CoreFoundation: Receive/process notifications in background thread - multithreading

I'm writing a simple application that should be able to receive and process notifications in a background thread using Apple's CoreFoundation framework. Here is what I'm trying to accomplish:
static void DummyCallback(CFNotificationCenterRef center,
void *observer,
CFStringRef name,
const void *object,
CFDictionaryRef userInfo) {
void *ThreadStart(void *arg) {
printf("background thread: run run loop (should take 5 sec to exit)\n");
int retval = CFRunLoopRunInMode(kCFRunLoopDefaultMode, 5, true);
printf("background thread: exited from run loop (retval: %d)\n", retval);
return NULL;
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
pthread_t thread;
int rc = pthread_create(&thread, NULL, &ThreadStart, NULL);
assert(rc == 0);
printf("main: sleep\n");
printf("main: done sleeping\n");
return 0;
If I run the program I just get
main: sleep
background thread: run run loop (should take 5 sec to exit)
background thread: exited from run loop (retval: 1)
main: done sleeping
The problem is that the background thread's run loop exits immediately (return code kCFRunLoopRunFinished instead of kCFRunLoopRunTimedOut) because there is no source/observer/timer. CFNotificationCenterAddObserver registers itself only with the run loop of the main thread but not the one of my background thread.
I need the main thread for some other stuff and can't use it to run it's run loop. Is there any way to get this working? Maybe by registering CFNotificationCenter with the run loop of the background thread?
Thanks in advance!

As stated in
The first time an observer is registered with a distributed notification center, the notification center creates a connection with the system-wide notification server and places a listening port into the common modes of the current thread’s run loop. When a notification is delivered, it is processed on this initial thread, even if the observer that is receiving the notification registered for the notification on a different thread.
Because loaded frameworks may potentially spawn threads and add their own observers before your code executes, you cannot know for certain which thread will receive distributed notifications. If you need to control which thread processes a notification, your callback function must be able to forward the notification to the proper thread. You can use a CFMessagePort object or a custom CFRunLoopSource object to send notifications to the correct thread’s run loop.


C++ thread: how to send message to other long-live thread?

I have a server listening to some port, and I create several detached threads.
Not only the server it self will run forever, but also the detached threads will run forever.
void t1_func()
if(notified from server)
thread t1(t1_func);
thread t2(...);
// read from accepted socket
string msg = socket.read_some(...);
//notify thread 1 and thread 2;
Since I am new to multithreading, I don't know how to implement such nofity in server, and check the nofity in detached threads.
Any helpful tips will be appreciated.
The easiest way to do this is with std::condition_variable.
std::condition_variable will wait until another thread calls either notify_one or notify_all on it and only then will it wake up.
Here is your t1_func implemented using condition variables:
std::condition_variable t1_cond;
void t1_func()
//wait requires a std::unique_lock
std::mutex mtx;
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock{ mtx };
The wait method takes a std::unique_lock but the lock doesn't have to be shared to notify the thread. When you want to wake up the worker thread from the main thread you would call notify_one or notify_all like this:
If you want to have the thread wake up after a certain amount of time you could use wait_for instead of wait.

How to send signal/data from a worker thread to main thread?

