JSF: Unwanted page refresh on action call - jsf

Sometimes, if I click a commandButton that calls an action method, it will just do a page refresh without actually calling the method!
I set a breakpoint in that method and if this behavior takes place, the method is not called. What is also strange about it: It also does that if I didn't fill values in input components that have "required=true". I would expect that a valdiation error appears. The error appears only if the action method would be called fine. But not if it will just issue that strange page refresh.
The call looks pretty normal and works in most cases:
<h:commandButton value="Do something"
action="#{bean.doSomething(someBean.value)}" />
I can't exactly figure out when this behavior appears (and when not), but it should have something to do with the values chosen in some of the other components. But... how?
(I have two forms in a xhtml file. I just mention that because I don't know if it is important or not. However, there are no nested forms and h:messages displays nothing after page refresh.)
I'm using JSF 2 (MyFaces) + Tomahawk.

there are no nested forms and h:messages displays nothing after page refresh
You've likely a rendered attribute on the component or one of its parents which evaluated false during the processing of the form submit request. You need to ensure that it evaluates the same as it did during displaying the page. You can do this by putting the bean responsible for this in the view scope instead of the request scope.
See also:
commandButton/commandLink/ajax action/listener method not invoked or input value not updated


Should JSF process non rendered components on Ajax re-rendering?

My page has Ajax show/hide functionality.
During the initial page load my bean methods that are inside a non rendered <f:subview> or <h:panelGroup> are not called. When re-render the #form using Ajax, my bean methods are getting called although the relevant subviews are not rendered. Is this what should happen? (I am using JSF 2.2)
This is the expected behaviour as per my comment above. Unfortunately it comes with some ugly behaviour.
If you an object that is doing anything when using the list, it will work fine on your first request. Even if you have taken your precautions say by loading something with f:event this will not save you on the following AJAX request.
If you use JPA with each bean managed for the scope of the request and that bean has a lazy collection that is not rendered this will cause the following:
Request 1: Non-rendered components will not be touched i.e. Lazy collections will not initialize
Request 2(Ajax): JSF will try to restore the full view calling your non-loaded lazy collection resulting to an exception.

f:ajax listener not executed because of rendered="false"?

I have a commandLink which has a "rendered" which is calculated based on values in a #RequestScoped bean. The commandLink uses f:ajax to call a listener but it appears that the method is never executed.
It turns out if I set rendered="#{true}" or no rendered attribute at all, the listener is executed properly. Is it possible that because the rendered is based on request scoped values which no longer exist at the time of the ajax postback (and hence result in a 'false'), that the listener is being skipped? Note that the f:ajax also performs a few execute actions which are performed successfully.
You should never use a request scoped bean to define the value of a rendered attribute of any UI component. Unless you take special care, the original bean is destroyed losing its values, a new one is created instead with each request. Thus the component will be hidden as the rendered attribute value is most probably not evaluated to true for the next request.
You should use the view scope instead for your bean. See an example here, but you should easily find other examples searching for something like 'jsf rendered attribute request scope bean'.

Commandlink with ajax works only on second click [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
h:commandButton/h:commandLink does not work on first click, works only on second click
(2 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
What I'm trying to do is just a simple logout function. The main page will call a template page; consist of header and content. The header contains the logout button. There will be 2 forms in the page, one in the header (logout button), one in the content (few buttons,links, etc).
My problem is the page refresh when first click on the logout link and only proceed after second click. The problem starts to appear when I include primefaces or ajax code inside the content form. When I remove that particular code, the logout works as intended.
The logout form in main template templateUser.xhtml:
<h:form id="logout">
<h:commandLink action="#{tenantController.customLogout(e)}"
id="logoutBtn" immediate="true" value="Logout" />
The backing bean:
public String customLogout(ActionEvent e) {
return "login.xhtml";
FYI: the customLogout method also consist of session destroy, but I just put page redirect here.
In template client, the template is specified as:
<ui:composition template="/templateUser.xhtml">
As for the JSF library, currently use jsf 2.0
Solutions I've tried:
put id for both form and commandLink (template form & content form)
use primefaces (<p:commandLink> with ajax false ==> this returb to the previous page; the method in backed bean is not running.
Below are few links I tried here:
commandButton/commandLink/ajax action/listener method not invoked or input value not updated
How can I prevent page refresh on click of <h:commandLInk>
JSF PrimeFaces p:commandLink won't redirect to new page?
The problem starts to appear when I include primefaces or ajax code inside the content form. When I remove that particular code, the logout works as intended.
Your problem is caused by point 7 as described in commandButton/commandLink/ajax action/listener method not invoked or input value not updated. When you fire an ajax request using <f:ajax> and performs an update which also covers all other forms, then all those other forms will lose their view state. This causes that the 1st submit will always "do nothing", but the next submits will work, which matches exactly your problem symptoms.
You can solve this problem in one of the following ways:
Explicitly specify the client ID of all other forms in the <f:ajax render>. You can specify multiple client IDs space separated. E.g.
<f:ajax ... render="someComponent otherComponent :loginForm" />
Use the JavaScript based fix as proposed in this answer: h:commandButton/h:commandLink does not work on first click, works only on second click.

