How to send "Ctrl + c" in Sikuli? - keyboard

This feels like it should be pretty easy but I can't find documentation on how to do this:
I just want Sikuli to type Ctrl+C to copy text to the clipboard.
type(KEY_CTRL+'c') doesn't work and neither does type(KEY_CTRL,'c').
Any suggestions?

Try using type("c",KEY_CTRL) instead.
I wrote a simple script which types a line in notepad, double clicks it to mark it and then ctrl+x ctrl+v it into the document again. Works great.
find("textfield.png" )
type("Some text")
type("x", KEY_CTRL)
click("theTextField.png" )

The following works in 0.9 and newer versions of sikuli
type('x', KeyModifier.CTRL)

Key objects are defined for pretty much all the modifier keys and num pad keys. Anyways, it should look something like this

The usage of type() and the possible key names are documented here:

As others have mentioned, use the following:
type('c', Key.CTRL) # Copy command
One point worth mentioning - do not use upper-case characters, i.e.:
type('C', Key.CTRL) # Does not copy, avoid this
I haven't looked into the Sikuli source code, but my best guess is that it implicitly sends this as Shift+C, which results in a different command entirely.

type('x', Key.CTRL) also works.

Also, make sure that NUM_LOCK is off. If NUM_LOCK is on, it can make anything with KeyModifier.CTRL or KeyModifier.SHIFT misbehave.

You can try next code:

I had a requirement to automate a flash content. The following code worked for me.
These were the following steps I ahd to perform as a part of the automation:
Enter Username and Password
Click on Login Button
Click on the button which will navigate to the application
The challenge I faced was to focus on the Username and password which had no placeholders . Hence the focusing was difficult. So I used the CTRL keys to do this .
Pattern appLogo = new Pattern("C:\\images\\appLogo.png");
StringSelection userNameText = new StringSelection("username");
Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getSystemClipboard().setContents(userNameText, null);//Copy the text into the memory
Screen s = new Screen();
s.type(Key.TAB);//I had to enter tab twice to focus on user name textbox
StringSelection password = new StringSelection("password");
Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getSystemClipboard().setContents(password, null);
s.type(Key.TAB);//I had to enter tab twice to focus on user name textbox
Pattern loginButton = new Pattern("C:\\images\\Login.png");

The scenario is like i need to press say key E in my keyboard after finishing the test how to add this in the script in Sikuli IDE.


How do I programmatically change the note type of a note?

I'm currently trying to develop an Anki addon that changes the note type of a card when in the card browser.
To accomplish this, I'm initially hooking into the editor shortcuts via aqt.gui_hooks.editor_did_init_shortcuts.append(), then adding a shortcut that sends a callback to another function, passing in aqt.editor.Editor into a function
the problem is I'm now having a hard time changing the note type of the card.
I've tried editor.note.note_type = mw.col.models.by_name(note_type), but it doesn't seem to change anything.
I've looked at other anki extensions, but it seems they change the note_type by modifying the notetype_chooser.selected_note_type_id field of aqt.addcards, which is not found in aqt.editor.Editor
here's the code I have so far:
def editor_switch_note_card_type(editor: aqt.editor.Editor, note_type: str):
# doesn't do anything
editor.note.note_type = mw.col.models.by_name(note_type)
# does something
editor.note['Front'] += 'hello world'
# not sure if this does anything
# editor_init_shortcuts binds editor_switch_note_card_type to a shortcut key when editor is focused

Pressing a key down using the function node

I have set up a simple line of code, and I would like to try to press a key, for example "w", down whenever a integer between 1 and 10 is detected. I am relatively new to node-red and dont have much knowledge. i've searched around a bit but cannot find any answers to my question, any help would be greatly apreciated!
There looks to be 2 nodes in the library (on that might be able to do what you want.
Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be any documentation for either.
After quick look at code the first (node-red-contrib-autokey) it looks to use robotjs and if you include /key in the msg.topic it will then "press" the key found in msg.payload.key
Details of key names can be found here

I cannot send keystrokes to a selected input box

from pywinauto.application import Application
app = Application().Start(cmd_line=u'"path to program" ')
afx = app[u'Afx:01360000:0']
afxtoolbar = afx[u'1']
toolbar_button = afxtoolbar.Button(3)
window = app.Dialog
edit = window.Edit4
app.typekeys ("Success")
So at this point, I've gotten the application to open, the correct window to pop up and also a mouse click on the box that I want to populate with a short string. I cannot for the life of me, figure out how to pass keyboard input to this field. I have read all the docs for PyWinAuto, and nothing is helping...
Basically all I need to do is figure out how to send a string, and then how to send the TAB key six times. I can then finish my program to automate this application.
I am also using Swapy64bit to help. The program uses a win32 backend. I'm using Python 3.6.
Am I not prefixing typekeys correctly? The PyWinAuto documentation leaves much to be desired.
First the correct name of the method is type_keys, but assume you use it correctly.
The reason might be losing focus at the edit control because type_keys tries to set focus automatically. The solution is:
app.type_keys("Success{TAB 6}", set_foreground=True)

How to create TI-BASIC (TI-84+) input forms?

