How can I access array index in Kohana - kohana-3

I am getting the result set in an array. Now I am trying to access the id that is the first index of the array but getting an error. Please let me know how to access the indexes of array.
$email_template = DB::query(Database::SELECT,"select * from mail_settings where id = " .$email['id'])->execute();

When you just run the execute method on a query, you get back a Database_MySQL_Result object.
To return an array instead, use the as_array method like so:
$email_template = DB::query(Database::SELECT,
"select * from mail_settings where id = " .$email['id'])
Now you will be able to access the resultset as an array.
If all you want/need is the first or current row from the query, you can use the current method which you can read more about in the Kohana_Database_MySQL_Result class:
$email_template = DB::query(Database::SELECT,
"select * from mail_settings where id = " .$email['id'])

You are getting a Database_MySQL_Result object, not an array.
This will be correct.
$email_template = DB::query(Database::SELECT,
"select * from mail_settings where id = " .$email['id'])


Custom LIKE statement in Java Spring Data and Cassandra #Query

I need to query from a table using LIKE statement where parameters are optional.
This is custom query where I can filter employee table by which Non-Empty request param:
Select select ="employee");
Where selectWhere = select.where();
if (!email.isEmpty()) {
selectWhere.and("email", "%" + email + "%"));
if (!firstName.isEmpty()) {
selectWhere.and("first_name", "%" + firstName + "%"));
//Note: User will provide either email or first_name or both.
However, the above custom query will need to manually map the Rows to the object which I find too tedious:
ResultSet rs = cassandraClient.getApplicationSession().execute( select );
return rs.all().stream().map(row -> row.getString("first_name")).collect( Collectors.toList() );
Is there a way where I can use a Query annotation like below, so it will return the entity directly?
#Query("SELECT * FROM employee WHERE email LIKE :email AND first_name LIKE :firstName")
Employee search(#Param(value="email" String email, #Param(value="firstName" String firstName)
I tried passing an empty parameter value, but I am getting the following error:
LIKE value can't be empty.

Problems with the BQL "IN<>" statement

The requirement I have is to get a list of all discount codes defined in an instance and which ones a particular customer is currently assigned to, in the case given CustomerID=28. I further have to include only discount codes that naturally will be applicable to customers. There are only 3 of these; "Customer", "Customer and Item", "Customer and Item price Class". These are ARDiscount.ApplicableTo containing "CU", "CP","CI"
Select a.CompanyID, a.DiscountID, a.DiscountSequenceID, b.ApplicableTo, c.CustomerID
From DiscountSequence a
Join ARDiscount b On a.CompanyID = b.CompanyID and a.DiscountID = b.DiscountID
Left Outer Join DiscountCustomer c On a.CompanyID = c.CompanyID
And a.DiscountID = c.DiscountID
And a.DiscountSequenceID = c.DiscountSequenceID
And (IsNull(c.CustomerID,0) = 0 OR c.CustomerID = 72)
Where a.CompanyID = 2
And b.ApplicableTo In ('CU','CP','CI')
Order By a.DiscountID, a.DiscountSequenceID
I created data view delegate to return the 4 columns I need to display and in the view I created
to read the data like the SQL query above I used the BQL "IN<>" statement like this. The method was taken directlty from a blog post found here :
Object[] applicableTovalues = new String[] { "CP","CI","CU" }; // Customer and Price Class // Customer and Item// Customer
var Results = PXSelectJoin<DiscountSequence
, InnerJoin<ARDiscount, On<DiscountSequence.discountID, Equal<ARDiscount.discountID>>
, LeftJoin<DiscountCustomer, On<DiscountSequence.discountID, Equal<DiscountCustomer.discountID>,
And<DiscountSequence.discountSequenceID, Equal<DiscountCustomer.discountSequenceID>,
And<Where<DiscountCustomer.customerID, Equal<Current<Customer.bAccountID>>,
Or<DiscountCustomer.customerID, IsNull>>>>>>>
, Where<DiscountSequence.discountID, IsNotNull
, And<ARDiscount.applicableTo, In<Required<ARDiscount.applicableTo>>>>
, OrderBy<Asc<DiscountSequence.discountID, Asc<DiscountSequence.discountSequenceID>>>
>.Select(Base, applicableTovalues);
The problem is that the resulting SQL server select statement caught with TRACE only includes the first of the three IN values (''CU'') leaving (CI and CU) out.
I was expecting all three values in the IN statement like this : AND [ARDiscount].[ApplicableTo] IN ( ''CP'', ''CI'', ''CU'')
exec sp_executesql N'SELECT [DiscountSequence].[DiscountID], [DiscountSequence].[DiscountSequenceID], [DiscountSequence].[LineCntr],
[DiscountCustomer].[CreatedDateTime], [DiscountCustomer].[LastModifiedByID], [DiscountCustomer].[LastModifiedByScreenID], [DiscountCustomer].[LastModifiedDateTime]
FROM [DiscountSequence] [DiscountSequence] INNER JOIN [ARDiscount] [ARDiscount] ON ( [ARDiscount].[CompanyID] = 2) AND [DiscountSequence].[DiscountID] = [ARDiscount].[DiscountID]
LEFT JOIN [DiscountCustomer] [DiscountCustomer] ON ( [DiscountCustomer].[CompanyID] = 2) AND [DiscountSequence].[DiscountID] = [DiscountCustomer].[DiscountID]
AND [DiscountSequence].[DiscountSequenceID] = [DiscountCustomer].[DiscountSequenceID] AND ( [DiscountCustomer].[CustomerID] = #P0 OR [DiscountCustomer].[CustomerID] IS NULL )
WHERE ( [DiscountSequence].[CompanyID] = 2)
AND ( [DiscountSequence].[DiscountID] IS NOT NULL
AND [ARDiscount].[ApplicableTo] IN ( ''CU''))
ORDER BY [DiscountSequence].[DiscountID], [DiscountSequence].[DiscountSequenceID]
OPTION(OPTIMIZE FOR UNKNOWN) /* AR.30.30.00 */',N'#P0 int',#P0=39
The issue is passing the array into the 'params' parameter. It thinks that you are passing a list of parameters into the bql query instead of a single array as a parameter.
If you cast it as follows it should work:
.Select(Base, (object)applicableTovalues);

