Catching Control-C exception in GHC (Haskell) - haskell

I built a really simple read-eval-print-loop in Haskell that catches Control-C (UserInterrupt). However, whenever I compile and run this program, it always catches the first Control-C and always aborts on the second Control-C with exit code 130. It doesn't matter how many lines of input I give it before and between the two Control-Cs, it always happens this way. I know I must be missing something simple... please help, thanks!
Note: this is with base-4 exceptions, so Control.Exception and not Control.OldException.
import Control.Exception as E
import System.IO
main :: IO ()
main = do hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering
hSetBuffering stdin NoBuffering
repLoop :: IO ()
= do putStr "> "
line <- interruptible "<interrupted>" getLine
if line == "exit"
then putStrLn "goodbye"
else do putStrLn $ "input was: " ++ line
interruptible :: a -> IO a -> IO a
interruptible a m
= E.handleJust f return m
f UserInterrupt
= Just a
f _
= Nothing

Wei Hu is correct; the Haskell runtime system deliberately aborts the program when a second control-C is pressed. To get the behavior one might expect:
import Control.Exception as E
import Control.Concurrent
import System.Posix.Signals
main = do
tid <- myThreadId
installHandler keyboardSignal (Catch (throwTo tid UserInterrupt)) Nothing
... -- rest of program

Disclaimer: I'm not familiar with GHC internals and my answer is based on grepping the source code, reading the comments, and making guesses.
The main function you define is in fact wrapped by runMainIO defined in GHC.TopHandler (this is further confirmed by looking at TcRnDriver.lhs):
-- | 'runMainIO' is wrapped around 'Main.main' (or whatever main is
-- called in the program). It catches otherwise uncaught exceptions,
-- and also flushes stdout\/stderr before exiting.
runMainIO :: IO a -> IO a
runMainIO main =
main_thread_id <- myThreadId
weak_tid <- mkWeakThreadId main_thread_id
install_interrupt_handler $ do
m <- deRefWeak weak_tid
case m of
Nothing -> return ()
Just tid -> throwTo tid (toException UserInterrupt)
a <- main
return a
And install_interrupt_handler is defined as:
install_interrupt_handler :: IO () -> IO ()
#ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
install_interrupt_handler handler = do
_ <- GHC.ConsoleHandler.installHandler $
Catch $ \event ->
case event of
ControlC -> handler
Break -> handler
Close -> handler
_ -> return ()
return ()
#include "rts/Signals.h"
-- specialised version of System.Posix.Signals.installHandler, which
-- isn't available here.
install_interrupt_handler handler = do
let sig = CONST_SIGINT :: CInt
_ <- setHandler sig (Just (const handler, toDyn handler))
_ <- stg_sig_install sig STG_SIG_RST nullPtr
-- STG_SIG_RST: the second ^C kills us for real, just in case the
-- RTS or program is unresponsive.
return ()
On Linux, stg_sig_install is a C function that calls out to sigaction. The parameter STG_SIG_RST is translated to SA_RESETHAND. On Windows, things are done differently, which probably explains ja's observation.

The most reliable solution for me (at least on Linux), has been to install a signal handler using System.Posix.Signals. I was hoping for a solution that would not require this, but the real reason I posted the question was that I wanted to know why GHC behaved the way it did. As explained on #haskell, a likely explanation is that GHC behaves this way so that the user can always Control-C an application if it hangs. Still, it would be nice if GHC provided a way to affect this behavior without the somewhat lower-level method that we resorted to :).


Why haskell gnuplot code works in ghci, but not from CLI after compiling?

