On a build of a Jenkins job, is it possible to change build parameters midway through? - groovy

We are using Jenkins to automate several of our build and test processes. For some of our process, the engineer starting the build needs to specify a parameter. But the range of possible and optimal values for that parameter change throughout the course of the day.
What I would like to do is let the engineer specify a value - if they know an optimal value - or leave it blank and have a value be calculated by an early build step. If the value is calculated, I would like the calculating build step to update the parameter value of the job. That way, all subsequent build steps don't have to worry about using the parameter or calculating it, they just use the parameter regardless.
It looks like the Groovy Script Plugin might be able to do this, but I can't see how I can SET the build parameters, just GET them.

Found the answer: use the EnvInject Plugin. One of the features is a build step that allows you to "inject" parameters into the build job from a settings file. I used one build step to create the settings file, then another build step to inject the new values. Then, all subsequent build steps and post-build operations used the new value.
Update with an example:
To add a new parameter (REPORT_FILE), based on existing one (JOB_NAME), inject a map with new or modified parameters in the Groovy Script box:
// Setting a map for new build parameters
def paramsMap = [:]
// Set REPORT_FILE based on JOB_NAME
def filename = JOB_NAME.replace(' ','_') + ".html"
paramsMap.put("REPORT_FILE", filename)
// Add or modify other parameters...
return paramsMap

Jenkins does have the ability to parameterize builds. For a string parameter, the developer can leave the field blank and then your build scripts can check to see if the env. variable for the parameter is set. If the env. var. is not set, the script can perform whatever calculation is needed (I don't think Jenkins has "pre-build steps") and pass it along. For a choice parameter the first line can be something like (Default), and again the build script can test its value and act accordingly.
Note on (Default)
I tried leaving the first line of the choice box blank, and Jenkins saved it correctly the first time; but when I came back to reconfigure the build Jenkins ran some kind of trim on options and the leading blank line was removed so I settled on (Default).
I hope this helps,


How to exclude gitlab CI job from pipeline based on a value in a project file?

I need to exclude a job from pipeline in case my project version is pre-release.
How I know it's a pre-release?
I set the following in the version info file, that all project files and tools use:
version = "1.2.3-pre"
From CI script, I parse the file, extract the version value, and know whether it's a pre-release or not, and can set the result in an environment variable.
The only way I know to exclude a job from pipeline is to use rules, while, I know also from gitlab docs that:
rules are evaluated before any jobs run
before_script also is claimed to be called with the script, i.e. after applying the rules.
I can stop the job, only after it starts from the script itself, based on the version value, but what I need is to extract the job from the pipeline in the first place, so it's not displayed in the pipeline history. Any idea?
How do you run (start) your pipeline, and is the information whether "it's a pre-release" already known at this point?
If yes, then you could add a flag like IS_PRERELEASE as a variable to the pipeline, and use that in the rules: section of your job. The drawback is that this will not work with automatic pipelines (triggered by a commit or MR); but you can use this approach with manually triggered pipelines (https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/variables/#override-a-variable-when-running-a-pipeline-manually) or via the API (https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/triggers/#pass-cicd-variables-in-the-api-call).

How to read labels in Gitlab CI script

I have a few use cases in my Gitlab setup I would like to be able to support:
If a certain label (let's call it “skip_build”) is set, the deployment steps should not be run when I merge an MR to a main branch. This would be useful when we have multiple MRs being merged right after another and only need the last one built.
If another label (we'll call it “skip_tests”) is set, I should be able to read it as an env var from within the script and alter the flow within the script accordingly (using normal bash syntax), e.g. to alter the package command parameters used a bit. This is useful for small changes where it might not make sense to run a lengthy test suite.
Is this possible with Gitlab, and if so, how?
I’ve tried experimenting with CI_MERGE_REQUEST_LABELS, but it doesn’t seem to be able to read that as an env var from within the script.
You have to use merge request pipelines for the CI_MERGE_REQUEST_LABELS variable (and other MR-related variables) to be present as documented in predefined variables.
You could use a rules: clause to skip jobs. Something like
rules: # only run this job if the regex pattern does not match
- if: $CI_MERGE_REQUEST_LABELS !~ /skip_build/
You can also do this on any other kind of predefined (or user-defined) variable, like branch name, commit messages, MR titles, etc. Whatever works for you.
For example, a built in feature of GitLab is that if your commit message contains [ci skip] it will prevent the pipeline from running. You could implement similar functionality for your jobs and/or pipelines through rules: or workflow:rules:.

outputting a different value in report

I have 100+ feature files that each year need to be updated with the year of the request ie this year they show 22-23 but next it will be 23-24 in almost every test. We created a step that allowed us to us a variable instead that we set in config eg
currentYear: 22-23
which we can then manipulate in our step to use currentYear+1 currentYear-5 etc. This all works fine and means that annually we simply change the config however on the output it shows the variable name rather than the value...eg
And Path Parameters:
year: [currentYear]
What I need it to do is show that as the value it actually used.
year: 22-23
No doubt this is something simple but I can't quite seem to get it! Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.
If you are using Maven you can filter resources before they're used in a test. This would allow you to use a variable in your feature files and have it replaced when tests are executed.
I'm certain Gradle has a similar feature.
Note that these filtered resources will be put on the classpath. So you should use classpath:com/example.feature as your feature path and not src/main/resources/com/example.feature. If JUnit 5 is used #SelectClasspathResource("com/example.feature").