Pass a list of string's in IN clause in DocumentDb Query

This query works when i try to fetch records using IN and multiple Email Id's:
var families = _client.CreateDocumentQuery<Restraunt>(_documentCollection.SelfLink,
"Select Restraunt.RestrauntId from Restraunt join Rest in Restraunt.Emails where Emails.Email IN ('','') ").AsEnumerable().ToList();
I want to know how can i pass a list of Email id's as a string in the query?
I tried passing the list of strings directly but is unable to resolve that. Is there any way out to do that?
Let's say i have
List<string> elist=new List<string>{"",""}
How can i pass elist in the query?
You have to change your query to use ARRAY_CONTAINS instead, i.e. like this:
Select Restraunt.RestrauntId
from Restraunt
join Rest in Restraunt.Emails
where ARRAY_CONTAINS(['',''], Emails.Email)
Then you can parameterize that query, and send the array of emails as a parameter.
You can try this:
List<string> elist=new List<string>{"",""};
string emails = string.Empty;
if (eList!= null)
emails = "'" + string.Join("','", eList.Select(x => x != String.Empty? x :"").Distinct().ToArray()) + "'";
emails = emails.Replace("','','", "','");
var families = _client.CreateDocumentQuery<Restraunt>(_documentCollection.SelfLink,
"Select Restraunt.RestrauntId FROM Restraunt join Rest in Restraunt.Emails
WHERE Emails.Email IN (" + emails + ") ").AsEnumerable().ToList();

Removing a column from result set in Groovy Sql rows

I have a query where I need to retrieve a column which I need only temporarily because I need to pass it in the parameter for a where clause, how can I remove this column and its value from my result set after it served that purpose. Hopefully the code will show what I mean...
def empQuery = "select id, name, address from Employee"
def retObj = [:]
def sql = new Sql(datasource)
retObj = sql.rows(empQuery.toString())
retObj.each {
def addressQuery = "select street from Address where employe_id = ${it['id']}
// at this point I want to remove 'id:n' from the result set hash map aka 'it'
Because later on I am displaying that result set on a page for the user, and the ID field is not relevant.
So can you please show the Groovy code to remove a column and its value from the rows data structure returned from sql.rows?
It looks like you can do something line:
retObj.each { it.remove('id')}
However I haven't tried it....

How do I configure the sort order of results returned by DBSet local?

I want to be able to configure the sort order of a binding source based on DBSet<> local
By passing the number of a field in the resultant query.
i.e order by the nth field in the query.
I am guessing I would be needing to use the .OrderBy() method, but dont know what to pass into it.
I know that I need
Here is the code that sets up the binding source.
var dset = base.Context.Organisations;
if (QuickSearch == null) QuickSearch = "";
var qry = dset.Where(p => p.Name.Contains(QuickSearch));
bindingSource.DataSource = dset.Local.ToBindingList();
The following code may help-
_bindingSource.Sort = "ColumnName ASC";
_bindingSource.Sort = "ColumnName DESC";
_bindingSource.Sort = "ColumnName1 ASC, ColumnName2 DESC";
and so on......
