Converting unicode fraction characters (vulgar fractions) to decimals in Excel 2003 - excel

I'm trying to convert the following text to a decimal number in excel 2003:
The output should be: 93.125
I've gotten this to work with ¼, ½, ¾ by using the Replace function in VBA:
For example, this works:
cur_cell = Replace(cur_cell, "½", " 1/2")
However, the ⅛ and family characters are not supported in the VBA editor. They display as ??. Instead, I tried to replace the unicode value directly:
cur_cell = Replace(cur_cell, " & ChrW$(&H215B) & ", " 1/8")
But this doesn't work.
Is there a good way to convert these strings to numbers that I can use?

The correct syntax is:
cur_cell = Replace(cur_cell, ChrW$(&H215B), " 1/8")
Your example was saying: replace the string consisting of a space, an ampersand, a space [etc.] with 1/8. Clearly that's not what you want to do!
I'd actually recommend:
cur_cell.Value = Replace(Replace(cur_cell.Value, ChrW$(&H215B), ".125")," ","")
to circumvent Excel's automatic replacement of fractions. I just don't like to rely on that kind of automatic stuff. Why not write it as a decimal number straight off? Also, I like explicitly refering to the cell's .Value property as opposed to relying on it being the default property.


Replace non-printable characters with " (Inch sign) VBA Excel

I need to replace non-printable characters with " (Inch sign).
I tried to use excel clean function and other UDF functions, but it just remove and not replace.
Note: non-printable characters are highlighted in blue on the above photo and it's position is random on the cells.
this is a sample string file Link`
The expected correct output should be 12"x14" LPG . OUTLET OCT-SEP# process
In advance grateful for useful comments and answer.
As per my comment, you can try:
Or the VBA pseudo-code:
[A1] = [A1].Replace(Chr(25) & Chr(25), Chr(34))
Where [A1] is the obvious placeholder for the range-object you would want to use with proper and absolute referencing.
With ms365 newest functions, we could also use:
You can use Regular Expressions within a UDF to create a flexible method to replace "bad" characters, when you don't know exactly what they are.
In the UDF below, I show two pattern options, but others are possible.
One is to replace all characters with a character code >127
the second is to replace all characters with a charcter code >255
Option Explicit
Function ReplaceBadChars(str As String, replWith As String) As String
Dim RE As Object
Set RE = CreateObject("Vbscript.Regexp")
With RE
.Pattern = "[\u0080-\uFFFF]" 'to replace all characters with code >127 or
'.Pattern = "[\u0100-\uFFFF]" 'to replace all characters with code >255
.Global = True
ReplaceBadChars = .Replace(str, replWith)
End With
End Function
On the worksheet you can use, for example:
Or you could use it in a macro if you wanted to process a column of data without adding an extra column.
Note: I am uncertain as to whether there might be an efficiency difference using a smaller negated character class (eg: [^\x00-\x79] instead of the character class I showed in the code. But if, as written, execution seems slow, I'd try this change)
You can try this :
Cells.Replace What:="[The caracter to replace]", Replacement:=""""

