Apple's Core Data Utility Tutorial recommends implementing setNilValueForKey:and testing its effect:
Use key-value coding to set the process ID to nil. Build and run the utility. Again, what happens? And finally, comment out the setNilValueForKey: method and test once more.
I attempt to set the process ID to nil with this code: [run setValue:nil forKey:#"processID"]; but this doesn't call setNilValueForKey:. Why not?
Here's my implementation; the NSLog statement I added never appears.
- (void) setNilValueForKey:(NSString*)key {
NSLog(#"setNilValueForKey: %#", key) ;
if ( [key isEqualToString:#"processID"] ) {
[self setValue:#0 forKey:key ] ;
else {
[super setNilValueForKey:key] ;
I found similar stackoverflow discussions, but none answer this question.
It seems that setNilValueForKey: is never called if the dynamically generated accessor methods are used.
If you provide a custom setter method for the "processID" property in "Run.m":
- (void)setProcessID:(NSInteger)processID
[self willChangeValueForKey:#"processID"];
[self setPrimitiveValue:#(processID) forKey:#"processID"];
[self didChangeValueForKey:#"processID"];
[run setValue:nil forKey:#"processID"]
causes setNilValueForKey: to be called.
That is only what I experienced by try and error, I do not have official references for this. But the "Core Data Utility Tutorial" exists since Mac OS X 10.4, where dynamically generated accessor methods (as far as I know) did not yet exist. So it could be that the parts about setNilValueForKey: where not updated for 10.5. But that is pure guessing on my side.
Could you explain me about Monitor Class, esp following code in more detail?
if (Monitor.TryEnter(CashDrawers.lockObject))
// Work here
Not sure if this is what you're looking for but...
The code you posted in your question is the non blocking version of
//work here
Meaning that it will only do it's "work" if it is able to acquire the lock on the first try. If something else already has the lock, then your code won't do anything. I'm assuming this code is written within the CashDrawers class, otherwise you probably have a transcription error in that you need to Moniter.Exit on the same object that you Entered on.
Are you looking for an explanation on synchronization in general? If so that's beyond the scope of what I can write in an answer. Please check out for some general synchronization info in .net.
Using core data I'd like to fetch some data. My model uses some abstract entities, see attached picture, where QuantifiedIngredient is an abstract class.
I'd like to fetch Ingredient entities that have at least one RecipeQuantifiedIngredients, but in the middle is QuantifiedIngredient, which is an abstract class.
How can I do that, how can I test the actual type of an abstract class inside a NSPredicate? Any idea or suggestion?
The only clue I found was:
How can you reference child entity name in a predicate for a fetch request of the parent entity?
Would work a custom property in my QuantifiedIngredient to know if it is a RecipeQuantifiedIngredient? For instance isRecipeQuantifiedIngredient?
Thanks a lot for your help.
If recipe is required in RecipeQuantifiedIngredient, you could try to make a fetch, that checks, if there is any ingredient.recipe. I think, that will work.
The custom property, in kind of flag, will work for you too. You'll just need to set and unset it whenever you add or delete all the recipeQuantifiedIngredient.
I don't want to take the time to translate this into CoreData-speak so here is my thought in SQL:
SELECT * FROM quantifiedIngredients WHERE recipe <> NULL
or something like that. This is essentially Nikita's suggestion of using a flag, except that the 'flag' is the existence of a property. I don't know how CoreData will react when faced with GroceryQuantifiedIngredients that don't have the recipe, I think KVO will throw an exception. You might be so bold as to add a category:
#interface GroceryQuantifiedIngredients (KVOHack)
#implementation GroceryQuantifiedIngredients (KVOHack)
-(id) recipe { return nil; }
This would of course require CoreData to enumerate all quantifiedIngredients, but I presume it will have to do so anyway, and a the return nil should optimize into tiny code. The other consideration is whether this will have a bad effect on the rest of your code; you will have to make that call.
Another idea which pops to mind as I finish this up is to do something like this (I'm getting really loose with my pseudo-code now):
SELECT * FROM quantifiedIngredients WHERE [i respondsToSelector:#selector(recipe)];
See what I mean? I forget whether CoreData lets you play with some kind of cursor when working with predicates or fetchedThingamabobbers, if it does than I think this is your best bet. Anyway it's Sunday afternoon so that stuff is left as a exercise for the reader.
+1 for a good question.
NSManagedObject provides access to its NSManagedObjectContext, but does it retain it?
According to "Passing Around a NSManagedObjectContext on iOS" by Marcus Zarra, "The NSManagedObject retains a reference to its NSManagedObjectContext internally and we can access it."
How does Zarra know this and is he correct?
I'm asking because I want to know if the NSManagedObjectContext will be dealloc'ed in the tearDown method below. (I'm using CocoaPlant.)
#import <SenTestingKit/SenTestingKit.h>
#import <CocoaPlant/CocoaPlant.h>
#import "AccountUser.h"
#interface AccountUserTests : SenTestCase {
AccountUser *accountUser;
#implementation AccountUserTests
- (void)setUp {
accountUser = [AccountUser insertIntoManagedObjectContext:
[NSManagedObjectContext contextWithStoreType:NSInMemoryStoreType error:NULL]];
- (void)tearDown {
[accountUser delete];
- (void)testFetchWithLinkedAccountUserID {
// Tests go here...
NSManagedObject DOES NOT hold strong reference to its NSManagedObjectContext. I've checked that on a test project.
