New task added in crontab not run - linux

At about 8:10 AM, I edited crontab tasks with "crontab -e", added a simple task which should run at 8:20 AM.
00 3 * * * sh /home/als6fd/bin/
20 8 * * * sh echo "hello">>/home/als6fd/ggfan/1.txt
But it did not run at 8:20 AM. What may cause this problem?
If I call "/sbin/service crond reload", an error occurs.

problem fixed:
as current user does not have right to write to /home/als6fd/ggfan


Centos7 Crontab jobs is not executing periodically

Am using a centos7 VPS server, recently I noticed that my website Crontab is not executing periodically on it own as scheduled. I have list of cron jobs but not of it will execute when the time come, but if I login to my CWP web panel and manually click run it will execute my command successfully.
Please how do I fix my Crontab issue?
0 0,12 * * * rm -rf /home/www/temp/*
* * * * * /usr/local/bin/php /home/www/public_html/debug/cron.php >> /home/www/public_html/debug/_exec.log 2
In php cron.php
echo "Received Debugging Request";
Well, as I think, the crontab that is already configured should be changed to something like this:
1 0,12 * * * rm -rf /home/www/temp/*
Why is that?
Because the current configuration 0 0,12 * * * rm -rf /home/www/temp/* means:
At minute 0 past hour 0 and 12.
is probably avoiding 00:00 and 12:00 because the condition says that it must execute after 00 and 12, it should be executed at 00:01 and 12:01.

Why is this CRON task not running a Python Program Raspberry Pi

I have a CRON task scheduled as followed:
30 18 * * 1-5 python python /home/pi/
Why is it not executing?
it may be a permission issue, try running this in the console
chmod -R 777 /home/pi/
The format of writing cron job is incorrect.
Correct entry for this is as following:
30 18 * * 1-5 "python /home/pi/"
If you are using Python 3.x then change accordingly i.e.:
30 18 * * 1-5 "python3 /home/pi/"

How to start cron jobs removing offset?

I am running a cron job which will run at every 5 minutes.
Now Let's say i have started job on 04:02 so it will execute at every 5 minutes so will execute on 04:07, 04:12, 04:17 etc...
Let's say i have started job on 13:18 so it will executed at 13:23, 13:28, 13:33 etc...
But what i want is it should only execute in multiplication of 5 minutes means if i create job on 04:02, it should start executing from 04:05, 04:10 and so on.
And if start job on 13:18, it should start executing from 13:20, 13:25 and so on.
So how to achieve this?
Try this:
0,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55 * * * * <Your command>
*/5 * * * *
this should be what you want .

How to run cron job 1 hr after GMT 00:00 hr daily

I am new to ubuntu. I wants to run a cron job 1 hr after GMT 00:00 hr daily from my ubuntu machine.
I am using cron expression 00 01 * * *
So here are the steps which I performed but not success with this.
Step 1 : Open crontab with command crontab -e
Step 2 : make entry of cron expression as below
00 01 * * * /media/user1/Data/users/xyz/
But my script is not running with given expression.
Verify if the script is running standalone.
Also verify if the crontab entry is added by executing
crontab -l
add this to first line of your script
and configure permissions
chmod +x /media/user1/Data/users/xyz/
on the terminal screen.
I hope it helps.

Scheduling shell script in crontab

I have a shell script that I can run with root user this way:
root#vivid-15:~# ./
It's on /root/ Now, how do I schedule it on crontab to execute every day at 01:00 AM? I done this:
0 1 * * * root
But now I don't know how to proceed the command to do that.
Have you tried this? Also, a "1" in the hour field means 1am, not 1pm.
0 1 * * * root /root/
Edit: changed the 13 (1pm) back to 1 (1am).
Crontab format:
I don't know that you need to define what user you want it to run as when its in crontab -- commands will be run as the user who makes the entries with crontab -e. To create a cron process that runs as root, either login as root or set it up with $ sudo crontab -e
I think you're looking for something more like this:
0 1 * * * /root/
