how to move workspace(a simple project) from windows file system (/mnt/) to linux (~/home) - linux

I am developing a Django project (nothing) and trying to use using WSL2.
so if I use the Ubuntu Terminal from Windows to create a project and try running it in VScode, I got this little message,
I just don't know how to do that at all,
it's the first time I tried to use WSL2 (which is awesome), if someone could help, thank you very much.

If you have your project in some mounted folder -> linux path starting with /mnt/ e.g.
When you open VS Code in this directory (via running command code . or opening the VS Code from windows) you get the warning:
This workspace is on the Windows file system (/mnt/). For best performance, we recommend moving the workspace to the Linux file system (~/home).
The solution is easy -> move/copy the project folder to ~/my_project/ directory:
In WSL terminal:
Recursively copy all files from source-path to destination-path and if the folder ~/my_project/ does not exists, it will be created
cp -R /mnt/c/Users/rasto/Desktop/some_folder/my_project/ ~/my_project
Move to the directory in your terminal
cd ~/my_project
And open VS Code from console with
code .
Note: To open VS Code from terminal you must have installe extension Remote Development extension pack
Note2: To access the linux folder from windows file explorer just right click in VS Code explorer and Reveal in explorer or with the path like: \\wsl$\Ubuntu-18.04\home\rasto\my_projects


How to copy Pyramid project?

How can I copy Pyramid project to another computer? I was following Pyramid's tutorial SQLAlchemy + URL dispatch and finished first four chapters. I wasn't home so I copied directory with my project to my laptop to be able to go through it. I opened directory with VSCode, it automatically opened virtual environment that was installed (with python3 -m venv env). I tried few commands but got error:
bash: env/bin/pip: /home/user/path/to/project/env/bin/python3.5: bad interpreter: No such file or directory
This got me thinking, how am I supposed to copy my project to another machine? Obviously, simple copying of directory doesn't work (because of virtual environment).
Virtual environments are not relocatable. Recreate your virtual environment from scratch.

How to run Node.js after downloading binary version for Windows

If I downloaded Windows Binary version (.zip, node-v8.11.4-win-x64) from and unpack the ZIP, what the next should I do? I'm newbie in NodeJS and can't find the answer in the docs
I see the file node.exe inside of unpacked folder and as I know it's so-called "repl".
Where should I create the working folder for the projects and the file hello-world.js?
And in which Windows' terminal can I run the commands?
Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit
You should put node.exe on your system PATH, that way you can use it from any directory. Here's a guide to edit path on Windows 7:
You can then start it in any CMD shell or in PowerShell.
To test, start a new CMD window, and type
node -v
This should give you the node version.
I'd suggest you create something like a Projects directory for your code in your \user dir, with a subdirectory per project.
Once you've all this in place, just navigate to your project dir in your chosen shell and :
node hello-world.js

How do I open GitKraken after installation on Windows 10?

It seems that this is a real issue. In How to Install GitKraken, they point to a %APPDATA%/.gitkraken folder. Once there, you have "profiles" and "service" folders and "config", "log" and "secFile" files. Inside those folders, there are no signs of an executable. It's not under Program Files, nor in the PATH environment variable, it's nowhere to be found. If you install it again, it opens normally and logged in your profile, but after closing it, there's no way to open it again. There are no shortcuts.
What am I missing?
By default GitKraken is installed to your local app data folder. You can find the executable file inside %LOCALAPPDATA%\gitkraken\app-<app-version>
As of this writing, the latest version is 2.0.1 so the exe will be %LOCALAPPDATA%\gitkraken\app-2.0.1\gitkraken.exe
And easier way to open the software would be using the shortcut in the start menu:

Installing Emacs Emulation keybindings -- Invalid VSIX package

I'm trying to install the extension for Visual Studio 2012 that allows emacs key-bindings.
I'm following through the steps here:
Emacs Keybindings in Visual Studio 2012 or 2013
I'm up to step 5:
Run the vsik file as administrator. This is required so the extension
can write Emacs.vsk into the program files folder. I wasn't sure the
best way to do this so I ran a command prompt as admin and then
executed start emacsemulations.vsik from the prompt.
So, running emacsemulations.vsix from an administrator command prompt,
I get the following error "This VSIX package is invalid because it does not contain the file extension.vsixmanifest at the root."
I'm not changing any of the file names inside the package.
I'm thinking this may have something to do with how windows zips up the file -- I'm able to recreate the problem simply by unzipping and rezipping the EmacsEmulation.vsix file without changing the contents of the vsix package.
If anyone has any suggestions on how to fix, or even better, the actual updated vsix file itself, I'd be very grateful!
The issue you have relies on the way you are zipping your file, what you should do is zip all files inside the folder you created (in this case, "EmacsEmulations") when you unzipped it.
Step into the EmacsEmulations folder.
Select all files.
Add to .zip
Rename the .zip output to EmacsEmulations.vsix
I'm trying to get this extension to work too, so good luck!

php-gtk2 installation on windows 7

i have downloaded the second link as shown , unzipped it. copied everything from php folder of my xampp installation into this php-gtk folder. im trying to run php-gtk sample helloworld.php program from the command prompt by typing drive\php-gtk2\helloworld.php. i have renamed php (application file) to php-gtk in this folder. It opens up test file in text editor but doesn't run it.
How to install and run program in php-gtk.Any help. Thx in advance
After downloading php-gtk, extract everything in a folder, let's say php-gtk, put that folder in any drive of your choice, then open php files with gtk code by
right click on the file
open with
browse to the folder php-gtk(in the drive u saved)
then select php.exe or php-win.exe
also you can run the program from command line by typing
cd C:\php-gtk
