In F#, I can use | to group cases when pattern matching. For example,
let rec factorial n =
match n with
| 0 | 1 -> 1 // like in this line
| _ -> n * factorial (n - 1)
What's the Haskell syntax for the same?
There is no way of sharing the same right hand side for different patterns. However, you can usually get around this by using guards instead of patterns, for example with elem.
foo x | x `elem` [A, C, G] = ...
| x `elem` [B, D, E] = ...
| otherwise = ...
with guards:
factorial n
| n < 2 = 1
| otherwise = n * (factorial (n - 1))
with pattern matching:
factorial 0 = 1
factorial 1 = 1
factorial n = n * (factorial (n - 1))
I'm not entirely familiar with F#, but in Haskell, case statements allow you to pattern match, binding variables to parts of an expression.
case listExpr of
(x:y:_) -> x+y
[x] -> x
_ -> 0
In the theoretical case that Haskell allowed the same:
It would therefore be problematic to allow multiple bindings
case listExpr of
(x:y:_) | [z] -> erm...which variables are bound? x and y? or z?
There are rare circumstances where it could work, by using the same binding:
unEither :: Either a a -> a
unEither val = case val of
Left v | Right v -> v
And as in the example you gave, it could work alright if you only match literals and do not bind anything:
case expr of
1 | 0 -> foo
_ -> bar
As far as I know, Haskell does not have syntax like that. It does have guards, though, as mentioned by others.
Also note:
Using | in the case statement serves a different function in Haskell. The statement after the | acts as a guard.
case expr of
[x] | x < 2 -> 2
[x] -> 3
_ -> 4
So if this sort of syntax were to be introduced into Haskell, it would have to use something other than |. I would suggest using , (to whomever might feel like adding this to the Haskell spec.)
unEither val = case val of
Left v, Right v -> v
This currently produces "parse error on input ,"
Building on some of the above answers, you can (at least now) use guards to do multiple cases on a single line:
case name of
x | elem x ["Bob","John","Joe"] -> putStrLn "ok!"
"Frank" -> putStrLn "not ok!"
_ -> putStrLn "bad input!"
So, an input of "Bob", "John", or "Joe" would give you an "ok!", whereas "Frank" would be "not ok!", and everything else would be "bad input!"
Here's a fairly literal translation:
factorial n = case n of
0 -> sharedImpl
1 -> sharedImpl
n -> n * factorial (n - 1)
sharedImpl = 1
View patterns could also give you a literal translation.
isZeroOrOne n = case n of
0 -> True
1 -> True
_ -> False
factorial1 n = case n of
(isZeroOrOne -> True) -> 1
n -> n * factorial (n - 1)
factorial2 n = case n of
(\n -> case n of { 0 -> True; 1 -> True; _ -> False }) -> 1
n -> n * factorial (n - 1)
Not saying that these are better than the alternatives. Just pointing them out.
I'm new to haskell and I'm trying to create an expression, that gives a list of integers from 0 to n, which are divisible by 3. The script I wrote doesn't work and I'm not sure for what reason.
zeroto :: Int -> [Int]
zeroto n = [x | x <- [0..n]]
x "mod" 3 == 0
where doesn't work like that. It's not a filter -- it's locally-scoped definitions.
However, a list comprehension does allow for filters, you've just not put it in the right place.
zeroto :: Int -> [Int]
zeroto n = [x | x <- [0..n], x `mod` 3 == 0]
Alternatively, you could define a filter function in the where block and filter afterwards, but this is kind of silly.
zeroto :: Int -> [Int]
zeroto n = divisibleByThree [0..n]
where divisibleByThree = filter (\x -> x `mod` 3 == 0)
This is not the best way but using simple recursion it can be done as
mod3Arr :: Int -> [Int]
mod3Arr 0 = [0]
mod3Arr n | nmod3 == 0 = smallerArr ++ [n]
| otherwise = smallerArr
where smallerArr = mod3Arr ( n - 1)
This code either returns the first factor of an Integer starting from 2 or returns nothing if it's a prime.
Example: firstFactorOf 24 returns "Just 2"
Example: firstFactorOf 11 returns "Nothing"
My question is, how would I return the value 2 rather than "Just 2" if there is a factor or return the value x if there is no factor.
firstFactorOf x
| m == Nothing = m
| otherwise = m
where m =(find p [2..x-1])
p y = mod x y == 0
ghci> firstFactorOf 24
Just 2
ghci> firstFactorOf 11
Haskell is statically typed, meaning that you can define a function Maybe a -> a, but the question is what to do with the Nothing case.
