Dojo Toolkit offline application - layout

I have been integrating a standard border container (Nested Layout Widgets) from this site which worked quite well.
The problem is that I want to use this application offline but didn't find a way to do so. I mean why do I have to be online to use it anyway?
Can you help here? Are there any files that are not stored locally that I have to link across the project? Or is it just not possible to use it offline?
Also, what about the dojo offline project anyway? Th last status is from 2007?
Thank you very much for your help in advance!

You should look at the HTML5 application cache for offline applications. dojox.offline is pretty much abandoned given the newer browser technology.


Are there specific functions that are simply unusable when taking an XPage to mobile devices?

I have an application that will need to better support tablets in the future. I have seen some apps already created with UP1 and ExtLib Mobile Controls but I was wondering if anyone knows of specific functionality that simply is too challenging to even consider bringing to a mobile device?
For example, are there partial refresh issues on specific devices? Can managed beans still be used behind the scenes? Is dynamic content totally viable on mobile?
I'd be interested in hearing what big challenges/functions people had to give up when they mobilized their existing XPage apps.
There isn't really anything in XPages that would prevent building mobile web apps as with other web app dev models. In other words: Everything you can do with web apps on mobile you should be able to do with XPages.
XPages 8.5.3 UP1 comes with Dojo Mobile 1.6.1. However that does not prevent developers from using other frameworks like JQuery or anything else.
There are some advantages in general for native apps and hybrid apps. But personally I think most of the typically rather simple business apps can be built with mobile web apps. If you need local data/offline that might be different though.
You can use Xpages to do anything that is possible with mobile web developement. Dynamic content may not be the way to go for everything, but it will run just fine. In ITANA available for free on, i created a simple replication engine to replicate notes tasks from the local device using sqlite to the domino server. This makes it run very fast and allows the app to run offline as well.
So i believe anything you want to try will work, you can make the Xpage output anything you want, from html, to xml, or json, to accomplish your tasks.
I know that XPages was totally incompatible with older Blackberry's. I assume that's not the case these days but back at OS 5.0 I think even buttons wouldn't work. So if you're doing anything with BB make sure it's modern and tested.
We're not really getting tablet support in ext. library until the next dojo rev I think. But there is a preview of tablet support somewhere that you can get. I've not looked yet but it was mentioned at Lotusphere. so if you want to hit tablets you might want to roll your own right now until that comes available.
Tablets are a little more challenging as the mobile controls are designed for the mobile phone size devices. That said with a little trial and error you can get a nice navigator split screen and still use the one page app mobile controls to streamline it, with records opening in their own page just like the phone version. Type ahead as I'm discovering should be handled differently if you are using the iPhone themes from oneui2.1
The oneui2.1 gives your navs and views nice styling. The forms may need a bit of custom styling.
Split your design into custom controls then you can use a server ate xpage for mobile devices and straight web. Or if you forgo the use of mobile single page controls you can always just have a seperate style sheet to accommodate the iPad. Really depends on the functionality needed. Good luck
My suggestion for anyone wanting to do tablet specific development using XPages is to move to Notes 9.0 and dojo 1.8 asap. Dojo 1.8 has an experimental control called ScreenSizeAware. This is miles ahead of anything else either the Extension Library Mobile controls or Dojo provides for Tablet development.

Lotus Notes Application, Web Based Converting

Does anyone have tips or an ebook that can give me a good foundation on how to create applications in lotus notes using web browsers instead of clients. Links or tips are much appreciated.
Books are a good starter. But you'll find there is alot more to it than you see in books. So, here is a quick list of places to look.
You've got these options for books (all downloadable as eBooks to)
Classic Web development prior to Notes 8.5 -- Reviews here and here
Latest Web stuff with Xpages if you have Notes 8.5+ (kindle/paper)
There are IBM wiki's (html). But have found the IBM wiki experience underwhelming. (The adjectives "half-ar$ed" and "piece-meal" comes to mind alot when reading these.)
IBM's redbook site (pdf/html) has better produced content than the wiki's.
One of the best web development tip/technique sites for the trickier problems is and
OpenNtf a well used site for free code and solutions written by alot of smart people.
Quite a few good bloggers have "coagulated" on planetLotus
Try Searching for XPages in Google. Or start here
If you enable http on the server, you should be able to see your domino applications from the web. You then need to modify them to make them a bit more web friendly. The basic technique for this is to have 2 design elements with the same alias, hide one from notes and the other from the web. This will make it a bit easier to make it functional from both the client and the web browser.
Other functionality which makes this a bit easier would be 'Pass through HTML', the Domino CGI Variables and the 'WebQueryOpen' and 'WebQuerySave' events. As Jasper points out, XPages is the new sparkling way to do this, but it might not be an option for existing systems (It requires the latest version of Domino server). Good Luck!
What version of Domino are you running? If it's an 8.5 variant, I would suggest you use XPages to bring your old client apps to the web (XPages are not an option in releases prior to 8.5).
As to how you go about this, that's well beyond the scope of an answer on Stack Overflow: it's a book in and of itself! To learn about web development with XPages, I suggest visiting some of the well-known sites out there, and perhaps picking up a course or two. Here are some links:
(Also, IBM publish a book on XPages development, although I've not read it).
With regards "classic" Domino development, your best bet is to view your existing Notes app in a web browser and then start hacking on the default HTML generated (which is nasty). The best single resource out there for classic Domino web development tips and hacks is Jake Howlett's Codestore
Start small, build yourself a small database with a subset of data and explore what you can do. I've been a notes client developer for 10+ years and doing domino web work for last three or four years and still on steep learning curve. Its a very powerful platform but you also need to know html as on many occasions the html that you see in the browser helped me pin down the faults in my application code.

