))
var bytes = new byte[filterContext.HttpContext.Request.InputStream.Length];
filterContext.HttpContext.Request.InputStream.Read(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
filterContext.HttpContext.Request.InputStream.Position = 0;
var json = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bytes);
var jsonObject = JObject.Parse(json);
// access jsonObject data from ajax request
public void OnResultExecuted(ResultExecutedContext filterContext) {


How to intercept a request to get the raw URL for site localization?

My site works this way:
All content has autoroute for {culture/slug} URLs
Users can select the site culture, so that everything is presented in the language they choose
I'm trying to achieve this functionality:
User selects site in English.
User goes to "", which is a content in Spanish.
The site has to automatically change the culture to Spanish and return the requested content.
What I think I need is to intercept the request, parse the URL and get the culture to see if it's the same as the current one.
I've tried getting it in the ItemsController in Orchard.Core.Contents using the IHttpContextAccessor but it doesn't have the raw Url.
I've also tried catching the request in Orchard.Autoroute and Orchard.Alias services but they are not the ones processing the request.
Any pointers would be appreciated.
There are some ways to do this.
Implement ICultureSelector
namespace SomeModule
using System;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using Orchard.Localization.Services;
public class CultureSelectorByHeader : ICultureSelector
private readonly ICultureManager cultureManager;
public CultureSelectorByHeader(ICultureManager cultureManager)
this.cultureManager = cultureManager;
public CultureSelectorResult GetCulture(HttpContextBase context)
var acceptedLanguageHeader = context?.Request?.UserLanguages?.FirstOrDefault();
if ( acceptedLanguageHeader == null )
return null;
var enabledCultures = this.cultureManager.ListCultures();
var siteCulture = this.cultureManager.GetSiteCulture();
// Select the specified culture if it's enabled.
// Otherwise, or if it wasn't found, fall back to the default site culture.
var culture = enabledCultures.Contains(acceptedLanguageHeader, StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)
? CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture(acceptedLanguageHeader).Name
: CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture(siteCulture).Name;
return new CultureSelectorResult { CultureName = culture, Priority = 0 };
You can go wild in GetCulture, read headers, cookies, a query string or get some settings for the current user from DB. Whatever fits your need.
Set the culture directly
private void SetWorkContextCulture(string cultureTwoLetterIsoCode)
if ( !string.IsNullOrWhitespace(cultureTwoLetterIsoCode) )
var culture = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture(cultureTwoLetterIsoCode);
this.Services.WorkContext.CurrentCulture = culture.TwoLetterISOLanguageName;
catch ( CultureNotFoundException )
Debug.WriteLine("Couldn't change thread culture.");
Just change the current culture of WorkContext before returning your result and you're good to go.
Fun fact: Changing the WorkContext.Culture in a controller will override everything you did in your ICultureSelector implementation.

Access Orchard Content Part Buttons (Save and Publish Now)

I want to disable Orchard Content Part buttons (Save and Publish Now) in the EDITOR template (when Content Item is created) based on some conditions. Can I do that ? How do I access the buttons in the EDITOR view.
Here are come examples,
To build a content fully from a Controller example, taken from the Blog Module
public ActionResult Create() {
if (!Services.Authorizer.Authorize(Permissions.ManageBlogs, T("Not allowed to create blogs")))
return new HttpUnauthorizedResult();
BlogPart blog = Services.ContentManager.New<BlogPart>("Blog");
if (blog == null)
return HttpNotFound();
dynamic model = Services.ContentManager.BuildEditor(blog);
// Casting to avoid invalid (under medium trust) reflection over the protected View method and force a static invocation.
return View((object)model);
[HttpPost, ActionName("Create")]
public ActionResult CreatePOST() {
if (!Services.Authorizer.Authorize(Permissions.ManageBlogs, T("Couldn't create blog")))
return new HttpUnauthorizedResult();
var blog = Services.ContentManager.New<BlogPart>("Blog");
_contentManager.Create(blog, VersionOptions.Draft);
dynamic model = _contentManager.UpdateEditor(blog, this);
if (!ModelState.IsValid) {
// Casting to avoid invalid (under medium trust) reflection over the protected View method and force a static invocation.
return View((object)model);
return Redirect(Url.BlogForAdmin(blog));
BuidEditor does the work for you.
And you should use a alternative version of this template, but remove the edit link and publish link.
Note, you need a route for you custom create action, and a menu link on the dashboard may come in handy.

