How to get Mercurial to ignore Vim's .swp file? - vim

I tried to pull some changes while I had some files opened in vim, and while committing and merging and the sort, ended up coming up with:
alex#adebian:~/cs4290/p3$ hg status
R test
! project3_framework/protocols/.MI_protocol.cpp.swp
! project3_framework/protocols/.MSI_protocol.cpp.swp
I added a .hgignore file in my project with the following:
syntax: glob
I've since closed my vim session (removing the files) yet the files keep showing up. How do I get mercurail to ignore the .swp files?

! sign means that mercurial cannot find the file that has been already added to the repository. So you need to forget or remove those files at first. After that - they will not appear anymore in the status since you have ignored them.

I agree with zerkms... forget or remove those files to get rid of the !. Also, as you've probably noticed, simply creating a .hgignore file with some content does not go through the repository and remove matching files. If you've added foo.c to your project and then you create the following .hgignore:
syntax: glob
foo.c will still be a part of the project - you would need to remove it explicitly.

You can use
set directory=c:\\workfiles\\
in your .vimrc to write swap files in a "special" folder


What is the line to add to vimrc for storing .swp files in /tmp on Ubuntu

I feel like I've literally tried everything, but no matter what I add to vimrc, I can't get it to store its annoying .swp files in /tmp. I'm using Ubuntu 16.04. I've obviously looked up this issue extensively, but again, no command I enter seems to work. I always end up with:
E510: Can't make backup file
(add ! to override)
Things I've tried:
set backupdir=$~/tmp//
set directory=$~/tmp//
set backupdir=~/tmp//
set backupdir=$HOME~/tmp//
set backupdir=/tmp//
I mean you name it, I've tried it. So, explicitly, what is the exact code I need to type in vimrc to make it so vim saves it's .swp files in my temporary folder, instead of cluttering my workspace?
Thank you.
Adding the following line to my ~/.vimrc puts .swp files for currently open buffers under /tmp
set directory=/tmp
If you've tried this without issues are you able to verify that vim is reading your vimrc at all?
It appears the issue was I didn't really understand what ~ means. I created a folder called 'tmp' in my home directory, and from there used:
set backupdir=~/tmp//

ctags, generate tags using multiple paths?

When I build/update my tags file, ctags starts at the current directory and works its way down recursively.
I would like for it to also include a completely different search path, a mapped network drive, and add those results to my tags file as well.
Is there any way to do that?
When the files in the other directory are related and often change together with the current directory hierarchy, I'd write a custom :Ctags command that supplies the other path to the :!ctags call.
If the other files are unrelated, and rarely update (as based on your comments seems to be the case), I'd run ctags there separately and include them via
:set tags+=/path/to/other/dir/tags
NOTE: Add the tag filename at the end, else there will be "tag not found" error. By default the name is tags but it could be renamed with -f option as below.
ctags -f my_tags -R
:set tags+=/path/to/other/dir/my_tags

vim project plugin, how to exlude files

I have just started to use the Project plugin in gvim on Windows 7 (in fact I have just started to use gvim).
Firstly when I create a project using \C it does not create subdirectories (I can manually add them), but my main problem is I wish to exclude *.pyc files in my django project.
I have searched the internet for glob excluding files but have not found any solution.
If I am unable to exclude files then I need to make the filter command quite long.
project=d:\projects\myproject filter="*.py *.html *.bat *.dat *.txt *.json *.sqlite"
Which seems cumbersome to say the least.
You can try my fork. I added exclude support. Same like filter, but they can't work together. Filter or Exclude, not both. Add exclude="*.pyc" and it should ignore them.

How can I open for edit 10k perforce files using list of files as parameter?

I have 10k perforce files mentioned in my file.txt.
I need to open them using p4 edit command.
I expect some command like "p4 edit ?????file.txt". Can you help me to check these files out?
You can use the -x flag on p4. This is assuming a UNIX shell.
cat file.txt | p4 -x - edit
I assume you have some copy of directories structure where you have changes, and now you need to add those files to a change list. Which is impossible to do without checking them out. Am I right?
If I needed to change that much amount of files, I would do like this:
Copy all files I wanted to check in replacing read-only files (Wondows Explorer can do that)
In P4V go to a directory you need to check out files in, and then call "Reconcile offline work".
In appeared dialog choose all files.
Get new changelist with changed files being checked out.
I used this solution a couple of times - it works for added, changed and deleted files.
Just use below command to edit all files present in file.txt
p4 -x file.txt edit

p4 remove old copies of submitted files

How do I remove old copies of edited/submitted p4 files: edited_this_already.ext~?
I can remove them via Unix command, but can p4 do this?
If it's not in the depot under source control then Perforce doesn't know anything about the file so it can't delete it.
You're safe to use the OS commands to delete the files.
Depending on which editor you use, you can probably configure the editor so that it does not make these backup files. For example, with 'vim', use ':set nobackup' in your startup script (or, if you want Vim to make the backup files, but put them somewhere else, try ':set backupdir').
