The best way to model the domain together with the domain expert - domain-driven-design

I have done a fair bit of analysis and have used a number of tools to capture requirements: user created storyboards, use cases, GUI drawings, GUI prototypes, User stories & scenarios that can be used as acceptance criteria etc.
While each of these have more or less merit, I think there is one important bit missing. These methods can accurately capture how the user interacts with your app., but it is up to programmer to create and develop a “model” that should be reflected in the code.
I have been reading Evan’s DDD lately and he proposes something different. You need to create the domain model together with the domain expert and share it with him. In order to communicate the ideas with the user, in the book he often uses ad-hoc UML inspired drawings.
I wonder if this is the best way to talk about the model with the domain expert. Are there any other tools, besides UML diagrams, that you could use to capture the domain knowledge and use it while you are discussing the domain with your domain expert?

While the final abstraction into a working domain model (and ultimately a stable model) is your, the developer's, job, I do agree that even the set of tools above can be restricting, and limiting yourself or your communications to just UML can make the conversation seem esoteric to the domain expert.
For systems anatomy, try Block Diagram notation tools at
For white/blackboarding and mind-mapping try FreeMind
For associative organization (and coolness) try TheBrain
For quicker/collaborative graphing (sort of new), try LucidChart
And of course, good ol' Dictionary and Thesaurus to always, always strive for the best terminology.
If these seem right-brained to you, remember that modeling is left-brained analysis done by one party on behalf of two. You're not going to get as much with a purely defined linear process as when that is coupled with trial-and-error, free-running style information mining.

The best way is pencil and paper. UML and what not come after this. Start with a DSL (list of vocabulary that is used when talking about the domain). Then you can use that list to determine what is actually what (model, aggregate, action [verb], etc) then you can do associations.
After all that, then do your UML diagrams and go over it with the domain expert. If they understand it then you're golden.
This book covers doing exactly what I said. I recommend at least skimming this book (actually I dont know if you're using .NET).

There are losts of/ tons of tools THAT you can use:
Actor Map
Actor Table
Business Policies
Business Rules
Context Diagram
Decision Table or Decision Tree
Domain Model
Event Table
Process Map
Statechart Diagrams
Use Cases
Mind Maps
There are so many long and boring books about each of them. And sometools work at some context "best" and "may failed" at others. There is nothing like "BEST": Context matter.
But the important thing is not the techniques themself: Important one is How you apply them....
The trick is how to "Collaborate" with customers-domain experts-end users.
Collaborative-Workshops generally best at many context. The following book does a nice job at this area.
Requirements by Collaboration: Workshops for Defining Needs ,Ellen
But be carefull DO NOT BE A TEMPLATE ZOMBIE [ which is a general disease in requirements area ]
And you can use even games for making better Collaboration:
Innovation Games: Creating Breakthrough Products Through Collaborative
Play , Luke Hohmann

Domain experts tend to understand sentences better than anything else. That's why I like Object-Role Modeling. A lot of the development relates to graphical methods, but in practice I find it works best to just use the structured sentences.

I personally find most productive way to just sit down and write domain model on-fly while frequently asking yes/no questions to domain expert that sits next to me. this works only if You are fast enough w/ coding.
Also - well constructed (trees should read like sentences) mind maps in ubiquitous language are great way to communicate. Easy to create, share and understand too.
Real world example:
can be edited
if user is authorized
with role [Role]
can be approved
if user is authorized
if payment is initiated
if payment is not paid yet
if amount does not exceed allowed budget
when approved
remembers that
saves approving date
can be rejected
if something something...
when rejected
forgets planned pay date
resets amount to be paid
(copy from here if You want to see it in text2mindmap tool)
That translates into:
public class Payment{
public virtual void EditComments(string comments){
public virtual void Approve(){
Raise(new Approved(this));
protected virtual void EnsureCanBeApproved(){
"Payment is not initiated.");
"Payment is already paid.");
"Amount to be paid exceeds allowed budget.");
public virtual void Reject(){
Raise(new Rejected(this));
private void ForgetPlannedPayDate(){

There are many good suggestions so far for tools. Try them and use the ones you like, but the key to success is iteration between code and conversation... what Evans calls knowledge crunching. The more you listen to the domain experts, model what you hear in code, then show them the software, get feedback, and tweak the model, the closer you will come to software that solves the problem at hand.