The next simple code works fine in GHCi (the window with graphics appears), but after compiling in GHC, when one run it from command line, nothing happens. Why is it so?
import Graphics.Gnuplot.Simple
main :: IO ()
main = do
plotFunc [] (linearScale 1000 (-10.0::Double,10.0)) (\x -> x^2)
GHC 8.2.2
Don't exit your program immediately after opening the window, since that will close it down.
For instance, wait for the user:
import Graphics.Gnuplot.Simple
main :: IO ()
main = do
plotFunc [] (linearScale 1000 (-10.0::Double,10.0)) (\x -> x^2)
putStrLn "Press enter to exit."
return ()
Your best bet is to switch from Graphics.Gnuplot.Simple to Graphics.Gnuplot.Advanced. You can use plotSync to wait for GNUPlot to exit. I don't think plotAsync has much to offer, since it doesn't offer a way to wait for the thread it creates. Here's a better version:
:: (Terminal.C terminal, Display.C gfx)
=> terminal -> gfx -> IO (ThreadId, MVar ExitStatus)
myPlotAsync term gfx = do
resultMV <- newEmptyMVar
tid <- forkIO $ plotSync term gfx
>>= putMVar resultMV
`onException` putMVar resultMV ExitSuccess
pure (tid, resultMV)
After your program calls myPlotAsync, it can do whatever else it needs to do and then call readMVar on the MVar to wait for GNUPlot to exit and get its exit status. It also has the option of holding on to the thread ID so it can kill the GNUPlot thread using throwTo.

Why this haskell code cannot be compiled

I was trying to compile a haskell game code, this code generates three thread, one for infinite loop, one for collecting user's interaction, one for triggering the events. However, the code cannot be compiled and I don't know why.
Here's the code:
module Main where
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Monad
import System.IO
import System.Random
import Text.Printf
data Msg = C Char | Time
data Event = C Char | Time Char
main :: IO ()
main = do
hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering
hSetBuffering stdin NoBuffering
hSetEcho stdin False
-- shared resources
chan <- newEmptyMVar
removedDigits <- newEmptyMVar
unmatchedDigits <- newEmptyMVar
numberOfGuesses <- newEmptyMVar
--starting the generating thread and the user thread
forkIO $ generatingThread chan
forkIO $ userThread chan
--the main loop
if mainloop chan == True then "Congratulations! You won!" else "Better luck next time!"
mainloop :: Chan c -> Bool
let mainloop = do
if length unmatchedDigits >= 10
then return False
Event <- readChan c
if Event == "timer"
then unmatchedDigits ++ param
else if testGuessedNumber param unmatchedDigits == True
if length unmatchedDigits == 0
then return True
mainloop c
-- Generating Thread aka event thread generating the random numbers
generatingThread :: Chan msgChan -> IO ()
generatingThread msgChan = forever $ do
publishTimerEvent msgChan 1000000
publishTimerEvent :: Chan msgChan -> Int delay ()
publishTimerEvent msgChan = do
c <- getRandomChar
putMVar msgChan ("timer" c)
threadDelay newDelay
velocity <- 0.9
if delay * velocity < 100
then newDelay <- 100
else newDelay <- delay * velocity
publishTimerEvent msgChan newDelay
getRandomChar :: Char c ()
getRandomChar = do
i <- randomRIO (0,9)
let c = "0123456789" !! i
return c
-- User Thread
userThread :: MVar Msg -> IO ()
userThread chan = forever $ do
c <- getChar
putMVar chan (C c)
showStr(show c)
testGuessedNumber :: Int -> Int -> Bool
testGuessedNumber a b
| a == b = True
| otherwise = False
-- Shows the given string at the left edge of the current terminal line after
-- having blanked out the first 20 characters on that line.
showStr :: String -> IO ()
showStr s = putStr ("\r" ++ replicate 20 ' ' ++ "\r" ++ s)
The error is "test.hs:36:3: error: parse error on input ‘Event’"
Variable names can not begin with uppercase letters, such as Event. Try renaming the variable to something like event.
In Haskell, all if ... then ... else blocks must have all their components; what would the result be otherwise?
The problem is that the compiler was expecting an else, but it actually got Event. That said, you have more problems than a simple parse error. return does not do what you think it does. For example, this code will print hi.
main = do
return ()
putStrLn "hi"
The return function simply lifts a value into a monad, it doesn't stop the computation or anything like that. Here is what your probably want to have:
if length unmatchedDigits >= 10
then return False
else do
Event <- readChan c
if Event == "timer"
then ...
else ...
This way, nothing happens after the if block, so the function just ends there, with the last value as False (if length unmatchedDigits >= 10) or continues on properly (if length unmatchedDigits < 10).
You also almost certainly don't want to use Event (uppercase E), because that would mean it is a data constructor. You probably meant event (lowercase e), which is just an ordinary variable name.
Additionally: This is very, very non-idiomatic Haskell. You definitely don't need MVars in this situation, and certainly not four of them. Chans are not the same thing as MVars, and you don't need either one unless you are doing heavy-duty multi-threading. I highly recommend you completely rewrite this and try to minimize the amount of code that uses IO (it should be maybe 10-15 lines of IO code in this example, probably less).
This is not Java; you don't need to name your variables in your type signature (Chan msgChan -> Int delay ()), nor do you need to write wrapper functions for standard library functions to monomorphize their type. testGuessedNumber is literally the same function as (==).
You will have much more success if you revisit basic, pure function syntax and understand how problems are solved in Haskell than with trying to emulate another language. Read some LYAH or Real World Haskell.