Declarative Pipeline using env var as choice parameter value

Disclaimer: I can achieve the behavior I’m looking for with Active Choices plugin, BUT I really want this to work in a Jenkinsfile and controlled with scm because it’s tedious to configure the Active Choices on each job we may need them on. And with it being separate from the Jenkinsfile creation, it’s then one job defined in multiple places. :(
I am looking to verify if this is possible, because I can’t get the syntax right, if it is possible. And I haven’t been able to find any examples online:
pipeline {
environment {
ARTIFACTS = lib.myfunc() // this works well
parameters {
choice(name: "Artifacts", choices: ARTIFACTS) // I can’t get this to work
I cannot use the function inline in the declaration of the parameter. The errors were clear about that, but it seems as though I should be able to do what I’ve written out above.
I am not home, so I do not have the exceptions handy, but I will add them soon. They did not seem very helpful while I was working on this yesterday.
What have I tried?
I’ve tried having the the function return a List Because it requires a list according to the docs, and I’ve also tried (illogically) returning a String in the precise syntax of a list of strings. (It was hacky, like return "['" + artifacts.join("', '") + "']" to look like ['artifact1.zip', 'artifact2.zip']
I also tried things like "$ARTIFACTS" and ${ARTIFACTS} in desperation.
the list of choices has to be supplied as String containing new line characters (\n): choices: 'TESTING\nSTAGING\nPRODUCTION'
I was tipped off by this article:
Related to a bug:
First, we need to understand that Jenkins starts running your pipeline code by presenting you with Parameters page. Once you've set up the parameters, and pressed Build, then a node is allocated, variables are set, and your code starts to run.
But in your pipeline, as presented above, you want to run some code to prepare the parameters.
This is not how Jenkins usually works. It's definitely not doing the following: allocating a node, setting the variables, running some of your code until parameters clause is reached, stopping all that, presenting you with GUI, and then continuing where it left off. Again, it's not how Jenkins works.
This is why, when writing a new pipeline, your first option to build it is Build and not Build with Parameters. Jenkins hasn't run your code yet; it doesn't have any idea if there are any parameters. When running for the first time, it will remember the parameters (and any choices, if were) as were configured for this (first) run, so in the second run you will see the parameters as configured in the first run. (Generally, in run number n you will see the result of configuration in run number n-1.)
There are a number of ways to overcome this.
If having a "somewhat recent" (and not "current and absolutely up-to-date") situation fits you, your code may need minor changes to work — second time. (I don't know what exactly lib.myfunc() returns but if it's a choice of Development/Staging/Production this might be good enough.)
If having a "somewhat recent" situation is an absolute no-no (e.g. your lib.myfunc() returns the list of git branches, and "list of branches as of yesterday" is unacceptable), then your only solution is ActiveChoice. ActiveChoice allows you to run some code before showing you the Build with Parameters GUI (with script approval etc.).

Jenkins + Build Flow, how to pass a variable from one job to another

I have a build flow scenario similar to the documentation example: two jobs, one running after the other.
b = build("job1")
build("job2", param1: b.????)
My job1 is a shell script that builds a package out of a checked out git repositoy and prints out the version of the built package.
I need to extract the version from job1 (parse output??) and make it available somehow as a parameter to job2. How can this be achieved? Please note that I can't know the version before running job1.
The problem with simply using export in a shell script build step is that the exported variables disappear when the shell script exits, they are not propagated up to the job.
Use the EnvInject plugin to create environment variables in your build. If you
write out a properties file as part of your build, EnvInject can read the file and inject variables as a build step. A properties file has a simple KEY=VALUE format:
Once you have an environment variable set in your job, in the Build Flow
plugin, you can extract the variable's value and use it in subsequent jobs:
def version = build.environment.get( "MY_BUILD_VERSION" )
out.println String.format("Parameters: version: %s", version)
build( "My Second Build", MY_BUILD_VERSION: version )
When you run job1 export the version with name as system property.
export appVersion="stringOfVersion-123"
Then it depend if you know how long is version (count of numbers or others characters). If you know it you can parse variable from end in second build as new variable and use it.
How parse string you can find in this question with nice examples.
If job2 always should get some information from job1 you could use approach without parameters. job1 could publish artifact with version and job2 will use that artifact (with Copy Artifact Plugin for example). With that approach job2 could be executed also as standalone job.
For anyone else coming upon this, another solution is to use a scriptler script, where you pass in the .properties file path, and the script will add the properties to the list of job variables:
Properties properties = new Properties()
FilePath workspace = build.getWorkspace()
FilePath sourceFile = workspace.child(path)
properties.each { key, value ->
key = key.replace(".", "_").toUpperCase()
Job.setVariable(build, key, value)
println "Created Variable: " + key + "=" + value
This will convert any periods to underscores, and capitalize all letters. Using a scriptler script ensures that you have a method that works independent of the "plugin soup" you are using.
