I have a textarea that displays a text I get from a query. But this textarea runs the CLEditor plugin and execute the website does show the "CLEditor area" empty. How would you add default text in the plugin? For example:
<textarea id="areaEdit" name="areaEdit"><?php echo $row['myText'] ?></textarea>
I hope your help, thank you very much.
p.d. sorry for my english.
That is how you would do it. Did you confirm that the data of $row['myText'] actually is valid and has a value? Comment out the CLEditor code and see if it shows up in a basic textarea.
I selected text and made that text link using "ep_embedded_hyperlinks2". Now I want to get all content that is in pad. Trying with /pads/getHTML api.
This returns all text but no link/url which I made. Is there any way I can get that link/anchor along with all content from etherpad.
Thanks in advance
I've got several Link fields on an xPage. The labels of these link fields are retrieved from a Notes document. I want to insert a carriage return into the text so the text when displayed on the web page is split into 2 lines. Entering
used to work for label fields so I tried that but it doesn't work anymore. Maybe some xpage update changed that functionality. Anyone know another way of doing this?
thanks clem
You need to set the escape property to false in order to allow HTML. Here's an example:
<xp:link escape="false" id="test" value="http://example.com">
<xp:this.text><![CDATA[#{javascript:"Test 1<br/>Test 2"}]]></xp:this.text>
I am not able to generate Snippets with Regular Expressions in Xamarin.iOS Calabash.
Given I launch my app
Then I should see text "Home"
Snippets generated:
Then(/^I should see text "Home"$/) do
pending #Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions
I have tried passing "(.*)", "(.*?)" as well as "([^\"]*)"
Can anyone please tell me? Whether my installation process has missed out something or there is a problem somewhere else?
Then(/^I should see text "Home"$/)
If you have a Step:
Then I should see text "Home"
The definition should be:
Then(/^I should see text "([^"]*)"$/) do |arg1|
What is actually happening? And how are you running cucumber?
Is there a way to make the Content Editor (RichHtmlField) in SP2010 add newly inserted text to a paragraph (with the default paragraph style ms-rteElement-P). I have changed said css class to how I want the body text to be formatted and I want to eliminate the step of selecting the Markup Styles -> Paragraph style manually when a user starts to add content.
There is no out-of-the-box way, but you could use JavaScript to always add default content to any content editor on a page. Another way would be to create your own WebPart deriving from the Content Editor WebPart, but that sure is a lot more work.
I got an answer here: http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/sharepoint2010general/thread/65152576-9432-4d55-a2e1-c798975859d5
You have to override the PrefixStyleSheet property of the RichHtmlField control.
Here is some more information about that: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms551040.aspx
Hope this helps!
Regards, Sjoukje
My grease monkey script is the following:
document.getElementsByTagName('html')[0].innerHTML = "<b>asdfdsfa</b>";
alert( document.getElementsByTagName('html')[0].innerHTML );
When I run the script, the alert says:
And the text that I see is
Does anyone know what I have to do to have the correct stuff displayed (ie. bolded "asdfsda")
What is the doctype of the page you are changing?
Also, have you looked at DOM methods?
e.g. document.createElement('B');
You have to type .textContent instead of .innerHTML if you don't want to view the ascii code :) have a nice time!