Excel Pivot Table column value update similar values upon refresh - excel

I have a question regarding excel pivot table.
I have a series of data in an excel spreadsheet. I created a pivot table using that spreadsheet successfully.
However when I edit the cell value of a cell in the pivot table, the rest of the values that are similar get updates/changes too.
Is the a normal behaviour of a pivot table? If I only want that cell to change to a new value and the rest of the cells below/above with similar values to remain as it is, how do I go about achieving that?

This behaviour is normal and is called "renaming of pivot table items" (link). I don't know what exactly you want to achieve by changing one instance of an item, but you can
edit the concerned line(s) in your detail data table and refresh the Pivot
manually group sub-items by selecting them, right-click -> Group and Show Detail -> Group ...


How can I generate a pivot table using this data?

I have this table:
Is it possible to make a pivot table to present the information like this?:
Sure it's possible. As shown in your example, you just need to change the special character "✔️" by the number 1 using "ctrl + f". Then insert a Pivot Table with the data. And finally, create a new column named TOTAL and add the "=sum()" formula to count the items from each row. Something like that:
You are going to need to move this data from the word doc you are using into an Excel worksheet, in order to generate a pivot table.
format your data like this in Excel
To start out creating a pivot table, make sure that all rows and columns are selected and record (row) must not be obscure or elusive and must be making sense. Navigate to Insert tab, click PivotTable.
You will reach Create Pivot Table dialog box. Excel fills in data range from first to last selected columns and rows. You can also specify any external data source to be used. Finally choose worksheet to save the pivot table report.
The pivot table should appear. You can then populate this table with data fields which will pop up on the right hand side. Enable the fields you wish to compare in the pivot table report.

Pivot Table Value Adjustments

I have a pivot table from multiple tables. When I double-click my pivot table data, it produces a copy of the row(s) that data came from. Is there a way for me to make adjustments aka change the values of cells in these rows, and have it only adjust the pivot table?
What I'm mainly looking for is an easy way of viewing the data through the pivot table, and adjusting it without it necessarily affecting the source tables. Right now when I adjust a row produced by the pivot table, none of the values in the actual pivot table get updated.
What about producing a new PivotTable from the drilldown sheet that got produced when you double-clicked the old PivotTable?
That's about as close as you're going to get, I'm afraid.
The pivot table is a visualization tool only. It summarizes that data that you input into the pivot table, and gives you a visual output.
If you want to change that visual output, you have to copy the relevant part of the pivot table to another area (different cell or sheet, doesn't matter). Then, you can edit that table.

Pivot table Filter deletes other data on sheet

I currently have a pivot table on one sheet and a list of data on another sheet. I wanted to put both next to each other so I moved the pivot table to the left of the data set without a problem. However, every time I use a filter on the pivot table, it prompts me to ask if I want to delete all the other data on that sheet. Clicking okay clears the whole sheet but clicking cancel doesn't apply the filter. Any idea how I can get around this?
The only way around this is to make sure they do not overlap at all ... because if the pivot expands / contracts it affects the sheet and thus the table. I do think a possible work around at least in my quick testing is too keep the table on another sheet, but create another pivot of that table on the same sheet. Then Simply put the columns as columns so it looks like a table.

Excel : Selecting data and keeping it up to date

I'm not a hero when it comes to Excel...
I have an Excel file with one sheet that contains all data. It's basically a list of tickets, displaying the ticket ID, type, value and 5 dates per row.
I'm looking for a way to have new sheets in the Excel that actually display only tickets of a specific type. So on the sheet Bug Tickets I want to diplay like a filtered sub-set of the raw data in the first sheet.
However, this new sheet needs to refresh it's data automatically when I add new data to the main list.
Is this possible in Excel?
Ok here is a way using a Pivot Tables and Tables.
You should set it up like below: (in the SS, I put the pivot in the same sheet but you can put it in another).
You need to create a table out of your data. See here on how to do it.
Then create a Pivot Table out of your table. See here on how to do it
After that you just need to format it the way you want.
The Pivot table will update everytime you add data on your table.
It will display what you've filtered.(in my example I filtered type A).
Notice: Apologies I cannot create a step by step procedure for you(very tedious). I wouldn't have posted this as answer if only it would fit as comment.

Structure Reference for Excel Pivot Table Column Labels for Named Range

I'm interested in creating a chart for which I can easily change the data source from which the chart is created. However, as I am hoping to grab this data from a pivot table (as I am using a Mac and cannot create pivot charts), I am having some difficulty constructing the named range.
The link below shows what I am hoping to do but with a pivot table rather than a normal table:
Is this possible? If so, how can I adapt the formulas given in the linked website to use with the pivot table?
Thank you in advance!
Goto Insert --> Pivot Chart
Select the data cells along with header. (Apply required formulas to your base data itself)
Choose existing or new worksheet as per your requirement.
Select the column labels and row labels and sigma values according to your requirement.
Automatically a pivot Bar graph would be generated. This will also have a default filter option where if you select particular values, the graph will automatically get changed.
If there are any modifications to data, just right click the pivot graph and click refresh Data.
