.htaccess url rewrite issue with dot - .htaccess

I want to create my url structure like::
facebook i.e. facebook.com/?pageid=122
For which I am using htaccess mod rewrite as:
RewriteRule ^([a-zA-Z_\-]+)/?([a-zA-Z0-9\-=&_#]*)$ /$1.php?$2 [QSA,L]
so I may translate pages like site.com/home/?pageid=22 into site.com/home.php?pageid=22
The code above works fine except that if I try to add dot like
RewriteRule ^([a-zA-Z_\-]+)/?([a-zA-Z0-9\-=&_#\.]*)$ /$1.php?$2 [QSA,L]
The .htaccess breaks. I need dot so I may pass emails too i.e.
Please help

Try to remove the backslash before the dot. Since it's not considered as a special character inside brackets in a POSIX regular expression.

You need scape the question mark because it's a special character:
RewriteRule ^([a-zA-Z_\-]+)/\?([a-zA-Z0-9\-=&_#\.]*)$ /$1.php?$2 [QSA,L]
The question mark makes the preceding token in the regular expression optional. E.g.: colou?r matches both colour and color.


.htaccess not working as expected in sub-folder

I have this rewrite rule placed in /dashboard/.htaccess [dashboard is actually a folder]:
RewriteRule ^([^/]*)$ index.php?mode=$1 [L]
My structure is index.php?mode=support, even though, $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] outputs this:
Example: site.com/dashboard/index.php?mode=support should be site.com/dashboard/support
So , how can I make it parse the param value, and not the file itself.
Managed to solve it while doing more research on regular expressions.
RewriteRule ^([a-z]+)$ index.php?mode=$1 [L,QSA]
Thi solved my problem, preferred plus instead asterisk because it tells the engine to repeat it zero or more times. (when i'm on index.php , query string is empty as needed)
Your rule is matching anything that starts with not a slash and doesnt contain a slash anywhere when your actual path is
to get the folder you actually want you need a base on there like this
RewriteBase /dashboard/
If that is placed above the rule, Then your redirect should be ok

.htaccess basic mod rewrite

I am only just starting to learn how to rewrite urls with the .htaccess file.
How would I change:
into this:
This is what I have been trying
RewriteRule ^/games/game-one.php ^/games/game-one/ [NC,L]
If you want people to use /games/game-one/ explicitly, you have to rewrite so that it requests /game/game-one.php. So the opposite way around than you have it in your question.
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^games/game-one/$ /games/game-one.php
If you want to rewrite other URL's too, then you'd need to use a technique similar to the prior answer.
Try this:
RewriteRule ^(/games/game-one)\.php $1/
What that says is match anything starting with /games/game-one and remember the first part of that match, then replace it with the first part (capturing group in regex speak), and a slash character. Note that to match a period character you must precede it with a \ since . is a special character that means "any character" (at least if you care to avoid matching any character).

How to write this .htaccess rewrite rule

I am setting up a MVC style routing system using mod rewrite within an .htaccess file (and some php parsing too.)
I need to be able to direct different URLs to different php files that will be used as controllers. (index.php, admin.php, etc...)
I have found and edited a rewrite rule that does this well by looking at the first word after the first slash:
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/stats(.*)
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /hello.php/$1 [L]
However, my problem is I want it to rewrite based on the 2nd word, not the first. I want the first word to be a username. So I want this:
http://www.samplesite.com/username/admin to redirect to admin.php
instead of:
I think I just need to edit the rewrite rule slightly with a 'anything can be here' type variable, but I'm unsure how to do that.
I guess you can prefix [^/]+/ to match and ignore that username/
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/[^/]+/stats(.*)
RewriteRule ^[^/]+/(.*)$ /hello.php/$1 [L]
then http://www.samplesite.com/username/statsadmin will be redirecte to http://www.samplesite.com/hello.php/statsadmin (or so, I do not know the .htaccess file)
To answer your question, "an anything can be here type variable" would be something like a full-stop . - it means "any character". Also the asterisk * means "zero or more of the preceding character or parenthesized grouped characters".
But I don't think you need that...If your matching url will always end in "admin" then you can use the dollar sign $ to match the end of the string.
Rewrit­eRule admin$ admin.php [R,NC,L]
Rewrites www.anything.at/all/that/ends/in/admin to www.anything.at/admin.php

Using .htaccess to style URL directory style

I have searched this question and looked around but can't seem to get this working in practice. This is my .htaccess file:
Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule /poker/(.*)/(.*)/$ /poker/?$1=$2
I am trying to get my page to work like this:
But this just isn't working, I have used 3 different generators and tried typing it manually from tutorials but it is just returning a 404. Any idea's a greatly appreciated, it could be really obvious..
You do not have a trailing slash in your example, yet your rule requires one. You can make the trailing slash optional:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule /poker/(.*)/(.*)/?$ /poker/?$1=$2
Note however, that a uri /poker/a/b/c/d/e/f/g/ is also a match here - a/b/c/d/e/f will match the first subpattern and g will match the second one, because (.*) is greedy. Be more specific if you wish to match only content between slashes - e.g. ([^/]*)
Well, there's really nothing wrong with the rules that you have if http://mysite.com/poker/?page=home resolves correctly. The only thing is that if this is in an htaccess file, the leading slash is removed from the URI when it's matched against in a RewriteRule, so you need to remove it from your regular expression (or maky it optional):
RewriteRule ^poker/(.+)/(.+)/?$ /poker/?$1=$2
And maybe make the groupings (.+) instead so that there is at least one character there.

Htaccess redirect is not working in my site

Iam trying to redirect the url
Iam using the following rewrite rule, but it is not working
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ([\w]+)/([\w]+)/^([\w]+) question.php?cat=$1&qtitle=$2&qkey=$3
If I recall, a dash character isn't considered a word character, try:
RewriteRule ([\w-]+)/([\w-]+)/^([\w-]+) question.php?cat=$1&qtitle=$2&qkey=$3
also I'm not sure what function that caret is playing in the last part. Outside of a [] it's normally used to indicate the start of a line, if that's the case here, than it would necessarily fail.
in which case:
RewriteRule ([\w-]+)/([\w-]+)/([\w-]+) question.php?cat=$1&qtitle=$2&qkey=$3
may perhaps be a working solution. I'd double check that - is a word character.