Orchard CMS 1.4.2 - Edit view for my custom content type doesn't show content part data

I am creating a module so that my clients can manage their own corporate emails as content.
The idea is to avoid putting people's real email addresses on a public website, so for a website user to send an email, I get Orchard to display a form. No problem with that. My problem (see below) is related to how Orchard displays content items in the dashboard, not the public facing part of the website.
Moving on:
I have created (see migration.cs below) a content type called EmailAddress. It is basically just a content type wrapper around a content part called CorporateEmailPart.
The other relevant bit of my setup is the driver (see CorporateEmailPartDriver.cs below). I have followed Kevin Kuebler's videos on to write the driver. Debugging shows it working fine.
The shapes are placed using the file in my module.
So, everything would be working fine if it wasn't for...
The Problem:
The driver correctly allows me to create the shape for the editor of my content type, which displays fine.
Or rather, displays fine to allow me to create a NEW EmailAddress. I can save the CorporateEmailPart to the database just fine.
However, when I save the new EmailAddress content type, or try to edit an existing one, the fields for the CorporateEmailPart don't display at all on my EmailAddress editor.
Ie, when in my POST DriverResult Editor method I return the GET Editor ContentShape, only the CommonPart of my Content Type is displayed (ie, the owner field of the ContentItem). No CorporateEmailPart data is displayed. Not even empty text boxes.
I must be missing something simple, cos everything else works.
But I just can't see what...!
using Orchard.ContentManagement.MetaData;
using Orchard.Core.Contents.Extensions;
using Orchard.Data;
using Orchard.Data.Migration;
using Wingspan.CorporateEmails.Models;
namespace Wingspan.CorporateEmails {
public class Migrations : DataMigrationImpl {
public int Create() {
ContentDefinitionManager.AlterTypeDefinition("EmailAddress", builder =>
SchemaBuilder.CreateTable("CorporateEmailPartRecord", table =>
ContentDefinitionManager.AlterPartDefinition(typeof(CorporateEmailPart).Name, p => p.Attachable());
ContentDefinitionManager.AlterTypeDefinition("EmailAddress", builder =>
SchemaBuilder.CreateTable("EmailMessageRecord", table =>
.Column<int>("Id", col => col.PrimaryKey().Identity())
return 1;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Web.Routing;
using Orchard;
using Orchard.ContentManagement;
using Orchard.ContentManagement.Drivers;
using Orchard.Data;
using Orchard.Services;
using Wingspan.CorporateEmails.Models;
using Wingspan.CorporateEmails.ViewModels;
using System.Linq;
namespace Wingspan.CorporateEmails.Drivers {
public class CorporateEmailPartDriver : ContentPartDriver<CorporateEmailPart>{
private readonly IRepository<EmailMessageRecord> _repositoryEmailMessage;
private readonly IEnumerable<IHtmlFilter> _htmlFilters;
private readonly RequestContext _requestContext;
private const string TemplateName = "Parts/CorporateEmail";
protected override string Prefix
{ return "CorporateEmail"; }
public IOrchardServices Services { get; set; }
public CorporateEmailPartDriver(IRepository<EmailMessageRecord> repositoryEmailMessage)
_repositoryEmailMessage = repositoryEmailMessage;
public CorporateEmailPartDriver(IOrchardServices services, IEnumerable<IHtmlFilter> htmlFilters, RequestContext requestContext) {
_htmlFilters = htmlFilters;
Services = services;
_requestContext = requestContext;
protected override DriverResult Display(CorporateEmailPart part, string displayType, dynamic shapeHelper)
return ContentShape(TemplateName, () => shapeHelper.Parts_CorporateEmail(CorporateEmailPart: part));
protected override DriverResult Editor(CorporateEmailPart part, dynamic shapeHelper)
var model = BuildEditorViewModel(part);
return ContentShape("Parts_CorporateEmail_Edit", () =>
shapeHelper.EditorTemplate(TemplateName: TemplateName, Model: model, Prefix: Prefix));
protected override DriverResult Editor(CorporateEmailPart part, IUpdateModel updater, dynamic shapeHelper)
updater.TryUpdateModel(part, Prefix, null, null);
var model = BuildEditorViewModel(part);
return ContentShape("Parts_CorporateEmail_Edit",
() => shapeHelper.EditorTemplate(TemplateName: TemplateName, Model: model, Prefix: Prefix));
#region Private Utilities
private CorporateEmailEditorViewModel BuildEditorViewModel(CorporateEmailPart part)
return new CorporateEmailEditorViewModel
Alias = part.Alias,
EmailAddress = part.EmailAddress,
DisplayOrder = part.DisplayOrder,
DisplayTitle = part.DisplayTitle,
IsDefault = part.IsDefault,
EmailMessageSummaries = part.EmailMessages.Select(ue => ue.Summary).ToList()
Any suggestions much appreciated.
OK, a more careful debugging session with a clear mind and I found the issue:
An error is caused when building the viewmodel in my driver:
private CorporateEmailEditorViewModel BuildEditorViewModel(CorporateEmailPart part)
return new CorporateEmailEditorViewModel
Alias = part.Alias,
EmailAddress = part.EmailAddress,
DisplayOrder = part.DisplayOrder,
DisplayTitle = part.DisplayTitle,
IsDefault = part.IsDefault,
EmailMessageSummaries = part.EmailMessages.Select(ue => ue.Summary).ToList()
The offending line is:
EmailMessageSummaries = part.EmailMessages.Select(ue => ue.Summary).ToList()
The reason is that there is some problem with retrieving data from the EmailMessageRecord table using the CorporateEmailPartRecord_Id foreign key. I still haven't figured out what (have never used nHibernate which is what orchard uses), but the existence of this error answers the current question.
A Word of Advice:
Orchard works fine.
In fact, it works really well.
What doesn'twork is the code in your module.
So be more careful with your debugging.
Kevin Kuebler's videos are a great orchard learning resource.
When you refactor the name of something, double check to make sure they have ALL been changed.
I have found what was causing the hHibernate error: shoddy refactoring.
I originally called the project CompanyEmails, but then refactored everything to call it CorporateEmails. The only problem being, I didn't refactor everything, did I? There was still a CompanyEmailPartRecord_Id field on the EmailMessageRecord model class, whereas in the database, I had changed it to CorporateEmailRecordPart_Id. So, just another bug, just a failure to refactor properly.