For me, it depends on the domain expert.
For some, it is a matter of sketching a UI on a whiteboard - showing how it would look on screen - then asking questions like: "Can this one exist without that one?", "Do you have situations, where this one is first added later, or are they always there", "Which order would you prefer them filled out?", "Who needs to know what from this screen?"... Usually, the visual aid helps them get into a situation where they can actually answer your questions very precisely.
Others, I can use naive UML (showing aggregates, valuetypes, properties and collections) and they are fine with that.
Really, to me it is quite simple, I start out simple - keep adding techical stuff until they go blank in their eyes - then take back one step. And always have some kind of starting position to get the creative juices flowing. If you're stuck, just watch'em work - "Wait a minute - why did you not record that information?", "Whoa, you did what there?" - to me, the tools are only there to help me, they rarely help the domain expert.
Basically, knowledge crunching with few to no tools beside a pen and paper (and a whiteboard if possible).

What I do is to create use case diagrams for requirements. I can save all needed information at model level. My use case diagram could save almost all the complex needed system I have to model.
I also can reuse the same use case in more than one diagram and still keep its property. Really superb technology.
Concerning domain with UML I nix use case and class diagram element in the same diagram and all add a database profile which allows me to add persistence in my class diagram. This is therefore object modelling with database specifications.
My modelling is really complex, I create my database and can permanently refactor my requirements and immediately my code without loosing my model.
I use it daily and really like it.
Hope this help.


UML - Use Case Diagram choices

I have heard conflicting things about this and just wanted to clarify.
I have always thought that when constructing a Use Case Diagram, I only include the activities that will be carried out by the system. For example, if it were a bank atm, "User depositing money" would be included, as it involved the user interacting with the atm. However, "User is paid cash in hand from job" is not included in the diagram, even though it may bear relevance to a scenario or situation.
Thanks all
The fact that the user is paid in cash is in any way related to the information system which is a system involving people. The payment transaction has to be integrated with your project, at least on a conceptual point of view. In other words it should have a relationship of an unspecified kind with a use case, depending on the context.
I recognize my answer is quite messy: if you're already getting bored, jump directly to the solution section...
The use cases diagram
According to The UML User Guide:
A use case is a description of sequences of actions that a system performs that yield observable results to a particular actor.
The point is about modeling what is related to the system: your main problem is to consider the scope of your project.
Depending on the scope you identify, the use case you should consider would be something like Cash withdrawal: consider the observable results from the point of view of the actor. This part is highly subjective whether you consider the operation part of the system or not. I personally disagree with the other answers here.
A few words about being paid cash in hand. On a pure development process point of view, would it be normal to have a sharp idea how a user is being paid while modeling ? Still the scope question here: perhaps is it a strong constraint in your context.
Even when reverse-engineering, a use case is user-oriented, it has nothing to do with how things are done, but what is done: I think nothing to do with especially automating things, even when talking about a system. There is a subtle idea here: I consider an information system, a system involving people in the first place, not a completely automated system. Of course, purely automated systems can be modeled with UML, but most systems involve users.
The relationship between the use case itself and the information how the payment is done has not to be represented on the diagram figure. However, even if this is not in the use cases spirit, the way it is done could be written in a note if it is an important constraint the diagram reader should be informed of.
The solution
In my point of view, the right place to put that information in the use cases is not the diagram figure itself but in a use case description. Martin Fowler gives a few hints about this in UML distilled. You have a simple use case description example here. This is related to the way you are using UML and the way you wish to describe use cases (I personally share Martin Fowler's perception).
Perhaps you would prefer to represent this with a formalism specific to your modeling software, but I think this would not be a traditional way of using UML (appropriate for an Executable UML, not appropriate with blueprint or sketch).
It is not included because the "User is paid cash in hand from job" is outside the scope of a project and would not be needed for what you are trying to create.
Most often use cases are used at the functional/logical level of your model (MDA's PIM level). This means that it only describes those parts of the process that will be automated.
So unless your system has a feature that somehow records the fact that the user is paid in cash, that isn't part of the system under construction.
At the business/conceptual (MDA's CIM level) level however you model the whole processes, regardless of automation. So at this level it "User is paid in cash from job" would certainly be at its place.