Custom number (price) format independent of localization

I am wondering is it possible to have custom number format using Excel formula that will not be dependent on localization of Excel application (EU/US)?
For example I have value 1291660.
Then using formula =TEXT(A1;"# ##0,00"). I get as an output 1 291 660,00. The target is to have in any case 1.291.660,00 as an output. Any Excel professional to give an advice?
I have tried =TEXT(A1;"#.##0,00") - This didn't work
I think VBA is the only solution to this. I have found my old question about the same topic, but it seems that solution provided is not working for some reason?
Ultimate 1000 separator using VBA
Function CustomFormat(InputValue As Double) As String
Dim sThousandsSep As String
Dim sDecimalSep As String
Dim sFormat As String
sThousandsSep = Application.International(xlThousandsSeparator)
sDecimalSep = Application.International(xlDecimalSeparator)
' Up to 6 decimal places
sFormat = "#" & sThousandsSep & "###" & sDecimalSep & "######"
CustomFormat = Format(InputValue, sFormat)
If (Right$(CustomFormat, 1) = sDecimalSep) Then
CustomFormat = Left$(CustomFormat, Len(CustomFormat) - 1)
End If
' Replace the thousands separator with a space
' or any other character
CustomFormat = Replace(CustomFormat, sThousandsSep, " ")
End Function
By replacing CustomFormat = Replace(CustomFormat, sThousandsSep, " ") with CustomFormat = Replace(CustomFormat, sThousandsSep, ".") output is .1 291 660
You may use:
The way it works is that on an EU-system FIXED() will return: 1.291.660,00 but on an US-system it should return 1,291,660.00. To create the same output-string, we can SUBSTITUTE() all comma's to dots. A 2nd SUBSTITUTE() will then replace only the last dot back to a comma. To find the right index I used INT(LEN(A1)/3)+1 which works well on itegers like 1291660. If you happen to have decimal values, you can change this to:
The above should always return the desired format, but it's a string. To return the numeric value in any further calculations, you can use NUMBERVALUE():
Go to excel file tab, click options and then the following options as desired
Uncheck use system separators and define your own
You don't need VBA for this. You can use SUBSTITUTE to replace the default separator characters, and you can detect what these are by cutting them out from the formatted string of a known number. I use ASCII 1 (SOH) character to avoid replacing twice (e.g. replacing thousands separator from " " to ".", than replacing decimal separators from "." to "," would cause that thousands separators appear as ","):
=SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(TEXT(1234567.89,"# ##0.000"),MID(TEXT("# ##0",1000),2,1),CHAR(1)&" "),MID(TEXT("0.0",0.1),2,1),CHAR(1)&","),CHAR(1)&" ","."),CHAR(1)&",",",")
This will output "1.234.567,890".
This output will appear as a string (you cannot add numbers to it, and it is left adjusted by default), and you cannot change this behavior if you don't use Excels local settings for separators.
BTW, using " " for thousands separator and either "." or "," for decimals is the clearest way of displaying numbers.

Excel Unicode appearing literally in cell value

I've got strings in an Excel table that have literal unicode values, i.e.   and I'm trying to compare them to another string which instead of the unicode string, has simply a space.
How do I do this? I tried this:
textref = replace(textref, ChrW$(160), " ")
as well as
textref = replace(textref, " ", " ")
and I can't seem to get it to work. Alternatively, is there a way to make Excel render the text as spaces?
Thanks in advance

Turkish Excel version: transforming dotted upper i, "İ" to dotless upper i "I" with VBA

I identified a problem of special characters with “I” on a turkish version of Windows 10 with a Turkish Excel version. “i” gives another letter in Turkish when it is translated to uppercase: “İ” and not “I”, as for instance when "i" is converted to upper case in English.
The problem is that when I use non case sensitive Excel search formulas (for instance “match” or “countif” formulas), the Turkish Excel will look for “i” or “İ” (with a dot), which it doesn’t find as the letters are uppercase in the lookup range (and there's no "İ"), while the English version look for “i” or “I”, which they’ll find.
To summarize, I search for "i" in a non-case sensitive way, and my Turkish colleague doesn't find any result, because his computer looks for "i" and "İ", and all the expected results are with "I".
I cannot ask the users having this problem to change the language in Excel or in Windows, nor change the lookup source or target ranges. But I can change the formulas (match and countifs are used).
I'm not sure where this lower to uppercase conversion is coming from, if it's from Excel or Windows. But after installing a Turkish version of Excel on a German version of Windows, I didn't have the problem. So I presume the problem is coming from Windows (some language settings, in the end, knowing that is interesting but won't help much)...
I was thinking to writ a VBA formula to change texts to uppercase AND change dotted capital “İ” to dotless capital “I” with replace, then use this string in my search functions. But I cannot find the dotted capital “İ” in the Chr() formula... I think the Chr() function doesn't use the extended ASCII characters, just the standard ones. See the kind of function I intended to use below.
Function upper_i(myStr As String) As String
upper_i = UCase(myStr)
upper_i = Replace(upper_i, Chr(???), "I")
End Function
How can I tell Excel I want a dotted capital "İ" here?
Thanks for your help!
Assuming I'm reading correctly, maybe try:
Function upper_i(myStr As String) As String
upper_i = UCase$(myStr)
upper_i = Replace(upper_i, ChrW(304), "I")
End Function
Seems to pass the test below at least:
Private Sub TestFunction()
Dim someText As String
someText = "ok, ok, " & ChrW(304)
Debug.Assert someText <> "OK, OK, I"
someText = upper_i(someText)
Debug.Assert someText = "OK, OK, I"
End Sub
I didn't really understand why you're making the string uppercase, but maybe I need to read your question a few more times.

