Handling UserInterrupt exception in Haskell - haskell

I'm implementing a REPL for a Scheme interpreter in Haskell and I'd like to handle some async events like UserInterrupt, StackOverflow, HeapOverflow, etc... Basically, I'd like to stop the current computation when UserInterrupt occurs and print a suitable message when StackOverflow and HeapOverflow occur, etc. I implemented this as follows:
repl evaluator = forever $ (do
putStr ">>> " >> hFlush stdout
out <- getLine >>= evaluator
if null out
then return ()
else putStrLn out)
onUserInterrupt UserInterrupt = putStrLn "\nUserInterruption"
onUserInterrupt e = throw e
main = do
interpreter <- getMyLispInterpreter
handle onAbort (repl $ interpreter "stdin")
putStrLn "Exiting..."
onAbort e = do
let x = show (e :: SomeException)
putStrLn $ "\nAborted: " ++ x
It works as expected with one exception. If I start the interpreter and press Ctrl-Z + Enter, I get:
>>> ^Z
Aborted: <stdin>: hGetLine: end of file
That's correct. But if I start the interpreter and press Ctrl-C followed by Ctrl-Z + Enter I get:
>>> ^Z
And it hangs and I can't use the interpreter anymore. However, if I press Ctrl-C again, the REPL unblocks. I searched a lot and I can't figure out the reason of it. Can anyone explain me?
Many thanks!

Control-C handling does not work with catch: may be related to GHC #2301: Proper handling of SIGINT/SIGQUIT
Here is a working testcase, with the evaluator removed:
module Main where
import Prelude hiding (catch)
import Control.Exception ( SomeException(..),
, catch, handle, throw)
import Control.Monad (forever)
import System.IO
repl :: IO ()
repl = forever $ (do
putStr ">>> " >> hFlush stdout
out <- getLine
if null out
then return ()
else putStrLn out)
onUserInterrupt UserInterrupt = putStrLn "\nUserInterruption"
onUserInterrupt e = throw e
main = do
handle onAbort repl
putStrLn "Exiting..."
onAbort e = do
let x = show (e :: SomeException)
putStrLn $ "\nAborted: " ++ x
On Linux, Control-Z is not caught as Sjoerd mentioned. Perhaps you are on Windows, where Control-Z is used for EOF. We can signal EOF on Linux with Control-D, which replicates the behavior you saw:
>>> ^D
Aborted: <stdin>: hGetLine: end of file
EOF is handled by your handle/onAbort function, and Control-C is handled by catch/onUserInterrupt. The issue here is that your repl function will only catch the first Control-C -- the testcase can be simplified by removing the handle/onAbort function. As noted above, that Control-C handling does not work with catch may be related to GHC #2301: Proper handling of SIGINT/SIGQUIT.
The following version instead uses the Posix API to install a persistent signal handler for Control-C:
module Main where
import Prelude hiding (catch)
import Control.Exception ( SomeException(..),
, catch, handle, throw)
import Control.Monad (forever)
import System.IO
import System.Posix.Signals
repl :: IO ()
repl = forever $ do
putStr ">>> " >> hFlush stdout
out <- getLine
if null out
then return ()
else putStrLn out
reportSignal :: IO ()
reportSignal = putStrLn "\nkeyboardSignal"
main = do
_ <- installHandler keyboardSignal (Catch reportSignal) Nothing
handle onAbort repl
putStrLn "Exiting..."
onAbort e = do
let x = show (e :: SomeException)
putStrLn $ "\nAborted: " ++ x
which can handle Control-Cs being pressed multiple times:
>>> ^C
>>> ^C
>>> ^C
If not using the Posix API, installing a persistent signal handler on Windows requires re-raising the exception each time it is caught, as described in http://suacommunity.com/dictionary/signals.php


