Updating the Website virtual directory (MSI -Installshield) - installshield

I am using InstallShield 2010 I am trying to create an installation MSI which will modify a Web application's virtual directory path under the "Default Web Site". I was trying many way in the Installation Designer but I can't mange to overwrite the changes. It is possible to do it or do I need to implement custom actions.

Are you trying to update the root directory of the default website itself? ( I.E. change it from C:\InetPub to something else ) If so, InstallShield doesn't support this. You can create additional virtual directories and you can create additional websites responding on different ip's, ports or host headers but you can't update the root default website out of concern of messing up existing applications and content.


Possible to use Virtual Path to an external disk on Plesk Managed Windows server?

After getting a helpful answer from this post I want to store media on a separate harddrive on the windows server. Is it possible to make those files available via http?
I soon discovered that Plesk does not allow me to create a virtual path that points to a location outside of my website root. I want the virtual path to point to a folder on D: (an extra disk, not the same as the website root directory)
Only two possible solutions I could think of, although I can't find them any where.
1) Maybe plesk has an advanced configuration file that prevents it from overwriting certain things in IIS when it runs its maintenance jobs or updates, specifically the Virtual Path I created directly in IIS outside of plesk.
2) Maybe there is a third party component available that offers this functionality, setting virtual paths outside of web root or the config file I just mentioned in #1.
Any other solutions are also welcome.
cd "%plesk_vhosts%\"domain.tld\httpdocs
mklink /J point c:\outOfSpace
Now provide permissions to "psacln" group to c:\outOfSpace and that's it.
Also you can create "point" not in httpdocs but in web space root and than from Plesk create Virtual Folder inside /httpdocs with needed access permissions.
There is issue that your custom permissions may lost after Plesk upgrade, this KB article describe how your can avoid it kb.sp.parallels.com/111194

Is it possible to export an Orchard Theme without using the command line?

I have next to no experience with Orchard, or .NET in general for that matter, but I have agreed to do some development on an existing Orchard website.
I have an admin-login with access to the Dashboard and I have an admin-login at the hosting provider (Arvixe). I've started moving the site over to Azure so I can use that as a staging environment.
I've successfully exported all the content, but the site is also running a custom theme that I also need to move over. From what I gather the only way to package that theme is using the command line interface, but I can't find a way to run the command line executable via the hosting provider's web interface (I haven't been able to connect to it with SSH).
Is there any way to run what is usually command line operations via the Dashboard? Some kind of module that I have not discovered? Is there any way of moving a theme from one installation to another without using the command line?
If you have access to the Arvixe account, you also have access to ftp. Do that, then look under the Themes directory. Copy the theme's folder. What's the web site?

Hosting an ISAPI DLL and supporting files in Azure

I am trying to find out how to host an ISAPI DLL in Azure. In addition to the DLL, I'll need to deploy supporting files in subdirectories (javascript & css files). And two of these subdirectories can have their contents changed by requests handled by the DLL, so I need to ensure that the account executing the extension has write permission for these.
It would seem that the key to all of this is using a startup task to call appcmd to script all the IIS changes somehow, and I think I need to do the following:-
Deploy my ISAPI DLL and supporting files with my ASP.NET website
Create a startup task which will call a batch file utilizing appcmd.exe to do the following:-
Create a dedicated app pool with its managed pipeline mode set to Classic, and using a known user account
Create an IIS application pointing to the directory where my ISAPI dll resides
Ensure the application is configured to allow unknown ISAPI extensions
Alter the permissions of the required subdirectories so the user account associated with the app pool has write access
I've only just started exploring Azure, so my experience with it is very thin on the ground. Is what I'm hoping to achieve actually achievable? And if so, am I on the right track with regards to the steps required? They mimic what I need to do if I'm setting up this ISAPI DLL in the traditional IIS environment I'm used to dealing with, but please let me know if the rules are different with Azure.
Looks like a good sequence, however, the startup tasks actually run before IIS is completely configured. The 'OnStart' event in the RoleEntryPoint is called after IIS is set up, so it's probably easier to use the IIS application that Azure creates for you, and reconfigure it to include your ISAPI stuff.
Well the only thing bothering me here is that you're modifying data on the 'deployment drive' (E: for that matter). You shouldn't be doing this.
Instead, think of an other solution. You could create a LocalResource holding your javascript and CSS files. Then, when your role starts (Richard has a valid point about startup tasks), use ServerManager class to do the following:
Register the ISAPI dll
Add 2 virtual directories under the website created by Azure and point them to the LocalResource.
Modify the code of your ISAPI dll to modify JS/CSS files in the LocalResource
When developing in Web/WorkerRoles, you need to keep in mind that you should only manipulate files in a LocalResource.

Can SharePoint be installed by simply copying files?

I have a SharePoint website I need to move to another completely different server.
Can I do this by simply copying files from IIS to the other server's IIS folder?
I assume I need to copy the database as well as change the config file's database connection.
I assume I don't need to install anything on the server other than ftp files across i.e. I don't need to install files via an installer or exe.
The short answer is no.
SharePoint includes Service applications (ex. OWSTimer) that have to be registered and installed.
Also there are COM components that must be registered properly.

Legacy ASP site issue

I'm dealing with an issue where there was a site setup, and the default.htm used an iframe which pointed to an ASP directory. It seems like the ASP directory isn't readable and not processed - is there anything special that needs to be done to the ASP directory like permissions-wise?
<iframe src="ASP/file.asp"></iframe>
wwwroot/sitename/ASP/file.asp exists, and several other asp files but they aren't getting referenced by the iframe.
Update: I'm getting a 404..
The page cannot be found
I think I have to create a virtual directory and name it ASP. I never use IIS though - does anyone know how this works? And would I need to restart IIS after creating the virtual directory?
Update #2: More info..
Execute permissions: Scripts Only
Application name: asp
For Authentication Methods, "Integrated Windows authentication" is checked
Local Path: Read
Update #3: I can access asp/file.htm file fine. Can anyone provide code for a simple test I could do to see if its working properly ( I have no ASP/VBScript experience )..
one of the top of the pages contains <%# LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT"%>
Is this IIS6 by any chance? In IIS, under Web Sites there is a folder called Web Service Extensions. Make sure Active Server Pages are set to Allow and not Prohibited!
When you create a virtual directory for an ASP site in IIS, you have to make sure it is allowed to execute scripts. What version of IIS are you using? In 5.0 and 6.0, there should be a checkbox Run Scripts (such as ASP). Make sure that's checked.
Try putting a test.html file in the root directory of the site and then try to open it through wwwroot/sitename/asp/test.html - .html files won't be processed by asp.dll and so should display if the site is setup correctly even if there is some kind of asp.dll problem.
If you can't see a html file then I guess you will need to configure the website in IIS (not sure if a virtual directory is necessary from the information given) - check the 'home' tab to see if the path to the application is correct first.
If you can see the html file then I'd guess that asp is not properly installed (but that is a guess).
