Behavior of sched_yield - multithreading

I have few questions about the sched_yield function because I'm seeing that it is not functioning as intended in my code. Many times I see that the same thread runs again and again, even in the presence of other threads, when I try to yield it by calling sched_yield.
Also If I have multicores, will sched_yield yield for threads running on all cores, or only one core. Say for example I have Threads 1, 2 and 3 running on core 1 and Threads 4, 5 and 6 on core 2 and If sched_yield is called from Thread 2, will it be replaced by Thread 1 and 3 only, or 1, 3, 4, 5 and 6 are all possible? I am asking this because in .Net Thread.Yield only yields to threads running on the same core/processor.
sched_yield() causes the calling thread to relinquish the CPU. The thread is
moved to the end of the queue for its static priority and a new thread gets to
If the calling thread is the only thread in the highest priority list at that
time, it will continue to run after a call to sched_yield().
The sched_yield is not a .Net call and the threading/process model is different to. The scheduler of Windows/.NET is not the same as scheduler of Linux. Linux even have several possible schedulers.
So, your expectations about sched_yield is wrong.
If you want to control, how threads are run, you can bind each thread to CPU. Then, threads will run only on binded CPU. If you will have several threads, binded to the same CPU, the using of sched_yield MAY switch to another thread which is binded to current CPU and is ready to run.
Also it can be bad idea to use several threads per CPU if each thread want to do a lot of CPU-intensive work.
If you want to get full control, how threads are run, you can use RealTime threads. - SCHED_FIFO and SCHED_RR RT policies.

Why would you want to give up the CPU? Well...
I am fixing a bug in client code. Basically, they have a shared struct that holds information:
how many coins in escrow - return them
how many bills in escrow - return them
The above are in process A. the rest of the code is in process B. Process B sends messages to Process A to compute and return the money in escrow (this is a vending machine). Without getting into the history of why the code is written this way, the original code sequence is:
(Process B)
send message RETURN_ESCROWED_BILLS to Process A
send message RETURN_ESCROWED COINS to Process A
Zero out the common structure
This gets executed as:
(Process B):
send the messages;
zero out the struct;
(later .. Process A):
get the messages;
all fields in common struct are 0;
nothing to do;
oops ... the money is still in escrow, but the process A code has lost that knowledge. What is really needed (other than a massive restructuring of the code) is:
(Process B):
send the messages;
yield the CPU;
(Process A):
determine the escrowed money and return;
yield the CPU; (could just go to the end of the timeslice, no special method needed)
(Process B):
zero out the common struct;
Any time you have IPC messages and the processes that send/receive the messages are tightly coupled. the best way is to have a two-way handshake. However, there are cases out there (usually as the result of a poor or non-existent design) where you must tightly couple processes that are really supposed to be loosely coupled. Usually the yield of the CPU is a hack because you do not have a choice. The addition of multicore CPUs is a source of pain, especially when porting from a single core to a multi-core.


Do we count the main thread when we compute the recommended number of threads that we can create in C using Pthreads?

I have a computer with 1 cpu, 4 cores and 2 threads per core that can run. So I have effiency with maximum 8 running threads.
When I write a program in C and create threads using pthred_create function, how many threads is recommended to be created: 7 or 8? Do I have to substract the main thread, thus create 7, or main thread should not be counted and I can effiently crete 8? I know that in theory you can create much more, like thousands, but I want to be effiently planned, according with my computer architecture.
Which thread started which is not much relevant. A program's initial thread is a thread: while it is scheduled on an execution unit, no other thread can use that execution unit. You cannot have more threads executing concurrently than you have execution units, and if you have more than that eligible to run at any given time then you will pay the cost of extra context switches without receiving any offsetting gain from additional concurrency.
To a first approximation, then, yes, you must count the initial thread. But read the above carefully. The relevant metric is not how many threads exist at any given time, but rather how many are contending for execution resources. Threads that are currently blocked (on I/O, on acquiring a mutex, on pthread_join(), etc.) do not contend for execution resources.
More precisely, then, it depends on your threads' behavior. For example, if the initial thread follows the pattern of launching a bunch of other threads and then joining them all without itself performing any other work, then no, you do not count that thread, because it does not contend for CPU to any significant degree while the other threads are doing so.

