ssrs 2008 r2 pdf blank pages - layout

I have report with dynamic-width list which when exported to pdf has every second page blank. I followed instructions given here, squeezed everything as hard as I could - and it worked. However I also have footer inside which I have horizontal line that should continue through whole page width. If I make it long I have every second page blank, if I make it short - it stays that short. Also suppose I need to have textbox at the far right corner of a page, which again would make blank pages in pdf to appear. Is there any solution to this?

One thing I have found useful to diagnose exactly why SSRS is generating blank pages, is to set the background of the report (or report elements) to a non-white color. Generate the report again, then you can usually see what is being spilt over into another page. You can usually figure out what SSRS is doing, and tweak your report accordingly.

Set the report property ConsumeContainerWhitespace to True. I believe the default is false, so if you didn't think to ltrim(rtrim()) in your dataset, something I often forget to do, then the whitespace could be causing it.

For the line, if it is simply to separate the footer from the body of the report, try selecting the entire footer row and set the BorderStyle-Top property to Solid instead of having a line.
For the text box, it has to be entirely within the page dimensions or you will get a second mostly blank page. Left margin + right margin + report width <= page width. On one of our printers this still isn't enough so we have to reduce the right margin by another 0.05cm more (so 0.45cm instead of 0.5cm which it should be) to stop getting blank pages every second page.


Filemaker body auto resizing: Blank pages or cut content?

I am building a layout to print (PDFs) of letters. I understood that text fields can shrink automatically to avoid white spaces.
My layout body is about 10 pages high as this would be the longest possible letter. Problem is: I cannot figure out how to tell the body to shrink to one page if I have a one page letter only.
Thus, I end up having 9 empty pages (only page numbers) and one "real" page.
How can I avoid all the empty pages?
If you have one enormous text field that you want to reduce in size based on the contents and have the enclosing part also reduce in size, look closely at the Position tab of the Inspector panel.
Under the "Sliding and Visibility" section, you'll find a checkbox for "Sliding up based on" with an additional pair of radio buttons and one checkbox when that's turned on. The checkbox reads "Also resize enclosing part". That's what you need to make sure is on to reduce the size of the body part the text field appears in.

Microsoft Power Point 2010 Cannot Propagate Page Number Footer on Master Slide

I am making a power point template and I have a master, and dozens of slides under it. My master has a footer (Page Number)
[ <#>]
In the bottom right corner. (You can see this by opening up a blank presentation and viewing the master).
What I want to do is add some text such as
and propagate this from my master to all the slides that inherit this master. But this doesnt work. It is absolutely dumb and ridiculous.
NOTE: I am aware of the functionality that I can do Insert -> Header & Footer -> Check the right boxes -> Apply Changes to All and this will come in handy when I want to reflect the change.
I can change the Footer and apply it in the Slide Master View and the Footer is updated. However, and this is the most frustrating part, when I add AUTHOR HERE to the Slide Number Part of the footer, those changes will not get reflected in the child slide!!
There is a fix, and it is to do it manually, but I would like this template to be dynamic so all you gotta do is change the name in the Page Number placeholder and it will update the rest of the template. I can make the PAGE NUMBER RED AND BOLD, I can move the Page Number place holder around and it updates the child slides accordingly, but when I add text into the box, it doesn't propagate! Why?!
Again, I'm trying a proof of concept from a default presentation.
I swear this is impossible.
In the redesign from PPT 2003 to 2007, MS solved a rather small problem that affects a moderate number of people and in so doing, created a big problem that affects anyone who uses headers/footers/etc. They haven't seen fit to fix it.
A couple of things:
I think you'll need to apply your "Author Here" text to the slide placeholder on each of the layouts (the "slides" indented beneath the main master in Master view).
To have the text apply, you'll want to go to Insert | Headers/Footers, remove the check next to Slide Number, click Apply to all. Then repeat to put the check next to Slide Number again. IOW, turn the slide numbers off then turn them back on again. This forces them to regenerate.
Finally, just in case: the <#> you see there isn't really a normal character, so typing <#> won't work. If you type your "Author Here " and then while the text cursor's still in the text box, choose Insert | Date&Time, you'll get the correct character.

