sharepoint search problem - sharepoint

I'm working on a sharepoint project.
After I adding the search web part. The search function behaves weird.
I have crawled the content source and configured the permission.
The following search bar, no matter what I search, I got nothing
But the advanced search web part can work properly.
The thing is, in the result page of the advanced search web part, if I choose to see the result of my sharepoint website instead of "Any Site", I got nothing. I am sure that the result of "Any Site" is from my sharepoint site.
Any ideas will be appreciated.

You need to check your search log to make sure content is being crawled correctly. It looks like you do not have any results for your a particular site. modify your search webpart to show the scopes drop down an experiment to find out which scopes are not responding correctly and debug from there.
You need to ask this question on or as this site trys to deal with programming specific errors only.

It sounds like you might be crawling a non default zone. Maybe you're crawling an intranet or extranet zone. Make sure you crawl the default zone and that the default zone has NTLM authentication enabled and that the crawler has access to the web application via full read policy.
If this is SharePoint 2010 Foundation and you have named your documents_with_underscores, the underscores are not word breakers and as a result no matter what you search for "Documents" "with" or "underscores", in that case, would be successful. The word "with" would be removed by the content processor (search query and site settings service) in 2010 and the other two words would not be read as separate words because 2010 foundation would treat documents_with_underscores as one word. If you searched for "documents_with_underscores" you would find it.


MOSS 2007 scopes in a custom-built advanced search page

I'm attempting (futilely) to create a custom advanced search page for my department's SharePoint site. I've been using this article as a guide,
I've had some success copying the code of the advanced search web part and modifying it to my needs. However, I'm having some struggles with scopes.
Some background...
We are currently running MOSS 2007
Our company houses all its intranet sites under one GIGANTIC site collection
I am a site owner, but not the site collection administrator (that is controlled by IT corporate). Therefore I don't have access to central administration which houses most of the search settings.
IT has not set up any custom scopes (and just trust me when I say asking them to do so would be completely impractical).
I need to scope the advanced search web part's queries to just our site or its libraries. In a perfect world, I would just create custom scopes for this purpose, but as I mentioned that's not an option here.
I've tried using the URL property to restrict the results. Problem is the search has to be executed on EVERY RECORD in the database (which I'm sure is unfathomably huge). I did a test query which took over 5 minutes to result! Definitely not a practical solution.
So that's where I'm stuck. I need to scope the queries but can't figure out how else to do it. Any advice is welcome. Thanks as always!

Sharepoint 2010 Search Default Content Access Account

I have a search set up on my Intranet. I have not allowed certain libraries and lists to be crawled (this helps eliminate the need for so many crawl rules). However...I do need some crawl rules in place, which I added. I ran the Full Crawl and the "excluded" items from the crawl rules still showed up.
I believe this is because my administration account has full control, but I don't know how to fix it.
I went in to add another account to the service (Manage Service Applications under Central Admin - Administration tab) and the only option it gives me to select is "full control".
Under the main site accounts (Manage Web Application link on Central Admin) the user I added says full read.
Now then On the main Search Service Page there is an account called "Default Content Access Account". I changed that to be the account that is Full Read from the administration group of the manage web application page. I then cleared the indexing and ran the crawl fresh. The crawl rules are still ignored. Does anyone have any thoughts on this? I am very perplexed.
Well, I never was able to fully solve the issue. I did go into each list and library and under advanced settings selected 'No' for the search being able to crawl it. Though this solution will only go so far.
I still have the issues in my document libraries of the /Form/* content showing up in a search (Which only show up if you search for an item that also appears on the MasterPage).
Anyway, I can live with this half fixed as it is.

Setup Sharepoint search?

For some reason my search in the sharepoint site does not work.
I have set up the SSP, the scopes, the crawls, everything but it still does not work
Can someone explain to me how to setup the search? Maybe I did something wrong in the process.
It's not the simplest thing in the world to setup, as it's comprised of a number of components.
You need to check each one to determine where your problem is.
Start from the crawl, and work your way forward to the search production on the page.
So check the following:
Check some servers have been setup to index pages. (You can see this under services on servers in the central administration pages.)
Make sure they're all running correctly. (Not in a half started state.)
Check your crawl log in your SSP to see if it is indexing anything.
(Index different types of content, like file shares, web sites, and sharepoint itself. (check each one.)).
(Note you need a special plugin to index PDF's.).
Check your index is copied to the front end server where it is used.
If it's not, it may be because this hasn't been configured, (Check Services running on servers again)
Then check your site collection setup, and ensure you have a search site configured.
Ensure the site collection search details are configured to use the search site.
Finally check the user doing the searching actually has access to the content being indexed.
Doing all of that should give you some idea of where the problem is.
In addition to Bravax's answer its worth checking that you are not getting stung by the local loopback check.
I had similar problem and ended up using search server express which is free (see my answer from this link: sharepoint 2010 foundation search not working)
I have installed search server express 2010 on top of SPF which works great. it has additional features and work well with sharepoint foundation. her is a link for upgrade and configuration:
You need to crawl the the contents source and add the website to it, then run full crawl to index data.

WSS Search - Content inside webparts

How would you go about having WSS search index content that's inside a webpart/pulled from an external source and presented in a SPGridView?
You probably already know this, but if you go to Site Settings -> Search Visibility you will see a section stating:
This site contains fine-grained permissions. Specify the sites ASPX page indexing behavior: ...
If you choose "Always index all ASPX pages on this site" it should index the content in your web part, but only as the crawler sees it, so security trimming would not apply. It is basically a web crawl and not a SharePoint content crawl.
I know you said WSS, but in MOSS you might be able to take this one step further if the above did not work out and use a web site search on your SharePoint site. I have done plenty of web site searches (it does not work perfectly), but have not tried to explicitly do a web site search on a SharePoint site so I'm not certain this will work.
Lars (who co-wrote "Inside the Index and Search Engines: MOSS 2007") is pretty active on StackOverflow so maybe he'll chime in.
Also in MOSS: Have the data you are displaying available as for instance a web service / page in a different site also. In Moss you can add Federated Search locations to be included in the Search results.

Sharepoint Search doesn't work

Platform: MOSS 2007 on server 2008
Sharepoint is working etc...
Problem: When you search for something, it doesn't find anything, no errors.
Authentication and permissions look fine. Search service is up and running.
What could be the problem? Any checkpoints I might have missed, any bad configurations I should check, etc...?
You should start with checking the crawl log files. That will probably give some valuable information.
Also double check that the SSP is set up correctly, with a valid content source setup, valid starting addresses, schedule etc.
Make sure that no crawl rules prohibit any searches.
And lastly, no 3rd party/custom security trimmers installed that prohibit results to be shown.
Doesn't work is not a lot of use is it.
My first guess is: Have you configured the search correctly (crawl schedules, content sources etc.)
To setup search (crawl etc.) go to the Central Admin site and then to your Shared Service Provider. in the SSP Select Seearch Adminstration. in the menu on the left you can find the link "Content sources". In the following page you can select the Content Source (something like "SharePoint sites" (out of the box). selct edit in the context menu and define your crawl schedule. Then select the "start a full crawl" checkbox.
You should make sure that you've indexed your site.
