Editor Unable to Upload Files in ExpressionEngine 2.2.0 - expressionengine

I recently upgraded from EE 1.6.6 -> 2.2.0.
After the upgrade one of my co-workers that is permissioned as an “Editor” on the site said that she can not longer find the place in the control panel to upload photo files.
I logged in as her and confirmed that the file upload feature is not exposed to her view.
I then logged in as admin and confirmed that “Editors” are allow to upload files (at the botton of the File Upload Permissions page) http://expressionengine.com/legacy_docs/cp/admin/weblog_administration/file_upload_preferences.html
It definitely says that “yes” Editors can upload files….
What am I missing? Is there something else I need to enable? Some config that might have been lost in my 2.2.0 upgrade?

You have probably sorted this by now but if she cannot see the file manager link at all, check that the member group has permission to access this via member groups > edit group > control panel access > can access content: file manager.

Are you referring to the "Upload File" link, which was previous in a green box under the "Submit Entry" button?
If so, this feature is now exposed through a small icon that is optionally enabled per field:


How to find Kentico hotfix when KIM is not installed

On my development machine I can view the hotfix level of the Kentico website using KIM. KIM isn't installed on our production machines.
In Kentico v7.0 the hotfix level was reported in CMS Desk but that isn't the case in Kentico v9.0.
Is there anywhere I can look to find the hotfix level without using KIM?
There are typically a few places you can find this:
File system
Kentico UI
If you get your info from the database, it will only be relevant to the data. If you get your info from the file system, it will tell you the version of the files. If you look in the Kentico UI, it will show you what is in the database.
To get the info out of the database run this query:
FROM CMS_SettingsKey
WHERE KeyName = 'CMSDataVersion' OR
KeyName = 'CMSDBVersion' OR
KeyName = 'CMSHotfixVersion'
The KeyValue fields will have the info you are looking for.
To get the info from the file system, go to the Bin directory and right click on any of the CMS dll's and go to properties>details. The Product Version will provide you with the version information.
In the file system you can also find the hotfix in a txt file under /App_Data/Install/Hotfix.txt
To get the info from the UI, log into Kentico and click the question mark at the top right of the screen, it will show the current version.
In the user interface (admin) in Help toolbar.
You can also find it in database in CMS_SettingsKey table. Look for CMSHotfixVersion KeyName.
Just go to the admin panel and click on the "?" icon on your right side of the screen. This will open a sliding area revealing you the correct hotfix version.
If you want to apply hotfix and we don't have KIM in system then you can download the utility directly and apply it.
Hotfix URL

Using gitlab interface

I am in a process of learning gitlab and have created some test projects.
But I just cannot figure out how to delete these projects. I do not see any "Dangerous Settings " options on my page/project as some forums suggest.
(Please see attached picture of my gitlab page to see what I see)
Please note : when I click on my projects I get "404 Page not found" but the activity log shows that I have pushed files.
Thank you
I depends on the version of GitLab you are using.
Issue 9890 mentions:
When you want to remove a project in its settings (/<owner>/<project>/edit) and confirm the pop-up (where you have to enter the project's name), the project is deleted..
But you're not redirected to a different site automatically. Since the project is gone, the current site /<owner>/<project>/edit does not exist anymore so you're getting a 404.
This was fixed in 8.2.3 (commit 2497d3d)
You can delete those projects from admin area.
Login with the admin account
Go to Admin area (the wrench icon on the top right corner)
Click on Projects on the left side bar
There is a list of your projects, then just delete what you want.
(I am using GitLab 8.2.1)
I realized I wasn't enrolled as admin . That is why I wasn't seeing the gear tool to modify my projects.
Thank you Van and Issue 9890 for your response.

newbie --> How to deploy my jsr 168 portlet inside liferay

Three simple questions...
Question 1.
I have a JSR168 portlet that is deployed over IBM Websphere Portal server at my company. I was using a version of IBM Portal server for my development but strictly speaking I don't think I am allowed to use these at my company. So now my plan is to do my development and testing on my local machine using liferay and then deploy to IBM Portal Server.
From what I have read about liferay since it supports jsr168 I should not have any problems. Is this correct?
Question 2.
I've just finished installing the liferay 6.2-5 stack on my mac from the Bitnami site. It is running but I am having troubles understanding how I can deploy my first portlet (which by the way works under IBM Portal Server).
After logging in I go to Admin> Control Panel> Apps> App Manager. I then hit Install and select my war file and then put in a context root. But I keep getting an error message "Please enter a valid url".
What is the problem here?
Question 3.
After the Portlet has been installed how can I see it in liferay?
thanks in advance
for 1: correct, Liferay supports JSR-168
for 2: You can either drop your WAR file in Liferay's "deploy" folder, which will cause Liferay to deploy it from there. If it disappears from that folder within a few seconds, it has been deployed.
The administrative UI allows you to do a similar thing through the Web UI - you can either upload your plugin or point to a URL where Liferay can download it: Don't mix it up with Websphere's admin UI where you give the context name for an uploaded application. In Liferay you'll either have to use the upload OR the URL. The context name is derived from the name of the WAR file.
for 3: You'll find your plugin when you choose the "Add" button - login as Administrator and you'll find a "+" labelled button on the left side of the screen. Choose "Application" and look for your portlet (you can filter the list). If you include some Liferay-specific deployment descriptors (look up WEB-INF/liferay-display.xml) you can also influence which section/headline it appears under.

