I've found a bunch of web sites that use wlWriterEditableSmartContent to show source code in a pretty-print sort of way. Where can I get that class to use on my own web sites?
This looks like the correct answer to my question...
We have many different documentation sites and I would like to search a keyword across all of these sites. How can I do that?
I already thought about implementing a simple web scraper, but this seems like a very ugly solution.
An alternative may be to use Elasticsearch and somehow point it to the different doc repos.
Are there better suggestions?
Algolia is the absolute best solution that I can think of. There's also Typesense and Meilisearch of course.
Algolia is meant specifically for situations like yours, so it even comes with a crawler.
Here's a fun page comparing them (probably a little biased in Typesense's favor)
Here are some example sites that use Algolia Search
If you personally are just trying to search for a keyword, as long as they're indexed by Google, you can always search with the format site:{domain} "keyword"
You can checkout Meilisearch for your use case. Meilisearch is a Rust based and open sourced search engine.
Meilisearch comes with a document scraper tool ( https://github.com/meilisearch/docs-scraper ) that can scrape content and then also index it.
While using it you need to define what exact content you are searching for in the configuration file for the scraper tool. And then you can run the tool using Docker.
I want to define a new template called "product".
This template calls an external service and retrieves the information about that specific product. That is easily done with a custom plugin that access the product information. Information on how to do that has been found here.
However, I would like that the URL of the page would be something like:
So I can retrieve in the Twig template both <id> and <seo-friendly-description> which will be used later to retrieve the specific product information.
I have tried to find something that could help in the documentation, without success. Could someone either point me to the right doc section or highlight the basic steps that shall be achieved so I can start solving this issue?
Just in case it helps, I am trying to find something similar to how bottle or other web frameworks work:
def greet(name):
return 'Hello ' + name
I've been building a family recipebook into my own website and I've been working through a similar problem. I haven't quite worked out all the kinks, but my solution is mostly working if you want to checkout my github repo.
In short, you need the plugin to watch what the active route is. If the route matches, you then create the page and populate it using your plugin data.
I haven't quite figured out how to get the active page to highlight in the navigation menu for generated pages, but you might still find this solution helpful.
I can't find simple solution for suggestion in php/java script (no jQuery or something) so would like if some have some advice?
It is simple, when people search my site I want they to see suggestions, I made everything for 'feeding' that box, but can't code or find somewhere simple php/java script only solution, so please give me some useful link or code.
Also, forgot to say that I found "XMLHttpRequest" and made implementation which works great, but since I never ever used XMLHttpRequest I am not sure will it work all platforms and browsers? I tested in few (IE,F,Chorme,Safary) and it works on windows platform, but not sure will it work on other (Mobile platform for example) that XMLHttpRequest solution?
Go to the below link to find an awesome auto complete script without using any kind of javascript frameworks like jQuery or Prototype. Probably this might be the thing you are looking for.
Giving some extra links below you can find similar auto complete or
auto search without jQuery
Is there any sort of documentation on exactly what parameters you can put in the url of Google viewer?
Originally, I thought it was just url,embedded,chrome, but I've recently come accross other funny ones like a,pagenumber, and a few others for authentication etc.
Any clues?
One I know is "chrome"
If you've got https://docs.google.com/viewer?........;chrome=true
then you see a fairly heavy UI version of that doc, however with "chrome=false" you get a compact version.
But indeed, I'd like a complete list myself!
I know this question is very old and perhaps you already solved your issue, but for anyone on the internet who might be looking for an answer...
I have been looking for this recently, following a guide I found on GitHub Gist
More specifically, the option to embed a certain page of pdf using
<iframe src="https://docs.google.com/viewer?srcid=[put your file id here]&pid=explorer&efh=false&a=v&chrome=false&embedded=true" width="580px" height="480px"></iframe>
The best I could fing was this article (I suppose from a long time now)
HOWEVER, I tried modifying the attributes and the result was simply a redirect to
https://drive.google.com/file/d/[ID]/preview or
I'm also on a quest to discover some of the parameters of the viewer.
the "chrome" parameter doesn't seem to do anything, though. Is this
supposed to be the same as embedded=true?
Parameters I know of:
url= (obviously)
embedded= (obviously)
hl= set language of UI (tooltips)
#:0.page.1 = jump to page 2 (page 1 is numbered 0) - this is unreliable and often requires a refresh after the first load,
defeating the purpose.
That said, when I use the Google Docs viewer on my site, "fit page to
screen" is the default view without any parameters. So maybe I'm
misunderstanding your question.
Source: For convenience, this is a full quote of the sole answer (it is from user k3david) to the crosspost of this question #Doc has posted to the Google support forum in 2011.
You can pass q=whatever to pass a search query to the viewer.
I'm trying to develop a website using Visualforce with Apex.
But I'm unable.
Please me with the documents and websites regarding them, I'm unable to find docs regarded Visualforce.
The best thing you can do to get started is checkout:
An Introduction to Force.com Sites
Visualforce documentation: http://www.salesforce.com/us/developer/docs/pages/index.htm
Based on the comment to the question (doesn't really answer the original question):
Let's say your salesforce environment is on https://na5.salesforce.com, your visualforce page is called "myPage", and you want to display on it data from "myCustomObject__c". Let's also say that there exists at least 1 record in the table of myCustomObjects and it's ID is "0067000000AH3ME" (you can see the ID of the object in the URL when you view it like https://na5.salesforce.com/0067000000AH3ME).
If your visualforce page looks similar to this:
<apex:page standardController="myCustomObject__c">
<apex:pageBlock title="Hi Javatechi">
<p>You're viewing the {!myCustomObject__c.Name} record.</p>
<apex:detail relatedList="false" />
Then this page should display something meaningful when you visit it via this url:
If you'll be able to make this example work for you, all the rest like <apex:inputField> and <apex:commandButton> should start to work too.
Run screaming from salesforce now, before it is too late. It only gets worse.