How to execute 7zip commands from nant script? - zip

I need to execute 7zip commands from nant script. How can I do that?
I have tried it like this, but it is not working
&ltexec program="7z.exe" basedir="${sevenzipinstalldir}" commandline="7z a D:\NantTest\Experiment\NewLab\ -pmypassword D:\NantTest\Experiment\NewLab\"

<exec program="7z.exe" basedir="${sevenzipinstalldir}" commandline="a D:\NantTest\Experiment\NewLab\ -pmypassword D:\NantTest\Experiment\NewLab\" />
(Don't repeat the executable name in commandline.)


makeself running startup script as sourced script

I was making a self extractable archives using makeself and able to generate and run it.But i have to run the install script as sourced script.
I am seeing an option to pass script argument in makeself command [args] archive_dir file_name label startup_script [script_args]
But none of my arguments are picking up. I have generated the archives using the following command ./test ./ "sample installer" ./
but how can I tell makeself to run file as sourced script
i Have found out a alternate solution for the issue. Not the actual fix anyway it is working.Instead of calling as starter script i have added another script which will call the as sourced script. ./test ./ "sample installer" ./ and wil contain the following content file
source ./

Calling upon shell scripts / . jar files from within a bash script

So I have a bash script which has some .sh files within it, the .sh files contain instructions to copy from and execute a .jar file which is also called upon at the beginning of the script. I can't seem to successfully execute the .sh files but the .jar file at the beginning executes without any issues. Here is what I mean: java -jar energyapp-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar &This is at the beginning, and has no problem executing. Then later in the script I have this: ./ & sh ./ & sh ./ &. These have instructions as follows:
java -cp energyapp-simulators-0.0.5-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar com..xml.SolarSimulator'
but when I execute it, it fires up the browser as expected, but I get an error reading "Error retrieving events & data"
Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks folks
You can use source command to execute another shell script within the same folder.
Use this:
Or you can use the alias:
Also make sure all your files are executable.
So you can do:
source && source && source

Shell script file with multiple commands

I want to make shell script file in windows and linux with multiple commands inside it.
E.g and run.bat with the below commands
run.bat or
mvn clean
mvn install
mvn exec:java
When I run my run.bat file it only executes first command mvn clean but it do not execute other commands.
How to make shell-script file with multiple commands so that when I execute it, It executes all commands inside it.
mvn is bat file but not binary.
Try with
call mvn clean
call mvn install
call mvn exec:java

Do we need to modify .sh file while executing in Windows?

I have one .sh file which runs well on MAC system. I want to run the same .sh file on windows using CYGWIN. My question is, Do I need to make any modification in the commands while using it in Windows system with CYGWIN? Please help.
e.g. I have the following commands in .sh file-
export ML_SERIALIZE_DIR=/Users/Mxyz/ML
java -DCL_LOG_DIR="/Users/Mxyz/ML" -classpath .:lib/:Ml-mobxyz-import.jar org.xy.mobxyz.mobxyz.ML
echo "Batch program is complete"
No need to change anything but make sure that all required binaries by your .sh must be there in CYGWIN

Linux version of a .cmd file

I am creating a terminal program and cannot find out what the ending is for Linux. I know in windows it is .cmd. Any help would be great.
Thank you.
Yes, you can remove the .sh at the end and it should work, generally using ./cmd will get it to run. this goes for C programs as well. You do not need to give an extension for the object file, You could then add a path to your bash file and then you can execute it as a normal command.
Look here.
You don't need a file extension on Linux, though typically, people use .sh (sh being short for 'shell').
You can run it one of two ways:
or you can make the script itself executable and run it directly:
chmod a+x # make it executable
./ # run it
Linux scripts' first line is typically #!/bin/bash which is the path to the specific shell used to run the script with the second method.