In the TI-BASIC programming language (Specifically TI-84+), how do you create input forms, such as the ones included in the default apps on the TI-84+.
The image included here shows an example of what I'm trying to create: A menu that you can scroll through and input multiple variables freely before executing a function
Additionally, is it possible to make this menu dynamically-updating as variables are entered?
You've set a rather tall order for TI-Basic to fill. user3932000 is correct; there is no built in function to create an input form of the type you request.
However, there is nothing stopping you from creating an interactive interface yourself. Creating it from scratch will be a time consuming and, it will consume a significant amount of memory on your calculator. There is no boilerplate code you plug your variables into to get the results you want, but you might have some luck modeling it after this quadratic solver I wrote.
Output(1,1," QUADRATIC
Output(2,1," AX²+BX+C
DelVar YDelVar D
" →Str1
While Y≠105
If Ans
If Ans<6:8
If Ans>8:6
If Y=25 or Y=34
If Y=104:⁻D→D
If Ans≤9
If X=6:D→A
If X=7:D→B
If X=8:D→C
If A
If B
If C
"No Zeros
"All Numbers
Here's a GIF of what it does for you.
With a little more work. This code could be used on the Graph screen instead of the home screen, giving more option in terms of layout and design.
In the TI-BASIC programming language (Specifically TI-84+), how do you create input forms, such as the ones included in the default apps on the TI-84+.
There are many ways to ask for input in your program:
Prompt: Asks for input and stores it in a variable. For example, Prompt A. Simplest way to ask for input, but not very visually appealing.
Input: Similar to the Prompt command, except that now you can include text within the input. For example, Input "What is your name?",A.
Menu(: Multiple choice input, and each choice is connected to a Lbl marker somewhere else in the script. Much like the error screen with the quit/goto choices that you've probably seen. For example, Menu("Are you a boy or a girl?","Boy",B,"Girl",G).
getKey: Checks if a certain key is pressed, and will output True (1) if that key is pressed. For example, getKey 105. See here for which numbers each key corresponds to.
The image included here shows an example of what I'm trying to create: A menu that you can scroll through and input multiple variables freely before executing a function
I'm afraid that's not possible in programs. You can either put in multiple inputs, or you might be interested in looking into making apps instead.
Additionally, is it possible to make this menu dynamically-updating as variables are entered?
If you're talking about the text on top of the screenshot, yes you can; just put a Disp command or something after each line of Input, so that it continuously overwrites the text above with new text after you input a variable.

Protecting an applescript script

I'd like to use Applescript to connect to my remote website. However, I don't like the idea of having my password/username in my script in plain text. Is there anyway to encode a password in a local script on my computer?
Thank you,
Well you're not the first one that asks this question but you have to ask yourself some questions. Like who is gonna use it and from who do I need to protect it.
Step 1:
To make sure that your code is protected you should save two different kind of AppleScripts. The first one is for you, and you only. This version is compiled but be able to open with Script editor again so you can see the source code. The second is a run only script which is much like the first version but your not able to open it in Script editor again as a document to view it's source code.
step 2:
The second thing you don't want is that there is static text about user credentials because, even if it's compiled, you can see static text. Normally you won't see them but when the user credential is an mail address it's an easy find. But before we solve this issue, do you think someone is clever enough to find the user credentials from compiled AppleScript code? If so then the easiest way of encoding is adding a certain value to Unicode values:
property eusn : "¨®¦ÅÞÞÍÉ»ÅÞÞÍÉ"
property epwd : "ÔÅ××ÛÓÖÈ"
set usn to simpleDecryption(eusn)
set pwd to simpleDecryption(epwd)
on simpleEncryption(_str)
set x to id of _str
repeat with c in x
set contents of c to c + 100
end repeat
return string id x
end simpleEncryption
on simpleDecryption(_str)
set x to id of _str
repeat with c in x
set contents of c to c - 100
end repeat
return string id x
end simpleDecryption
Store statics as encrypted strings and when its needed, decrypt them. Remember that properties are persistent, unlike local variables, so don't store plain data in properties in your case.
