Tree View WIKI replacement solution for SharePoint like Confluence? - sharepoint

I keep my Process Documents on SVN and I want to create a Wiki page includes the information about these files. We use SharePoint in the company for basic document sharing and team sites. As it is mentioned in SharePoint Wiki lacks of usability. I need an easy to use wiki tool which is capable of showing the content like WikiPedia contents and it would be great if I could have the SharePoint tree view and Active Directory authentication also. I googled it and found Atlassian's Confluence and it seems that this product is capable of the requirements. We use Jira for issue tracking, so we can use it's reporting in dashboards. I need and it has a Wiki part which displays wiki pages in tree view. It should be like
Does anyone used Confluence or have an idea for other products which meets my requirements

Have you considered our Confluence Sharepoint connector? It sounds like that's what your after, it will allow you to use Sharepoint for all the other features, but use Confluence as your wiki
Seeing that you already use Jira, you could use Confluence and leverage off some level of integration between the two products.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Sherif Mansour (#sherifmansour)
Confluence Product Manager


How can Categories in SharePoint modern site can be managed

We have a project to migrate a site from MediaWiki to a SharePoint modern page. We easily conducted a migration using a Metalogix tool.
However, from a design perspective, what is the best way to manage Categories in the SharePoint modern site, so that the Category functionality would be similar to the Category functionality in MediaWiki (Wikipedia)
Should we use SharePoint Lists for this functionality, or should we use tagging?
Thank you very much in advance for your helpful answers
Got an answer here at this link
I would be inclined to use tagging through a custom site column in the
"Site Pages" library. On the page, you can display tag using the "Page
properties" web part and finally tie it all together using the
"Highlighted content" web part filtered on the tag.

Customizing a sharepoint 2007 wiki site

I have been asked to customize a SharePoint 2007 wiki site into a 'Wikipedia' like interface and functionality.
After a bit of goggling it turns out that wiki's are not that readily customizable!!
Any recommendations or resources?
As, this site is part of the SharePoint portal it is not possible for me to port to a different tool. And, my solution requires to add content types and webparts on the wiki pages.
Now, I am following the approach mentioned by Pavan to add a seperate wiki file for your customization.
If you have any other approach than this, please share.
Checkout Enhanced Wiki Edition on Community Kit for SharePoint on Codeplex

SharePoint 2007/2010

I'm a developer with 5 years of MCMS development and without a single know how with SharePoint.
I want to use the CMS capabilities of Sharepoint to migrate my applications but I DONT KNOW HOW TO START!!!!!!
In my actual projects i have a Visual Studio solution with all my code, my templates and my usercontrols...
I cannot see how can i do the same thing with Sharepoint :(
I want to customise my site like i did before, i want to create pages based on templates like i did before.
Anyone knows where i can find a walkthrough that explains me that?
Thank U All.
Unfortunately I think you are going to have to learn SharePoint. Even the WCM features are a big topic, and probably the best book is Andrew Connell's "SharePoint 2007 Web Content Management Development" - I don't think a 2010 version is available yet. The good news is that I think the MCMS product had a big influence on how the SharePoint WCM features were architected, so the underlying principles will be similar.
SharePoint 2010 has a Visual Web Part that will encapsulate a user control which might make the transition easier. Also see my answer to this question about converting an ASP.NET site to SharePoint which might have some relevant information.
Most of the information about converting from MCMS to SharePoint is for the 2007 version of the product. This two-part article on MSDN seems to be the best starting point.
I cannot see how can i do the same thing with Sharepoint :( I want to customise my site like i did before, i want to create pages based on templates like i did before.
Problem is, SharePoint is not MCMS, no matter how Microsoft tries to brand it as its successor.
Creating sites in SharePoint is almost opposite of how things we were done in MCMS were you build from the ground up using ASPX templates, user controls and placeholders. In SharePoint, you'll have to strip out most of the OOB stuff you don't need. The recommended approach to custom development is through web parts, CAML, and the SharePoint APIs.

How do modify a form on a sharepoint site?