There are many threads reserved while golang application running

The golang application is a tool that receives file by invoking a c library, saves it to disk and report the transfer state to monitor service with http protocol.
After a few transferring, I found there are about 70+ threads existed with a few goroutines.
I check the c and go source code, there are no thread or goroutine leak found.
I use "dlv" to debug the application, here is the stack of one of the such threads:
(dlv) bt
0 0x000000000046df03 in runtime.futex
at /home/vagrant/resource/go/src/runtime/sys_linux_amd64.s:388
1 0x0000000000437e92 in runtime.futexsleep
at /home/vagrant/resource/go/src/runtime/os_linux.go:45
2 0x000000000041e042 in runtime.notesleep
at /home/vagrant/resource/go/src/runtime/lock_futex.go:145
3 0x000000000044036d in runtime.stopm
at /home/vagrant/resource/go/src/runtime/proc.go:1594
4 0x0000000000441178 in runtime.findrunnable
at /home/vagrant/resource/go/src/runtime/proc.go:2021
5 0x0000000000441cec in runtime.schedule
at /home/vagrant/resource/go/src/runtime/proc.go:2120
6 0x0000000000442063 in runtime.park_m
at /home/vagrant/resource/go/src/runtime/proc.go:2183
7 0x0000000000469f1b in runtime.mcall
at /home/vagrant/resource/go/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:240
I don't know where these threads come from or may be threads pool of golang runtime?
Could any one look at this, thank you very much!
The problem
The golang application is a tool that receives file by invoking a c
library, saves it to disk and report the transfer state to monitor
service with http protocol.
After a few transferring, I found there are about 70+ threads existed
with a few goroutines.
The cause
Each call to C (via cgo, or syscall on Windows etc) is no really
different from performing an OS system call as long as the Go scheduler
is concerned.
What happens is this:
When a goroutine is being executed, it runs on an OS thread
(this is sort of obvious, I fathom).
When it performs a syscall or calls C, that goroutine blocks
(stops executing Go code).
The Go runtime scheduler watches after the goroutines which got blocked
and after at east a single "scheduler tick" (which currently — in
Go 1.8 and 1.9 — is 20 µs) passes, and the goroutine is still blocked,
and there are other runnable goroutines,
the scheduler creates another OS thread to make other goroutines
continue execution.
This behaviour might appear to be counter-intuitive at first
but without it, on, say, a two-CPU machine, you would need to just call
two syscalls (such as reading or writing a file) in parallel from
any two goroutines to block the rest of the active goroutines
from doing their work.
In other words, the scheduler tries to keep up with the Go's promise
of always having up to GOMAXPROCS goroutines running
if there are goroutines which want to run, and GOMAXPROCS
is set to the number of CPUs (cores) of the machine.
So, what happens is that if you have a reasonably high churn of C calls which complete slower than that single scheduler tick, you'll have growing pool
of allocated OS threads.
Note that this is not bad in itself: sure, you'll be allocating resources
(on a typical commodity OS each thread has some 8 MiB of stack allocated
plus some bookkeeping data structures internal to the OS) but they are
not wasted: these threads will get reused as soon as they will be needed.
Say, your next burst of such C calls will reuse the allocated threads.
The solution
Still, if you'd like to prevent that from happening, the common approach
is to reasonably serialize your C calls.
A typical approach to this is to have a single "worker" goroutine
which receives "tasks" — in the form of values of some type, usually
a custom type created by you — over a channel and sends the results of
their execution over another channel.
The input channel may be buffered — effectively turning it into a queue.
If you'd still want to parallelize that work, you can have a pool of
worker goroutines — all reading the single input channel and writing to
the single output channel.
But note that if those C calls spend most of their time doing disk I/O
and the files they read/write are located on the filesystem which
is backed by a single medium, you usually won't gain much with
parallelizing unless that medium is blazingly fast — such as SSD or
in-memory (RAM) disk.
So consider all the options and think through your design.

Will a multi-threaded application be actually faster than a single-threaded application?

