Seam application RichFaces not loading components - linux

I have a Seam application running on:
Linux CentOS
Tomcat 6.0.32
Java 6
JBoss Seam 2.2.1
RichFaces 3.3.3
When I run my application locally, everything works fine (Windows 7 here). But when I put the exactly same files on my server (VPS), the Tomcat starts with no errors, but the application do not load RichFaces components.
I've searching the solution for this problem for a few days, but didn't found nothing that can help me. I thought could be a permission problem (application's folder permission), so I've tried to change it too many ways, but RF components keep not loading.
Anyone can imagine what is happening?
Thanks in advance!
Fabricio Braga

I have solved the problem. The point is that in my case I have an Apache HTTP Server before Tomcat, and RichFaces add some JS files from JAR files. So, we need to map, editing apache config files to redirect also this JS files to Tomcat.
Then, I just edited this Apache mappings to point RichFaces JS files to Tomcat, for example:
"/my-domain-name/a4j/g/3_3_3.Final/org/ajax4jsf/framework.pack.js" mapped there: "/my-domain-name/a4j/*" for the Tomcat. And the same for the others files.
After that, the problem was over.
Fabricio Braga


Multiple JSF related files in Weblogic modules folder

I have recently installed the WebLogic 12.1.3 on my local windows 10 desktop. Created a very small webapp and it ran fine until I added the beans.xml.
Adding the beans.xml and starting the server, I get the error : java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.sun.faces.util.Util.isCdiOneOneOrGreater()Z
I could sort of understand it is something related to a mismatch in JSF versions. Then, I started searching and stumbled upon this beautiful answer from BalusC.
How to find out the current version of Mojarra which my WebLogic is using?
The above answer says "Another way would be to explore the JSF module in /wlserver/modules folder of WebLogic installation. In my 12c installation, the filename says glassfish.jsf_1.0.0.0_2-1-20.jar, which in turn identifies Mojarra 2.1.20".
So I checked to see what is there in my modules folder and I got more than 1 jsf jar. My question (preferably to BalusC :-) but also to anyone who can help) is
- if it is fine or not to have multiple JSF related jars in the modules folder.
- if this multiple JSF jars is the reason for the error ?
- if I can clean up (manually delete) files in this "modules" folder to have one version of JSF related files ?
Note : All these stuff came out of the box with the 12.1.3 installation.
JSF related files found in my "\wlserver\modules" folder
Thanks a lot in advance.
Using JSF and JSTL With Web Applications:
it will depend if you are embedding the JSF jar's.
I think you need to upgrade JSF, embedding the jars and using Filtering Classloading.
It looks similar (jboss) to: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.sun.faces.util.Util.isCdiOneOneOrGreater()Z

MyFaces ExtScripting

I'm a satisfied (and historical ...) myfaces user and I'm looking for a JSF 2.2 rapid prototyping environment.
I've already used Groovy in other projects so the natural choice should be Apache MyFaces Extension Scripting.
These are problems:
1) Home page don't works (... is the project yet maintained ? ...)
2) Trying to follow example config I've noticed that the web.xml settings are wrong so:
must be updated to:
3) The example war (deployed in a clean tomcat 7.0 instance) don't works (no errors, no results ...)
Have anyone suggestions for me ?
Thanks in advance.

How to include sample helloworld jsp file in the virtual box linux in hadoop?

I need to include my sample jsp file in hadoop. And display the output in the localhost of hadoop in the webbrowser. I couldn't have the idea of where i need to include the jsp file and what is the command for the execution of the file becuase, I am new to this technology can any one help me , how to include and execute the jsp file.
Hadoop does have an in-built jetty to run jsp for its job status. Is not that you cannot run your own jsp but for that you need to explore Hadoop source code
ya, use Apache Tomcat to run jsp pages. because it has built in jsp/servlet parser...
Hadoop is not capable of running your jsp pages.
I recommend you install tomcat instead.
You are insistingly trying to put a screw into a wall with a hammer. If you want to serve a JSP page use jetty or tomcat, don't use hadoop. Hadoop does have jsp pages it can a serve, but these are ONLY for serving the hadoop specific pages. The hadoop toolset uses jetty for that purpose. As said repeatedly by many others:
Hadoop is not capable of running your jsp pages.
Sorry for late reply.
These tutorial will surely help out what you want.
Hortonworks Tutorial.
Also this one
You cannot run your own JSP files via Hadoop. Its explained as
Apache Hadoop is an open-source software framework for storage and large scale processing of data-sets on clusters of commodity hardware
To serve JSP files, you will need a JSP/Servlet container , most likely Apache Tomcat. Once you have that configured in your virtual machine, simple copy paste your project into the webapps folder of tomcat and it will serve the JSP.