Approaches to creating your conceptual Domain Model

We are attempting to use DDD techniques on my current project and have started going through the process of domain modeling and are experience a lot of friction around "how to" create the Domain Model. I haven't found a lot of examples our guidance on this topic.
We have started by attempting to define the Ubiquitous Language by talking to the business users and coming up with a list of domain entities and their attributes. That's going pretty well but we are having problems with things like:
Behaviors, actions
Business Logic (if attributeA = true then foo else bar)
I have a lot of ideas on how we could capture all of these various things (sequence diagrams, uses cases, flow charts, ect...) but if there was a formal process or some resources providing example driven guidance it'd definitely speed things up a good bit.
This is a great question.
One of the first steps I always take is to have a meeting with one (yes one) domain expert and have an open discussion about the problem domain from their perspective. I bring plenty of post-it notes and make sure I have plenty of whiteboard space. As the expert speaks I try to draw a flow or BPMN diagram on the wall using the post-its. I find it's very important to give the domain expert something visual to look at - something which he/she can physically point at and say "no, that's wrong!" (which they usually do, many times).
During these conversations I am listening closely to what the expert is saying and asking for clarification where there is ambiguity. I always find that it's better to let the ubiquitous language emerge naturally this way - rather than trying to forcefully establish it (I would never ask a domain expert to give me a list of terms).
I try to express the flow diagram in terms of commands and events - even if I do not end up using CQRS I find this naturally flows into more concrete requirements. When the flow diagram is complete (I can usually tell this because the the expert looks very pleased with it - there's a good chance he/she has never seen the domain mapped out this way and they are often thrilled by the novelty), I start to trace individual routes through the flow diagram. Often these individual routes can be easily expressed as behavioural specifications in terms of Given, When, Then style requirements. (see BDD section 3)
Once you have a collection of Given, When, Thens which cover every route through the flow diagram, you have sufficient specification to start the design phase of a domain model in exactly one Bounded Context.
I repeat the process with other domain experts. With subsequent experts I also listen for correlation between the language and terms they use. Most times different domain experts will share terms in the ubiquitous language, but will mean slightly different things. This is a sign that we are dealing with distinct bounded contexts.

How does Behaviour Driven Development (BDD) work with Domain Driven Design (DDD)

My understanding of BDD is that one describes a system in user stories and then developers take those user stories and turn them into an application with the intention of adding real business value with every 'sprint' (period of software development). The result (as far as I can tell) is that the domain model emerges from the user stories throughout the development process. That is, after the first 'sprint' much of the domain model will not have been designed.
My understanding of DDD is that software development continues with reference to a full domain model, albeit an evolving one. In DDD the model is expected to change, but it is nonetheless 'complete' at all times.
This seems to be a fundamental difference between the two approaches. How have people handled this?
BDD done well does not produce a "complete" model. There's a reason that Dan North, the guy who came up with BDD, calls his blog "embracing uncertainty".
I find it useful these days to think of three kinds of things that we can analyze: the known, the knowable and the unknowable.
Known stuff is simple - for instance, logging in. It's well understood. We don't need to talk through the scenarios.
Knowable stuff is usually related to the domain, or to something that has been done before. This is a great place to do BDD, because it helps transfer knowledge - including the domain model - from the business to the developers. Talking through scenarios is a great way to understand stories better. It can also help us to find scenarios we've missed. Chris Matts, who's the analyst who helped put the "Given" in "Given, When, Then" calls this "breaking the model". He actually offered prizes for anyone who could come up with a scenario that wasn't covered in his model, which he uses scenarios to define and refine.
There's also the unknowable stuff. This happens whenever we're working on something new, or something we've never done before, or something in which nobody has expertise. You can tell if you're in this place because business people will start reacting with surprise when you come up with the scenarios they haven't thought of. BDD is a really great way of finding these places, but at this point you probably want to stop trying to nail down the scenarios and just try something out and get feedback instead. Your domain model, and your user stories, and your scenarios, will all gradually emerge (see the complex domain in the Cynefin model).
I know a lot of teams use BDD as a way of apparently eliminating this uncertainty. You can't eliminate it. You can only hide it until later, when the feedback from delivery comes back to bite you.
With respect to DDD, when we do it with BDD we tend to focus on those parts of the domain model that are relevant to the scenarios we're working on, though we might have an idea of the larger domain model overall. If you're using Feature Injection together with BDD you'll already have talked through most of the capabilities of the system, especially the new ones, so you'll have an idea of what kind of things are in the domain. Evolution and all other rules still apply. BDD and DDD work really, really well together, with conversations around scenarios helping to bring out the domain language. They are not fundamentally different, but completely supportive and compatible.
Please also read the answer I gave to this similar question, which features a video of Dan North and myself talking about this very topic.
I would include user stories, DDD and BDD as they are very very dependent of each other. I tried to summarise the link here:
I hope this picture is both simple and rich enough to explain the link between these "concepts"

DDD what all terms mean for Joe the plumber who can't afford to read books few times?

I am on a tight schedule with my project so don't have time to read books to understand it.
Just like anything else we can put it in few lines after reading books for few times. So here i need some description about each terms in DDD practices guideline so I can apply them bit at a piece to my project.
I already know terms in general but can't put it in terms with C# Project.
Below are the terms i have so far known out of reading some brief description in relation with C# project. Like What is the purpose of it in C# project.
I am really confused about Infrastructure, Repository and Services
When to use Services and when to use Repository?
Please let me know if anyway i can make this question more clear
I recommend that you read through the Domain-Driven Design Quickly book from infoq, it is short, free in pdf form that you can download right away and does its' best to summarize the concepts presented in Eric Evan's Blue Bible
You didn't specify which language/framework the project you are currently working on is in, if it is a .NET project then take a look at the source code for CodeCampServer for a good example.
There is also a fairly more complicated example named Fohjin.DDD that you can look at (it has a focus on CQRS concepts that may be more than you are looking for)
Steve Bohlen has also given a presentation to an crowd on DDD, you can find the videos from links off of his blog post
I've just posted a blog post which lists these and some other resources as well.
Hopefully some of these resources will help you get started quickly.
This is my understanding and I did NOT read any DDD book, even the holy bible of it.
Services - stateless classes that usually operate on different layer objects, thus helping to decouple them; also to avoid code duplication
Factories - classes that knows how to create objects, thus decouple invoking code from knowing implementation details, making it easier to switch implementations; many factories also help to auto-resolve object dependencies (IoC containers); factories are infrastructure
Repository - interfaces (and corresponding implementations) that narrows data access to the bare minimum that clients should know about
Aggregates - classes that unifies access to several related entities via single interfaces (e.g. order and line items)
Domain Objects - classes that operate purely on domain/business logic, and do not care about persistence, presentation, or other concerns
Infrastructure - classes/layers that glue different objects or layers together; contains the actual implementation details that are not important to real application/user at all (e.g. how data is written to database, how HTTP form is mapped to view models).
Repository provides access to a very specific, usually single, kind of domain object. They emulate collection of objects, to some extent. Services usually operate on very different types of objects, usually accessed via static methods (do not have state), and can perform any operation (e.g. send email, prepare report), while repositories concentrate on CRUD methods.
DDD what all terms mean for Joe the plumber who can’t afford to read books few times?
I would say - not much. Not enough for sure.
I think you're being quite ambitious in trying to apply a new technique to a project that's under such tight deadlines that you can't take the time to study the technique in detail.
At a high level DDD is about decomposing your solution into layers and allocating responsibilities cleanly. If you attempt just to do that in your application you're likely to get some benefit. Later, when you have more time to study, you may discover that you didn't quite follow all the details of the DDD approach - I don't see that as a problem, you proabably already got some benefit of thoughtful structure even if you deviated from some of the DDD guidance.
To specifically answer your question in detail would just mean reiterating material that's already out there: Seems to me that this document nicely summarises the terms you're asking about.
They say about Services:
Some concepts from the domain aren’t
natural to model as objects. Forcing
the required domain functionality to
be the responsibility of an ENTITY or
VALUE either distorts the definition
of a model-based object or adds
meaningless artificial objects.
Therefore: When a significant process
or transformation in the domain is not
a natural responsibility of an ENTITY
or VALUE OBJECT, add an operation to
the model as a standalone interface
declared as a SERVICE.
Now the thing about this kind of wisdom is that to apply it you need to be able to spot when you are "distorting the definition". And I suspect that only with experience (or guidance from someone who is experienced) do you gain the insight to spot such things.
You must expect to experiment with ideas, get it a bit wrong sometimes, then reflect on why your decisions hurt or work. Your goal should not be to do DDD for its own sake, but to produce good software. When you find it cumbersome to implement something, or difficult to maintain something think about why this is, then examine what you did in the light of DDD advice. At that point you may say "Oh, if I had made that a Service, the Model would be so nmuch cleaner", or whatever.
You may find it helpful to read an example.:

Why can't I model my domain using ERD?

I am fairly new to this discussion but I HAVE to ask this question even at the risk of sounding 'ignorant'. Why is it that we now stress so much on 'DDD'. The more I look into 'DDD' the more complex it seems to make my application. Whereas modeling my domain with the database helps keep my application consistent across layers. Then I can use DAL Helpers such as SubSonic or L2S to easily access that model. What is so bad about this? Even in enterprise applications?
Why do we strive to create a new way of modeling our domain when we have a tried and tested one?
I am willing to hear from the purists here.
You can't sell an old methodology, because too many projects failed and too many people know the old methodology anyway. There has to be a new one to market.
If you're doing fine with the old way then use what works. Do pay attention to new stuff, as some really nice ideas come along. But that doesn't mean everything old is bad and stupid. Usually you can incorporate new ideas into the old models to a large degree.
There does come a time to make a move. Like I wouldn't do OOP with structures and function pointers. ;-)
This is actually a really excellent question, and the short answer is "you can." We used to do it that way, and there was a whole area of enterprise (data) modeling. In fact, the common OOD notations evolved from ERD.
What we discovered, however, was that data-driven designs like that had some difficulties, the biggest of them being that the natural structure for a data base doesn't necessarily match well to the natural structure for code.
OOD, to a great extent, derives from the desire to make it easier to find a code structure that has a couple of desirable properties:
it should be easy to think out the design
it should be robust under changes.
The ease to think out design comes originally from Simula, which used what we now think of as "objects" for simulation specifically; it was convenient in simulation to have software entities that correspond to the things you're simulating. It was only later that Alan kay et al at Xerox saw that as a more general structuring method.
The part about robustness under changes had many parents, but one of the most important ones among them was Dave Parnas, you wrote several papers that identified a basic rule for modularization, which I call Parnas' Law: every module should keep a secret, and that secret is a requirements that is likely to change.
It turns out that by combining Parnas' Law with the Simula idea of a "object" as corresponding to something that can be identified with the real world, you tend to get system designs that are more robust under requirements changes than the old way we did things. (Not always, and sometime you have to be crafty, as with the Command pattern. Most objects are nouns, thing that have persistent existence. In the Command pattern, the ideal objects are verbs, things you do.)
However, it also turns out that that structure isn't necessarily a good way to represent the underlying data in a relational database, so we end up with the "object relational impedance mismatch" problem: how to represent the transformation from objectland to database-land.
Short answer: if all you need is a CRUD system that allows users to edit data, just build an Access front-end to your back-end database (or use a scaffolding framework like you mentioned) and call it a day. You should be able to lop off 70% of your budget vs. a domain-driven system.
Long answer: with a data-driven design, what does the implementation of the business model look like? Usually after a couple years of building on new features to your application, you'll find that it's all over the place: tables, views, stored procedures, various application services, code-behind files, presenters/ViewModels, etc. with duplication everywhere. When you're having a conversation with the domain expert about a new feature they are requesting, you are constantly trying to translate from the business language into the language around your implementation, and it just does not translate.
What typically ends up happening is that you are forced to communicate with the business in terms of the implementation of the system, and the implementation becomes the "ubiquitous language" that the business and developers are forced to use when communicating. This has a wide range of consequences. The domain experts in the business start believing that they are experts in the implementation domain, and they start demanding features in terms of implementation rather than the business need they are trying to solve.
Also, you'll find that most data-driven implementations do not follow the "conceptual contours" of the domain, and the components of the system aren't very flexible in how they can be combined together to solve the problem, because they don't map one-to-one with concepts in the business model. When code isn't cohesive, changes and new features may require modifications all over your implementation.
Domain Driven-Design provides tools for making your implementation so closely resemble the business model that it's easy for everyone to speak the language of the business. It allows you to write "executable specifications" that test your implementation, but can actually be understood by your domain experts.