All is entirely theoretical, the question just came to mind and I wasn't entirely sure whats the answer:
Assume you have an application that calculates 4 independent calculations. (Totally independent, doesn't matter what order you do them and you don't need one to calculate another).
Also assume those calculations are long (minutes) and CPU-bound (not waiting for any kind of IO)
1) Now, if you have a 1-processor computer, a single thread application will logically be faster than (or the same as) a multithreaded application. As the computer not able to do more then one thing at a time with one processor, it would "waste" time on context switching and the likes.
So far so good?
2) If you have a 4 processor computer, 4 threads will mostly likely be faster for this than single thread. Right? your computer can now do 4 operations at a time so its just logical to divide your application to 4 threads, and it should complete with the time the longest of the 4 calculations take.
Still good so far?
3) And now the actual part I am confused about - why would I EVER have my application create more threads than the number of processors (well actually - cores) available? I have programmed and have seen applications that create tens and hundreds of threads, but actually - the perfect number is about 8 for an average computer?
P.S. I already read this: Threading vs single thread
but didn't quiet answer that.
Why would I EVER have my application create more threads than the number of processors (well actually - cores) available?
One very good reason is if you have threads that wait on events. For example you might have a producer/consumer application in which the producer is reading from some data stream, and that data arrives in bursts: a few hundred (or thousand) records in a batch, followed by nothing for a while, and then another burst. Say you have a 4-core machine. You could have a single producer thread that reads the data and places it in a queue, and three consumer threads to process the queue.
Or, you could have a single producer thread and four consumer threads. Most of the time, the producer thread is idle, giving you four consumer threads to process items from the queue. But when items are available on the data stream, one of the consumer threads gets swapped out in favor of the producer.
That's a simplified example, but substantially similar to programs that I have in production.
More generally, it doesn't make any sense to create more continuously-working (i.e. CPU bound) threads than you have processing units (CPU cores in general, although the existence of hyperthreading muddies the waters a bit). If you know that your threads won't be waiting on external events, then having n+1 threads when you only have n cores will end up wasting time with thread context switches. Note that this is strictly in the context of your program. If there are other applications and OS services running, your application's threads will get swapped out from time to time so that those other apps and services can get a timeslice. But one assumes that, if you're running a CPU-intensive program, you'll limit the other apps and services that are running at the same time.
Your best bet, of course, is to set up a test. On a 4-core machine, test your app with 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ... threads. Time how long it takes to complete with different numbers of threads. I think you'll find that on a 4-core machine the sweet spot will be 3 or 4; most likely 4 unless there are other apps or OS services that take a lot of CPU.
One reason i could come up with for more threads than cores would be if some threads needed to interface with other parties... waiting for a response from a server.. querying something from the database. This will allow the thread to sleep until an answer is provided. this way other computations wouldn't have to wait. in the 4cores->4thread the thread would wait for input which possibly causes other code to have to wait too
Adding threads to your application is not strictly about performance gains. Some times you want or need to perform more than one task at the same time because that is the most logical way to architect your program.
As an example, perhaps you are writing a game engine, if you take a multi-threaded approach, you may have one thread for physics, one thread for graphics, one thread for networking, one thread for user input, one thread for resource loading from disk etc.
Also James Baxters point is very true as well. Some times threads are waiting on a resource and can not execute further until they access said resource. With only the same number of threads as cores, one core would be going to waste.
I think you are assuming that all programs are CPU bound - remember some of your threads will be waiting for I/O (disk/network/user traffic).

If I "get back to the main thread" then what exactly happens, and how do interrupts work with threads?