VBA Special characters U+2264 and U+2265

I have a frustrating problem. I have a string containg other characters that are not in this list (check link). My string represents a SQL Query.
This is an example of what my string can contain: INSERT INTO test (description) VALUES ('≤ ≥ >= <=')
When I check the database, the row is inserted successfully, but the characters "≤" and "≥" are replaced with "=" character.
In the database the string in description column looks like "= = >= <=".
For the most characters I can get a character code. I googled a character code for those two symbols, but I didn't find one. My goal is to check if my string contains this two characters , and afterwards replace them with ">=" and "<="
===Later Edit===
I have tried to check every character in a for loop;
tmp = Mid$(str, i, 1)
tmp will have the value "=" when my for loop reaches the "≤" character, so Excel cannot read this "≤" character in a VB string, then when I'm checking for character code I get the code for "=" (Chr(61))
Are you able to figure out what the character codes for both "≤" and "≥" in your database character set are? if so then maybe try replacing both characters in your query string with chrw(character_code).
I have just tested something along the lines of what you are trying to do using Excel as my database - and it looks to work fine.
Edit: assuming you are still stuck and looking for assistance here - could you confirm what database you are working with, and any type information setting for the "description" field you are looking to insert your string into?
Edit2: I am not familiar with SQL server, but isn't your "description" field set up to be of a certain data type? if so what is it and does it support unicode characters? ncharvar, nchar seem to be examples of sql server data types that support Unicode.
It sounds like you may also want to try and add an "N" prefix to the value in your query string - see
Do I have use the prefix N in the "insert into" statement for unicode? &
how to insert unicode text to SQL Server from query window
Edit3: varchar won't qualify for proper rendering of Unicode - see here What is the difference between varchar and nvarchar?. Can you switch to nvarchar? as mentionned above, you may also want to prefix the values in your query string with 'N' for full effect
Edit4: I can't speak much more about sqlserver, but what you are looking at here is how VBA displays the character, not at how it actually stores it in memory - which is the bottom line. VBA won't display "≤" properly since it doesn't support the Unicode character set. However, it may - and it does - store the binary representation correctly.
For any evidence of this, just try and paste back the character to another cell in Excel from VBA, and you will retrieve the original character - or look at the binary representation in VBA:
Sub test()
Dim s As String
Dim B() As Byte
'8804 is "≤" character in Excel character set
s = ChrW(8804)
'Assign memory representation of s to byte array B
B = s
'This loop prints "100" and "34", respectively the low and high bytes of s coding in memory
'representing binary value 0010 0010 0110 0100 ie 8804
For i = LBound(B) To UBound(B)
Debug.Print B(i)
Next i
'This prints "=" because VBA can not render character code 8804 properly
Debug.Print s
End Sub
If I copy your text INSERT INTO test (description) VALUES ('≤ ≥ >= <=') and paste it into the VBA editor, it becomes INSERT INTO test (description) VALUES ('= = >= <=').
If I paste that text into a Excel cell or an Access table's text field, it pastes "correctly".
This seems to be a matter of character code supported, and I suggest you have a look at this SO question.
But where in you program does that string come from, since it cannot be typed in VBA ??
Edit: I jus gave it a try with the below code, and it works like a charm for transferring your exotic characters from the worksheet to a table !
Sub test1()
Dim db As Object, rs As Object, cn As Object
Set cn = CreateObject("DAO.DBEngine.120")
Set db = cn.OpenDatabase("P:\Database1.accdb")
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("table1")
With rs
.Fields(0) = Range("d5").Value
End With
End Sub