How to override Web.UI.Page - Events in Sharepoint?

I want to compress the viewstate. Therefore I need to override SavePageStateToPersistenceMedium wich belongs to Web.UI.Page. In "normal" ASP.Net thats quite easy but in my sharepoint-project I cannot find any place where I have a class that is inherited from Web.UI.Page
My PageLayouts have no code behind, neither has the masterPage.
The best solution would be for me to be able to handle that in a pageLayout, because I do not want every Page to cache the ViewState.
To make it a bit clearer. This is the code I want to put "somewhere":
public abstract class BasePage : System.Web.UI.Page
private ObjectStateFormatter _formatter =
new ObjectStateFormatter();
protected override void
SavePageStateToPersistenceMedium(object viewState)
MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
_formatter.Serialize(ms, viewState);
byte[] viewStateArray = ms.ToArray();
protected override object
string vsString = Request.Form["__COMPRESSEDVIEWSTATE"];
byte[] bytes = Convert.FromBase64String(vsString);
bytes = CompressViewState.Decompress(bytes);
return _formatter.Deserialize(
I would inherit from PublishingLayoutPage (which in turns way back inherits from Page) instead and let all of my page-layouts use this base page as codebehind.
This means you need to alter you page-layouts' page directive like so:
<%# Page Language="C#" Inherits="YourNameSpace.BasePage, $SharePoint.Project.AssemblyFullName$" %>

Possible to load a web part inside another?