Tomcat 6, Primefaces, JSF

A very strange issue happening.
I have developed an application under JSF and Primefaces on tomcat 6 on my local computer. Everything works perfect.
But when I deploy the application on remote tomcat 6 (Under enterprise RedHat Linux), the primefaces stops working. The funniest part:
the response takes a lot of time, and it returns the generated html (so it seems like it calls the lifecycle). But no components are rendered (there is plain lot of html intermixed with javascript functions) - p:tabView and other components` contents are rendered as simple lines of text.
But as for the Javascript, it states - ReferenceError: PrimeFaces is not defined.
Catalina log file states nothing.
I have no idea what it can be. Is there any idea?
1) Check what dependencies your project has in eclipse build path. Verify all of them are available in your remote server . All the dependencies in build path should be copied to the lib folder in war file you are generating(unless they are runtime like tomcat,jdk etc).
2) Verify your web.xml and faces-config.xml is same in your eclipse and war deployed in remote.
If it doesn't work then you can compare the temp folder in your eclipse to the war you are deploying contains everything that is in local.
You can find your local war by searching for your project file in eclipse under your workspace
The problem was security for Tomcat. It did not allow any redirections so the js-files were listed in the links but nothing was fetched. Problem was solved by reinstalling tomcat.

Richfaces 3.x under weblogic 8.1

I have been developing a small project meant to run under weblogic 8.1.
Richfaces according to documentation states that it supports weblogic 8.1.
Weblogic 8.1 uses servlet specification 2.3 with jsp 1.2
This has been working on my locally installed version of weblogic 8.1 but when deploying to the sparc server, I start running into trouble. I have worked through some of the initial headaches, but then I got an error 500 and couldnt get the details. But after some effort I have come out with this...
javax.servlet.ServletException: javax/servlet/jsp/JspContext
at weblogic.servlet.internal.RequestDispatcherImpl.forward(
at com.sun.faces.context.ExternalContextImpl.dispatch(
at com.sun.faces.application.ViewHandlerImpl.renderView(
at org.ajax4jsf.application.ViewHandlerWrapper.renderView(
at org.ajax4jsf.application.AjaxViewHandler.renderView(
at com.sun.faces.lifecycle.RenderResponsePhase.execute(
at com.sun.faces.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl.phase(
at com.sun.faces.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl.render(
at javax.faces.webapp.FacesServlet.service(
at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl$
at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.invokeServlet(
at weblogic.servlet.internal.TailFilter.doFilter(
at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(
at org.ajax4jsf.webapp.BaseXMLFilter.doXmlFilter(
at org.ajax4jsf.webapp.BaseFilter.doFilter(
at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(
at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(
at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext$
at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.invokeServlet(
at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletRequestImpl.execute(
at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.execute(
JspContext is not part of jsp 1.2 it's newer. I am thinking this exception is originally a ClassNotFoundException or something similar considering the message. There is no 'cause' attached to the exception.
Following are the jar files contained in my web-application.
I'm running out of options, I'll be trying to figure out who has the dependency on the JspContext class... but if someone could give me some insight it would be greatly appreciated. Oh, I cannot make many changes to the production web-logic server. I'd prefer not to make any at all, chances are those changes will be denied
Oh this error occurs when attempting to view the page, so deployment is successful.
Ok, I have solved my problem. Not the way I wanted to but it's working (atleast to what I know right now).
After using google (again) I found a comment with someone mentioning using richfaces 3.0.1.
Now I have seen many people say use version xxx even 3.3.x. After all I did get it working with 3.1.6 but on the windows version of weblogic (which could have possibly been tainted by some other weblogic version I have installed).
So I have modified my pom for maven to depend on:
This is not optimal, but I geuss it works.
Some taglibrary references needed changing, and packages changed to some extent.
I could post my project configuration for this if anyone ever needs it. Getting this all to work on weblogic 8.1 was not straight forward. But the reference documentation for 3.1.6 is to my knowledge incorrect by saying it support weblogic 8.1
jsp-api-2.1.jar contains the missing class, so you could try using it (either replace it in weblogic, or try in your /lib), but I can't predict what would happen.