I'll preface this by saying that I'm delving into multithreading for the first time. Despite a lot of reading on concurrency and synchronization, I'm not readily seeing a solution for the requirements I've been given.
Using C++11 and Boost, I'm trying to figure out how to send data from a worker thread to a main thread. The worker thread is spawned at the start of the application and continuously monitors a lock free queue. Objects populate this queue at various intervals. This part is working.
Once the data is available, it needs to be processed by the main thread since another signal will be sent to the rest of the application which cannot be on a worker thread. This is what I'm having trouble with.
If I have to block the main thread through a mutex or a condition variable until the worker thread is done, how will that improve responsiveness? I might as well just stay with a single thread so I have access to the data. I must be missing something here.
I have posted a couple questions, thinking that Boost::Asio was the way to go. There is an example of how signals and data can be sent between threads, but as the responses indicate, things get quickly overly-complicated and it's not working perfectly:
How to connect signal to boost::asio::io_service when posting work on different thread?
Boost::Asio with Main/Workers threads - Can I start event loop before posting work?
After speaking with some colleagues, it was suggested that two queues be used -- one input, one output. This would be in shared space and the output queue would be populated by the worker thread. The worker thread is always going but there would need to be a Timer, probably at the application level, that would force the main thread to examine the output queue to see if there were any pending tasks.
Any ideas on where I should direct my attention? Are there any techniques or strategies that might work for what I'm trying to do? I'll be looking at Timers next.
Edit: This is production code for a plugin system that post-processes simulation results. We are using C++11 first wherever possible, followed by Boost. We are using Boost's lockfree::queue. The application is doing what we want on a single thread but now we are trying to optimize where we see that there are performance issues (in this case, a calculation happening through another library). The main thread has a lot of responsibilities, including database access, which is why I want to limit what the worker thread actually does.
Update: I have already been successful in using std::thread to launch a worker thread that examines a Boost lock::free queue and processes tasks placed it in. It's step 5 in #Pressacco's response that I'm having trouble with. Any examples returning a value to the main thread when a worker thread is finished and informing the main thread, rather than simply waiting for the worker to finish?
If your objective is develop the solution from scratch (using native threads, queues, etc.):
create a thread save queue queue (Mutex/CriticalSection around add/remove)
create a counting semaphore that is associated with the queue
have one or more worker threads wait on the counting semaphore (i.e. the thread will block)
the semaphore is more efficient than having the thread constantly poll the queue
as messages/jobs are added to the queue, increment the semaphore
a thread will wake up
the thread should remove one message
if a result needs to be returned...
setup another: Queue+Semaphore+WorkerThreads
If you decide to implement a thread safe queue from scratch, take a look at:
Synchronization between threads using Critical Section
With that said, I would take another look at BOOST. I haven't used the library, but from what I hear it will most likely contain some relevant data structures (e.g. a thread safe queue).
My favorite quote from the MSDN:
"When you use multithreading of any sort, you potentially expose
yourself to very serious and complex bugs"
Since you are looking at concurrent programming for the first time, you may wish to consider:
Is your objective to build production worthy code , or is this simply a learning exercise?
production? consider us existing proven libraries
learning? consider writing the code from scratch
Consider using a thread pool with an asynchronous callback instead of native threads.
more threads != better
Are threads really needed?
Follow the KISS principle.
The feedback above led me in the right direction for what I needed. The solution was definitely simpler than having to use signals/slots or Boost::Asio as I had previously attempted. I have two lock-free queues, one for input (on a worker thread) and one for output (on the main thread, populated by the worker thread). I use a timer to schedule when the output queue is processed. The code is below; perhaps it is of use to somebody:
#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
class Task
Task(bool shutdown = false) : _shutdown(shutdown) {};
virtual ~Task() {};
bool IsShutdownRequest() { return _shutdown; }
virtual int Execute() = 0;
bool _shutdown;
class ShutdownTask : public Task
ShutdownTask() : Task(true) {}
virtual int Execute() { return -1; }
class TimeSeriesTask : public Task
TimeSeriesTask(int value) : _value(value) {};
virtual int Execute()
std::cout << "Calculating on thread " << std::this_thread::get_id() << std::endl;
return _value * 2;
int _value;
// Main.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "afxwin.h"
#include <boost/lockfree/spsc_queue.hpp>
#include "Task.h"
static UINT_PTR ProcessDataCheckTimerID = 0;
static const int ProcessDataCheckPeriodInMilliseconds = 100;
class Manager
//Worker Thread with application lifetime that processes a lock free queue
_workerThread = std::thread(&Manager::ProcessInputData, this);
virtual ~Manager()
void QueueData(int x)
if (x > 0)
void ProcessOutputData()
//process output data on the Main Thread
_outputQueue.consume_one([&](int value)
if (value < 0)
int result = value - 1;
std::cout << "Final result is " << result << " on thread " << std::this_thread::get_id() << std::endl;
void ProcessInputData()
bool shutdown = false;
//Worker Thread processes input data indefinitely
_inputQueue.consume_one([&](std::shared_ptr<Task> task)
std::cout << "Getting element from input queue on thread " << std::this_thread::get_id() << std::endl;
if (task->IsShutdownRequest()) { shutdown = true; }
int result = task->Execute();
} while (shutdown == false);
std::thread _workerThread;
boost::lockfree::spsc_queue<std::shared_ptr<Task>, boost::lockfree::capacity<1024>> _inputQueue;
boost::lockfree::spsc_queue<int, boost::lockfree::capacity<1024>> _outputQueue;
std::shared_ptr<Manager> g_pMgr;
//timer to force Main Thread to process Manager's output queue
void CALLBACK TimerCallback(HWND hWnd, UINT nMsg, UINT nIDEvent, DWORD dwTime)
if (nIDEvent == ProcessDataCheckTimerID)
KillTimer(NULL, ProcessDataCheckPeriodInMilliseconds);
ProcessDataCheckTimerID = 0;
//call function to process data
//reset timer
ProcessDataCheckTimerID = SetTimer(NULL, ProcessDataCheckTimerID, ProcessDataCheckPeriodInMilliseconds, (TIMERPROC)&TimerCallback);
int main()
std::cout << "Main thread is " << std::this_thread::get_id() << std::endl;
g_pMgr = std::make_shared<Manager>();
ProcessDataCheckTimerID = SetTimer(NULL, ProcessDataCheckTimerID, ProcessDataCheckPeriodInMilliseconds, (TIMERPROC)&TimerCallback);
//queue up some dummy data
for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++)
//queue a shutdown request
//fake the application's message loop
MSG msg;
bool shutdown = false;
while (shutdown == false)
if (GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0))
shutdown = true;
return 0;

wxwidgets : How can I kill a progressbar when the worker thread is done?

