php-gtk2 installation on windows 7 - php-gtk

i have downloaded the second link as shown , unzipped it. copied everything from php folder of my xampp installation into this php-gtk folder. im trying to run php-gtk sample helloworld.php program from the command prompt by typing drive\php-gtk2\helloworld.php. i have renamed php (application file) to php-gtk in this folder. It opens up test file in text editor but doesn't run it.
How to install and run program in php-gtk.Any help. Thx in advance

After downloading php-gtk, extract everything in a folder, let's say php-gtk, put that folder in any drive of your choice, then open php files with gtk code by
right click on the file
open with
browse to the folder php-gtk(in the drive u saved)
then select php.exe or php-win.exe
also you can run the program from command line by typing
cd C:\php-gtk


Mingw-W64 is downloaded as a winrar file not as an installer.exe and even i can't install it as a winrar when i extract it

I want to install Mingw-W64, but the download is in winrar form not in a .exe. When I extract, it the folder is filled with bunch of files. None of them contains the installer.
I searched, but nothing is working. All I want is the installer.exe but every time it's just an archive.
I found a video, but there is a problem when I tried the instructions. The download kept restarting and nothing happened. When I extracted the archive the files are not same as shown in the video.
There is a windows installer at the msys2 official website . Follow the guides for a successful installation.
Alternatively you need to extract the downloaded files to a path like the root of your C: drive and add the contents to your system or user path as an environment variable.

how to move workspace(a simple project) from windows file system (/mnt/) to linux (~/home)

I am developing a Django project (nothing) and trying to use using WSL2.
so if I use the Ubuntu Terminal from Windows to create a project and try running it in VScode, I got this little message,
I just don't know how to do that at all,
it's the first time I tried to use WSL2 (which is awesome), if someone could help, thank you very much.
If you have your project in some mounted folder -> linux path starting with /mnt/ e.g.
When you open VS Code in this directory (via running command code . or opening the VS Code from windows) you get the warning:
This workspace is on the Windows file system (/mnt/). For best performance, we recommend moving the workspace to the Linux file system (~/home).
The solution is easy -> move/copy the project folder to ~/my_project/ directory:
In WSL terminal:
Recursively copy all files from source-path to destination-path and if the folder ~/my_project/ does not exists, it will be created
cp -R /mnt/c/Users/rasto/Desktop/some_folder/my_project/ ~/my_project
Move to the directory in your terminal
cd ~/my_project
And open VS Code from console with
code .
Note: To open VS Code from terminal you must have installe extension Remote Development extension pack
Note2: To access the linux folder from windows file explorer just right click in VS Code explorer and Reveal in explorer or with the path like: \\wsl$\Ubuntu-18.04\home\rasto\my_projects

nwjs How to distribute app on linux?

I'm using nwjs 0.14.7, and ubuntu 32bit.
I recently updated from 0.12.2, and now the build process seems to be different or doesn't work.
I've added my files to package.nw and then appended to nw via:
cat nw app.nw > app && chmod +x app
Then in the docs it says "On Linux, you need to create proper .desktop file."
But there aren't any directions specific for this case, If I try running nw, it says "There is no application installed for "shared library" files. Do you want to search for an application to open this file?"
So I'm assuming the .desktop file would fix this? It says you can create it via a text editor, but I have no idea what I should put inside it. For 0.12.2 the .desktop step wasn't necessary so I'm a bit lost now.
I know I am using ubuntu 14.04 and what I did worked for me so this is how I did it.
Create a .desktop file for your app by: right click on mouse then 'New Document => Empty Document'.
2.inside the document insert the following text:
[Desktop Entry]
Version=1.0 (this is the version of the .desktop file and not your app version)
Exec=/home/artechs/projects/copa-linux-x64/nw (this is the full path for the executable file)
Name=copa (this will show up on the menu)
Comment=secure sharing files application (this will show up if you right click on the app)
Icon=/home/artechs/projects/copa-linux-x64/package.nw/app/styles/COPA LOGO RGB-01.png (for the icon of this file and also the icon that will show up on the share applications)
Categories=Utility;Application; on the menu bar 'File => Save As...' and give it a name with .desktop extension for example copa.desktop
4.go to Terminal and to your app folder where this file is located and type: chmod +x <nameOFDesktopFile>.desktop you need to copy this file to share applications folder by type: cp <nameOFDesktopFile>.desktop /usr/share/applications
After doing this steps I could run my app through this desktop file or through the search by searching the name of my app.
Hope it will work for you as it worked for me.

How can a zip-file via NSIS be unzipped and the NSIS-scriptfile into folder be executed automatically?

I am writting a NSIS-script for installs of the programs and put into folder. The folder is zipped via NSIS. I want, that someone clicks once the zip-file and it will be unzipped and executed the NSIS-script into folder. But how?
Update: I explain again. NSIS has the compiler for NSIS script and Installer based on ZIP! Firstly, I write a NSIS script to install some programs in a folder. Executing the NSIS script is working! I dont want to send the folder, but I want to send only one file. So I am using the Installer based on ZIP to zip the folder. But if I click the zipped file, it will be unzipped on desktop without executing the NSIS script into folder. So I have to click the NSIS script into folder. That I dont want! I want to click only on zipped file and it will be unzipped and executed automatically the NSIS script. Clearly?
.zip files cannot execute code.
NOTE: The ZIP2EXE NSIS tool uses makensis internally, it is just a helper application that creates simple installers.
Your question is confusing, but I believe that what you want to do is create a self extracting archive that contains multiple files and run and NSIS installer contained in that archive it is unpacked.
You can do this with 7zip.
It's easiest to do this with a dos batch file. Open notepad and create "selfinstall.bat"
Add the following;
ECHO ;!#Install#!UTF-8!
ECHO Title="My Installer"
ECHO BeginPrompt="Do you want to run the installer?"
ECHO ExecuteFile="Setup.exe"
ECHO ;!#InstallEnd#!
) > temp.$$$
This sets up the information that the self extracter needs such as it's title (My Installer) and the name of the executable to run (Setup.exe)
Then, add the lines to create your zip file
7z a -r files.7z myfolder
where myfolder is the name of the folder that has all the files.
Now, add the installer - Make sure that the installer (Setup.exe) is in the root of the .7z file
7z a files.7z Setup.exe
Then, copy the self extracter and the 7z to a single executable file
copy /b 7z.sfx + temp.$$$ + files.7z "Install.exe"
Then delete your temp files
del files.7z
del temp.$$$
I adapted this from a script I saw here;
For more information on the .SFX modules see here;
There's also a sourceforge project for a GUI to accomplish this;

TYPO3 Dumy package does not show installation screen

I am trying to install the Dummy package to my laptop.
I have installed WAMP and i have placed the dummy package into the WWW directory.
However when i go to my Localhost from WAMP and click on the dummy page, instead of showing me the installation screen it shows my the directory index.
to create ENABLE_INSTALL_TOOL just use command line
win+r -> type cmd -> navigate to directory -> type: echo > ENABLE_INSTALL_TOOL
Dummy package has no sources inside, you can see, there's no even index.php file.
Use Source + Dummy which will give you an empty TYPO3 system or even better Introduction Package for learning purposes - working and containing lot of samples.
To create ENABLE_INSTALL_TOOL make sure that your system displays files' names with extension ie: open with the Windows Explorer folder where you unziped the package and make sure that it can see filenames as INSTALL.txt (not only INSTALL) if it doesn't you need to search in options of Windows Explorer...)
Then go to folder typo3conf and create just common, empty file ENABLE_INSTALL_TOOL.txt and finally chane it's name and remove .txt extension.
TYPOe install tool will be satisfied.