Change exit value on getLine exception in Haskell

I'm working on a student project in Haskell and i'm having a problem with getLine's behaviour.
Here's the code (simplified) :
main :: IO()
main = do
str <- getLine
putStrLn str
What i'd like to do is, when the user presses Ctrl+D, be able to exitWith (ExitFailure 84).
getLine simply prints an error and exit the program (and returns 1)
deBruijn: <stdin>: hGetLine: end of file
How to change this behaviour ? I only want to change the exit value to 84.
Your program never sees Control-D. What it does see is the fact that standard input has been closed, in this case by your terminal in response to Control-D being typed. This means you want to catch the EOF condition before getLine tries to read a line from a closed file.
import System.IO
import System.Exit
main :: IO ()
main = do
isClosed <- isEOF
if isClosed
then exitWith (ExitFailure 84)
else getLine >>= putStrLn
Instead of manually checking for isEof you could just catch the IO exception as it happens:
import Control.Exception (catch)
import System.IO.Error(isEOFError)
import System.Exit
tryMain :: IO ()
tryMain = getLine >>= putStrLn
main :: IO ()
main = tryMain `catch` (\e ->
if isEOFError e
then exitWith (ExitFailure 84)
else exitWith (ExitFailure 99))
As you can in general not rule out IO exceptions in advance, this is the approach I'd recommend.

Haskell: start a long running process, silently, capturing stdout

I have a long running process which I need to start.
It takes a few seconds to start, and outputs logs to stdout, with one that indicates it is ready.
I would like to:
start the process silently, so that the stdout from the process is not displayed in my session.
capture the output as it streams so that I can determine that it is ready.
have some handle on the process so that I can stop the process at a later point.
I have come close using Shelly, Turtle and System.Process, but fail to capture the stdout.
Using System.Process I had:
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import Control.Concurrent.Async (race)
import System.IO
import System.Process
startService :: IO ProcessHandle
startService = do
let cmd = "./my-service"
args = [ "-p 1234" ]
(_, Just hout, _, p) <- createProcess $ (proc cmd args) { std_out = CreatePipe }
started <- either id id <$> race (checkStarted hout) timeOut
unless started $ fail "Service not started"
pure p
checkStarted :: Handle -> IO Bool
checkStarted h = do
str <- hGetLine h
-- check str for started log, else loop
timeOut :: IO Bool
timeOut = do
threadDelay 10000000
pure False
But The handler hout was never in a ready state.
Using Shelly I had:
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import Control.Concurrent.Async (race)
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Shelly
import System.IO
startService :: IO (Async ())
startService = do
let cmd = "./my-service"
args = [ "-p 1234" ]
startedMVar <- newEmptyMVar
async <- shelly $ asyncSh $ runHandle cmd args $ recordWhenStarted startedMVar
started <- either id id <$> race (readMVar startedMVar) timeOut
unless started $ fail "Service not started"
pure async
recordWhenStarted :: MVar Bool -> Text -> IO ()
recordWhenStarted mvar txt =
when (isStartedLog txt) $
modifyMVar_ mvar (const $ pure True)
timeOut :: IO Bool
timeOut = do
threadDelay 10000000
pure False
But the recordWhenStarted is never called.
The following is example of starting process and reading stdout in a program of mine:
runMystem :: [T.Text] -> IO T.Text
runMystem stemWords = do
(i, o, _, ph) <- createProcess (proc mystemExecutabe mystemParams) { std_in = CreatePipe, std_out = CreatePipe }
res <- flip (maybe (return T.empty)) i $ \hIn ->
flip (maybe (return T.empty)) o $ \hOut -> do
hSetEncoding hIn utf8
hSetEncoding hOut utf8
forM_ stemWords $ TIO.hPutStrLn hIn
TIO.hGetContents hOut
void $ waitForProcess ph
return res
This answer uses the process-streaming library (written by the author of this answer) which is a set of helpers over process.
{-# language OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# language NumDecimals #-}
import System.Process.Streaming (execute,piped,shell,foldOut,transduce1)
import qualified System.Process.Streaming.Text as PT
import Data.Text.Lazy (isInfixOf)
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import Control.Concurrent.Async
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
main :: IO ()
main = do
started <- newEmptyMVar
let execution =
execute (piped (shell "{ sleep 3 ; echo fooo ; sleep 3 ; }")) $
foldOut . transduce1 PT.utf8x . PT.eachLine $ lookline
lookline line = do
when (isInfixOf "foo" line) (putMVar started ())
return (Right ())
stopOrNot =
do abort <- race (threadDelay 4e6) (readMVar started)
case abort of
Left () -> return () -- stop immediately
Right () -> runConcurrently empty -- sleep forever
result <- race stopOrNot execution
print result
execute installs exception handlers that terminate the external process when an asynchronous exceptions arrives, to it is safe to use race with it.
execute also takes care to drain any standard stream that is not read explicitly (like stderr in this case) to avoid a common source of deadlocks.