Haskell has two functions that can be helpful here: fromMaybe and fromJust:
fromMaybe :: a -> Maybe a -> a
fromJust :: Maybe a -> a
fromJust simply assumes that you will always provide it a Just x, and return x, in the other case, it will throw an exception.
fromMaybe on the other hand expects two parameters, the first - an a is the "default case" the value that should be returned in case of Nothing. Next it is given a Maybe a and in case it is a Just x, x is returned. In the other case (Nothing) as said before the default is returned.
In your comment you say x should be returned in case no such factor exists. So I propose you define a new function:
firstFactorOfJust :: Integral a => a -> a
firstFactorOfJust x = fromMaybe x $ firstFactorOf x
So this function firstFactorOfJust calls your firstFactorOf function and if the result is Nothing, x will be returned. In the other case, the outcome of firstFactorOf will be returned (but only the Integral part, not the Just ... part).
EDIT (simplified)
Based on your own answer that had the intend to simplify things a bit, I had the idea that you can simplify it a bit more:
firstFactorOf x | Just z <- find ((0 ==) . mod x) [2..x-1] = z
| otherwise = x
and since we are all fan of optimization, you can already stop after sqrt(x) iterations (a well known optimization in prime checking):
isqrt :: Int -> Int
isqrt = floor . sqrt . fromIntegral
firstFactorOf x | Just z <- find ((0 ==) . mod x) [2..isqrt x] = z
| otherwise = x
Simplified question
For some reason there was some peculiarly complicated aspect in your question:
firstFactorOf x
| m == Nothing = m
| otherwise = m
where m =(find p [2..x-1])
p y = mod x y == 0
Why do you use guards to make a distinction between two cases that generate the exact same output? You can fold this into:
firstFactorOf x = m
where m = (find p [2..x-1])
p y = mod x y == 0
and even further:
firstFactorOf x = find p [2..x-1]
where p y = mod x y == 0
If you want it to return the first factor of x, or x, then this should work:
firstFactorOf x =
p y = mod x y == 0
m = (find p [2..x-1])
fromMaybe x m
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
firstFactorOf x
| m == Nothing = x
| otherwise = fromJust m
where m =(find p [2..x-1])
p y = mod x y == 0
This was what I was after. Not sure why you guys made this so complicated.
I was reading the Haskell Prelude and finding it pretty understandable, then I stumbled upon the exponention definition:
(^) :: (Num a, Integral b) => a -> b -> a
x ^ 0 = 1
x ^ n | n > 0 = f x (n-1) x
where f _ 0 y = y
f x n y = g x n where
g x n | even n = g (x*x) (n `quot` 2)
| otherwise = f x (n-1) (x*y)
_ ^ _ = error "Prelude.^: negative exponent"
I do not understand the need for two nested wheres.
What I understood so far:
(^) :: (Num a, Integral b) => a -> b -> a
The base must be a number and the exponent intege, ok.
x ^ 0 = 1
Base case, easy.
g x n | even n = g (x*x) (n `quot` 2)
| otherwise = f x (n-1) (x*y)
Exponention by squaring... kind of ... Why is the f helper needed? Why are f and g given single letter names? Is it just optimization, am I missing something obvious?
_ ^ _ = error "Prelude.^: negative exponent"
N > 0 was checked before, N is negative if we arrived here, so error.
My implementation would be a direct translation to code of:
Function exp-by-squaring(x, n )
if n < 0 then return exp-by-squaring(1 / x, - n );
else if n = 0 then return 1; else if n = 1 then return x ;
else if n is even then return exp-by-squaring(x * x, n / 2);
else if n is odd then return x * exp-by-squaring(x * x, (n - 1) / 2).
Pseudocode from wikipedia.
To illustrate what #dfeuer is saying, note that the way f is written it either:
f returns a value
or, f calls itself with new arguments
Hence f is tail recursive and therefore can easily be transformed into a loop.
On the other hand, consider this alternate implementation of exponentiation by squaring:
-- assume n >= 0
exp x 0 = 1
exp x n | even n = exp (x*x) (n `quot` 2)
| otherwise = x * exp x (n-1)
The problem here is that in the otherwise clause the last operation performed is a multiplication. So exp either:
returns 1
calls itself with new arguments
calls itself with some new arguments and multiplies the result by x.
exp is not tail recursive and therefore cannot by transformed into a loop.
f is indeed an optimization. The naive approach would be "top down", calculating x^(n `div` 2) and then squaring the result. The downside of this approach is that it builds a stack of intermediate computations. What f lets this implementation do is to first square x (a single multiplication) and then raise the result to the reduced exponent, tail recursively. The end result is that the function will likely operate entirely in machine registers. g seems to help avoid checking for the end of the loop when the exponent is even, but I'm not really sure if it's a good idea.
