WSS Search - Content inside webparts - sharepoint

How would you go about having WSS search index content that's inside a webpart/pulled from an external source and presented in a SPGridView?

You probably already know this, but if you go to Site Settings -> Search Visibility you will see a section stating:
This site contains fine-grained permissions. Specify the sites ASPX page indexing behavior: ...
If you choose "Always index all ASPX pages on this site" it should index the content in your web part, but only as the crawler sees it, so security trimming would not apply. It is basically a web crawl and not a SharePoint content crawl.
I know you said WSS, but in MOSS you might be able to take this one step further if the above did not work out and use a web site search on your SharePoint site. I have done plenty of web site searches (it does not work perfectly), but have not tried to explicitly do a web site search on a SharePoint site so I'm not certain this will work.
Lars (who co-wrote "Inside the Index and Search Engines: MOSS 2007") is pretty active on StackOverflow so maybe he'll chime in.

Also in MOSS: Have the data you are displaying available as for instance a web service / page in a different site also. In Moss you can add Federated Search locations to be included in the Search results.


Crawl Sharepoint 2013 site as a regular web site

I've created a "branding" site with Sharepoint 2013. I'm not being able to configure the search engine so that it finds the content from the custom web parts. Most "static" content (institutional content) from the web site are displayed through custom web parts.
So my approach now is to try to configure the Content Search with "Web site" type, in order to have the crawl processing all pages as a regular website. But it's not working, it seems to keep crawling as a Sharepoint site, because the content from webparts are not being "searchable", even if I remove the "MicrosoftSharePointTeamServices" http header.
So, how could I configure the search in order to have the contents from web parts "searchable"?
Finally found the answer!
All webparts are rendered with class="noindex" by default, which causes crawl process to ignore it.
To solve the issue: go to "Site Settings" -> "Search and offline availability" and for "Indexing ASPX Page Content" configuration select "Always index all Web Parts on this site".
This will make sharepoint do not include "noindex" class anymore.
If there are any subsites, the configuration must be done at subsite leve as well.

How can we change the complete look and feel of Sharepoint Portal?

by Default there are Themes, I don't Like those. How can I modify It completely and make a professional website. I have found same Questions on this blog but all for MOSS2007. I am working on Sharepoint 2010
The way I modify sharepoint, is as I do with almost every other CMS out there combined with the power of asp .Net (Remember that as CMS' go sharepoint is a poor solution if the only thing you want is a portal. Sharepoint is first and foremost a BI Solution).
When you edit your site in sharepoint designer (Site Action -> Edit in sharepoint designer) you can see a whole lot of options.
Here you can change the default masterpage to accomodate the look and feel of your site. You will do most of the hiding stuff here (those you don't want to be seen giving them the visibility=false attribute). Here you can also include a new CSS (place it in site assets) where you can override already existing css files.
From this point on, you will be able to add web pages to the site, that will conform to the masterpage, and thus you can use all the sharepoint power (web parts and even embedded html code) keeping the look and feel you have implemented on your master page.
So what you need to do is:
Modify master page in sharepoint designer
Add css files in site assets and include them in your masterpage
Add any other aspx pages or custom web parts that you will refer to in the sharepoint site
Create web pages with sharepoint assets, web parts or custom code
Enable anonymous access for the people you want to view your portal without authenticating (Bear in mind that there are some sharepoint controls that can only be viewed by logged in users)
There are multiple ways of customizing it.
My perfered way is CSS.
Add reference to a custom css in master page using feature
Modify the look and feel by modifying sharepoint out-of-box CSS
Following resources gives all the details of SharePoint 2010 css classes.
I hope it helps.
Rajendra Shekhawat

Sharepoint 2010 web parts not displaying on one website, but are on the other

I'm working on remolding my companies current exsisting Sharepoint site. I installed the SP ZAP Slideshow webpart and went to the sharepoint site to insert it, and absolutely no webparts were listed. I went into the provided Sharepoint 2010 central administration and realized that everything seems to be listed as
When the website were hosting, and it should be listing is
I went to the /sitepages website and all the webparts exsisted and worked, however i need to get them working on the /sites page. Is there some way to switch it so it will not default all the webparts and content i'm uploading to the wrong page? I feel as though the wrong default page is listed? sorry new to all this!
Web Parts, which you see listed and are able to insert on a page when you edit it, come from the Web Part Gallery in the site collection. They are usually installed to the gallery when you activate their site collection-scope feature. Check what features you didn't activate in the new site collection - I suspect that one of them is responsible for the installation of Web Parts you are looking for. (The scope of the feature can be site collection or site - check both.)

sharepoint search problem

I'm working on a sharepoint project.
After I adding the search web part. The search function behaves weird.
I have crawled the content source and configured the permission.
The following search bar, no matter what I search, I got nothing
But the advanced search web part can work properly.
The thing is, in the result page of the advanced search web part, if I choose to see the result of my sharepoint website instead of "Any Site", I got nothing. I am sure that the result of "Any Site" is from my sharepoint site.
Any ideas will be appreciated.
You need to check your search log to make sure content is being crawled correctly. It looks like you do not have any results for your a particular site. modify your search webpart to show the scopes drop down an experiment to find out which scopes are not responding correctly and debug from there.
You need to ask this question on or as this site trys to deal with programming specific errors only.
It sounds like you might be crawling a non default zone. Maybe you're crawling an intranet or extranet zone. Make sure you crawl the default zone and that the default zone has NTLM authentication enabled and that the crawler has access to the web application via full read policy.
If this is SharePoint 2010 Foundation and you have named your documents_with_underscores, the underscores are not word breakers and as a result no matter what you search for "Documents" "with" or "underscores", in that case, would be successful. The word "with" would be removed by the content processor (search query and site settings service) in 2010 and the other two words would not be read as separate words because 2010 foundation would treat documents_with_underscores as one word. If you searched for "documents_with_underscores" you would find it.

How to provision a custom page without using the _layouts directory?

I need to provision a custom aspx page which does some work and then redirects to another page. Using a _layouts page, AKA an application page won't work since I only want this page accessible to one site collection.
I looked at using pattern #4 from blog post Application Development on MOSS 2007 and WSS V3. It feels pretty hacky, and it asks you to drop the DLL. Drop it into the bin of the site collection, and upload the file through SP Designer.
I'd rather have this page be a feature that gets included in my site definition or stapled to an existing site definition. I imagine I could use a feature receiver to deploy the files to the pages SP list. One of the comments on the blog post says as much:
Pardon my ignorance on this maybe I am
missing the point completely but
wouldnt it be easier to deploy your
custom pages by programmatically
adding them to the pages splist?
I basically, had a simple .aspx page
with a user control. I deployed it via
this method.
How can a custom page be provisioned without using a _layouts page?
I guess another option is to keep using a _layouts page, but make sure the referrer is correct.
Besides application pages, you also have the possibility to create site pages.
Site pages are in nature related to application pages, but they reside in a site not in _LAYOUTS.
The welcome page (default.aspx) is an example of such a page.
In the same way as with application pages, it is possible to do codebehind in these pages (check out AC's article on this subject, Using ASP.NET 2.0 Code Behind Files in SharePoint v3 Sites)
You can read this article regarding the subtle differences between application pages and site pages: SharePoint Application and Site Pages - Part 1 of 2
You deploy this custom page using a feature, where you specify the file as ghostable (look at the example in ACs article).