The user interface has a button Start that when clicked launches a worker thread and the thread does:
- starts local bluetooth radio.
- start searching for remote radios.
while worker thread is doing that I would like to display a progress bar. Here is my plan:
void MyFrame::OnStart(wxCommandEvent& event)
/* launch worker thread */
int count = 0;
bool bSkip = false;
while (1)
wxProgressBar *p_pb = new wxProgressBar(...);
/* update progress bar to new value */
p_pb->update(count, wxStringEmpty, &bSkip);
/* need a way to get out of here when the worker thread is done */
/* custom event, fired when bluetooth is done */
void MyFrame::OnBluetoothSearchDone(wxCommandEvent& event)
/* we know the thread is done because this event is fired */
/* get data (if any) from the bluetooth module */
as you can see after I fire the worker thread the main UI thread is stuck in the progressbar loop and will never catch the event that is sent by the worker thread.
if there is a way to check for pending events then I can do that in the progressbar loop and if there is then I can breakout? OR maybe call the update method on the progressbar from an idle function??
There is no such such thing as wxProgressBar in wxWidgets. If you're using wxProgressDialog and its Update() method, events should be already dispatched because it calls wxYield() internally. If you don't, you can either do it yourself -- but make sure you understand the dangers of doing this! -- or, better, avoid entering a loop at all and just disable the elements of the UI that can't be used and use a timer to update the progress indicator.

Terminating a Worker thread from a Parent thread - MFC

I've just started with learning MFC and I'm writing one dialog based application for better understanding of Multi-Threading.
The main dialog has a progress bar, a Start button and a Cancel button.
On click of the start button, i'm creating a worker thread to do some processing(through API call) and the main thread takes care of Progress bar.
I've defined a couple of Windows Messages to update and stop Progress bar status
Below is the code that i've created so far
HWND* phObjectHandle;
CWinThread* thread;
void CprogCtrlDlg::OnBnClickedStart() {
phObjectHandle = new HWND; // Set object handle for Worker thread
*phObjectHandle = GetSafeHwnd();
// create worker thread
if(NULL == (thread = AfxBeginThread(ThreadFunc, phObjectHandle))) {
AfxMessageBox(L"Thread started");
// Set Progress bar to marquee
void CprogCtrlDlg::OnBnClickedCancel() {
// kill the Worker thread
UINT CprogCtrlDlg::ThreadFunc(LPVOID pParam) {
HWND *pObjectHandle = static_cast<HWND *>(pParam);
CprogCtrlImpDlg* threadDlg = (CprogCtrlImpDlg*) pParam;
return threadDlg->ThreadFuncRun(pObjectHandle);
UINT CprogCtrlDlg::ThreadFuncRun(HWND* pObjectHandle) {
::PostMessage(*pObjectHandle, WM_UPDATE_CONTROL, 0, 0);
// repetitive API CALL in a loop
::PostMessage(*pObjectHandle, WM_STOP_CONTROL, 0, 0);
AfxMessageBox(L"Thread completed");
return 0;
I want to terminate the Worker thread from a Parent thread, if a Cancel button is clicked.
I tried using TerminateThread()(though it wasn't a suggested one) but I couldn't kill the thread.
Please comment and share your thoughts on terminating a worker thread from a parent thread.
I'm using visual studio 2010 on Windows 7
I would amend your code something like this.
Have some member variables in your dialog class to hold the thread handle and an event handle (initialise to NULL in the constructor):
CWinThread* m_hThread;
HANDLE m_hKillEvent;
Use a static function as your thread entry point, pass the dialog this as the parameter, then delegate the call back to the class instance so you have access to all of the dialog's variables:
UINT ThreadFunc(LPVOID pParam)
// static thread func - delegate to instance
CprogCtrlDlg* pDlg = static_cast<CprogCtrlDlg*>(pParam);
return pDlg->ThreadFuncRun();
When you start the thread, create an event too:
void CprogCtrlDlg::OnBnClickedStart()
// create worker thread
m_hKillEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL);
m_hThread = AfxBeginThread(ThreadFunc, this);
AfxMessageBox(L"Thread started");
To kill the thread, just set the event and wait on the thread handle, which will get signaled on death:
void CprogCtrlDlg::OnBnClickedCancel()
// kill the Worker thread
// wait for it to die
DWORD dwRet = WaitForSingleObject(m_hThread->m_hThread, 5000);
if (dwRet == WAIT_TIMEOUT)
// thread failed to die after 5 seconds
// error handling (maybe TerminateThread here)
In the thread function (now in the dialog class) you can post messages to yourself to indicate progress and use a wait on the event to catch a kill request:
UINT CprogCtrlDlg::ThreadFuncRun()
// instance thread func
PostMessage(WM_UPDATE_CONTROL, 0, 0);
// main loop
while (true)
// check kill
DWORD dwRet = WaitForSingleObject(m_hKillEvent, 0);
if (dwRet == WAIT_OBJECT_0) break;
// do a little work here and update progress
// ... so this is part of your working loop ...
PostMessage(WM_UPDATE_CONTROL, 0, 1 /*2,3,4,...*/);
// normal thread exit
PostMessage(WM_STOP_CONTROL, 0, 0);
return 0;
I've left out initialisation, cleanup of pointers, handles etc. but you get the general idea I hope.
There are several ways you can code the thread loop, you can do it like above where you periodically check to see if the event is signaled, or you can wait on the event to get signaled to do the work. Both are common patterns and often used together with two events - one for triggering work and the other for killing. See this answer for some important points to note if waiting on multiple events.
For a simple progress bar update, you can put the event check inside the work loop, something like this:
UINT CprogCtrlDlg::ThreadFuncRun()
// instance thread func
PostMessage(WM_UPDATE_CONTROL, 0, 0);
// main loop
for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
// check kill
DWORD dwRet = WaitForSingleObject(m_hKillEvent, 0);
if (dwRet == WAIT_OBJECT_0) break;
// do a little work here and update progress
// normal thread exit
PostMessage(WM_STOP_CONTROL, 0, 0);
return 0;