Therefore, you should keep strong reference to NSManagedObjectContext as long as you use its objects.
Wow, over two years old and no accepted answer here :)
When I wrote that post I did indeed mean it keeps a reference to its associated NSManagedObjectContext. If a NSManagedObject retained the NSManagedObjectContext then it would most likely run into problems.
In either case, whether the MOC is retained by the MO is irrelevant to your application design. If you need the MOC to stay around then you need to retain it (now referred to as a strong reference) or it will go away. What the frameworks do internally is not our problem. We just need to make sure we balance our retains and releases.
I think Marcus may have miswrote that a NSManagedObject retains its context. Every NSManagedObject maintains a link to the context. Unless individual objects have an internal retain cycle or are retained outside of their context, then, in my experience, they are all released when the context is released. If they retained the context, then this would almost certainly not be the case.
The above said, you can easily write code to test Marcus' claim. Override -dealloc and log when it is called.
IMO, it is a best practice to retain your context until you are done with it. Depending on an undocumented behavior is probably not wise.
I read this answer and its comments and I'm curious: Are there any reasons for not using this / Self / Me ?
BTW: I'm sorry if this has been asked before, it seems that it is impossible to search for the word this on SO.
Warning: Purely subjective answer below.
I think the best "reason" for not using this/self/me is brevity. If it's already a member variable/function then why redundantly add the prefix?
Personally I avoid the use of this/self/me unless it's necessary to disambiguate a particular expression for the compiler. Many people disagree with this but I haven't ever had it be a real sticking point in any group I've worked for.
I think most of the common scenarios have been covered in the two posts already cited; mainly brevity and redundancy vs clarity - a minor addition: in C#, it is required to use "this" in order to access an "extension method" for the current type - i.e.
where Foo() is declared externally as:
public static void Foo(this SomeType obj) {...}
It clarifies in some instances, like this example in c#:
public class SomeClass
private string stringvar = "";
public SomeClass(string stringvar)
this.stringvar = stringvar;
If you use StyleCop with all the rules on, it makes you put the this. in. Since I started using it I find my code is more readable, but that's personal preference.
I think this is a non-issue, because it only adds more readability to the code which is a good thing.
For some languages, like PHP, it is even mandatory to prefix with $this-> if you need to use class fields or methods.
I don't like the fact that it makes some lines unnecessarily longer than they could be, if PHP had some way to reference class members without it.
I personally find that this.whatever is less readable. You may not notice the difference in a 2-line method, but wait until you get this.variable and this.othervariable everywhere in a class.
Furthermore, I think that use of this. was found as a replacement for a part of the much hated Hungarian notation. Some people out there found out that it's still clearer for the reader to see that a variable is a class member, and this. did the trick. But why fool ourselves and not use the plain old "m_" or simply "_" for that, if we need the extra clarity? It's 5 characters vs. 2 (or even 1). Less typing, same result.
Having said that, the choice of style is still a matter of personal preference. It's hard to convince somebody used to read code in a certain way that is useful to change it.
well, eclipse does color fields, arguments and local variables in different colors, so at least working in eclipse environment there is no need to syntactically distinguish fields in order to specially mark them as "fields" for yourself and generations to come.
It was asked before indeed, in the "variable in java" context:
Do you prefix your instance variable with ‘this’ in java ?
The main recurrent reason seems to be:
"it increases the visual noise you need to sift through to find the meaning of the code."
Readability, in other word... which I do not buy, I find this. very useful.
That sounds like nonsense to me. Using 'this' can make the code nicer, and I can see no problems with it. Policies like that is stupid (at least when you don't even tell people why they are in place).
as for me i use this to call methods of an instantiated object whereas self is for a static method
In VB.NET one of the common practice I use is the following code :
Class Test
Private IntVar AS Integer
Public Function New(intVar As Integer)
Me.Intvar = intvar
End Function
End Class
Not all the time but mostly Me / this / self is quite useful. Clarifies the scope that you are talking.
In a typical setter method (taken from lagerdalek's answer):
string name;
public void SetName(string name)
{ = name;
If you didn't use it, the compiler wouldn't know you were referring to the member variable.
The use of this. is to tell the compiler that you need to access a member variable - which is out of the immediate scope of the method. Creating a variable within a method which is the same name as a member variable is perfectly legal, just like overriding a method in a class which has extended another class is perfectly legal.
However, if you still need to use the super class's method, you use super. In my opinion using this. is no worse than using super. and allows the programmer more flexibility in their code.
As far as I'm concerned readability doesn't even come into it, it's all about accessibility of your variables.
In the end it's always a matter of personal choice. Personally, I use this coding convention:
public class Foo
public string Bar
{ = value;
private readonly string bar;
public Foo(string bar)
{ = bar;
So for me "this" is actually necessary to keep the constructor readable.
Edit: the exact same example has been posted by "sinje" while I was writing the code above.
Not only do I frequently use "this". I sometimes use "that".
class Foo
private string bar;
public int Compare(Foo that)
if( ==
And so on. "That" in my code usually means another instance of the same class.
'this.' in code always suggests to me that the coder has used intellisense (or other IDE equivalents) to do their heavy lifting.
I am certainly guilty of this, however I do, for purely vanity reasons, remove them afterwards.
The only other reasons I use them are to qualify an ambiguous variable (bad practice) or build an extension method
Qualifying a variable
string name; //should use something like _name or m_name
public void SetName(string name)
{ = name;