I've tried to set 1column template for home page using my local.xml file:
<reference name="root">
<action method="setTemplate"><template>page/1column.phtml</template></action>
But this is doesn't work. How can I do this?
Homepage is a CMS page. Unfortunately, you can't assign root template for CMS pages using layout, because they have own attribute "root_template" (cms_page table).
You can change this attribute in the backend (CMS - Pages).
Or you can change it in code:
$homePage = Mage::getModel('cms/page')->load('home', 'identifier');
I recommend you to write sql data upgrade, which will update root template value for homepage:
$installer = $this;
/* #var $installer Mage_Core_Model_Resource_Setup */
UPDATE `{$this->getTable('cms_page')}` SET `root_template` = 'one_column' WHERE `identifier` = 'home';
I'm sure the other suggestions work well, but that all looks way too complicated to me. What I've done which seems to work great, is to simply put the following into the Layout Update XML for the CMS page in question (in this case, your home page)
<reference name="root">
<action method="setTemplate">
The problem lays in Mage_Cms_Helper_Page::_renderPage. Layout updates are applied -before- root template (configured from the backend) is applied:
Mage::dispatchEvent('cms_page_render', array('page' => $page, 'controller_action' => $action));
$layoutUpdate = ($page->getCustomLayoutUpdateXml() && $inRange) ? $page->getCustomLayoutUpdateXml() : $page->getLayoutUpdateXml();
if ($page->getRootTemplate()) {
Also notice how the only event in this method is inconveniently placed above all of this... Should you want to fix this cleanly (without queries), you should observe the following event:
Then do the following (untested, but should work):
Then render the layout again. This is all just a guideline how to solve this through observers.
I'm new to NLog, and fighting with finding the solution to what I'm going for.
I'd like warning and up to get pushed to a slack channel with log level specific icons. I have got that working, technically. I have 2 pairs of targets/loggers that are hard coded to catch warnings only, and errors and above, and have 'warning' or 'error' icons hard coded into the layout template.
<target xsi:type="WebService"
<parameter name="text" type="System.String" layout=":warning: ${machinename} ${message}"/>
<parameter name="channel" type="System.String" layout="xx"/>
<logger name="*" minlevel="Warn" maxlevel="Warn" writeTo="slackWarningTarget">
Is there a way to better accomplish this? I want warning level to map to :warning:, etc.
I'd also like some info level stuff pushed there as well. To do this I created a named logger that always logs to the slack channel, but it results in duplicated messages if they are warning or above.
<logger name="noticeLogger" writeTo="slackInfoTarget" />
I'd guess there is a much more elegant way to do both of these things than i have come up with on my own.
You could do that from config with a ${when}, e.g.
layout="${when:when=${level}=='Warn':inner=\:warning\::else:${when:when=${level}== 'Error':inner=\:error\::else:todo}}"
but it get clumsy fast.
Another option is to register a custom layout renderer:
// register in the start of your program (e.g. main, app_start)
// usage ${slackIcon}
LayoutRenderer.Register("slackIcon", logEvent =>
if (logEvent.Level == LogLevel.Warn)
return ":warning:";
if (logEvent.Level == LogLevel.Error)
return ":error:";
return ":other:";
See How to write a custom layout renderer
I'm looking to use Ghost to host both a blog and a static website, so the structure might look something like this:
/: the landing page (not the blog landing page, doesn't need access to posts)
/blog/: the blog landing page (needs access to posts that index.hbs typically has access to)
/page1/, etc: static pages which will use page.hbs or page-page1.hbs as needed
/blog-post-whatever/, etc: blog posts which will use post.hbs
The only thing I foresee being an issue is that only index.hbs (as far as I know) is passed the posts template variable (see code on GitHub here).
Before I go submit a pull request, it'd be nice to know whether:
Is there an existing way to get access to the posts variable in page.hbs?
If not, is it worthwhile to submit a pull request for this?
If yes, would we really want to send posts to all the pages? or should the pull request split apart page.hbs and only send it to those? or is there a better way to do this?
If you don't mind hacking the Ghost core files then here is how you can do it for the current version of Ghost (0.7.4). This hack will require recreation if upgrading to a new Ghost version.
First create the template files (that will not change if you upgrade):
Create the home page template in:
home.hbs now supersedes index.hbs and will be rendered instead of it.
Also create the blog template file in:
The handlebars element that adds the paged posts is
{{> "loop"}}
so this should be in the blog.hbs file.
Again, the above files do not change if you upgrade to a new version of Ghost.