Background: I was using Beej's guide and he mentioned forking and ensuring you "get the zombies". An Operating Systems book I grabbed explained how the OS creates "threads" (I always thought it was a more fundamental piece), and by quoting it, I mean it the OS decides nearly everything. Basically they share all external resources, but they split the register and stack spaces (and I think a 3rd thing).
So I get to the waitpid function which's developer docs explain very well. In fact, I read the entire section on threads, minus all the types of conditions after a Processes and Threads google.
The fact that I can split code up and put it back together doesn't confuse me. HOW I can do this is confusing.
In C and C++, your program is a Main() function, which goes forward, calls other functions, maybe loops forever (waiting for input or rendering), and then eventually quits or returns. In this model I see NO reason for it to stop beyond a "I'm waiting for something", in which case it just loops.
Well, it seems it can loop by setting certain things, like "I'm waiting for a semaphore" or "a response" or "an interrupt". Or maybe it gets interrupted without waiting for one. This is what confuses me.
The processor time-slices processes and threads. That's all fine and dandy, but how does it decide when to stop one? I understand that you get to the Polling function and say "Hey I'm waiting for input, clock tick or user do something". Somehow it tells this to the os? I'm not sure. But moreso:
It seems to be able to completely randomly interrupt or interject, even on a single-threaded application. So you're running one thread and suddenly waitpid() says "Hey, I finished a process, let me interrupt this, we both hate zombies, I gotta do this." and you're still looping on some calculation. So, what just happens??? I have no idea, somehow they both run and your computation isn't messed with, 'cause it's single threaded, but that somehow doesn't mean that it won't stop what it's doing to run waitpid() inside the same thread WHILE you're still doing your other app things.
Also confusing, is how you can be notified, like iOSes notifications, and say "Hey, I got some UI changes, get me off of 16 and put me back on 1 so I can change this thing". But same question as last paragraph, how does it interrupt a thread that's running?
I think I understand the splitting, but this joining is utterly confusing. It's like the textbooks have this "rabbit from hat" step I'm supposed to accept. Other SO posts told me they don't share the same stack, but that didn't help, now I'm imagining a slinky (stack) leaning over to another slinky, but unsure how it recombines to change the data.
Thanks for any help, I apologize that this is long, but I know someone's going to misinterpret this and give me the "they are different stacks" answer if I'm too concise here.
OK, I'll have a go, though it's gonna be 'economical with the truth':)
It's sorta like this:
The OS kernel scheduler/dispatcher is a state-machine for managing threads. A thread comprises a stack, (allocated at the time of thread creation), and a Thread Control Block, (TCB), struct in the kernel that holds thread state and can store thread context, (including user registers, especially the stack-pointer). A thread must have code to run, but the code is not dedicated to the thread - many threads can run the same code. Threads have states, eg. blocked on I/O, blocked on an inter-thread signal, sleeping for a timer period, ready, running on a core.
Threads belong to processes - a process must have at least one thread to run its code and has one created for it by the OS loader when the process starts up. The 'main thread' may then create others that will also belong to that process.
The state-machine inputs are software interrupts - system calls from those threads that are already running on cores, and hardware interrupts from perhiperal devices/controllers, (disk, network, mouse, KB etc), that use processor hardware features to stop the processor/s running instructions from the threads and 'immediately' run driver code instead.
The output of the state-machine is a set of threads running on cores. If there are fewer ready threads than cores, the OS will halt the unuseable cores. If there are more ready threads than cores, (ie. the machine is overloaded), the 'sheduling algorithm' that decided with threads to run takes into account several factors - thread and process priority, prority boosts for threads that have just become ready on I/O completion or inter-thread signal, foreground-process boosts and others.
The OS has the ability to stop any running thread on any core. It has an interprocessor hardware-interrupt channel and drivers that can force any thread to enter the OS and be blocked/stopped, (maybe because another thread has just beome ready and the OS scheduling algorithm has decided that a running thread must be immediately preempted).
The software intrrupts from running threads can change the set of running threads by requesting I/O, or by signaling other threads, (the events, mutexes, condition-variables and semaphores). The hardware interrupts from peripheral devices can change the set of running threads by signaling I/O completion.
When the OS gets these inputs, it uses that input, and internal state in containers of Thread Control Block and Process Control Block structs, to decide which set of ready threads to run next. It can block a thread from running by saving its context, (including registers, especially stack pointer), in its TCB and not returning from the interrupt. It can run a thread that was blocked by restoring its context from its TCB to a core and performing an interrupt-return, so allowing the thread to resume from where it left off.
The gain is that no thread that is waiting for I/O gets to run at all and so does not use any CPU and, when I/O becomes avilable, a waiting thread is made ready 'immediately' and, if there is a core available, running.
This combination of OS state data, and hardware/software interrupts, effciently matches up threads that can make forward progress with cores avalable to run them, and no CPU is wasted on polling I/O or inter-thread comms flags.
All this complexity, both in the OS and for the developer who has to design multithreaded apps and so put up with locks, synchronization, mutexes etc, has just one vital goal - high performance I/O. Without it, you can forget video streaming, BitTorrent and browsers - they would all be too piss-slow to be useable.
Statements and phrases like 'CPU quantum', 'give up the remainder of their time-slice' and 'round-robin' make me want to throw up.
It's a state-machine. Hardware and software interrupts go in, a set of running threads comes out. The hardware timer interrupt, (the one that can time-out system calls, allow threads to sleep and share out CPU on a box that is overloaded), though valuable, is just one of many.
So I'm on thread 16, and I need to get to thread 1 to modify UI. I
randomly stop it anywhere, "move the stack over to thread 1" then
"take its context and modify it"?
No, time for 'economical with truth' #2...
Thread 1 is running the GUI. To do this, it needs inputs from mouse, keyboard. The classic way for this to happen is that thread 1 waits, blocked, on a GUI input queue - a thread-safe producer-consumer queue, for KB/mouse messages. It's using no CPU - the cores are off running services and BitTorrent downloads. You hit a key on the keyboard, and the keyboard-controller hardware raises an interrupt line on the interrupt controller, causing a core to jump to the keyboard driver code as soon as it has finished its current instruction. The driver reads the KB controller, assembles a KeyPressed message and pushes it onto the input queue of the GUI thread with focus - your thread 1. The driver exits by calling the scheduler interrupt entry point so that a scheduling run can be performed and your GUI thread is assigned a core an run on it. To thread 1, all it has done is make a blocking 'pop' call on a queue and, eventually, it returns with a message to process.
So, thread 1 is performing:
void* HandleGui{
GUImessage message=thread1InputQueue.pop();
.. // lots of case statements to handle all the possible GUI messages
If thread 16 wants to interact with the GUI, it cannot do it directly. All it can do is to queue a message to thread 1, in a similar way to the KB/mouse drivers, to instruct it to do stuff.
This may seem a bit restrictive, but the message from thread 16 can contain more than POD. It could have a 'RunMyCode' message type and contain a function pointer to code that thread 16 wants to be run in the context of thread 1. When thread 1 gets around to hadling the message, its 'RunMyCode' case statement calls the function pointer in the message. Note that this 'simple' mechanism is asynchronous - thread 16 has issued the mesage and runs on - it has no idea when thread 1 will get around to running the function it passed. This can be a problem if the function accesses any data in thread 16 - thread 16 may also be accessing it. If this is an issue, (and it may not be - all the data required by the function may be in the message, which can be passed into the function as a parameter when thread 1 calls it), it is possible to make the function call synchronous by making thread 16 wait until thread 1 has run the function. One way would be for the function signal an OS synchronization object as its last line - an object upon which thread 16 will wait immediately after queueing its 'RunMyCode' message:
void* runOnGUI(GUImessage message){
// do stuff with GUI controls
message.notifyCompletion->signal(); // tell thread 16 to run again
void* thread16run(){
GUImessage message;
waitEvent OSkernelWaitObject;
thread1InputQueue.push(message); // ask thread 1 to run my function.
waitEvent->wait(); // wait, blocked, until the function is done
So, getting a function to run in the context of another thread requires cooperation. Threads cannot call other threads - only signal them, usually via the OS. Any thread that is expected to run such 'externally signaled' code must have an accessible entry point where the function can be placed and must execute code to retreive the function address and call it.

