Code Reordering by visual c++compiler - visual-c++

When the same piece of c++ code is compiled with the same version of visual c++ compiler but at different times and possibly in different computers, does the code reordering performed by the compiler remains same or it may differ. i.e. does the logic behind code optimization by code reordering depend only on the code or it depends on various other parameters?
The context of the question is that I want to create a tool which finds out whether the two dlls are same or different based on their functionalities.

Correct me if I'm wrong in assuming that since you want to compare dlls based on their functionality, you don't care about implementation details. Based on this assumption, it is clear that your tool could only look at the function signatures and classes, structs, etc definitions exposed by the dlls which would always be the same regardless of compiler for the same dll.


Does CMake support glibc feature test macros

Let's say I want to use a specific Linux / POSIX feature, that is provided conditionally based on feature test macros. For example, the type cpu_set_t, the macro CPU_SET_ZERO, and the function sched_setaffinity.
Ideally I would just like to tell CMake that I need those, and it should figure out what extra feature test macros to set or fail with a nice error message if it can't be provided on the current system. Is that possible?
I am aware that I can lookup in the manpages and manually use add_definitions(-D_GNU_SOURCE), but that can become tedious once multiple functionalities that were introduced and deprecated in different versions of the POSIX standard are combined. In my experience, it can become difficult to maintain portability across different versions of the glibc implementation.
There are the CMake platform checks, but they only seem to help in checking. So I get the error during cmake rather than make, but I still have to figure out the right feature test macros manually.
cmake-compile-features seem to offer only features directly related to the compiler, not the library.
If you are just looking to determine whether a function or variable exists, you can use the CheckSymbolExists module. Likewise, there is CheckStructHasMember for structs (assuming there is a standard member you can check for). So:
include (CheckSymbolExists)
include (CheckStructHasMember)
CHECK_SYMBOL_EXISTS(sched_setaffinity sched.h sched_setaffinity_exists)
CHECK_STRUCT_HAS_MEMBER(cpu_set_t <member?> sched.h cpu_set_t_exists)
It appears that cpu_set_t is an opaque type, so instead you can use the CheckCXXSourceCompiles module, which is a frontend for the try_compile command. It is a generic way to determine if any particular code compiles. try_compile is used extensively by 'base' CMake to determine features (try a search in the Modules directory!). Essentially, you pass it in a minimal source file, which should fail compilation if your feature is not present, and it reports back to your CMake script the result.

Relation between MSVC Compiler & linker option for COMDAT folding

This question has some answers on SO but mine is slightly different. Before marking as duplicate, please give it a shot.
MSVC has always provided the /Gy compiler option to enable identical functions to be folded into COMDAT sections. At the same time, the linker also provides the /OPT:ICF option. Is my understanding right that these two options must be used in conjunction? That is, while the former packages functions into COMDAT, the latter eliminates redundant COMDATs. Is that correct?
If yes, then either we use both or turn off both?
Answer from someone who communicated with me off-line. Helped me understand these options a lot better.
That is essentially true. Suppose we talk just C, or C++ but with no member functions. Without /Gy, the compiler creates object files that are in some sense irreducible. If the linker wants just one function from the object, it gets them all. This is specially a consideration in programming for libraries, such that if you mean to be kind to the library's users, you should write your library as lots of small object files, typically one non-static function per object, so that the user of the library doesn't bloat from having to carry code that actually never executes.
With /Gy, the compiler creates object files that have COMDATs. Each function is in its own COMDAT, which is to some extent a mini-object. If the linker wants just one function from the object, it can pick out just that one. The linker's /OPT switch gives you some control over what the linker does with this selectivity - but without /Gy there's nothing to select.
Or very little. It's at least conceivable that the linker could, for instance, fold functions that are each the whole of the code in an object file and happen to have identical code. It's certainly conceivable that the linker could eliminate a whole object file that contains nothing that's referenced. After all, it does this with object files in libraries. The rule in practice, however, used to be that if you add a non-COMDAT object file to the linker's command line, then you're saying you want that in the binary even if unreferenced. The difference between what's conceivable and what's done is typically huge.
Best, then, to stick with the quick answer. The linker options benefit from being able to separate functions (and variables) from inside each object file, but the separation depends on the code and data to have been organised into COMDATs, which is the compiler's work.
As answered by Raymond Chen in Jan 2013
As explained in the documentation for /Gy, function-level linking
allows functions to be discardable during the "unused function" pass,
if you ask for it via /OPT:REF. It does not alter the actual classical
model for linking. The flag name is misleading. It's not "perform
function-level linking". It merely enables it by telling the linker
where functions begin and end. And it's not so much function-level
linking as it is function-level unlinking. -Raymond
(This snippet might make more sense with some further context:here are the posts about classical linking model:1, 2
So in a nutshell - yes. If you activate one switch without the other, there would be no observable impact.

What are the differences between inline-c and language-c-inline?

