ignoring a file in svn? - linux

Im using command and just tried the following:
svn propset svn:ignore "conf.php"
However this opens up vim and if I exit the file svn-prop.tmp file is created.
I don't want to delete it as I need it, but I would love it if svn could just not list it when i svn st
What when wrong (conf.php is still listed when I svn st) and how do I correct it?

If conf.php has already been committed, then there are no ignore patterns you can throw at Subversion to get it to ignore the file.
What you probably want to do is:
svn mv conf.php conf.php.template. This will move conf.php to conf.php.template.
svn commit.
cp conf.php.template conf.php.
Assuming that you have already set the svn:ignore property, then this should do it. At this point, you will have a versioned conf.php.template file that you can modify when you want the configuration stored in the repository to change, and you have an unversioned conf.php that you can tweak locally without Subversion informing you that it needs to be committed.
If you check out the repository elsewhere, just make sure that you cp conf.php.template conf.php to set up the initial configuration; then you can tweak conf.php as needed.

you need to set the ignore property on the directory containing the file you want to ignore:
svn propedit svn:ignore .
then enter the filename(s) to ignore when your editor comes up


SVN: undo a merge with local changes

I was on version 100, with local changes.
I did an svn up to reach HEAD (which is revision 200). Then I was ill adviced to revert back to revision 150, with my local changes, in command: svn merge -r HEAD:150 .
Now I actually want to go back to revision 200 with my local changes. svn up doesn't do anything, because I appear to still have file missings. I know because a file A.cpp was in revision 200 but not in my local working copy.
If I do svn status, I see a bizzare "D" in front of A.cpp. they seem to think I want to delete this file I don't even own.
What state am I in now, and how do I fix it?
In brief, your current checked out repo is messed up - it has a combination of your changes as well as a set of uncommitted changes to go back from HEAD -> r150. If you committed at this point, it would have the effect of removing all the changes that happened from 150:HEAD, and then adding in your changes.
If trying to do a re-merge: svn merge -r 150:HEAD . doesn't work (and generally it won't), then I would suggest the following:
assuming you have your current workspace <currws>
checkout a second copy of the workspace, at revision 150: svn co -r 150 <svn url> <newws>. This will give you a directory <newws>
(cd <currws>; tar cf - --exclude .svn .) | (cd <newws>; tar xf -). This will take all the files & directories from <currws> and copy them into <newws>.
Take inventory of the new directory - it should now contain copies of only your changes - some of these may need to be SVN added to the workspace; or if you have deletes, they will need to be re-deleted on the <newws>. You can pre-remove all the files/folders from new-ws prior to the tar, and anything that appears after the tar with a ! indicates a file that you removed with your changes, anything with a ? is a file that needs adding, and the remainder should be M entries.
Bring the new workspace up to HEAD - svn up <newws> should work in this case.
verify that everything's working and that it only contains your changes.
make a patch file, get it code reviewed and then commit it.
I'm pretty sure this will get you back on-track; although I don't have a tree to check against with the spotty network connectivity I have.

How to ignore .*o*.cmd on a local linux repository?

I would like to ignore all files like .sddr09.o.cmd or .karma.o.cmd etc onto a kernel svn repository.
I try somme commands like :
svn propset svn:ignore '*.cmd' . --recursive
svn propset svn:ignore '*.o.cmd' . --recursive
svn propset svn:ignore '.*.o.cmd' . --recursive
but no one success to prevent from commit these files.
So I try to use the dontdiff file located in linux/Documentation/dontdiff appending
at the end of the file
and I use the following command line :
svn propset svn:ignore -R -F Documentation/dontdiff .
but no more success.
Any Idea ?
You mention in the comments that you've already added these files, so the first step is to undo that. Presumably you used svn add to add the files, so you'll need to use the inverse of that: svn delete.
svn delete --keep-local path/to/file
The --keep-local will tell SVN not to undo any modifications you've made. If you do want to reset the files to their original state (or delete them if they didn't exist before), you can omit the option.
You can confirm this with svn status. The files in question should not have anything in the first column.
After that, you should be able to run the svn ignore commands that you included in your question.

Piping the Results of git status to Subsequent Commands

I have a large list of active files in my Git repository. One change I made was deleting a large number of images across a number of directories. I want to commit that change immediately but I don't want to include all active files and I don't want to manually type out git rm myfile.png for every single image.
So essentially what I want to do is run git rm on all active files ending in .png. I'm trying to accomplish this by piping the results of git status into git rm but I'm having trouble isolating the file name and getting this to work as I'd like.
Is this a proper use of piping and if so what syntax do I need?
Any help is appreciated, thanks.
If you already removed the files, you can type:
git add -u
And they will be removed from git repository.
From git help add:
-u, --update
Only match <filepattern> against already tracked files in the index
rather than the working tree. That means that it will never stage
new files, but that it will stage modified new contents of tracked
files and that it will remove files from the index if the
corresponding files in the working tree have been removed.

How to get Mercurial to ignore Vim's .swp file?

I tried to pull some changes while I had some files opened in vim, and while committing and merging and the sort, ended up coming up with:
alex#adebian:~/cs4290/p3$ hg status
R test
! project3_framework/protocols/.MI_protocol.cpp.swp
! project3_framework/protocols/.MSI_protocol.cpp.swp
I added a .hgignore file in my project with the following:
syntax: glob
I've since closed my vim session (removing the files) yet the files keep showing up. How do I get mercurail to ignore the .swp files?
! sign means that mercurial cannot find the file that has been already added to the repository. So you need to forget or remove those files at first. After that - they will not appear anymore in the status since you have ignored them.
I agree with zerkms... forget or remove those files to get rid of the !. Also, as you've probably noticed, simply creating a .hgignore file with some content does not go through the repository and remove matching files. If you've added foo.c to your project and then you create the following .hgignore:
syntax: glob
foo.c will still be a part of the project - you would need to remove it explicitly.
You can use
set directory=c:\\workfiles\\
in your .vimrc to write swap files in a "special" folder

tortoisesvn lost history of file due to delete, then add of same file

I had a developer 'revert' a file by deleting it from the repository and re-adding it. We now have a current file with no history. Is there a way to get back the deleted file. With it having the same name as existing file, how should I proceed? Yes, I have tried to read the docs but can't seem to get the right combination of actions to take.
delete the file in your working copy
in the repository browser, go to the revision where the original file still existed (i.e. before it was replaced)
right-click on that file in that revision in the repository browser, execute "copy to working copy"
specify the path in your working copy as the "copy to"-target
Now you have your file back including the history.
see this thread here...
examining history of deleted file
to resurrect your file you can
svn copy url/of/file#lastrevisionthefileexisted -r lastrevisionthefileexisted path/to/workingcopy/file
On Linux, I solved the problem by following the steps on the command line:
svnadmin create TEST
svn co https://URL/svn/codes/JarLib/
Delete file or directory which is re-added
svn delete https://URL/svn/codes/JarLib/XXXX.jar -m "XXXX.jar history resurrect operation"
svn update
Use 'svn copy' command to get deleted file/directory with HISTORY. Revision number must be deleted file's/directory's last revision number!!!
svn copy https://URL/svn/codes/JarLib/XXXX.jar#22467 -r 22467 XXX.jar
Operation below will add XXXX.jar to your Working Copy then commit the changes.
svn commit -m "deleted file/directory is resurrected"
To control:
Go to SVN Server and use svnlook command like:
svnlook history /svn/repos/codes /JarLib/XXXX.jar --show-ids