yield between different processes

I have two C++ codes one called a and one called b. I am running in in a 64 bits Linux, using the Boost threading library.
The a code creates 5 threads which stay in a non-ending loop doing some operation.
The b code creates 5 threads which stay in a non-ending loop invoking yield().
I am on a quadcore machine... When a invoke the a code alone, it gets almost 400% of the CPU usage. When a invoke the b code alone, it gets almost 400% of the CPU usage. I already expected it.
But when running both together, I was expecting that the b code used almost nothing of CPU and a use the 400%. But actually both are using equals slice of the CPU, almost 200%.
My question is, doesn't yield() works between different process? Is there a way to make it work the way I expected?
So you have 4 cores running 4 threads that belong to A. There are 6 threads in the queue - 1 A and 5 B. One of running A threads exhausts its timeslice and returns to the queue. The scheduler chooses the next runnable thread from the queue. What is the probability that this tread belongs to B? 5/6. Ok, this thread is started, it calls sched_yield() and returns back to the queue. What is the probability that the next thread will be a B thread again? 5/6 again!
Process B gets CPU time again and again, and also forces the kernel to do expensive context switches.
sched_yield is intended for one particular case - when one thread makes another thread runnable (for example, unlocks a mutex). If you want to make B wait while A is working on something important - use some synchronization mechanism that can put B to sleep until A wakes it up
Linux uses dynamic thread priority. The static priority you set with nice is just to limit the dynamic priority.
When a thread use his whole timeslice, the kernel will lower it's priority and when a thread do not use his whole timeslice (by doing IO, calling wait/yield, etc) the kernel will increase it's priority.
So my guess is that process b threads have higher priority, so they execute more often.