Haskell: getProcessStatus blocking SIGINT

I'm trying to write a simple shell in Haskell, but I cant get the signal handling to work. If no command is running, sending SIGINT to the shell process triggers the signal handler. But when a blocking call to getProcessStatus is made, the signal is ignored. Sending a signal immediately to the child process of course kills the child and makes the blocking call return.
Replacing the blocking call with Control.Concurrent.threadDelay does not prevent the signal, i.e., everything works as intended. Replacing the blocking flag to getProcessStatus with False makes the function return before the child process has finished.
Reference to process package:
The relevant code is below, see the (only) commented line.
main :: IO ()
main = do
pidRef <- (newIORef [] :: IO (IORef [ProcessID]))
setSigHant pidRef
doPrompt pidRef
printPrompt :: IO ()
printPrompt = fdWrite stdError "λ➔ " >> return ()
doPrompt :: IORef [ProcessID] -> IO ()
doPrompt pidRef = do
tryLine <- try getLine :: IO (Either SomeException String)
case tryLine of
Left _ -> do
putStrLn ""
Right line -> do
tryCl <- try (parse line) :: IO (Either SomeException [Command])
case tryCl of
Left e -> fdWrite stdError (show e ++ "\n") >> return ()
Right cl ->
if length cl > 0 && (cmd . head) cl == "cd" then
cd (head cl)
else do
execCommands pidRef cl (stdInput, stdOutput)
pids <- readIORef pidRef
-- This call to getProcessStatus blocks the signals
_ <- sequence $ map (getProcessStatus True False) pids
_ <- writeIORef pidRef []
return ()
doPrompt pidRef
setSigHant :: (IORef [ProcessID]) -> IO ()
setSigHant pidRef = do
let handler = Catch (sigIntHandler pidRef)
installHandler sigINT handler Nothing
return ()
sigIntHandler :: (IORef [ProcessID]) -> IO ()
sigIntHandler pidRef = do
pids <- readIORef pidRef
sequence_ $ map (signalProcess sigINT) pids
fdWrite stdError "\n"
getProcessStatus uses an interruptible FFI call internally. But why is -threaded necessary?
This blog post about handling ctrl-c in Haskell suggests that signal handling is done in a separate thread that kills the main thread using an asynchronous exception:
When the user hits Ctrl-C, GHC raises an async exception of type
UserInterrupt on the main thread. This happens because GHC installs an
interrupt handler which raises that exception, sending it to the main
thread with throwTo.
But the documentation for the async package mentions that:
Different Haskell implementations have different characteristics with
regard to which operations block all threads.
Using GHC without the -threaded option, all foreign calls will block
all other Haskell threads in the system, although I/O operations will
not. With the -threaded option, only foreign calls with the unsafe
attribute will block all other threads.
So maybe that's why proper handling of SIGINT in presence of interruptible ffi calls requires -threaded: otherwise, the thread that throws the asynchronous exception will be prevented from running.