Now edit the following files in the core/server directory:
I have added a few lines before and after the sections of code that you need to add so that you can more easily find the location of where the new code needs to be added.
indexRouter.route('/' + routeKeywords.page + '/:page/').get(frontend.index);
indexRouter.route('/' + routeKeywords.page + '/:page/').get(frontend.index);
This calls the Frontend controller that will render the blog page with the same data level as ‘index’ and ‘home’ (the default is load a the first page of the recent posts) thus enabling us to use the “loop” in the /blog/ page.
frontendControllers = {
index: renderChannel('index'),
tag: renderChannel('tag'),
frontendControllers = {
index: renderChannel('index'),
blog: renderChannel('blog'),
tag: renderChannel('tag'),
getConfig = function getConfig(name) {
var defaults = {
index: {
name: 'index',
route: '/',
frontPageTemplate: 'home'
tag: {
getConfig = function getConfig(name) {
var defaults = {
index: {
name: 'index',
route: '/',
frontPageTemplate: 'home'
blog: {
name: 'blog',
route: '/blog/',
frontPageTemplate: 'blog'
tag: {
indexPattern = new RegExp('^\\/' + config.routeKeywords.page + '\\/'),
rssPattern = new RegExp('^\\/rss\\/'),
homePattern = new RegExp('^\\/$');
indexPattern = new RegExp('^\\/' + config.routeKeywords.page + '\\/'),
rssPattern = new RegExp('^\\/rss\\/'),
blogPattern = new RegExp('^\\/blog\\/'),
homePattern = new RegExp('^\\/$');
if (indexPattern.test(res.locals.relativeUrl)) {
} else if (homePattern.test(res.locals.relativeUrl)) {
} else if (rssPattern.test(res.locals.relativeUrl)) {
} else if (privatePattern.test(res.locals.relativeUrl)) {
if (indexPattern.test(res.locals.relativeUrl)) {
} else if (homePattern.test(res.locals.relativeUrl)) {
} else if (blogPattern.test(res.locals.relativeUrl)) {
} else if (rssPattern.test(res.locals.relativeUrl)) {
} else if (privatePattern.test(res.locals.relativeUrl)) {
Restart the server and you should see the new /blog/ page come up with the list of recent blog posts
Here's a solution that I am currently using. I have an off-canvas nav that I want to use to display links to my latest posts. On the home page, this works great: I iterate over posts and render some links. On the other pages, I don't have the posts variable at my disposal.
My solution is this: wrap the pertinent post links on the homepage in a div with an id of "posts", then I make an ajax request for that specific content (using jQuery's load) and inject it into my nav on all other pages except the home page. Here's a link to jQuery's load docs.
<div id='posts'>
{{#foreach posts}}
var $latest = $('#posts');
if ( location.pathname !== '/' )
$latest.load('/ #posts li');
There is no way currently (Ghost v0.5.8) to access posts within a page template.
I would think its probably not worth submitting the pull request. The Ghost devs seem to have their own plans for this and keep saying they'll get around to this functionality. Hopefully its soon because it is basic functionality.
The best way to go about this would be to hack the core yourself. Eventually the better way to do this would be with a hook. It looks like the Ghost API will eventually open up to the point where you can hook into core functions for plugins pretty much the same way Wordpress does it. https://github.com/TryGhost/Ghost/wiki/Apps-Getting-Started-for-Ghost-Devs
If this is a theme others will be using I would recommend working within the current limitations of Ghost. It's super annoying, I know, but in the long run its best for your users and your reputation.
If this is only for you, then I would hack the core to expose a list of posts or pages as locals in each route. If you're familiar with Express then this shouldn't be very difficult.
I think the way you've done it is pretty creative and there's a part of me that likes it but it really is a seriously ugly hack. If you find yourself hacking these kinds of solutions together a lot then Ghost might not be the tool you want to be using.
A better solution than briangonzalez one, is to get the posts-info from the RSS-feed, instead of the home page.
See this gist for how it can be done.
Now you can use the ghost-url-api, it's currently in beta but you can activate it in the administration (Settings > labs).
For example the {{#get}} helper can be use like this in a static page:
{{#get "posts" limit="3" include="author,tags"}}
{{#foreach posts}}
... call the loop
More informations :
As of Ghost v0.9.0, the Channels API is still under development. However, achieving this is much simpler now. It still requires modification of core files, but I'm planning on submitting some pull requests soon. Currently, one downside of the following method is that your sitemap-pages.xml will not contain the /blog/ URL.
Thanks to #Yuval's answer for kicking this off.
Create a template file for your index page with the path content/themes/theme-name/index.hbs. This can contain whatever you would like for your "static" homepage.