Any articles on how to get started building your own browser?

Hello recently I've been a bit curious and wanted to make a browser. I'd like to use an existing engine though such as Gecko or Webkit. Are there any resources on the web for how to get started and any examples? Language choice doesn't really matter(but no VB please. That was the only example code I found)
Chromium is an open-source browser project that aims to build a safer, faster, and more stable way for all Internet users to experience the web. This site contains design documents, architecture overviews, testing information, and more to help you learn to build and work with the Chromium source code.
Or study some applications using Webkit for example. Chances are, these projects are not as complex as chromium.
I'd recommend you build a browser in Java with Swing or SWT. They have all the components you'll need, so you need to put them together and start figuring out the tougher problems. The documentation is good, and you may even find tutorials that get you most of the way there.
I recently downloaded the code for Firefox or Chrome, and this seems like a much more difficult place to start. There's lots of setup and overhead to get a build working on your machine compared with a Java app.

Does anyone have experience with modifying Sharepoint Applications?

I am currently working on a call log project. The boss wants me to use Sharepoint as a base, so I set up a virtual machine with an instance of MOSS 2007. I downloaded microsoft's call center template and installed it. I have been playing around with it for a little while now and it seems pretty simplistic. How can I modify this template (or extend it?) to suit my needs? I would also like to know how it works so if the need arises I could create my own application, so any help will be greatly appreciated here.
I am going to go out on a limb here and say that the aspx files I have found inside this folder:
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\12\TEMPLATE\FEATURES\
have their code-behind already compiled so there will not be much I can do in terms of seeing how the application functions this way. Am I correct here?
I developed several sharepoint features and webparts. And yes, it's a real pain in the a**.
On your Sharepoint Server look at the Directory
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\60\TEMPLATE\1033
There should be the masterpages and CSS Stylessheet you're looking to modify.
SharePoint development can have a steep learning curve and the product seem to fight against you. This is particularly if you're used to ASP.NET and are used to all the freedom that gives. It's quite a large and sometimes complex product with its own framework and way of doing things. That why I strongly recommend doing some serious reading in conjunction with going in and trying things out with existing applications. A few points:
The primary reason is because you could easily end up with an unsupported installation if you change the file system without realising the impact. This will cause serious problems if it is necessary to install service packs or upgrade to a future version. There is usually a way to deploy updated code to SharePoint without needing to go down this path.
Getting results
Another reason is that unless you know what you are doing, hacking around with little knowledge will usually result in a lot of head bashing and few results. Errors can occur that make little sense or changes that you make won't take affect.
The SharePoint way
Finally, you will seriously waste time trying to get things to work if you don't know the 'SharePoint way' of doing something. Knowing 'the way' can save you so much time and integrate with the product nicely, but if you don't know about it prepare for pain! This includes topics from custom code through to CSS and master pages, through to deployment.
I hope this hasn't put you off as it is possible to enjoy the challenge the product provides and there is some very cool stuff you can do with it. For more reading there are several questions on Stack Overflow about getting started with SharePoint development (this is just one).
My experience with MOSS development has not been pretty. IMO, it is not built for application development or custom code. There are many other portals that fit that need well. For the built in collaboration tools, it is a great tool. Going beyond that, it fights you the whole way.
At least that has been my experience.
What Alex said!
Building a call centre application should be very possible with SharePoint. Personally I'm not a fan of the Microsoft templates but they may help giving you ideas on how to build something like that.
I don't know what your app is supposed to do exactly but by building a few web parts and leveraging the oob lists and workflow features you (or a somewhat experienced SharePoint developer) should be able to create something quickly.
You should not let people with negative experiences throw you off. Like it or not, SharePoint is going to stay and once you get over the learning curve it can be very effective as an application platform.
I can see how installing SharePoint can be a pain if you've got no clue what you are doing but it's a server application; a little learning should be expected.

The Definitive Image Gallery Engine / Plugin Guide

I want to get a good list of image gallery engines of all flavours: Stand alone, plugins for Wordpress or Rails, AJAX, no AJAX, using simple folders or a database on the server.
Please state what is needed (eg MySQL and Django) to run each item if possible. Thanks!
[I asked a similar question a while back but had limited responses. Hopefully with more users and a small bounty this will pick up more steam. EDIT - can't attach a bounty for two days. Hold tight.]
These are the ones I recall at the moment, they are all easy to integrate and they don't require much implementation to use. They all have a good and appealing design. Hope it helps.
Cooliris: Runs on flash, uses an
RSS feed to show the images
FancyBox: Jquery Plugin, you
just need to have create an < a
ref... arround the < img src...
LightBox: jQuery plugin, also
easy to use.
Photo Slider: jQuery plugin, as
some thumbnails bellow which you can
use to slide through the images
SimpleViewer: Nice Design, shows
thumbnails and images
HighSlide JS: Javascript viewer
I like Gallery the best of any I've seen. It requires PHP and a database). It can be plugged in to WordPress and other CMSish things
Take a look at SourceForge
If you are looking for a gallery application I recommend the open source project 'Gallery2'.
Lytebox is easy to use and very nice. It's enhanced version of LightBox.
Here is a nice photogallery using silverlight. Slide.Show is another slick Silverlight gallery. There are many gallery modules available for DotNetNuke, and an official module. There are also a great many available on Codeplex.