I have a task that I need to perform for a friend as a favor, to modify some forms on a MOSS/Sharepoint site to add some javascript to each form for some SEO tracking purposes.
I've had a little bit of exposure to Sharepoint, but it is mostly by using the Sharepoint Designer 2007 tool.
I am able to navigate to the site, and I can see the content in Sharepoint Designer. However, I am not able to see the forms, and I'm a bit stuck.
Here is an example of a form that I need to modify:
I've read a little online, but I'm stuck. I don't know if these are infopath forms or what. I just need to modify the forms.
Is there a simple answer to this problem? Or a good resource to get up to speed quickly for this task?
I'm not a sharepoint expert, so thank you in advance for answering a simple question.
While hardly the simplest approach, but since this is a developer site, I would recommend creating a DelegateControl to add to your site. Using DelegateControls has several benefits, for example:
the ability to selectively activate and deactivate the controls through features
no need to modify any out-of-the-box files which would break supportability
ability to output different content on a page-by-page basis
You can opt to use one of the DelegateControls of the default master pages if you need to deploy to an existing site based on one of the default site definitions. The AdditionalPageHead is a favorite among developers, as it allows multiple overrides to be active at the same time.
If you want to create your own master pages you can add DelegateControls as you like.
If you want to learn more about DelegateControls you can check out the first issue of Understanding SharePoint Journal (Disclaimer: I wrote that issue). Also, check out the MSDN article on How to customize a Delegate Control.
you can also check PowerForms which is a silverlight webpart that fully customizes sharepoint forms. You can add business logic in forms using custom assemblies and a lot other advanced tasks. Give it a try, i think it will solve a lot of problems.
You have a couple of options here:
If you need to add a unique code, like Google analytics you should probably deploy your code to the master page.
In case you need to customize forms for lists you will have to do it with SharePoint designer. In that case you will find EditItem.aspx and NewItem.aspx with SharePoint Designer pages or any other custom page. Open SPD, locate your list, expand it, look for Forms subfolder and you will find all the forms there.
Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer is now free, as of 1-Apr-2009. It's a good tool, not only for modifying individual pages, but for entire sites.

What are the best methods to ensure our SharePoint implementation is accessible?

Are there any blogs, guides, checklists, or controls we should be using to ensure our SharePoint implementation is accessible?
Preferrably to the W3C double A standard, or as close to that as we can get.
We're implementing an extranet solution.
This study has already been funded by Microsoft, and unfortunately the results only seem to be online in a Word Document.
The document is hosted on this blog:
And the path to the document is here:
I'm unsure on whether it would be a good thing to copy the contents of that into here to fully answer the question in a way that will be indexed by search engines, but I'll play safe as it's not my content.
The best place to start is the Accessibility Kit for Sharepoint. With this, you may reach single A standard, but in my experience, you will find it very tough to reach AA.
Microsoft didn't factor in accessibility in Sharepoint, and even 2007 suffers from a huge overdependence on table layout.
Good luck!
How are you deploying the implementation? Is it as an Intranet, or, is it as a public facing website.
I think one of the first rules is to be extremely selective with the use of out of the box web parts. Many of the web-parts I looked at weren't compliant even on a basic level.
The best way is to run checks as you develop so you know where your pain points are.
The next step maybe to start with a minimal masterpage so you can choose what elements are presented to the user.
More advanced you can override the render methods to remove or change bits of the page that are not compliant with your checks. EG changing the case of tags (XHTML does not like all caps)
A bit more in this guide.
I recently read the MOSS book by Andrew Connell ( and it has a chapter dedicated to accessibility and SharePoint sites.
Simply put SharePoint sites are very difficult to generate W3C AAA standards, but the Accessibility Kit is one of the best starting points.
Stronly recommend his book for this chapter (
It depends how much of Sharepoint out of the box you are intending to use. In implementing our public facing site we managed to achieve AA compliance, although the amount of custom development required has raised questions over the benefits we are actually gaining from using Sharepoint in the first place.
A few pointers:
We made heavy use of SPQuery/SPSiteDataQuery to render site data to screen using xslt which gave us full control over the output. I found this link helpful:
Check out RadEditor for Sharepoint for a nice accessible rich text editor for publishing.
For xhtml compliance, things were a little more tricky, we had to override most of the Sharepoint publishing controls' render methods to correct dodgy output.
If you are wanting to leverage the portal like capabilites of Sharepoint in your extranet it is more problematic. The web part framework is not accessible and I have not yet found a way to make it so. Any suggestions welcome!
