Anyone know of a good "cookbook" for smartGWT? - reference

I've done UI dev before, but not SmartGWT. Wanted to know if there is any such "cookbook" of best practices and "how-to's" - outside of the ShowCase that any of you would strongly recommend.

The QuickStart Guide first:
Definitely read cover to cover.
Then the public wiki has stuff for specific scenarios (eg how to set up JBoss with SmartGWT Messaging):


Pagination directive in angular-material

Is there any pagination directive in angular-material to use with md-list?
These do work, but are not material design based.
I'm not sure that you can mix these 2 projects but I would look to use bootstrap for angular, with a customization for materiel design;
If it's not shaping enough for material design, here for the customization:
Recently I've made a package md-collection-pagination that is great for this use case.

Using the Extension Library Navigator

Does anyone know of a good tutorial or YouTube video that explains how to set up and use the Navigator in the IBM Xpages Extension Library?
It is a bit confusing with all the options, types of nodes, and Select & Submit Values. Hope to find something that shows the simple way to use this tool along with some of the Advanced capabilities.
I did a quick youtube video where I show just the simplest use of it. enjoy
Is there anything specific you want to know?
Hopefully a good tutorial is the XPages Extension Library book. It goes into detail on all the various node types.

Tapestry Component Life Cycle with Example

Can anyone share the link or some good tutorial about the Tapestry components life cycle with tutorial?
There is a lot explained here if you did not see this yet:
You could also take a look at the tapestry source:
If you like to learn by the example here you can find a great example of the tapestry component lifecycle by Geoff Callender, it's called What is called and when.
You also 've a similiar example but for ajax requests here.
I 've found the whole page very useful and I recommend you to browse every example of the Tapestry Jumpstart web page.

Starting on AutoMapper

I found Automapper quite interesting from the concept. I however am trying to burn (or heat up) my fingers on it. Can somebody help me to start on this? I am yet to understand where from I can start for this. I shall like to write some code from scratch (and not use a sample of others) and then do it. A step by step hand-holding will be the most welcome help.
As Darin said, the first place to go is the home page of AutoMapper and the documentation. If you need something like a How To, I would suggest you this article: and here is an example how to map view models in ASp.Net MVC ->
Hope that helps you a little bit ;-9

Form validation in addition to YUI

I'm in the process of adding some much needed client side form validation to a website I'm working on. We're currently using YUI. YUI doesn't have any form validation built in as I can see(prove me wrong).
I googled it
It's not important that it's a YUI-extension as long as it plays along with YUI in a civilized manner.
What should I go for? Anyone out there with experience and an opinion?
There's a module in the gallery:
I haven't used it, but it looks pretty good to me.
Looks like we'll go for
Lightweight and standalone. Will not interfere with YUI.