Killing a thread when MVar is garbage collected

I have a worker thread which reads data repeatedly from an MVar and performs some useful work on that. After a while, the rest of the program forgets about that worker thread, which means that it will wait on an empty MVar and become very lonely. My question is:
Will the MVar be garbage collected if threads no longer write to it, for instance because they all wait for it?
Will garbage collection kill the waiting threads?
If neither, can I somehow indicate to the compiler that the MVar should be garbage collected and the thread be killed?
EDIT: I should probably clarify the purpose of my question. I don't desire general protection against deadlocks; instead, what I would like to do is to tie the life of the worker thread to life of a value (as in: dead values are claimed by garbage collection). In other words, the worker thread is a resource that I would like to free not by hand, but when a certain value (the MVar or a derivative) is garbage collected.
Here an example program that demonstrates what I have in mind
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
main = do
-- the thread forked in something can be killed here
-- because the MVar used for communication is no longer in scope
something = do
v <- newEmptyMVar
forkIO $ forever $ work =<< takeMVar v
putMVar v "Haskell"
putMVar v "42"
In other words, I want the thread to be killed when I can no longer communicate with it, i.e. when the MVar used for communication is no longer in scope. How to do that?
It will just work: when the MVar is only reachable by the thread that is blocked on it, then the thread is sent the BlockedIndefinitelyOnMVar exception, which will normally cause it to die silently (the default exception handler for a thread ignores this exception).
BTW, for doing some cleanup when the thread dies, you'll want to use forkFinally (which I just added to Control.Concurrent).
If you're lucky, you'll get a "BlockedIndefinitelyOnMVar", indicating that you're waiting on an MVar that no thread will ever write to.
But, to quote Ed Yang,
GHC only knows that a thread can be considered garbage if there are no
references to the thread. Who is holding a reference to the thread?
The MVar, as the thread is blocking on this data structure and has
added itself to the blocking list of this. Who is keeping the MVar
alive? Why, our closure that contains a call to takeMVar. So the
thread stays.
without a bit of work (which would be, by the way, quite interesting to see), BlockedIndefinitelyOnMVar is not an obviously useful mechanism for giving your Haskell programs deadlock protection.
GHC just can't solve the problem in general of knowing whether your thread will make progress.
A better approach would be to explicitly terminate threads by sending them a Done message. E.g. just lift your message type into an optional value that also includes an end-of-message value:
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Control.Monad
import Control.Exception
import Prelude hiding (catch)
main = do
threadDelay (10 * 10^6)
print "Still here"
something = do
v <- newEmptyMVar
forkIO $
(let go = do x <- takeMVar v
case x of
Nothing -> return ()
Just v -> print v >> go
in go)
(print "Done!")
putMVar v $ Just "Haskell"
putMVar v $ Just "42"
putMVar v Nothing
and we get the correct clean up:
$ ./A
"Still here"
I tested the simple weak MVar and it did get finalized and killed. The code is:
import Control.Monad
import Control.Exception
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import System.Mem(performGC)
import System.Mem.Weak
dologger :: MVar String -> IO ()
dologger mv = do
tid <- myThreadId
weak <- mkWeakPtr mv (Just (putStrLn "X" >> killThread tid))
logger weak
logger :: Weak (MVar String) -> IO ()
logger weak = act where
act = do
v <- deRefWeak weak
case v of
Just mv -> do
a <- try (takeMVar mv) :: IO (Either SomeException String)
print a
either (\_ -> return ()) (\_ -> act) a
Nothing -> return ()
play mv = act where
act = do
c <- getLine
if c=="quit" then return ()
else putMVar mv c >> act
doplay mv = do
forkIO (dologger mv)
play mv
main = do
putStrLn "Enter a string to escape, or quit to exit"
mv <- newEmptyMVar
doplay mv
putStrLn "*"
putStrLn "*"
putStrLn "*"
threadDelay (10^6)
putStrLn "*"
The session with the program was:
(! 624)-> ghc -threaded -rtsopts --make weak2.hs
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( weak2.hs, weak2.o )
Linking weak2 ...
(! 625)-> ./weak2 +RTS -N4 -RTS
Enter a string to escape, or quit to exit
This is a test
Right "This is a test"
Tab Tab
Right "Tab\tTab"
Left thread killed
So blocking on takeMVar did not keep the MVar alive on ghc-7.4.1 despite expectations.
While BlockedIndefinitelyOnMVar should work, also consider using ForeignPointer finalizers. The normal role of those is to delete C structures that are no longer accessible in Haskell. However, you can attach any IO finalizer to them.

