How to get ONLY Second line with SED - linux

How can I get second line in a file using SED
#SRR005108.1 :3:1:643:216
With the data that looks like above I want only to get

You don't really need Sed, but if the pourpose is to learn... you can use -n
n read the next input line and starts processing the newline with the command rather than the first command
sed -n 2p somefile.txt
Edit: You can also improve the performance using the tip that manatwork mentions in his comment:
sed -n '2{p;q}' somefile.txt

You always want the second line of a file? No need for SED:
head -2 file | tail -1

This will print the second line of every file:
awk 'FNR==2'
and this one only the second line of the first file:
awk 'NR==2'

This might work for you:
sed '2q;d' file

cat your_file | head -2 | tail -1


coreutils: print nth line in file, block until it exists

How would I print the nth line of a file or input, and block until it exists? I want to stick to coreutils.
sed 'NUMq;d' file will quickly give me the nth line, but doesn't block.
tail -f file will block, but doesn't do the other thing.
I should be able to pipe the line to something else eg with a file:
<block-until-line-20-exists> file | <process-line>
or, with input:
tail -n 0 -f file | <block-until-line-20-exists> | <process-line>
Nevermind. I think I answered my own question. tail & sed is the solution after all.
tail -n 0 -f file | sed '20q;d'
Turns out that tail stops blocking after sed completes.
EDIT: depending on how you use this, there is a potential for a time-of-check/time-of-use bug.

How To Delete First X Lines Based On Minimum Lines In File

I have a file with 10,000 lines. Using the following command, I am deleting all lines after line 10,000.
sed -i '10000,$ d' file.txt
However, now I would like to delete the first X lines so that the file has no more than 10,000 lines.
I think it would be something like this:
sed -i '1,$x d' file.txt
Where $x would be the number of lines over 10,000. I'm a little stuck on how to write the if, then part of it. Or, I was thinking I could use the original command and just cat the file in reverse?
For example, if we wanted just 3 lines from the bottom (seems simpler after a few helpful answers):
Example Line 1
Example Line 2
Example Line 3
Example Line 4
Example Line 5
Expected Output:
Example Line 3
Example Line 4
Example Line 5
Of course, if you know a more efficient way to write the command, I would be open to that too. Your positive input is highly appreciated.
tail can do exactly what you want.
tail -n 10000 file.txt
For simplicity, I would reverse the file, keep the first 10000 lines, then re-reverse the file.
It makes saving the file in-place a touch more complicated
tac "$source" | sed '10000 q' | tac > "$temp" && mv "$temp" "$source"
Without reversing the file, you'd count the number of lines and do some arithmetic:
sed -i "1,$(( $(wc -l < file.txt) - 10000 )) d" file.txt
$ awk -v n=3 '{a[NR%n]=$0} END{for (i=NR+1;i<=(NR+n);i++) print a[i%n]}' file
Example Line 3
Example Line 4
Example Line 5
Add -i inplace if you have GNU awk and want to do "inplace" editing.
To keep the first 10000 lines :
head -n 10000 file.txt
To keep the last 10000 lines :
tail -n 10000 file.txt
Test with your file Example
tail -n 3 file.txt
Example Line 3
Example Line 4
Example Line 5
tac file.txt | sed "$x q" | tac | sponge file.txt
The sponge command is useful here in avoiding an additional temporary file.
tail -10000 <<<"$(cat file.txt)" > file.txt
Okay, not «just» tail, but this way it`s capable of inplace truncation.

Get the line count from 2nd line of the file

How do I get the line count of a file from the 2nd line of the file, as the first line is header?
wc -l filename
Is there a way to set some condition into it?
Use the tail command:
tail -n +2 file | wc -l
-n +2 would print the file starting from line 2
You can use awk to count from 2nd line onwards:
awk 'NR>1{c++} END {print c}' file
Or simply use NR variable in the END block:
awk 'END {print NR-1}' file
Alternatively using BASH arithmetic subtract 1 from wc output:
echo $(( $(wc -l < file) -1 ))
Delete first line with GNU sed:
sed '1d' file | wc -l
There is no way to tweak the wc command itself. You should whether process the result of the command, or use another tool.
As suggested in other answers, if you are running Bash, a good way is to put the result of the command into an arithmetic expression like $(( $(command) - 1 )).
In case if you are searching for a portable solution, here is a Perl version:
perl -e '1 while <>; print $. - 1' < file
The variable $. holds the number of lines read since a file handle was last closed. The while loop reads all the lines from the file.
Alternately, you could just subtract 2.
echo $((`cat FILE | wc -l`-2))
Please try this one. It will be solved your problem
$ tail -n +2 filename | wc -l

SED: Displaying the first 10 lines of sophisticated expression

How to use sed to find lines with the word linux? As later display a first line 10 with the word linux?
cat file | sed -e '/linux/!d' -e '10!d' ### I can not display the first 10 lines of the word linux
cat file | sed '/linux/!d' | sed '10!d' ### It is well
How to make it work with one sed?
cat file | sed -e '/linux/!d; ...?; 10!d'
...? - storing of the buffer linux? 10 later cut the lines?
Someone explain to me?
I would use awk:
awk '/linux/ && c<10 {print;c++} c==10 {exit}' file
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed -nr '/linux/{p;G;/(.*\n){10}/q;h}' file
Print the line if it contains the required string. If the required number of lines has already been printed quit, otherwise store the line and previous lines in the hold space.
You could use perl:
perl -ne 'if (/linux/) {print; ++$a;}; last if $a==10' inputfile
Using GNU sed:
sed -rn "/linux/{p;x;s/^/P/;ta;:a;s/^P{10}$//;x;Tb;Q;:b}" filename
Thanks. You are great. All of the examples look very nice. Wooow :) It is a pity that I can not do that.
I have not seen for 'r' option in sed. I need to learn.
echo -e 'windows\nlinux\nwindows\nlinux\nlinux\nwindows' | sed -nr '/linux/{p;G;/(.*\n){2}/q;h}'
It works very well.
echo -e 'windows\nlinux\nwindows\nlinux\nlinux\nwindows' | sed -nr '/linux/{p;G;/(.*\n){2}/q;h}' | sed '2s/linux/debian/'
Can I ask you one more example? How to get a result at one sed?

Print the last line of a file, from the CLI

How to print just the last line of a file?
$ cat file | awk 'END{print}'
Originally answered by Ventero
Use the right tool for the job. Since you want to get the last line of a file, tail is the appropriate tool for the job, especially if you have a large file. Tail's file processing algorithm is more efficient in this case.
tail -n 1 file
If you really want to use awk,
awk 'END{print}' file
EDIT : tail -1 file deprecated
Is it a must to use awk for this? Why not just use tail -n 1 myFile ?
Find out the last line of a file:
Using sed (stream editor): sed -n '$p' fileName
Using tail: tail -1 fileName
using awk: awk 'END { print }' fileName
You can achieve this using sed as well. However, I personally recommend using tail or awk.
Anyway, if you wish to do by sed, here are two ways:
Method 1:
sed '$!d' filename
sed -n '$p' filename
Here, filename is the name of the file that has data to be analysed.