As far as I understand it exponentiation is solved by squaring as long as the exponent is even.
This leads to the answer why f is needed in case of an odd number - we use f to return the result in the case of g x 1, in every other odd case we use f to get back in the g-routine.
You can see it best I think if you look at an example:
x ^ n | n > 0 = f x (n-1) x
where f _ 0 y = y
f x n y = g x n
where g x n | even n = g (x*x) (n `quot` 2)
| otherwise = f x (n-1) (x*y)
2^6 = -- x = 2, n = 6, 6 > 0 thus we can use the definition
f 2 (6-1) 2 = f 2 5 2 -- (*)
= g 2 5 -- 5 is odd we are in the "otherwise" branch
= f 2 4 (2*2) -- note that the second '2' is still in scope from (*)
= f 2 4 (4) -- (**) for reasons of better readability evaluate the expressions, be aware that haskell is lazy and wouldn't do that
= g 2 4
= g (2*2) (4 `quot` 2) = g 4 2
= g (4*4) (2 `quot` 2) = g 16 1
= f 16 0 (16*4) -- note that the 4 comes from the line marked with (**)
= f 16 0 64 -- which is the base case for f
= 64
Now to your question of using single letter function names - that's the kind of thing you have to get used to it is a way most people in the community write. It has no effect on the compiler how you name your functions - as long as they start with a lower case letter.
As others noted, the function is written using tail-recursion for efficiency.
However, note that one could remove the innermost where while preserving tail-recursion as follows: instead of
x ^ n | n > 0 = f x (n-1) x
where f _ 0 y = y
f x n y = g x n
where g x n | even n = g (x*x) (n `quot` 2)
| otherwise = f x (n-1) (x*y)
we can use
x ^ n | n > 0 = f x (n-1) x
where f _ 0 y = y
f x n y | even n = f (x*x) (n `quot` 2) y
| otherwise = f x (n-1) (x*y)
which is also arguably more readable.
I have however no idea why the authors of the Prelude chose their variant.
I hope someone can help figure out where my error lies. Calling g 3 4 0 2 (M.empty,0) [], I would expect [[2,1,0,1]] as a result. Instead, I'm seeing [[2,1,0,1],[2,1,0,1]].
The program is supposed to accumulate distinct digit patterns of length m by adding a different digit to the list each time, returning back down when reaching n-1 and up when reaching 0. The apparent problem happens in the middle when the function is called recursively for both the up and down directions.
If I comment out line 11 like so:
else g n m (digitCount + 1) (lastDigit + 1) (hash',hashCount') (lastDigit:digits)
-- g n m (digitCount + 1) (lastDigit - 1) (hash',hashCount') (lastDigit:digits)
I get the correct result []
As when commenting out line 11 and modifying line 10 to:
else g n m (digitCount + 1) (lastDigit - 1) (hash',hashCount') (lastDigit:digits)
Again, a correct result [[2,1,0,1]]
Why when calling g twice using the ++ operator, I'm getting two [2,1,0,1]'s instead of just one? In my thinking, each result in g should be distinct because in any recursive call, a different order of digits is (or should be) accumulating.
Thanks in advance.
import qualified Data.Map as M
g :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> (M.Map Int Bool, Int) -> [Int] -> [[Int]]
g n m digitCount lastDigit (hash,hashCount) digits
| digitCount == m = if test then [reverse digits] else []
| otherwise =
if lastDigit == 0
then g n m (digitCount + 1) (lastDigit + 1) (hash',hashCount') (lastDigit:digits)
else if lastDigit == n - 1
then g n m (digitCount + 1) (lastDigit - 1) (hash',hashCount') (lastDigit:digits)
else g n m (digitCount + 1) (lastDigit + 1) (hash',hashCount') (lastDigit:digits)
++ g n m (digitCount + 1) (lastDigit - 1) (hash',hashCount') (lastDigit:digits)
where test = hashCount == n
(hash',hashCount') =
if test
then (M.empty,hashCount)
else case M.lookup lastDigit hash of
Just anyting -> (hash,hashCount)
Nothing -> (M.insert lastDigit True hash,hashCount + 1)
Now that you've got it working, here's a more generic approach.
We need to walk the tree of solutions.
data S a = Solution a | Explore [S a]
Solutions are leaves of this tree, Explore are lists of options to explore.
