How to find Kentico hotfix when KIM is not installed - kentico

On my development machine I can view the hotfix level of the Kentico website using KIM. KIM isn't installed on our production machines.
In Kentico v7.0 the hotfix level was reported in CMS Desk but that isn't the case in Kentico v9.0.
Is there anywhere I can look to find the hotfix level without using KIM?

There are typically a few places you can find this:
File system
Kentico UI
If you get your info from the database, it will only be relevant to the data. If you get your info from the file system, it will tell you the version of the files. If you look in the Kentico UI, it will show you what is in the database.
To get the info out of the database run this query:
FROM CMS_SettingsKey
WHERE KeyName = 'CMSDataVersion' OR
KeyName = 'CMSDBVersion' OR
KeyName = 'CMSHotfixVersion'
The KeyValue fields will have the info you are looking for.
To get the info from the file system, go to the Bin directory and right click on any of the CMS dll's and go to properties>details. The Product Version will provide you with the version information.
In the file system you can also find the hotfix in a txt file under /App_Data/Install/Hotfix.txt
To get the info from the UI, log into Kentico and click the question mark at the top right of the screen, it will show the current version.

In the user interface (admin) in Help toolbar.
You can also find it in database in CMS_SettingsKey table. Look for CMSHotfixVersion KeyName.

Just go to the admin panel and click on the "?" icon on your right side of the screen. This will open a sliding area revealing you the correct hotfix version.

If you want to apply hotfix and we don't have KIM in system then you can download the utility directly and apply it.
Hotfix URL


Azure DevOps 2020 on-premises Renaming a Wiki

we have the Azure DevOps Server 2020 on-premises. We have a couple a Wiki pages in a project but not many, about 10, with totally about 1000 lines of text.
When I try to rename a Wiki page, it tells "Loading broken wiki page links" which never ends. So it is not possible to rename a Wiki page actually.
On the dialog there is a checkbox for "Update affected links..." which is checked but also greyed out, so that it cannot be disabled.
Anybody knows how to cure that?
Thanks in advance.
Solved this issue by uninstalling the Wiki Search extension, as mentioned in the issue report.
Note: I wanted to include a link to the extension in the Marketplace, but I cannot find it there. I can only include a screenshot of the page that was shown by our server before I uninstalled it. Strange, as it's developed by Microsoft and last update was recent (see screenshot).

Orchard 1.8 – Media Library items sync with physical folders

I have a new install of Orchard 1.8 and need to sync all images in the /media/default/ directory to the Media Library catalog of items (‘Media’ link in Dashboard). Currently the Media Library lists only the FOLDERS but not the items (images, docs, etc.) within them – only when the import is done online does it include the image and offer a preview.
I saw a similar post being asked for version 1.7 and Bertrand’s answer was ‘Enable the Update feature and migrate your media to the media library from there’ – yet I have no clue on how to accomplish this.
Can anyone list the steps needed to do a one-time sync of all items into the Media Library ?
From the admin menu click Modules, then find the "Upgrade" feature and click enable. This adds a new menu item called "Upgrade to 1.8", select this and then select the Media tab. Then click Migrate under Migrating Media Files.
Basically exactly as Bertrand said ;) He also has a blog post with more details:

Editor Unable to Upload Files in ExpressionEngine 2.2.0

I recently upgraded from EE 1.6.6 -> 2.2.0.
After the upgrade one of my co-workers that is permissioned as an “Editor” on the site said that she can not longer find the place in the control panel to upload photo files.
I logged in as her and confirmed that the file upload feature is not exposed to her view.
I then logged in as admin and confirmed that “Editors” are allow to upload files (at the botton of the File Upload Permissions page)
It definitely says that “yes” Editors can upload files….
What am I missing? Is there something else I need to enable? Some config that might have been lost in my 2.2.0 upgrade?
You have probably sorted this by now but if she cannot see the file manager link at all, check that the member group has permission to access this via member groups > edit group > control panel access > can access content: file manager.
Are you referring to the "Upload File" link, which was previous in a green box under the "Submit Entry" button?
If so, this feature is now exposed through a small icon that is optionally enabled per field:

Why Extensions menu isnt' shown?

in a website developed with Joomla CMS (1.5.15 version) in the admin panel the extensions menu (necessary to install extensions, templates and so on) isn't shown.
What could be the problem?
First, you need to update to 1.5.22. It's very easy to do and you are extremely vulnerable considering there have been 7 security updates since your version.
Next, those menu items are not available to all administrators, only super admins. Here's a good summary of back end permissions -
I solved the problem.
Tmp and logs directories path was wrong so Joomla wasn't able to install the component because it could not extract the archive of the component.

Customizing Search Results Display in Sharepoint Services 3.0 Wiki

I'm looking at using a Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 wiki as a metadata repository. We basically want a community-driven dictionary and for various reasons we're using Sharepoint instead of say MediaWiki.
What can I do to customize or completely replace searchresults.aspx?
Features I'd add if I knew how:
Automatically load the #1 hit if it is a 100% match to the search term
Show the first few lines of each result as a preview so users don't have to click through to bad results
Add a "Page doesn't exist, click here to create it" link in cases where there's not a 100% match
I've got Sharepoint Designer installed and it looks like I'll be able to use it to upload any custom .aspx files I create but I don't see that it will give me access to searchresults.aspx.
Note: Since I plan to access this search tool from an external site via URL parameters it should be fine to leave the existing searchresults.aspx unchanged and just load this solution as a complementary search option.
Yes, everything is possible but you will need to customize it a little bit.
I would recommend you to build a custom web part to display your results. Here is a nice article to start with:
