I want to make a mvn run-configuration in eclipse/m2eclipse. I want to mimic the following mvn command:
mvn -Dmaven.surefire.debug test
However, when I add a parameter to the configuration, I must provide a value for the key "maven.surefire.debug".
Any workarounds ?
Bashing myself:
"Empty property" does not make sense.
If we leave out the value of a property, the default value of that property will be used, which is true in this case.
I am trying to perform system update from command line with a json config but it seems that, no matter what I do,
the command does the exact same thing, which I suppose is running the update with the default platform settings.
For example, when I tried to perform my update without essential data("essential": "false" in json config), essential impexes are also being run.
I tried with an invalid json(that does not have json format) and the build was successfull.
I also tried giving as a paramter a json that does not exist and yet, the build was successfull and essential impexes were also run.
So, it seems to me that, no matter what I do, the json is not taken into account and the update works with the default platform settings.
This is the command I am using:
ant updatesystem -Dtenant=master -DconfigFile=Path/updatesystem.json
Am I doing something wrong or how can I pass my configuration during system update from command line ?
Hybris version:
I Think your JSON path is wrong and please try to do it like this.
ant updatesystem -DconfigFile=../custom/testcore/resources/updatesystem-configuration.json
The problem was caused by the fact that the "updatesystem" macro was overriden in a project specific file and the configFile property was not passed to the UpdatePlatformAntPerformableImpl during creation. That is why, regardless of my input for configFile property , nothing changed.
I fixed the problem by also passing the configFile in the constructor:
new de.hybris.ant.taskdefs.UpdatePlatformAntPerformableImpl("${tenant}", "${configFile}")
I am trying to test my config files by validating them, nothing fancy, a schema, a list of envs, iterate over it, load the config and validate the variable against the schema.
Problem is, to do that, I currently have to set process.env.NODE_ENV. Since the tests have their own reserved config file, this mean if the tests were run in parrallel, it may happen that the test change the NODE_ENV variable when the other tests are loading the config, which while it doesn't seems likely to happens, still bother me.
A simple solution would be to be able to tell node-config to ignore the environment variable, and use a given value as if it was, something like require('config')('myNodeEnv'), but I couldn't find anything similar in the wiki nor the documentation. The closest is custom env variable, but this would just move the problem to another variable.
Instead of tests having their own config files, tests should load a same "base" test-config.
When a specific test needs to override a specific value it should override that specific value and not the entire config (needless to say, we need to make sure to fix the overridden value when the test finishes).
When we work as described above, it reduces the chances of any collision because the chances that different tests will override the exact same value at the exact same moment is very low.
Another option is to run tests separately, for example:
npm run test:suite1
npm run test:suite2
where test:suite1 could be declared in package.json under scripts section, for example:
"test:suite1": "NODE_ENV=test-conf-1 tests/suite1.js",
So in the website for the plugin, the change-log for Version 0.61 (Mar 30, 2016) mentions that they have exposed Jenkins and project bindings for use in a groovy script. I'm currently trying to set a parameter (multi select) and i want it to have different options based on the value of another parameter which is set before this one in the Jenkins job. However i'm not able to get the value of that other parameter in the script.
My problem is very similar to the one explained here
I've tried using ${param}, $(param), $param, bindings.variables.get('param') in the script, and none of it works
I've also tried to set that parameter in the Variable bindings section of the script but still no success.
Any ideas about the correct way to obtain the value?
I set the variable binding as param on the other field that you want to dynamically populate and used param (please note that i didnt use $ ${} or binding.get etc). It worked for me.
As a side note, Will active choice reactive parameter work in your case?
What is the typical use-case for adding --prefix support to a scons build?
Currently I use Variables to persist user options from the command-line, but that requires I use the name PREFIX to be recognized as a variable. The docs show a way to specify the preifx using AddOption but then this option must be specified everytime scons is run: it isn't persisted like the variables.
What is the typical way to handle this?
You will need to use Add/GetOption to create an option the user can provide on the command line.
After, yous users will need to set the environment variable SCONSFLAGS with options they want to provide to SCons everytime. SCons will read this variable everytime.
It's not a good idea to have many environment variable on the user machine because you lost the documentation and which variable you really need to compile.
We are using Jenkins to automate several of our build and test processes. For some of our process, the engineer starting the build needs to specify a parameter. But the range of possible and optimal values for that parameter change throughout the course of the day.
What I would like to do is let the engineer specify a value - if they know an optimal value - or leave it blank and have a value be calculated by an early build step. If the value is calculated, I would like the calculating build step to update the parameter value of the job. That way, all subsequent build steps don't have to worry about using the parameter or calculating it, they just use the parameter regardless.
It looks like the Groovy Script Plugin might be able to do this, but I can't see how I can SET the build parameters, just GET them.
Found the answer: use the EnvInject Plugin. One of the features is a build step that allows you to "inject" parameters into the build job from a settings file. I used one build step to create the settings file, then another build step to inject the new values. Then, all subsequent build steps and post-build operations used the new value.
Update with an example:
To add a new parameter (REPORT_FILE), based on existing one (JOB_NAME), inject a map with new or modified parameters in the Groovy Script box:
// Setting a map for new build parameters
def paramsMap = [:]
// Set REPORT_FILE based on JOB_NAME
def filename = JOB_NAME.replace(' ','_') + ".html"
paramsMap.put("REPORT_FILE", filename)
// Add or modify other parameters...
return paramsMap
Jenkins does have the ability to parameterize builds. For a string parameter, the developer can leave the field blank and then your build scripts can check to see if the env. variable for the parameter is set. If the env. var. is not set, the script can perform whatever calculation is needed (I don't think Jenkins has "pre-build steps") and pass it along. For a choice parameter the first line can be something like (Default), and again the build script can test its value and act accordingly.
Note on (Default)
I tried leaving the first line of the choice box blank, and Jenkins saved it correctly the first time; but when I came back to reconfigure the build Jenkins ran some kind of trim on options and the leading blank line was removed so I settled on (Default).
I hope this helps,