Microsoft Power Point 2010 Cannot Propagate Page Number Footer on Master Slide - ms-office

I am making a power point template and I have a master, and dozens of slides under it. My master has a footer (Page Number)
[ <#>]
In the bottom right corner. (You can see this by opening up a blank presentation and viewing the master).
What I want to do is add some text such as
and propagate this from my master to all the slides that inherit this master. But this doesnt work. It is absolutely dumb and ridiculous.
NOTE: I am aware of the functionality that I can do Insert -> Header & Footer -> Check the right boxes -> Apply Changes to All and this will come in handy when I want to reflect the change.
I can change the Footer and apply it in the Slide Master View and the Footer is updated. However, and this is the most frustrating part, when I add AUTHOR HERE to the Slide Number Part of the footer, those changes will not get reflected in the child slide!!
There is a fix, and it is to do it manually, but I would like this template to be dynamic so all you gotta do is change the name in the Page Number placeholder and it will update the rest of the template. I can make the PAGE NUMBER RED AND BOLD, I can move the Page Number place holder around and it updates the child slides accordingly, but when I add text into the box, it doesn't propagate! Why?!
Again, I'm trying a proof of concept from a default presentation.
I swear this is impossible.

In the redesign from PPT 2003 to 2007, MS solved a rather small problem that affects a moderate number of people and in so doing, created a big problem that affects anyone who uses headers/footers/etc. They haven't seen fit to fix it.
A couple of things:
I think you'll need to apply your "Author Here" text to the slide placeholder on each of the layouts (the "slides" indented beneath the main master in Master view).
To have the text apply, you'll want to go to Insert | Headers/Footers, remove the check next to Slide Number, click Apply to all. Then repeat to put the check next to Slide Number again. IOW, turn the slide numbers off then turn them back on again. This forces them to regenerate.
Finally, just in case: the <#> you see there isn't really a normal character, so typing <#> won't work. If you type your "Author Here " and then while the text cursor's still in the text box, choose Insert | Date&Time, you'll get the correct character.


How to hide text in certain cells from a script?

Windows 10, Google Sheets, LVL: Rookie.
So I have a sheet, that is kinda like a scoreboard, the main purpose of it is to do scoreboard things, but that's irrelevant. Basically, for new people that use the sheet, I have green sentences near cells to show them what goes there, kinda like tutorials.
But, for people that have used the sheet for a while, they are going to get tired of all this extra space used up by green sentences that don't actually teach them anything cause they already know it.
SO I wanted to create a button from a UI box, that disables tutorials (Just hiding/deleting these green sentences), and whenever they wanted to see the tutorials "sentences" again, they could use another UI Button to enable them, which unhides/adds the text back in the cells.
I already have the UI Box setup...
The only thing I don't know how to do or what to code, is hiding/deleting these sentences, and being able to unhide/paste the sentences.
Now, if this can be done in an easy formula, please let me know, but otherwise, please help me write out a script for this. I will credit you if you wish.
You have a complicated spreadsheet that included about 25 text "hints" to user. You want experienced users to have the ability to "hide" the hints if they wish.
You could do this with a checkbox.
Untick (the default): the comments appear.
Tick the box: the comments are hidden
Create a checkbox (say, it is in Cell G1),
Edit all your hints along these lines.
=if($G$1=TRUE,"","Team name goes here --->")
$G$1=TRUE`: this means that the check box has been ticked
if TRUE, then display nothing: ""
if not TRUE (the checkbox is NOT ticked), then display the hint. Such as "Team name goes here --->"

Sharepoint Custom List Preview Pane not displaying information past Title and Date

My preview pane has all the items down the left side as it should, and it has all of my column selections as rows down the right side.
However, when hovering over the titles, only Date and Title are being filled out on the right side.
If I change the view style to boxed or anything then it displays all the information.
It just appears that preview pane is having some weird difficulty correlating the hovered over item to the information on the right, Any suggestions?
Using Sharepoint 2013. I don't have Sharepoint Designer though. There's roughly 15 columns of information that needs to be displayed in rows because there's not enough room along the columns bar otherwise. Boxed style worked for a moment but then I realized there was no way to make it 1 box wide instead of default 2 boxes wide.
EDIT: I created a calendar view to add onto my page and chose to display Title. This might be where the problem is coming from. It says the title of all of my items are (no title).
I figured out that in InfoPath in the Fields pane on the right, you have to go to 'Show Advanced View'. Then there is a group called queryFields. The title inside queryFields was never being injected with same information as dataField. I saw later in the view option that my sort by setting was [Title]. I don't know if it's relevant, but putting it out there for future readers.
Solution: If you have an email user/group field that is not completed, it will not display any details beyond that field for each record. Either remove that email column, or ensure they are filled out.