HTTP 403 Forbidden : This website requires you to log in

Using asp .net MVC 4.0 , razor , VS2010 , IIS5.2 , windows Server 2003
I have built an application which i want to publish in IIS. what i did is listed below:
Cleaned then built the solution.
right click on project file and clicked PUBLISH.
publish method : File System
Target Location : C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\testing
then publish.
Then i went to IIS and got my site in Default web sites. happy :). Then i did:
right clicked on testing(my app) and open properties.
In the tabdirectory everything goes fine.
in asp.nettab, i set asp .net version 4.0.30319
here is a little confusion, I set home/index as my default content page in documentstab
then I right click testing and clicked browse. And it shows :
Most likely causes:
This website requires you to log in.
This error(HTTP 403 Forbidden) means that this program was able to connect to
the website, but it does not have permission to view the webpage.
a short summury what i got as error message. This is my fist mvc application and first hosting. What is my fault here? what should i do now?
I had the similar issue. Please try the following:
A. Suggestion below from Microsoft Technet helped me:
The solution is to ensure that the Authenticated Users or \Users group (which usually contains DOMAIN\Users group) has Read & Execute, List Folder Contents and Read permissions on the /BIN folder below C:\inetpub\wwwroot\wss\VirtualDirectories{Sitename80}. Follow the steps listed below to grant the required permissions:
Open Windows Explorer and navigate to the /bin directory of
your web application
Right-click on the folder and click on Properties
Go to Security tab and click on Edit
Click on Add and add the local server group Authenticated
Users or < SERVER NAME >\Users (this usually contains
DOMAIN\Users group).
Select the Read & Execute, List Folder Contents and Read
permissions (if you are planning to add Everyone to the /bin folder,
grant Read permissions only)
Click OK to apply the new settings
NOTE: you may need to to it after every Publish, as permissions somehow may get reset.
B. In VS - set the default page for your website, or try navigating to specific page as opposed to simply opening the website with only the site name.
I know it sounds dumb, but that also was the problem for me
after publishing your webiste to IIS, navigate to http://myServer/mySite/somePage instead of http://myServer/MySite

Setting up a new website with Liferay Portal - basic steps?

I know this is not specifically a programming question, but programmers will often have to do this work.
How do I create a website with Liferay portal - the docs are pretty light on this fundamental issue and are all for version 4.4. I am using version 5.2 and the docs don't seem to be relevant.
Do you know what the basic steps are. So far I have logged in as the bruno user and can see the 7cogs website and edit it. But I now need to create my own website (for my company) and be able to develop portlets to add to the parts of the page.
Further I notice that the docs talk about doing work in Eclipse. If our website is all static HTML, (the reason we want liferay is mainly so that we can edit content items using its content management tools), then will there be any need for Java dev, or will it all be drag n drop and clicking to get setup. Any guidance will be much appreciated.
Liferay can be used as a simple CMS, without much Java knowledge : creating, editing and positioning of web content fragments are drag'n'drop and use of the included rich text editor.
But to start using Liferay for your company, there are two main steps : a technical configuration (database, etc.), and a look'n'feel customization.
The technical part
First of all, you should get rid of the 7cogs website : this is called a hook in the Liferay wording. To do that, if you are using Tomcat for the application server, just delete the 7cogs directory as stated here.
You can now create the configuration file for your installation : it's a simple text properties file, named portal-ext.properties and placed in the webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/classes folder of your tomcat installation.
This file handles most of the configuration of the Liferay portal, for example :
the name of your company
if you want to display a terms of use page on first login
if you want anybody to be able to create an account on your portal
the database where the data will be stored
To do this, the properties in the portal-ext.properties override default properties found in a embedded portal.properties file located in the jar file portal-impl.jar, in the webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/lib directory. Just unzip the jar file in a temporary folder to access the portal.properties file.
A sample portal-ext.properties file :
Once done, you can startup your application server. As the default admin (named test, something you can change in the portal-ext.properties file), you can access to the centralized web "control center", located in the "dock" (the strange menu labelled "welcome Test" in the upper right part of any page once logged in).
I would advise you to read the administration guide, useful for most administrative tasks.
The "branding" part
Liferay uses "Themes" to automatically decorate the portal pages (logo, navigation, portlet borders...) using images, CSS, Javascript (JQuery) and the templating language Velocity. The themes are bundled in a .war file, like a standard web application, and deployed on the fly either via the control center or by dropping the file in the deploy directory of the server.
Liferay can use several themes at the same time, one for each community (a group of pages, users and content) for example.
Creating your own theme can be done afterwards, using the "Plugins SDK".
The Wiki, forums and blogs can be very useful.
