Customizing a sharepoint 2007 wiki site - sharepoint

I have been asked to customize a SharePoint 2007 wiki site into a 'Wikipedia' like interface and functionality.
After a bit of goggling it turns out that wiki's are not that readily customizable!!
Any recommendations or resources?
As, this site is part of the SharePoint portal it is not possible for me to port to a different tool. And, my solution requires to add content types and webparts on the wiki pages.
Now, I am following the approach mentioned by Pavan to add a seperate wiki file for your customization.
If you have any other approach than this, please share.

Checkout Enhanced Wiki Edition on Community Kit for SharePoint on Codeplex


Using SharePoint Designer to design a SharePoint 365 (online) site?

I'm new to SharePoint development and design. Someone recommended using SharePoint Designer as a quicker way to have the site have a specific look that is different from the SharePoint Look Book. We want sections of our page to have borders with rounded edges, and specific color headers. I found several contradicting articles about using SharePoint Designer. Do you recommend using it on the latest version of SharePoint online in 2022? Have you had any success, or have you encountered any issues?
I enable scripting on my site. I tried connecting SharePoint Designer 2013 to my SharePoint online site successfully, but would like to know if it's a good idea to move forward with it.
As you can read from here SP Designer is supported on the latest On-Premises version of SharePoint(2019) on the bare minimum. But as you can see it is a product that is steadily heading to it's end-of-support/deprecation lifecycle.
Also, as you can understand, since it's development was halted since the 2013 version, a lot have changed since then, and many of the new features are not even supported by SP Designer.
If your are trying to make modifications to a SharePoint Online site, I would suggest using more modern tools(PowerApps, Power Automate, Modern UI, SPFx etc) and leaving SP Designer to it's way to deprecation.
You can also, update your question in terms of what you are trying to achieve and we could propose you some ideas :)

SharePoint Online - page templates

We have a need to create page templates with fixed sections/web parts similar to the on-prem versions of publishing page layouts and pages. What is the recommended option on SPO? Publishing site templates are still available on SPO. Is that future proof given MSFT is advocating to migrate publishing pages to modern pages. Thanks in advance.
Modern pages is recommended by Microsoft. So I would suggest you creat template for modern pages in SharePoint Online.
That's very easy, you could refer to the documentation:

How can Categories in SharePoint modern site can be managed

We have a project to migrate a site from MediaWiki to a SharePoint modern page. We easily conducted a migration using a Metalogix tool.
However, from a design perspective, what is the best way to manage Categories in the SharePoint modern site, so that the Category functionality would be similar to the Category functionality in MediaWiki (Wikipedia)
Should we use SharePoint Lists for this functionality, or should we use tagging?
Thank you very much in advance for your helpful answers
Got an answer here at this link
I would be inclined to use tagging through a custom site column in the
"Site Pages" library. On the page, you can display tag using the "Page
properties" web part and finally tie it all together using the
"Highlighted content" web part filtered on the tag.

SharePoint 2007/2010

I'm a developer with 5 years of MCMS development and without a single know how with SharePoint.
I want to use the CMS capabilities of Sharepoint to migrate my applications but I DONT KNOW HOW TO START!!!!!!
In my actual projects i have a Visual Studio solution with all my code, my templates and my usercontrols...
I cannot see how can i do the same thing with Sharepoint :(
I want to customise my site like i did before, i want to create pages based on templates like i did before.
Anyone knows where i can find a walkthrough that explains me that?
Thank U All.
Unfortunately I think you are going to have to learn SharePoint. Even the WCM features are a big topic, and probably the best book is Andrew Connell's "SharePoint 2007 Web Content Management Development" - I don't think a 2010 version is available yet. The good news is that I think the MCMS product had a big influence on how the SharePoint WCM features were architected, so the underlying principles will be similar.
SharePoint 2010 has a Visual Web Part that will encapsulate a user control which might make the transition easier. Also see my answer to this question about converting an ASP.NET site to SharePoint which might have some relevant information.
Most of the information about converting from MCMS to SharePoint is for the 2007 version of the product. This two-part article on MSDN seems to be the best starting point.
I cannot see how can i do the same thing with Sharepoint :( I want to customise my site like i did before, i want to create pages based on templates like i did before.
Problem is, SharePoint is not MCMS, no matter how Microsoft tries to brand it as its successor.
Creating sites in SharePoint is almost opposite of how things we were done in MCMS were you build from the ground up using ASPX templates, user controls and placeholders. In SharePoint, you'll have to strip out most of the OOB stuff you don't need. The recommended approach to custom development is through web parts, CAML, and the SharePoint APIs.

Tree View WIKI replacement solution for SharePoint like Confluence?

I keep my Process Documents on SVN and I want to create a Wiki page includes the information about these files. We use SharePoint in the company for basic document sharing and team sites. As it is mentioned in SharePoint Wiki lacks of usability. I need an easy to use wiki tool which is capable of showing the content like WikiPedia contents and it would be great if I could have the SharePoint tree view and Active Directory authentication also. I googled it and found Atlassian's Confluence and it seems that this product is capable of the requirements. We use Jira for issue tracking, so we can use it's reporting in dashboards. I need and it has a Wiki part which displays wiki pages in tree view. It should be like
Does anyone used Confluence or have an idea for other products which meets my requirements
Have you considered our Confluence Sharepoint connector? It sounds like that's what your after, it will allow you to use Sharepoint for all the other features, but use Confluence as your wiki
Seeing that you already use Jira, you could use Confluence and leverage off some level of integration between the two products.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Sherif Mansour (#sherifmansour)
Confluence Product Manager