How to get input for a game loop in haskell

In this game i need to get step the game forward every half a second or so while occasionally getting input to change direction. These too things seem impossible to do with haskell is there a way to do it? Currently I am having an mv tread stall exception.
Update: Found the hWaitForInput function in System.IO which is essentially the same as waitFor.
Here is some code largely based on this answer.
The main difference I made is that the thread waiting for a key press does not perform the getChar directly. The result communicated in the MVar is an indication of timeout or that a key press has occurred. It is the responsibility of the main thread to actually get the character. This prevents a possible race condition in case the char reading thread is killed between getting the character and putting it into the MVar.
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Monad
import Data.Maybe
import System.IO
import Control.Exception
data Event = CharReady | TimedOut
withRawStdin :: IO a -> IO a
withRawStdin = bracket uncook restore . const
uncook = do
oldBuffering <- hGetBuffering stdin
oldEcho <- hGetEcho stdin
hSetBuffering stdin NoBuffering
hSetEcho stdin False
return (oldBuffering, oldEcho)
restore (oldBuffering, oldEcho) = do
hSetBuffering stdin oldBuffering
hSetEcho stdin oldEcho
waitFor :: Int -> IO Event
waitFor delay = do
done <- newEmptyMVar
withRawStdin . bracket (start done) cleanUp $ \_ -> takeMVar done
start done = do
t1 <- forkIO $ hLookAhead stdin >> putMVar done CharReady
t2 <- forkIO $ threadDelay delay >> putMVar done TimedOut
return (t1, t2)
cleanUp (t1, t2) = do
killThread t1
killThread t2
loop state = do
if state <= 0
then putStrLn "Game over."
else do putStrLn $ "Rounds to go: " ++ show state
e <- waitFor 3000000
case e of
TimedOut -> do putStrLn "Too late!"; loop state
CharReady -> do c <- getChar -- should not block
if c == 'x'
then do putStrLn "Good job!"; loop (state-1)
else do putStrLn "Wrong key"; loop state
main = loop 3

Parallel IO Causes Random Text Output in Terminal

I'm using
import Control.Concurrent.ParallelIO.Global
main = parallel_ (map processI [1..(sdNumber runParameters)]) >> stopGlobalPool
processI :: Int -> IO ()
is some function, which reads data from file, processes it and writes it to another file. No output to terminal. The problem is when I run the program with +RTS -N8 the terminal is flooded with random text like
piptufuht teata thtsieieo ocnsno e nscsdeoe qnqvuduee ernvnstetiirioasanlil lolwynya. .s
a s s uY Ysosopuuue's'nvpvdeeee n dpdp rerdodoub beada
bub lel y
What is happening? Without +RTS there is no clutter. I couldn't reproduce the behavior with a more simple (suitable to post here) program.
GHC 7.0.3 if that matters
Buffering is probably preventing you from constructing a simple test case. I was able to reproduce it with this (only when run with +RTS -Nsomething):
import Control.Concurrent
import System.IO
main :: IO ()
main = do
hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering
forkIO $ putStrLn "foo"
forkIO $ putStrLn "bar"
forkIO $ putStrLn "baz"
threadDelay 1000 -- Allow things to print
As Thomas mentioned, you'll probably need to sequence this somehow, though I'm not sure how writing straight to files would change this. Here's a simple example how you can sequence this with a Chan. I'm sure there's a better way to do this, this is just an example of how I got this to not garble the output.
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.Chan
import System.IO
main :: IO ()
main = do
hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering
ch <- newChan -- Things written here are picked up by stuffWriter
forkIO $ stuffWriter ch -- Fire up concurrent stuffWriter
forkIO $ writeChan ch "foo"
forkIO $ writeChan ch "bar"
forkIO $ writeChan ch "baz"
threadDelay 1000 -- Allow things to print
-- | Write all the things!
stuffWriter :: Chan String -> IO ()
stuffWriter ch = do
readChan ch >>= putStrLn -- Block, then write once I've got something
stuffWriter ch -- loop... looking for more things to write
Now your writes to somewhere are now synchronous (stuffWriter writes things, one at a time), and you should have no more garbling.