Unexpected behaviour in a Lotus Notes programmable table

I'm designing a workflow database in Lotus Notes 6.0.3 (soon upgrading to 8.5), and my OS is Windows XP.
I have recently tried converting a tabbed table into a programmable one. This was so that I could control which tab was displayed to the user when it was opened, so that they were presented with the most appropriate one for that document's progress through the workflow. That part of it works!
One of the tabs features a radio button that controls visibility of the next tab, and a pair of cascading dialogue boxes. One contains the static list "Person":"Team", and the other has a formula based on the first:
view:=#If(PeerReview = "Team"; "GroupNames"; "GroupMembers");
#Unique(#DbColumn(""; ""; view; 1))
The dialogue boxes have the property "Refresh fields on keyword change" selected.
The behaviour that I wasn't expecting is this. If the radio button is set to "Yes" and a value is selected in one of the dialogue boxes, the table opens the next tab. If the radio button is set to "No" and a value is selected in one of the dialogue boxes, the entire table is hidden.
I can duplicate the latter by switching off the "Refresh fields on keyword change" property on the dialogue boxes and instead pressing F9 after selecting a value. I have no idea why the former occurs, though. The table is called "RFCInfo", and I have a field on the form called "$RFCInfo" which is editable, hidden from all users who aren't me and initially set by a Postopen script, which I can post if necessary - it's essentially a Select Case statement that looks at a particular item value and returns the name of the table row relating to that value.
Can anyone offer any pointers?
Hide-when formulas in table cells in Notes R5 and R6 were notorious for breaking in unpredictable ways when you edited the table cells. Even in R7, I think they were still a little bit funky, but by R8 they were finally really solid. You haven't shown the hide-when's but my first guess is that you are simply a victim of the bad behavior.
Please don't shoot the messenger, but the usual way we addressed this sort of problem was to painstakingly re-create the entire table from scratch, and hope we never have to edit it again. I.e., make a copy of the table in a scratch form and clear all the hide-whens -- one by one. Then create a brand new empty table in a second scratch form and get all the cells set up exactly like the original table, including nested tables, merged cells, and other settings -- but skip the hide-whens for now. Then copy each cell's content from the first scratch form to the corresponding cell of the second scratch form. Then, referring to the hide-whens in the original form, re-create each hide-when on the paragraphs in the cells on the second scratch form. Finally, delete the original table from your original form and then copy/paste the table from the second scratch from back into your original form.
Once you have R8.5, move to XPages in Notes, it's almost a no-brainer to implement your tabs. And in return, you get many other interesting issues to solve!

ssrs 2008 r2 pdf blank pages

I have report with dynamic-width list which when exported to pdf has every second page blank. I followed instructions given here, squeezed everything as hard as I could - and it worked. However I also have footer inside which I have horizontal line that should continue through whole page width. If I make it long I have every second page blank, if I make it short - it stays that short. Also suppose I need to have textbox at the far right corner of a page, which again would make blank pages in pdf to appear. Is there any solution to this?
One thing I have found useful to diagnose exactly why SSRS is generating blank pages, is to set the background of the report (or report elements) to a non-white color. Generate the report again, then you can usually see what is being spilt over into another page. You can usually figure out what SSRS is doing, and tweak your report accordingly.
Set the report property ConsumeContainerWhitespace to True. I believe the default is false, so if you didn't think to ltrim(rtrim()) in your dataset, something I often forget to do, then the whitespace could be causing it.
For the line, if it is simply to separate the footer from the body of the report, try selecting the entire footer row and set the BorderStyle-Top property to Solid instead of having a line.
For the text box, it has to be entirely within the page dimensions or you will get a second mostly blank page. Left margin + right margin + report width <= page width. On one of our printers this still isn't enough so we have to reduce the right margin by another 0.05cm more (so 0.45cm instead of 0.5cm which it should be) to stop getting blank pages every second page.

How to force a textbox to split, rather than move to a second page in SSRS 2005 (PDF Export)?

This question is a follow up to my original question, I've done a bit more reseach, i narrowed a problem down quite a bit.
I've also uploaded a sample .rdl to illustrate the problem
I've got the following report setup: a header (image in the body), two textboxes, and a footer.
First textbox has a little bit of text, and second textbox has lots of text. Second textbox can fit on one page by itself, but won't fit on the page with my header and the first textbox.
The problem is that for some reason, the second textbox in the report is unaware of other contents of that same report, and as long as that one textbox fits on one page - it will be moved to the second page. (once the textbox grows larger than 1 page - it will split, and will achieve the desired behavior)
Desired behavior is to split the second textbox, and keep as much text on the first page as possible, and move the rest to the second page.
I'm not sure about v.2005 but in v.2008 you can set a textbox property: KeepTogether to false.
This will fit as much text on the first page than the rest on the second page.
This is pretty standard behaviour in SSRS. Like many issues with the Reporting engine, you have to trick it.
In this case you could try to provide the 'lines' for the second text box as individual rows in a Detail, then use a repeater or table to display them. Alternatively you could break on 'paragraph'. Unfortunately you'll have to do this in your data source, probably in a stored procedure, depending on how you're getting the data to the report.
If appropriate you could look at client-side reporting (.rdlc files), which allows you to pre-process the data in a .NET application, although setting up for printing can be more complex.