Create a template file for your blog index page with the path content/themes/theme-name/blog.hbs. This simply needs to contain:
{{> "loop"}}
In /core/server/controllers/frontend/channel-config.js:
Edit the var defaults object to include:
blog: {
name: 'blog',
route: '/blog/'
i am trying to use durandal.js for single page architecture,
i already have application where i am loading all pages in div = old approach for single page architecture,
what i want to do is when i click on page i need to open hotspa pages,
for now i write something like this . www.xyz.com#/details,
where # details is my durandal view page!
when i put <a> herf ....#/details, i got error like this :
but when i refresh with same url, it is working fine, i am able to see view!
i do not know why i got this error
If you are using anything before version 2.0 of Durandal, you are getting this because in your Shell.js you are not defining router, or you have a bad definition of where the router module is, or possibly you are defining scripts in your index instead of 'requiring them' via require.js
1st - Check shell.js, at the top you should have a define function and it should say / do something like this, and should be exposing that to the view like so -
define(['durandal/plugins/router'], function (router) {
var shell = {
router: router
return shell;
2nd - Check and make sure the 'durandal/plugins/router' is point to the correct location in the solution explorer, in this case it is app > durandal > plugins > router. If it is not or if there is no router you can add it using nuget.
3rd - Make sure you aren't loading scripts up in your index or shell html pages. When using require.js you need to move any scripts you are loading into a require statement for everything to function properly. The 'Mismatched anonymous define() module' error usually occurs when you are loading them elsewhere - http://requirejs.org/docs/errors.html#mismatch
I have create new TopComonent for a client and then added new icon click action to the main toolbar and in view folder from main menu drop down list. But my problem is that what every position I set the action to it always puts it at start of toolbar but I need it at the end.
category = "Build",
id = "some.action")
iconBase = "path.to.icom.image",
displayName = "someName")
#ActionReference(path = "Menu/View", position = 400),
#ActionReference(path = "Toolbars/Refresh", position = 700)
So can I edit the main layer.xml in netBeans??
What you would need to do is to create an xml file (eg. layer.xml) in your module. Then you would copy and paste what you need from the generated-layer.xml file that can be found in under the file tab in the left window according to the following path: [Your Module Name]/build/classes/META-INF/generated-layer.xml.
Generally according to your problem now, you might need the following info for your layer.xml file (if you give it that name):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE filesystem PUBLIC "-//NetBeans//DTD Filesystem 1.2//EN"
<folder name="Toolbars">
<folder name="Refresh">
<attr intvalue="1000" name="position"/>
After doing this then validate your layer.xml file by right-clicking it and selecting "Validate XML" option. After doing this, then in the projects view, go to "important files" and open the Module Manifest file. At the end of the file add the following:
OpenIDE-Module-Layer: org/yourorg/modulename/layer.xml
After saving the manifest file and running your module, it should be ok.
I have a content editor web part. Whenever I edit the content and then click save, the following errors occurred:
"Cannot retrieve properties at this time."
"Cannot save your changes"
How do you fix this?
I tried googling it.. there are some similar cases but not exactly the same. I tried this link:
and this one:
and this one:
I found the answer!! apparently using mozilla firefox it worked. Then I found out that there is a javascript error in IE, this javascript error doesnt happened in firefox. how ironic!
Are you doing anything to modify the URL in an HTTPModule? I ran into this problem on a publishing site where a module was hiding the "/pages" part of the URL. Modifying the CEWP via the page when accessed w/o the "/Pages" wasn't working, but with the "/Pages" it was.
Got error: http://www.tempura.org/webpartpage.aspx
Worked: http://www.tempuri.org/pages/webpartpage.aspx
I don't see how this is an answer -- "don't use IE".
In my case (and apparently many others) it has something to do with ISA + SharePoint + host headers. I will post the fix if I find one.
I have had problems with this before and have found recycling the Application Pool often corrects the problem.
IE8 -->
Tools --> Compatiblity View Settings --> CHECK THIS : Display All Websites in ....
If you are editing a webpart page, make sure that it is checked out. Sometimes the document library the webpart pages are in will have a "force check out to edit" option and it will give you errors if the webpage itself isn't checked out.
I had this same error recently. In javascript, I had written some prototype overrides (see examples below) to add some custom functions to the string and array objects. Both of these overrides interferred with SharePoint's native JavaScript somehow in IE. I removed the references from the master page and this issue was FIXED. Currently trying to find a work-around so I can keep them because things like the string.format function is very nice to have...
if (typeof String.prototype.trim !== 'function') {
String.prototype.trim = function(){
return this.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');
String.format = function() {
var s = arguments[0];
for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length - 1; i++) {
var reg = new RegExp("\\{" + i + "\\}", "gm");
s = s.replace(reg, arguments[i + 1]);
return s;
I also faced the same problem. Finally it worked for me using url /Pages/Contact-Us.aspx instead of clean URL. It worked only with IE browser. Don't know why this was happening but anyhow it worked with me.
Use IE browser
Use Pages in the URLinstead of clean URL.
to me,
compatibility mode in IE8, to work