Catching Control-C exception in GHC (Haskell)

I built a really simple read-eval-print-loop in Haskell that catches Control-C (UserInterrupt). However, whenever I compile and run this program, it always catches the first Control-C and always aborts on the second Control-C with exit code 130. It doesn't matter how many lines of input I give it before and between the two Control-Cs, it always happens this way. I know I must be missing something simple... please help, thanks!
Note: this is with base-4 exceptions, so Control.Exception and not Control.OldException.
import Control.Exception as E
import System.IO
main :: IO ()
main = do hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering
hSetBuffering stdin NoBuffering
repLoop :: IO ()
= do putStr "> "
line <- interruptible "<interrupted>" getLine
if line == "exit"
then putStrLn "goodbye"
else do putStrLn $ "input was: " ++ line
interruptible :: a -> IO a -> IO a
interruptible a m
= E.handleJust f return m
f UserInterrupt
= Just a
f _
= Nothing
Wei Hu is correct; the Haskell runtime system deliberately aborts the program when a second control-C is pressed. To get the behavior one might expect:
import Control.Exception as E
import Control.Concurrent
import System.Posix.Signals
main = do
tid <- myThreadId
installHandler keyboardSignal (Catch (throwTo tid UserInterrupt)) Nothing
... -- rest of program
Disclaimer: I'm not familiar with GHC internals and my answer is based on grepping the source code, reading the comments, and making guesses.
The main function you define is in fact wrapped by runMainIO defined in GHC.TopHandler (this is further confirmed by looking at TcRnDriver.lhs):
-- | 'runMainIO' is wrapped around 'Main.main' (or whatever main is
-- called in the program). It catches otherwise uncaught exceptions,
-- and also flushes stdout\/stderr before exiting.
runMainIO :: IO a -> IO a
runMainIO main =
main_thread_id <- myThreadId
weak_tid <- mkWeakThreadId main_thread_id
install_interrupt_handler $ do
m <- deRefWeak weak_tid
case m of
Nothing -> return ()
Just tid -> throwTo tid (toException UserInterrupt)
a <- main
return a
And install_interrupt_handler is defined as:
install_interrupt_handler :: IO () -> IO ()
#ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
install_interrupt_handler handler = do
_ <- GHC.ConsoleHandler.installHandler $
Catch $ \event ->
case event of
ControlC -> handler
Break -> handler
Close -> handler
_ -> return ()
return ()
#include "rts/Signals.h"
-- specialised version of System.Posix.Signals.installHandler, which
-- isn't available here.
install_interrupt_handler handler = do
let sig = CONST_SIGINT :: CInt
_ <- setHandler sig (Just (const handler, toDyn handler))
_ <- stg_sig_install sig STG_SIG_RST nullPtr
-- STG_SIG_RST: the second ^C kills us for real, just in case the
-- RTS or program is unresponsive.
return ()
On Linux, stg_sig_install is a C function that calls out to sigaction. The parameter STG_SIG_RST is translated to SA_RESETHAND. On Windows, things are done differently, which probably explains ja's observation.
The most reliable solution for me (at least on Linux), has been to install a signal handler using System.Posix.Signals. I was hoping for a solution that would not require this, but the real reason I posted the question was that I wanted to know why GHC behaved the way it did. As explained on #haskell, a likely explanation is that GHC behaves this way so that the user can always Control-C an application if it hangs. Still, it would be nice if GHC provided a way to affect this behavior without the somewhat lower-level method that we resorted to :).
