Superior DNS Management Options? [closed] - dns

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Closed 11 years ago.
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I have quite a few domains that I manage (100+) and I'm getting tired of GoDaddy's management. Whenever I need to make changes shifting things around to DreamHost or Heroku to Google App Engine or my own VPS and private servers things eventually get hairy and it's tiresome to have to go to multiple locations in order to manage things.
I was curious if there was a solid option for developers that need robust domain management. I don't really (and PLEASE correct me if I'm wrong) see an answer with DynDNS or EasyDNS options. Perhaps I'm overlooking something.
I'm really looking for a single console to rule them all (i.e., register wherever and set NS entries to the master service) and to then be able to go into a domain and, by using a template split everything out to where I want it go go. In other words by setting up my own DNS templates I could with one fell swoop set up Google Apps sub domains, development dyndns cnames, AWS CDNs, etc. etc. etc.
Anyone aware of such a comprehensive solution?

I'm quite happy with DynDNS but I'm equally satisfied with Zerigo. Templates, AJAX interface, migration tools, an API...
Short of deploying your own infrastructure or piggybacking off something like Dynect, I'd hazard that Zerigo should do everything you want. The fact that it's recently been acquired by 8x8 suggests other people agree.
[I don't work for them if this sounds like a plug ;)]


Sharing of information between back end and front end developers [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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This question is not related to code or any bug. I have an organisation related query. I am a front end developer. I consume web API's developed by the back end developers in my company. The problem here is, they share it via postman. API's are segregated project wise in folders. Problem is, the nomenclature of the API as well as the functionality differs. This creates lot of confusion for me while consuming API's. secondly, There is no indication that whether the API is deployed on a server or not. So sometimes, I end up writing the code and realize that the specific API is not deployed yet.
My question is, how does the world do it? How is the communication between developers established with this specific domain? How can one overcome this problem?
I hope i interpret your question correctly:
One of the methods used in the industry is scrum (specifically daily stand ups) where you talk about the work you intend to perform that day. This will give the back-end guys an opportunity to tell you its not yet ready. It really depends on the culture in the company. Why are they writing endpoints not yet deployed, and if not deployed, how difficult is it for you to make them deploy them?
Another way is DevOps which many think of as scrum for the entire value chain.
These methologies are however not something you can dictate, but they arose because of the problem you are refering to.
In practice: You should probably ask to get another folder called "SafeToUse" or "ReadyForConsumption" in Postman and in this way you can clearly see whats on its way and whats ready.
I hope this answers your question. I can't recommend anything more specific not knowing the kind of work you perform - normally in my experience the front- and backend for a given project is developed with close communication.

Is G-Wan web server already dead? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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We are using this server for almost a year now.
Last forum post seen in November, 2011.
Last server version released 28/03/12.
Just wondering if anyone knows whats happening inside the company?
Should we expect something or should we start looking for alternatives?
I did what you did not do: using email to ask the question to the people able to answer.
And they replied that:
the forum was closed because they could not cope with the amount of accounts created daily to publish junk
the next version will be the most important ever made for G-Wan, with new features like a caching reverse proxy and an elastic load-balancer as well as system replacements like a wait-free memory allocator.
With regard to such developments, a 3-month period without publishing releases sounds reasonable.
More reasonable than assuming that such an 'inactivity period' means that "the project is dead".
Would you say that for other Web servers like Apache which have much larger release cycles?
You should always be expecting something from G-WAN. It's a great piece of software. Here's the other thing too: G-WAN was expertly engineered. That doesn't mean that there are no bugs in it, or that features can't be implemented, but G-WAN is incredibly tight.
It has lean code, it does what it supposed to do, very well, and it is built for the developer to add in the functionality that hasn't been put in there yet.
That's the beauty of it, or one facet of the beauty.

How do I setup a dyn-dns like service with a Custom domain? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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Simply put, I have a domain,
I want to point to my pc IP (which is dynamic)
any available solutions?
I need a Mac client to update the changing IP, and a service to run on my domain to get those updates.
Something like
( I have a domain from Dreamhost if that helps..)
You can set up a CNAME entry so that is an alias to a dyndns name. I know that doesn't strictly answer the question of how to run a dyndns-like service yourself, but it will achieve the effect you described with a minimum of effort.
How to set up DNS service dynamic / static is a good place to start. Technically, the concepts are not difficult, but much easier if you use a DNS server that is able to use MySQL or some other database. For example: MySQL BIND SDB Driver ...
The project was started so that we could automatically create sub-domains for user's homepages on account creation.
By far this is the easiest approach and allows you to write a very thin client that can send a quick web request to your system to update the DNS based on your new IP ... Maybe even build your own REST API ...
You could combine cron (or, since you're using a Mac, launchd) and the DreamHost API to achieve the result you want, as described here.

Which hosting provider supports Haskell? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I have a hosting account with GoDaddy, but it does not support Haskell.
I recommend amazon web services, $15/month for a micro instance for testing/devel, and the costs go up from there depending on your needs. For the love of all that is good and wonderful in this universe, however, do not use godaddy for anything but SSL certificates and domain names. This just seems like an absolutely horrible idea. They're just not the kinda people you want to work with on things like that.
As alternative VPS providers go, there are slicehost, linode, rackspace cloud, and I'm sure some others too. In my experience with rackspace cloud, slicehost, and AWS, AWS has been best by far.
NearlyFreeSpeech is a web hosting provider that supports Haskell as CGI language (list of languages supported).
I'm hosting my personal webpage with them, although I don't have experience with the CGI part, because my site is entirely static.
GHC compiles Haskell code to a UNIX executable, so anything that can run an arbitrary executable file and has some kind of front-facing server (e.g. nginx with mod_proxy) capable of proxying to your Haskell process is all you need.
If you are planning anything serious that is a little non-standard, get a VPS somewhere. It’s ~350$/year and you have a little virtual machine on which your are alone and you are root

SharePoint availability [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I want to create a SharePoint Server setup that will allow applications to be highly avaliable. Say if we have a portal in SharePoint, and I wanted to make it available always. I know it has to do with WFE. Someone guide me with article or Arch that need to be set for this.
Having multiple WFE (Web Front-ends) will make the web part of your SharePoint more reliable -- if one goes down, you can have your load-balancer stop sending requests to it. There is no way to ensure 100% uptime -- reliability is a combination of having redundancy (in hardware and services), monitoring, 24x7 staff to fix problems, etc.
Some things to look at:
Plan for Redundancy
Plan for Availability
There are third-party products that can help with fail-over, but I haven't used one to recommend.
See Lou's links. You can have redundant WFEs, query servers, and application servers as well as cluster your database.
Note that you cannot have a redundant index server unless you have two SSPs that basically index the same content. The query servers get the index replicated on them, so if the index server goes down you can still perform a query, the index will just not be updated until the index server comes back online. If you can't get it back online you will need to rebuild your index (full crawls).