Strict evaluation techniques for concurrent channels in Haskell

I'm toying with Haskell threads, and I'm running into the problem of communicating lazily-evaluated values across a channel. For example, with N worker threads and 1 output thread, the workers communicate unevaluated work and the output thread ends up doing the work for them.
I've read about this problem in various documentation and seen various solutions, but I only found one solution that works and the rest do not. Below is some code in which worker threads start some computation that can take a long time. I start the threads in descending order, so that the first thread should take the longest, and the later threads should finish earlier.
import Control.Concurrent (forkIO)
import Control.Concurrent.Chan -- .Strict
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Control.Exception (finally, evaluate)
import Control.Monad (forM_)
import Control.Parallel.Strategies (using, rdeepseq)
main = (>>=) newChan $ (>>=) (newMVar []) . run
run :: Chan (Maybe String) -> MVar [MVar ()] -> IO ()
run logCh statVars = do
logV <- spawn1 readWriteLoop
say "START"
forM_ [18,17..10] $ spawn . busyWork
writeChan logCh Nothing -- poison the logger
takeMVar logV
putStrLn "DONE"
say mesg = force mesg >>= writeChan logCh . Just
force s = mapM evaluate s -- works
-- force s = return $ s `using` rdeepseq -- no difference
-- force s = return s -- no-op; try this with strict channel
busyWork = say . show . sum . filter odd . enumFromTo 2 . embiggen
embiggen i = i*i*i*i*i
readWriteLoop = readChan logCh >>= writeReadLoop
writeReadLoop Nothing = return ()
writeReadLoop (Just mesg) = putStrLn mesg >> readWriteLoop
spawn1 action = do
v <- newEmptyMVar
forkIO $ action `finally` putMVar v ()
return v
spawn action = do
v <- spawn1 action
modifyMVar statVars $ \vs -> return (v:vs, ())
await = do
vs <- modifyMVar statVars $ \vs -> return ([], vs)
mapM_ takeMVar vs
Using most techniques, the results are reported in the order spawned; that is, the longest-running computation first. I interpret this to mean that the output thread is doing all the work:
-- results in order spawned (longest-running first = broken)
I thought the answer to this would be strict channels, but they didn't work. I understand that WHNF for strings is insufficient because that would just force the outermost constructor (nil or cons for the first character of the string). The rdeepseq is supposed to fully evaluate, but it makes no difference. The only thing I've found that works is to map Control.Exception.evaluate :: a -> IO a over all the characters in the string. (See the force function comments in the code for several different alternatives.) Here's the result with Control.Exception.evaluate:
-- results in order finished (shortest-running first = correct)
So why don't strict channels or rdeepseq produce this result? Are there other techniques? Am I misinterpreting why the first result is broken?
There are two issues going on here.
The reason the first attempt (using an explicit rnf) doesn't work is that, by using return, you've created a thunk that fully evaluates itself when it is evaluated, but the thunk itself has not being evaluated. Notice that the type of evaluate is a -> IO a: the fact that it returns a value in IO means that evaluate can impose ordering:
return (error "foo") >> return 1 == return 1
evaluate (error "foo") >> return 1 == error "foo"
The upshot is that this code:
force s = evaluate $ s `using` rdeepseq
will work (as in, have the same behavior as mapM_ evaluate s).
The case of using strict channels is a little trickier, but I believe this is due to a bug in strict-concurrency. The expensive computation is actually being run on the worker threads, but it's not doing you much good (you can check for this explicitly by hiding some asynchronous exceptions in your strings and seeing which thread the exception surfaces on).
What's the bug? Let's take a look at the code for strict writeChan:
writeChan :: NFData a => Chan a -> a -> IO ()
writeChan (Chan _read write) val = do
new_hole <- newEmptyMVar
modifyMVar_ write $ \old_hole -> do
putMVar old_hole $! ChItem val new_hole
return new_hole
We see that modifyMVar_ is called on write before we evaluate the thunk. The sequence of operations then is:
writeChan is entered
We takeMVar write (blocking anyone else who wants to write to the channel)
We evaluate the expensive thunk
We put the expensive thunk onto the channel
We putMVar write, unblocking all of the other threads
You don't see this behavior with the evaluate variants, because they perform the evaluation before the lock is acquired.
I’ll send Don mail about this and see if he agrees that this behavior is kind of suboptimal.
Don agrees that this behavior is suboptimal. We're working on a patch.