-- this is very much unfoldr-like
generator :: [S a] -> [a]
generator [] = []
generator (Solution a: ss) = a: generator ss
generator (Explore ps: ss) = generator $ ss ++ ps
Now, given a list of "maybe-solutions", produce a list of solutions. The generator pattern-matches Explores, and appends the list of solutions to explore to the end of the list. This way we are exploring the solutions breadth-first, and that way we can deal with non-terminating branches. (Depth-first can't get out of non-terminating branches). This of course is at expense of memory, but you can find a finite number of solutions even for problems with infinite number of solutions.
Now, the function that generates solutions for your problem:
g :: Int -> Int -> [S [Int]]
g n m = [Explore $ g' [i] (S.singleton i) | i <- [1..n-1]] where
g' is#(h:_) ms
| h < 0 || h >= n || length is > m = [] --no solution, nothing to explore
| otherwise = maybeSolution ++
[ Explore $ g' ((h-1):is) $ S.insert (h-1) ms
, Explore $ g' ((h+1):is) $ S.insert (h+1) ms ]
| S.size ms == n = [Solution is]
| otherwise = []
Given n and m, produces a list of subtrees to Explore. g' is the helper function that produces a list of subtrees, given a list of Int already produced and a Set of Int already used. So, there is a definite termination condition: we appended a number outside the needed range, or the list became too long - exploring any further cannot produce Solutions, so return []. Otherwise, we are within bounds, maybeSolution sees if the list of Ints is already a valid solution, and suggests more subtrees to explore.
main = print $ map reverse $ generator $ g 3 6
Your problem solved.
Why when calling g twice using the ++ operator, I'm getting two [2,1,0,1]'s instead of just
one? In my thinking, each result in g should be distinct because in any recursive call, a
different order of digits is (or should be) accumulating.
But your pair of (Map,Int) is the same in both calls, so the recursive calls don't know what has been found by the other call. Consider the call g ... (lastDigit-1). It will also call g ... (lastDigit) (by adding 1 to (lastDigit-1) that it got), and follow the branch g ... (lastDigit+1) to produce the same result.
Also, (Map a ()) is a (Set a), and since you don't use the Bool value from the map, it is the same as ():
import qualified Data.Set as S
g :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> (S.Set Int, Int) -> [Int] -> [[Int]]
g n m digitCount lastDigit (hash,hashCount) digits
| digitCount == m = if test then [reverse digits] else []
| lastDigit < 0 || lastDigit == n = []
| otherwise = g n m d' (lastDigit + 1) h' (lastDigit:digits)
++ g n m d' (lastDigit - 1) h' (lastDigit:digits)
where test = hashCount == n
d' = digitCount + 1
| test = (S.empty,hashCount)
| S.member lastDigit hash = (hash,hashCount)
| otherwise = (S.insert lastDigit hash,hashCount + 1)
In your two recursive calls to g combined with (++) in the final else branch, you are passing exactly the same parameters except for lastDigit.
The base case of your recursion doesn't look at lastDigit - it just compares m and digitCount, n and hashCount and then returns [reverse digits].
So in any situation where the (++) case is hit immediately followed by the base case returning [reverse digits], you'll get the same value repeated.
I didn't fully understand your problem specification but perhaps you need to add the "new" value for lastDigit to digits when you make the recursive calls - i.e. (lastDigit-1):digits or (lastDigit+1):digits.
I have to write two functions converting decimal numers into a (-2)adian number system (similar to binary only with -2) and vice versa.
I already have managed to get the decimal -> (-2)adian running.
But with (-2)adian -> decimal I have a problem and just don't know where to begin.
Hope you can Help me
type NegaBinary = String
-- Function (-2)adisch --> decimal
negbin_dezi :: NegaBinary -> Integer -> Integer
negbin_dezi (xs:x) n
| (x == 0) = if ([xs] == "") then 0 else (negbin_dezi [xs] (n+1))
| (x == 1) = if ([xs] == "") then (-2)**n else (-2)**n + (negbin_dezi [xs] (n+1))
It always throws:
"Instances of (Num [Char], Floating Integer) required for definition of negbin_dezi.
Anyone an idea why it wont work?
Please please please :)
You have your list pattern-matching syntax backwards. In _ : _ the first argument is the head of the list (one element), and the second is the tail of the list (another list). e.g. x:xs matched with "abc" gives x = 'a' xs = "bc". So xs:x should be x:xs. The reason for GHC asking for an instance of Num [Char], is the comparison x == 0 (and x == 1). In this, it is trying to match the type of x (String == [Char]) with the type of 0 (Num a => a), and to do this, it requires a Num instance for String.