IBM Cognos Cross Tab alignment

I have placed two crosstabs one below another. But They are not getting aligned. How to align the two cross tabs such that corresponding columns align perfectly.
The quick and dirty way is to use fixed widths on all cells.
This will work fine for PDF, but will not work for HTML if:
You're using a modern browser (IE9+, FF/Chrome from last 5 years)
The total width exceeds screen size
There is no total width set on the crosstab itself
It will then ignore the cell widths and try to force everything to the screen width, thus the crosstabs will not align again.
I wrote some JavaScript awhile back which will combine two tables into one so fixed width is not needed. The full blog post is here. This will only affect HTML outputs, so for PDF I created a second page and just conditionally rendered one depending on user selection.
Fixed width is the only viable solution )
But you can use Report Classes to have a single “width” definition and apply it everywhere. It actually makes your reports look way neater.
Use Blocks in the cross tab cells, you will need to unlock the report first to do this
Set the block size to be the same on both cross tabs and then select content is clipped (Size and overflow property of the block)
This will work for both html and pdf output
I was able to do this by doing the following:
Set the Size & Overflow > Width of BOTH crosstabs to the same width in pixels.
Unlock the report, select the crosstab Text items in BOTH crosstabs and set them all to the same width (or individual columns to the same width if needed).
With the report still unlocked, select the text items in the crosstab 'Rows' and set those to the same width.
It's not pretty, but nothing in Cognos ever is.

Jasper Reports: Subreport incorrectly stretching out to whole page or causing page break

I have a subreport which is the sole contents of the detail band on the master report. This subreport can have a variable height, but 3 or 4 could easily fit on one page.
When running the report, either the band is stretched all the way to the bottom of the page or the subreport is causing a page break. I think the former, because I added a line into the detail band with position relative to bottom, and it has appeared at the bottom of each page in the filled report.
One thing I've already considered and fixed is the page height of the subreport.
edit: for clarity.
So how can I stop this page sized expansion and get multiple subreport prints to fit on one page?
I have done some more playing with it, and I think the vertical print order of the sub-report is playing a factor. When switched to horizontal the layout is still wrong (because its not the desired print order), but any sub-report which follows another is placed correctly at the end of the previous rather than a whole new page.

How to force a textbox to split, rather than move to a second page in SSRS 2005 (PDF Export)?

This question is a follow up to my original question, I've done a bit more reseach, i narrowed a problem down quite a bit.
I've also uploaded a sample .rdl to illustrate the problem
I've got the following report setup: a header (image in the body), two textboxes, and a footer.
First textbox has a little bit of text, and second textbox has lots of text. Second textbox can fit on one page by itself, but won't fit on the page with my header and the first textbox.
The problem is that for some reason, the second textbox in the report is unaware of other contents of that same report, and as long as that one textbox fits on one page - it will be moved to the second page. (once the textbox grows larger than 1 page - it will split, and will achieve the desired behavior)
Desired behavior is to split the second textbox, and keep as much text on the first page as possible, and move the rest to the second page.
I'm not sure about v.2005 but in v.2008 you can set a textbox property: KeepTogether to false.
This will fit as much text on the first page than the rest on the second page.
This is pretty standard behaviour in SSRS. Like many issues with the Reporting engine, you have to trick it.
In this case you could try to provide the 'lines' for the second text box as individual rows in a Detail, then use a repeater or table to display them. Alternatively you could break on 'paragraph'. Unfortunately you'll have to do this in your data source, probably in a stored procedure, depending on how you're getting the data to the report.
If appropriate you could look at client-side reporting (.rdlc files), which allows you to pre-process the data in a .NET application, although setting up for printing can be more complex.