So, this is what we want to do: We want to have a generic web part with a custom frame around it and then dynamically load other web parts (frameless) inside it. Would this at all be possible you think? A bit like Jan Tielens SmartPart, only not for ASP.Net User Controls, but for other Web parts... ;)
Edit: We've been able to do this now. The solution was actually pretty simple. Check out the code:
public class WebPartWrapper : System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.WebPart {
protected override void CreateChildControls() {
Panel pnl = new Panel();
WebPart dynamicPart = WebPartFactory.CreateWebPart("RSSViewer");
Easy as that... We also use reflection to store the webparts as Xml etc., but that's beside the point.
I don't think so. I tried this a while back and it complained about only being able to add WebPartZone items in Page Init. I think by the time it get's to initialising your "container" WebPart it's too late to add more zones as the holding page has already been initialised.
public class WebPartWrapper : System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.WebPart {
protected override void CreateChildControls() {
Panel pnl = new Panel();
var factory = new WebPartFactory()
WebPart dynamicPart = factory.CreateWebPart("RSSViewer", this.Guid);
public class WebPartFactory {
public WebPart CreateWebpart(string webpartName, Guid parentWebPartGuid)
var config = ConfigurationFactory.LoadConfiguration(webpartName);
Assembly webPartAssembly = Assembly.Load(config.Assembly);
Type webPartType = webPartAssembly.GetType(config.Class);
object actualWebPart = Activator.CreateInstance(webPartType);
foreach (var item in config.Properties)
PropertyInfo webPartProperty = webPartType.GetProperty(item.Name);
object webPartPropertyValue = Convert.ChangeType(itemValue, Type.GetType(item.Type));
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Value))
webPartProperty.SetValue(actualWebPart, webPartPropertyValue, null);
RunMethod("set_StorageKeyInternal", actualWebPart, new object[] { parentWebPartGuid });
return actualWebPart as WebPart;
private void RunMethod(string methodName, object objectInstance, object[] methodParameters)
BindingFlags flags = BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public |
Type t = objectInstance.GetType();
MethodInfo m = GetMethod(t, methodName, flags);
if (m != null)
m.Invoke(objectInstance, methodParameters);
private MethodInfo GetMethod(Type instanceType, string methodName, BindingFlags flags)
MethodInfo m = instanceType.GetMethod(methodName, flags);
if (m != null)
return m;
if (instanceType.GetType() == typeof(object) || instanceType.BaseType == null)
return null;
return GetMethod(instanceType.BaseType, methodName, flags);
This code needs some explaining... Please excuse me if it does not compile, I had to remove a fair bit of the original code, it was very implementation specific stuff. I've not shown the "config" class either, it's just a container for configuration of webparts, just a bunch of properties. There are 2 issues I'd like to discuss in more detail:
parentWebPartGuid - This is the Guid (UniqueId?) of the hosting webpart. For some reason we have to set "StorageKeyInternal" to this value, using reflection (it's a private property). You can possibly get away with not setting it, but at least for the majority of webparts we had to set it.
config.Properties - This is the config values (we set them in a custom .xml file, but feel free to get this from anywhere). It can look a little like this..
In our framework we also support stuff like dynamic property values etc., but that's for another day... Hope this all makes sense and can help somebody.
There are (at least) two ways to do this: using iframe HTML element, or just a div whose content is changed by JavaScript (probably with Ajax).
[NOTE] My answer is generic (ie. on Web design side), I have no idea how it in your technical context, so maybe I should delete this answer...
No chance on getting the source for the WebPartFactory class is there? Or maybe a bit more information about it? Pseudo code maybe? If a custom web part is in the gallery it could be referenced in the same way as RSSViewer is correct? I'm just not really sure how to go about doing what you have done here, and I would very much like to better understand how to do this.
When a want to instantiate a custom webpart inside another custom webpart i use the following code in the .ascx
<%# Register tagPrefix="uc1" Namespace="Megawork.Votorantim.Intranet.Webparts_Intranet.LikeButton" Assembly="Megawork.Votorantim.Intranet, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=769156d154035602" %>
The Namespace value and the Assembly value can be copied from the SafeControls line from the webconfig or from the package file (in manifest tab) :)
When i want to instantiate it dinammicaly (in fact) is use the following code in the .cs
//This is the namespace of the control that will be instantiated dinamically
string type = "My.Custom.Namespace.WebpartToBeAdded.WebpartToBeAdded";
// Instantiate the control dinamically based on his type
System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.WebPart genericWP = (System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.WebPart)Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetType(type));
// sets the page to the genericWP (i dont know if this is required)
genericWP.Page = this.Page;
// Note: if you want to call custom methods of the dinamically instantiated controls (like a custom load method) you will need to create an interface and make your dinamically instantiated webpart implement it. You will need to do it in that file that have the following code: private const string _ascxPath #"~/_CONTROLTEMPLATES/...". Then you can do the following
//IMyInterface ig = (IMyInterface)genericWP;
// Adds the controls to a container, an asp panel by example.
