Can SharePoint be installed by simply copying files? - sharepoint

I have a SharePoint website I need to move to another completely different server.
Can I do this by simply copying files from IIS to the other server's IIS folder?
I assume I need to copy the database as well as change the config file's database connection.
I assume I don't need to install anything on the server other than ftp files across i.e. I don't need to install files via an installer or exe.

The short answer is no.
SharePoint includes Service applications (ex. OWSTimer) that have to be registered and installed.
Also there are COM components that must be registered properly.


Changing and creating files in .NET Core folder

for example, there is an application written using dot net core 2.1
Published under the IIS (Windows Server 2016). At the root of the application (near to the binaries (.dll)) random files are being created and modified. Will this affect the performance of the application? Will it make a difference if these files are created in a subdirectory next to the binaries?
If we exclude IIS and host under Kestrel, will it affect somehow?
As far as I remember, when hosting applications, written on a .NET fullframework, under IIS, and modifying any file (for example, a text file) in the BIN directory resulted in restarting the web application.
I do not know what files are being created and modified i would separate them form the app files for security reasons to say the least. Having said that to answer your question.
It should not affect the performance unless the volume of operations is so large that it will use up all iops on the drive or the pc/ram of the machine.
Kestrel will not be affected unless you try to modify files that kestrel uses for the app in some way and if you use dotnet watch run it will try to recompile them and run in the host if not it will ignore their existence until the host is restarted.
IIS should ignore them as well but i do not know what will happen if you have those files in bin and try to restart the host. i have tried changing and adding a file and did not restart. Maybe there is something in IIS settings but since i have not setup our IIS my answer is lacking in that regard.

Can I migrate the installed OpenAM to another machine?

Thank you everyone in advance... ^^;
My manager asked me to migrate the installed OpenAM (already used) to another machine (newly obtained).
I tried to migrate it by file level.
(.openamcfg folder, openam folder, tomcat whole folder, ...)
But, after file migration... first access to /openam, it showed initial page(wizard) again. (no using installed configurations)
So, I should do first step. (amadmin password setting, and so on...)
Hmm... Is there any solution for pre-installed OpenAm instance migration?
If No, I can tell her there's no migration way.
Migrating the files should be enough, however you must make sure that :
The .openamcfg folder is in Tomcat's home folder
The file inside the .openamcfg folder contains a valid path to the openam folder
The .openamcfg and openam folders can be read/write by the user who runs the Tomcat service
The webapp context (the part of the URL after the server's IP address, typically /openam) stays the same
Also, when you copy the files, you must first properly stop the Tomcat service, especially if you use OpenAM's embedded datastore.

IIS Webdeploy: copy files to client

I am trying to copy some files to a destination Folder (which should be no problem with Webdeploy) and after that process I would like to get these files on the client (the computer which is starting the msdeploy process).
There seem to be a lot of examples on how to copy files to a server, but I could not find any about geting files from the server.
What you are describing is not currently supported by MSDeploy. Workarounds that I can think of include:
Defining a postSync argument that copies files to a directory accessible via FTP
Install MSDeploy on the client and have the server trigger a separate deployment back to the client (this would require that the client be publically accessible)

How to use IIS app_offline.htm file with Azure

I have a brilliantly designed app_offline.htm file that I'd like to display on my site periodically when I'm doing things like backing up the DB. On a server with a real file system, this wouldn't be a problem: I'd just copy app_offline.htm to the my app's root, and IIS will work its magic and redirect all requests to this file.
However, I'm using Azure, so there's no real file system and there's no easy way move files around from one location to another.
How I can I make app_offline.htm play nicely with Azure?
I figured I'd add this, I haven't seen it mentioned yet. You can actually do this via web publish from Visual Studio (or WebMatrix) as well, just put app_offline.htm in the root of your project - the same level as your main web.config. When done, just rename it and redeploy to go back online. 2 clicks - easy.
The manual option is to drop it into your /site/wwwroot via FTP.
A little personal secret, none of your site files will be accessible, style sheets etc. So put your includes into an azure blob container, and viola.
Actually there is a real file system, as each VM instance runs on Windows 2008 Server (SP2 or R2 SP1). To see this for yourself, enable Remote Desktop for your deployment and connect to a running instance.
Knowing this, you should be able to set up a mechanism to perform a file-copy of your app_offline.htm to your app root based on some type of administrative command. You'll just need to make sure each of your web role instances perform this action.
David has provided you with a good answer. However, you might be missing out on what Azure can do for you. You should be able to virtually eliminate down time with Azure by running multiple instances and using SQL Azure which is triple backed up for you. You can also backup SQL Azure using

Updating the Website virtual directory (MSI -Installshield)

I am using InstallShield 2010 I am trying to create an installation MSI which will modify a Web application's virtual directory path under the "Default Web Site". I was trying many way in the Installation Designer but I can't mange to overwrite the changes. It is possible to do it or do I need to implement custom actions.
Are you trying to update the root directory of the default website itself? ( I.E. change it from C:\InetPub to something else ) If so, InstallShield doesn't support this. You can create additional virtual directories and you can create additional websites responding on different ip's, ports or host headers but you can't update the root default website out of concern of messing up existing applications and content.