How do I use multiple h:messages or p:messages on one page?

I am using PrimeFaces p:messages but I think this question applies equally to h:messages
I have a composite component to handle login/logout at the top of every page. (It is in the Facelets template.) To handle login errors, it has a p:messages component in it.
In the content area, I typically have a form that also has a p:messages in it. However if the form processing ever produces a message, I end up getting a message rendered from the login component as well as the place where I intended.
This is hardly a fatal problem, but I would like to clean this up. Any suggestions?
Primefaces p:messages has an attribute redisplay. Set
to instruct the message tag to only display messages that are not yet displayed on the page.

JSF2 ignores Action attribut [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
commandButton/commandLink/ajax action/listener method not invoked or input value not set/updated
(12 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
my xhtml code:
<h:commandLink action="#{detailController.updateProject}" class="positive" >
<h:graphicImage library="img" name="tick.png" alt=""/>
<h:outputText value="Save" />
This action (updateProject()) is not being called from JSF framework! Even if I delete it in the managedBean there is no exception thrown.
Does anybodyelse has had problems like that? I can't even explain that -.- I mean this action ethod is there!
ADD: Yes it is in a h:form tag! But I have two forms in that view! May that be the problem?
ADD2: I should also mention that if I hit the button it throws me back to the previous view! So my action method is being ignored and instead it opens another view ?!?!
To provide more information, my page is built like that:
panelGroup name=show rendered=!controller.edit
panelGroup name=edit rendered=controller.edit
So I have both, edit and show of one entity at one file! But only the buttons in the bottom form show that strange behaviour (see above).
Answering BalusC:
1. I use two forms (they aren't nested!)
2. In the bottom form I had already placed a h:messages
I'm gonna try putting my controller into viewScop for checking 3 and 4
I don't know how to check 5.
Thank you for that..
This can have a lot of possible causes. #romaintaz has mentioned only the most obvious one (the most common beginner's mistake): UICommand components must be placed inside an UIForm component.
There are however more causes:
You have multiple nested forms. This is illegal in HTML. The behaviour is dependent on the webbrowser used, but usually the button won't do anything. You may not nest forms, but you can use them in parallel.
A validation or conversion error has occurred which is not been catched by a h:message. Normally this is logged to stdout, but you can also use h:messages to get them all.
The UICommand component is been placed inside an UIData component (e.g. h:dataTable) whose value is not been preserved the right way during the subsequent request. If JSF cannot find the associated data row, the action won't be invoked. Putting bean in view scope should help a lot.
The component or one of its parents has a rendered or disabled attribute which evaluated false during apply request values phase. JSF won't invoke the action then. Putting bean in view scope should help a lot.
Some PhaseListener, EventListener, Filter or Servlet in the request-response chain has changed the JSF lifecycle to skip the invoke action phase or altered the request parameters so that JSF can't invoke the action.
Just a quick question: is your <h:commandLink> nested inside a <h:form>?
If this is not the case, you must include your command link inside a form element, otherwise it will not work.
Just for code simplification, you can use the value attribute instead of adding a <h:outputText> component:
<h:commandLink action="#{detailController.updateProject}" class="positive" value="Save">
<h:graphicImage library="img" name="tick.png" alt=""/>
Unfortunately, I don't know where the mistae was. I guess it was about wrong my JSF code.
I solved this problem by simplifying my code. From that xhtml page and that one controller I made 3 xhtml-pages and 3 Controller. After refactoring all that my code looks much easier and it works now :-)
Thank you for your helpful suggestions