I've been briefly looking into quasi-quotation libraries for Haskell. These libraries allow Haskell to integrate with other languages. For integrating with C, there appears to be two packages with similar functionality:
language-c-inline (which uses language-c-quote)
As I'm looking to build a quasi-quotation library of my own, I'm interested in design choices, API differences, performance etc.
The only difference I'm aware of is that language-c-quote supports C and Objective-C, whereas inline-c supports C.
How would you distinguish these packages? What are the fundamental differences? Are they, in fact, similar?
Some differences where (shortly) discussed in inline-c's reddit announcement:
How does this compare to language-c-inline?
In inline-c we have a very simple core library which is easily extensible with additional anti quoters. I wanted the core functionality to be very predictable, and leave fancier marshalling up to specific use cases. In language-c-inline the marshalling works with a mix of hard-coded rules and user-supplied Template Haskell functions.
We wanted to make the language to include the C code as simple as possible. The inline C is spliced with a quasi quoter and no Template Haskell functions. The inline C code specifies the Haskell variables to capture using anti-quoters, and the target types are all specified using C syntax. As I say in the blog post I cared quite a bit that this is the case, to have confidence that what you're getting in C is what you expect. Relatedly, only the anti-quoters are examined: the rest of the C code is not parsed and left verbatim, so we don't have to worry about eventual incompatibilities between the C compiler the user is using and the Haskell C parser that language-c-inline uses.
We're also making sure that the infrastructure and build process is smooth. The addTopDecl function is used to avoid having to populate tables at runtime like language-c-inline does, and I also employ various tricks to make sure that everything will work smoothly across builds. For example, the names of the generated C functions is based on the hash of the contents of the function itself. This is quite important to guarantee that repeated builds of the same file by cabal -- for example when compiling with profiling support -- result in the same C symbols being generated, while making sure that the the symbols are the same only if the C snippets in the module are the same.
In short, the two libraries are very similar in spirit, but we coded inline-c to be better suited to our needs taking different design choices. Some of the advantages above could be easily ported to language-c-inline, especially the ones in the last point.
The announcement on fpcomplete also contains additional information, but all in all, yep, their somewhat similar.

Why does the compiler change the result of a linear programming solution? (GLPLK/GLPSOL)

Attempting to solve linear programming problems using GLPLK's GLPSOL we've come upon a snag, namely that in very specific cases, the results between glpsol executables created with different compilers are different.
The situation is that we have a problem with several valid solutions. To put it simply, we have a table where each row (X) can be assigned only one column (Y), and viceversa. As such, all combinations that assign unique column/row pairs are valid.
Example, for a 2x2 table, these are valid:
{(X0,Y0),(X1,Y1)} {(X0,Y1),(X1,Y0)}
Now, the original glpsol binary we used under windows, returned the results in order, something like this:
We noticed an issue with the Linux binary, in that it returned the solution in a different order, something like this:
{(X0,Y0),(Xn,Y1),(X1,Y2) ....}
Note that the order is not random, every execution follows the same pattern.
After much investigation I discovered that the issue lies in which compiler was used to create each binary. In our example above, the Windows binary was compiled using Visual C++, while the Linux binary used GCC.
I've verified this by recompiling the Windows binary using GCC, resulting in the same pattern. Compiling with Borland results in a different pattern.
So the question is, mainly, why is this happening?
I'm guessing it might be the result of how each compiler optimizes the binary, but I'm not sure, and my objective is to obtain the same results we had with the original executable (the one compiled with Visual C++) both for Windows and Linux. And I am suspecting cross-compiling with the Visual C++ toolchain won't be an option.
Note: I managed to determine the compiler used by each binary by opening them as text and locating text strings within the executable referencing Visual C++ and GNU GCC respectively.
Versions of the solver built with different compilers can take different paths during the optimization process which can result in the behavior you observe. Things that can affect this are: differences in floating-point semantics (possibly caused by -ffast-math), different implementations of sort (qsort is normally not a stable sort) - this is mentioned by Ben Voigt, different implementations of random number generators in standard libraries.
If both solutions are optimal, I wouldn't be too much concerned about this.

template instantiation statistics from compilers

Is there a way to get a summary of the instantiated templates (with what types and how many times - like a histogram) within a translation unit or for the whole project (shared object/executable)?
If I have a large codebase and I want to take advantage of the C++11 extern keyword I would like to know which templates are most used within my project (or from the internals of stl - like std::less<MyString> for example).
Also is it possible to have a weight assigned to each template instantiation (time spent by the compiler)?
Even if only one (c++11 enabled) compiler gives me such statistics I would be happy.
How difficult would it be to implement such a thing with Clang's LibTooling?
And is this even reasonable? Many people told me that I can reason which template instantiations I should extern without the use of a tool...
There are several ways to attack this problem.
If you are working with an open-source compiler, it's not hard to make a simple change to the source code that will trace all template substantiations.
If that sounds like too much hassle, you can also try to force the compiler to produce a warning on each template instantiation for a given symbol. Steven Watanabe has written a set of tools that can help you with that.
Finally, possibly the best options is to use the debugging symbols (or map files), generated by the compiler, to track down how many times each function appears in the final image and more importantly how much does it add to the weight in bytes. The best example for such a tool is Andrian Stone's SymbolSort, which is based on the Microsoft's toolset. Another similar tool is the Map File Browser.
