download webkit sources automaticly [closed] - linux

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Closed 7 years ago.
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i need to create a program that downloads the source code for all versions of
webkit. and i need to do it in linux.
the problem is that i cant find an ftp address where i can download it.
when looking in the page - The WebKit Open Source Project
there is only an option for windows and mac OS.
or for browsing the code online.
i want to be able to create a directory in my local computer inside that directory i will have a directory for each version source code.

Those are specific procedures for OS X and Windows; Linux users don't need to follow them, just the other parts.

Taking a look at it, it's got a publicly available Subversion repository. Install Subversion if you don't already have it, and use the command-line instructions.
If you're going to use Open Source on the Internet, you really should be familiar enough with Subversion, Git, Mercurial, and possibly other VCSs to get code checked out from them.
Also, I found what looks like nightly build tarballs on the site. They may be more useful.


SVN using MacOS, Linux, and Windows [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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For a long term university project involving a small team (2/5 people),
using Matlab and Java, we are trying to set up an SVN.
The problem is that the computers used in this project run different OS.
The main computer where the code should be compiled and tested in the laboratory runs Linux Ubuntu 16.04 LTS,
our supervisor, which would have admin rights uses MacOS, while the other computers would have either Windows or MacOS.
As we are not familiar with SVN, I believe it would be better chose a programme with a comprehensive GUI such as
smartSVN. The difficulty lies in finding an opensource that works across all platforms or at least Mac and Linux.
Is there any other free software, with GUI, that you'd suggest?
Thank you!
You can work with multiple SVN clients on the same remote repository. The GUI of a client is just a visual layer of the svn protocol.
You can use tortoiseSVN on Windows, smartSVN on Mac, an integrated client inside your IDE on Linux, or whatever you want.
In your case, you should have only the source code in your repository and a different configuration on the computers.

How to download Platform Builder for Windows CE 5.0? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm developing an application on a device that has Windows CE 5.0.
I need to change the OS, e.g. language installation & ... , and it seems that i need an IDE named Microsoft Platform Builder.
But how can i get it? is there any free release for download?
i googled the web, but got nothing!
There is an evaluation version of Platform Builder that is downloadable. I think it's a 30-day, though it may be more. If you have MSDN, the full version is also part of that. Otherwise you have to buy it from one of the distributors that sell it.
You'll also need a BSP (board support package) for your specific device. That comes from the device OEM, and without it you can't really do anything at all, so make sure you have access to that. If you don't have a BSP, installing Platform Builder is purely a waste of time (well unless you're after the shared source, which I recommend for any app dev).
Note: Microsoft moves things around a lot, plus Windows CE is effectively dead, so the links above may well go stale or just be completely lost to the ether. It's also getting harder to find a distributor for licenses.

hook scripts tutorials? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I've been trying to find some tutorials on writing hook scripts, and so far my search has been pretty fruitless. Can anyone point me in the direction of a good source? I've checked the SVN book, but can't find anything that detailed in there (although I may simply not have looked in the right place).
any help is appreciated. BTW: I simply want to make a client side hook that exports data on commit.
SVN hook scripts are server-side, not client side. svn runs the hook script on the server where the repository is stored.
luckily, if you are using tortoisesvn, it has some support for client-side hooks. i haven't used it, but here is a link that i found:
After much searching discovered that I can attach a .bat file to the hooks in settings. Not done any batch scripts before, no time like the present!

Linux Setup Creator [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I'm looking for a tool that's able to create "setup" packages for Linux, just like the Windows install creators do (NSIS, InstallShield, etc.). I want it to be able to present a graphical interface to the user (or ncurses based), where he can select some options and install the package.
Any ideas of such a tool? I'm aware of autopackage, but it's not exactly what I want. It focuses mostly on correctly installing the software, I want something that focuses on creating an installer that's able to copy files, edit, run scripts, etc.
One option could be loki setup. It supports curses and gtk based setup programs. A few installer generators are cross-platform, relying on the presence of a JVM, like VAInstall. Commercial offerings include InstallAnywhere.
There isn't one.
Installing software on linux/bsd is, usually, done by the package management system. What this package management system is depends on the linux distribution or bsd variant.
Making a package for a distribution is usually done by the distribution themselves. Mostly because they are teo many to for developers to support.
So you don't package it, let them do it.
Unless the source isn't freely distributed, then pick the distribution(s) your (potential) users are using.
Use InstallBuilder 9. It seems awesome.

Subversion Management Tools [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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we have a lot of users running in different shared and solo-owned repositories in Subversion. As part of our work, we do project-shared code and individual work, and we need to control access, ideally on a group basis.
Currenly, we use SVNManager to allow users to manage access and create repositories. However, in order to get that working we had to do quite a bit of hacking.
Does anyone know of a free, open-source, linux-compatible SVN management system?
Thanks for your help.
I would recommend SVN Access: or
I have used it as is, and have modified it for an enterprise-wide solution at my day job.
There is an alternative called KDESVN which you might want to try. However, I have never used it, so I cannot vouch for it.
svn-access-manager seems to be a great open-source web administration GUI for SVN too (and currently active ...).
But I've finally adopted USVN !
This question is very similar to SVN admin management GUI tool by the way ...
I use KDESVN. Once it's set up it works great, but you only get one chance to set up your branch structure, so plan to create a test repository first.
