Payment gateway for iphone app - payment

I'm thinking to build a payment application that will capture the credit card information from the application and use HTTPS POST(3rd party payment gateway) to perform the credit card transaction.
Since this application is capturing the credit card information so do I need to make the application to be PCI compliant? If yes, how to do it?

The answer is YES.
Please refer this link for clarifications.
As per the site
The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) is a set of requirements designed to ensure that ALL companies that process, store or transmit credit card information maintain a secure environment. Essentially any merchant that has a Merchant ID (MID).
The Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council (PCI SSC) was launched on September 7, 2006 to manage the ongoing evolution of the Payment Card Industry (PCI) security standards with focus on improving payment account security throughout the transaction process. The PCI DSS is administered and managed by the PCI SSC (, an independent body that was created by the major payment card brands (Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover and JCB.).
It is important to note, the payment brands and acquirers are responsible for enforcing compliance, not the PCI council.


What security measurements we should take if we are storing banking details?

I am developing a mobile app, a market place buyers and sellers can meet.
When making payments, the buyer will have to enter his credit card information every time, because we are not saving them.
To get paid, sellers need to have their bank details stored with us (That's what we think). We are planning to use a payment gateway like Stripe or Braintree.
Now, we have 2 questions.
Instead of we storing the bank details, can we shift this responsibility to the payment gateway provider? So the information are with that service and not with us.
If it is mandatory for us to keep the bank details, what security measures we need to take?
I can't speak for Braintree, but Stripe can handle storing those. I'd suggest reaching out to them to tell them more about your use case and ask for more details.

What credit card swiper will work with stripe?

We built an ecommerce platform (like a Shopify) that allows our customers - the merchants to accept payments for products.
As of now, all payments are accepted online. When they sign up to use our service, they also sign up for stripe and we process payments through their hosted form for ease of PCI Compliance.
In a live setting, many of our customers want to use a swiper to accept payments for their products rather than typing in a credit card number on a tablet.
Do you have any suggestions for a third party swiper provider with an API that we can integrate?
Stripe now offers its own set of supported EMV devices:
You can also use PayWorks or CardFlight (as of today) and can find those integrations here:
Lastly, if your'e just looking to use a magstripe reader, you should email into Support for more guidance.

Accept direct credit card payments with PayPal, without incurring PCI compliance issues?

Stripe, using its stripe.js library, will exchange customer credit card information in a payment form for a token using javascript, entirely on the client. Our server never sees the credit card, only the token. As a result, we can avoid PCI compliance issues on our servers and still do direct credit card transactions.
Does PayPal offer any product that similarly allows me to directly charge customer cards, without incurring PCI compliance requirements on my servers?
Note: I see that PayPal offers a vault API to exchange credit card numbers for tokens. However, this API itself requires an OAuth bearer token that must be kept as a server secret, not to be shared with browser clients. Therefore, the CC# must travel to our servers for the vault API call to be issued, and therefore incurs PCI compliance requirements on those servers. I wonder, is it perhaps possible to generate an OAuth token that only has permissions to write new credit cards into the vault? I could then give this limited-scope bearer token to a javascript client library, and call it from the client, effectively replicating what stripe.js does.
(Context for the question: we need to accept PayPal due to customer demand, but also want to accept credit cards directly. I either need to use Stripe and write my payment processing code twice for two separate integrations, or I need to find a solution via PayPal that doesn't involve PCI compliance, as that is a headache I definitely want to avoid.)
The process described above is called client side tokenization. PayPal does support tokens, but not for credit card data and thus you can't capture credit card info on your own page without PCI. Seems kinda odd that PayPal is one of the few major credit card processors that doesn't support it.

Not sure which Google Wallet API to use

I'm building an application for a new small business. They run events at race tracks, and the application is a registration system for said events. As a small business the owner doesn't want to worry about handling people's credit card info. They are just starting up and we are building from the ground up. So we are looking at using third party services like Google Wallet and PayPal.
So looking at the documentation, we have the Instant Buy API. Seeing as we aren't planning on taking direct credit card payments, it seems like a pain to setup payment processing through another service to use the Instant Buy. But we aren't selling a "Digital Good", as far as I can tell (I haven't seen a documented definition for this), so does that mean we can't use the API for Digital Goods? I haven't found any documentation that lays this out as a policy. It seems like it would be a lot simpler to implement, even with the cut Google takes.
There is a page at the google wallet documentation site called Which API Should I Use?, the first item there is:
The quick answer: it depends on your goals, your platform and what
kind of goods or services you're selling. The Instant Buy APIs are for
selling physical goods, while digital goods sellers should use the
Google Wallet for Digital Goods API for web apps or Google Play In-app
Billing for Android for native Android apps. To engage your customers
with offers and loyalty programs, use the Wallet Objects API.
Now, the Instant Buy APIs are for those business that have an existing payment gateway setup, but need to offer Google Wallet as a payment option.
In your situation, as you don't have a payment processor setup:
To sell physical goods on web apps and mobile apps that run on
browsers, use Instant Buy for web. You'll keep your existing payment
processor and optimize your payment flow with Google Wallet, just like
with Android. You can use Instant Buy for web to sell digital goods,
but if you lack a payment processor or resources to maintain and
develop a PCI-compliant online store, you should use the Google Wallet
for Digital Goods API.

Use Google wallet with braintree payment gateway

I want to know, can i use google wallet with braintree payment gateway in android application. To be more technical clear, take MASKEDWallet from google wallet and fetch all useful information from it and send it to braintree payment gateway for completing the purchase.
Please help.
I'm a couple of days into working on same, so this is devoid of technical specifics (more conceptual). Also I'm doing so on the "web" side of Wallet Instant Buy (not Android), though the concept of sending payment details through, and meeting (PCI) requirements, to your (any) credit card payment gateway should be the same.
Unless I'm corrected by a Googler:
You'll need to make a FullWalletRequest to obtain the "full wallet" which means the actual card details that you need to send to your gateway (card no, cvc/cvv, expiration, billing address etc.).
At which point, it wouldn't differ from any other/existing (gateway type) credit card processing.
At the end of the day, what Google Wallet Instant Buy does:
provide a merchant application (droid/ios/web) a "Virtual Onetime Card", which,
represents a Google Wallet user's real card stored in his/her Google Wallet account, therefore securing actual card details and scoping the transaction (because it's one-time)
I would think the only possible caveat is whether or not a gateway accepts such type of of card (" a MasterCard-branded virtual prepaid debit card")..unlikely that would be an issue (in US, which is where the API is limited to at this time...)....
Digressing a bit. The other caveat that comes to mind is if you employ some fraud screening service. You're given a "virtual card" (not the real card of a cardholder), so if your service uses/needs that information to come up with a risk score, then its something you need to account for...