The fix is: negbin_dezi (x:xs) n
The problem asking for an Floating Integer instance is because (**) has type Floating a => a -> a -> a, where as you want (^) which has type (Num a, Integral b) => a -> b -> a (i.e. it is restricted to integer powers.)
Once you've done this, you'll find that your algorithm doesn't work for a few reasons:
The number 0 is different to the character '0', you should be comparing x with the characters '0' and '1' rather than the numbers 0 and 1.
xs is already a string, so [xs] is a list containing a string, which isn't what you want. This is fixed by removing the square brackets.
Possibly the ordering of the reduction is wrong.
On a different note, the duplicated if statement suggests that there is some optimisations that could happen with your code. Specifically, if you handle the empty string as part of negbin_dezi then you won't have to special case it. You could write it something like
negbin_dezi "" _ = 0
negbin_dezi (x:xs) n
| n == '0' = negbin_dezi xs (n+1)
| n == '1' = (-2)^n + negbin_dezi
(This has the bonus of meaning that the function is "more total", i.e. it is defined on more inputs.)
A few more things:
The code is "stringly-typed": your data is being represented as a string, despite having more structure. A list of booleans ([Bool]) would be much better.
The algorithm can be adapted to be cleaner. For the following, I'm assuming you are storing it like "01" = -2 "001" = 4, etc. If so, then we know that number = a + (-2) * b + (-2)^2 * c ... = a + (-2) * (b + (-2) * (c + ...)) where a,b,c,... are the digits. Looking at this, we can see the stuff inside the brackets is actually the same as the whole expression, just starting at the second digit. This is easy to express in Haskell (I'm using the list-of-bools idea.):
negbin [] = 0
negbin (x:xs) = (if x then 1 else 0) + (-2) * negbin xs
And that's the whole thing. If you aren't storing it in that order, then a call to reverse fixes that! (Being really tricky, one could write
negbin = foldr (\x n -> (if x then 1 else 0) + (-2)*n) 0
Some problems:
x == 0 or x == 1, but x is a Char, so you mean x == '0'.
You write (xs:x). There's no pattern for matching at the end of a list. Perhaps use a helper function that reverses the list first.
[xs] has one element, and will never be "". Use a base case instead.
Pattern matching is more helpful than equality checking.
** is for floating point powers, ^ is for integer powers
You often use [xs] where you mean xs. You don't need to put square brackets to make a list.
Here's a rewrite that works:
negbin_dezi1 :: NegaBinary -> Integer
negbin_dezi1 xs = negbin (reverse xs) 0
negbin [] _ = 0
negbin (x:xs) n
| x == '0' = negbin xs (n+1)
| x == '1' = (-2)^n + (negbin xs (n+1))
It would be nicer to use pattern matching:
negbin_dezi2 :: NegaBinary -> Integer
negbin_dezi2 xs = negbin (reverse xs) 0 where
negbin [] _ = 0
negbin ('0':xs) n = negbin xs (n+1)
negbin ('1':xs) n = (-2)^n + negbin xs (n+1)
But maybe it would be nicer to convert '0' to 0 and '1' to 1 and just multiply by that:
val :: Char -> Int
val '0' = 0
val '1' = 1
negbin_dezi3 :: NegaBinary -> Integer
negbin_dezi3 xs = negbin (reverse xs) 0 where
negbin [] _ = 0
negbin (x:xs) n = val x * (-2)^n + negbin xs (n+1)
I'd not write it that way, though:
A completely different approach is to think about the whole thing at once.
"10010" -rev> [0,1,0,0,1] -means> [ 0, 1, 0, 0, 1 ]
[(-2)^0, (-2)^1, (-2)^2, (-2)^3, (-2)^4]
so let's make both lists
powers = [(-2)^n | n <- [0..]]
coefficients = val $ xs
and multiply them
zipWith (*) powers coefficients
then add up, giving:
negbin_dezi4 xs = sum $ zipWith (*) powers coefficients
where powers = [(-2)^n | n <- [0..]]
coefficients = val $ xs
You could rewrite powers as map ((-2)^) [0..],
or even nicer: powers = 1:map ((-2)*) powers.
(It's nicer because it reuses previous calculations and is pleasantly clean.)
convB2D xs|(length xs)==0 =0
|b=='0' = convB2D(drop 1 xs)
|b=='1' = val+convB2D(drop 1 xs)
|otherwise= error "invalid character "
where b=head xs
val=(-2)^((length xs)-1)
worked for me.
I on the other hand have problems to convert dec->nbin :D