Qt thread does not stop after calling exit/quit

I'm trying to find a better understanding of Qt signals and slots in conjunction with threads. So I tried this minimal application:
#include <QObject>
class A : public QObject {
void doit();
void x();
class B : public QObject {
public slots:
void h();
#include "foo.h"
#include <QThread>
#include <QCoreApplication>
void B::h() {
qDebug("[%d] B::h() here!", (int) QThread::currentThreadId());
void A::doit() {
qDebug("[%d] emitting...", (int) QThread::currentThreadId());
emit x();
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
QCoreApplication app(argc, argv);
A a;
B b;
QObject::connect(&a, SIGNAL(x()), &b, SLOT(h()));
QThread t;
return 0;
Everything is fine, only the t.wait() at the end never returns. My understanding is calling quit() should stop the event loop, which means exec() should return and so should run() and thread execution should stop. Am I missing something?
QCoreApplication::quit () is not stated as thread-safe method so you can't call it from another thread. Your application can crash or get an undefined behavior(UB).
t.wait() will never return because the running thread is constantly waiting for events. To stop the thread you must call QThread::quit () [slot]
If you want to quit the application after the work is done you have to emit a signal, which is connected to QCoreApplication::quit () [static slot]
If you want to stop the worker thread after the work is done you also have to emit a signal, connected to void QThread::quit () [slot]
Added: Threads, Events and QObjects for further reading
Important notice: You must call QCoreApplication::exec() in order to be able to use signal & slot mechanism between threads, queued connections.
From Qt QThread doc:
Each QThread can have its own event loop. You can start the event loop
by calling exec(); you can stop it by calling exit() or quit(). Having
an event loop in a thread makes it possible to connect signals from
other threads to slots in this thread, using a mechanism called queued
connections. It also makes it possible to use classes that require the
event loop, such as QTimer and QTcpSocket, in the thread. Note,
however, that it is not possible to use any widget classes in the
Doc for Qt::QueuedConnection:
The slot is invoked when control returns to the
event loop of the receiver's thread. The slot is executed in the
receiver's thread.
It seems that there are many things wrong with your code.
You don't call app.exec(). Meaning that there is no main event loop. The x signal of A will not be emitted.
By default, a thread has it's own even loop in Qt (at least since few years). Then starting a thread call Qthread::run(), and the event loop is started. That's where your thread is, not in t.wait().
What is the purpose of t.wait()? I believe you are misusing it.
(If everything else was fine), in B::h() you are stopping the main thread from the other thread. Is that what you wanted to do?
So my first advice will be to add app.exec(), see how it behaves. Explain what your are trying to do, and rewrite something else. Because you're doing it wrong
