java does not exit back to prompt when running jar file fails - linux

when running java -jar myfile.jar on my RHEL 64 machine, if the install fails for some reason, i don't get back to prompt - thus the process doesn't exit
on other RHEL 64 machine, when running the same jar file, if it fails, i get back to prompt.
both machines are running the same version of java 1.6.0_25
anyone know what can cause this behavior ?
edit: the jar has an ant build xml that fails right on the beginning (i've added <fail/> task).
when running the file i get this
Total time: 1 second
validate failed
org.tp23.antinstaller.InstallException: Error running the install, Ant run failed - examine the error logs for details
at org.tp23.antinstaller.runtime.exe.AntLauncherFilter.exec(
at org.tp23.antinstaller.runtime.exe.AntLauncherValidateFilter.exec(
at org.tp23.antinstaller.runtime.ExecInstall.exec(
at org.tp23.antinstaller.selfextract.SelfExtractor.main(
Install failed
Error running the install, Ant run failed - examine the error logs for details
but no prompt, process still running...

Could it be that you still have some non-daemon threads sticking around? Try getting a Java stack dump with:
kill -QUIT <process_id>


Error during installion of Jolie

Error during the installion of Jolie.
I see the following message after the execution of
$ java -jar jolie-1.4.1.jar
[Windows_installer.ol] Thrown unhadled fault: FileNotFound
[installer.ol] Internale server error
The installer needs permission to write in the directories in which you intend to install Jolie. That error typically shows up when the installer is launched from a terminal without administrator privileges.
Did you launch the installer from a Command Prompt as an Administrator?

ERROR: executing command 'ant' - After installation and setting ANT_HOME

After wrestling with my environment variables to get the proper directory set, I can now get the version with:
C:\Projects\TestProj>ant -version
Apache Ant(TM) version 1.8.4 compiled on May 22 2012
Ant appears to be working:
Buildfile: build.xml does not exist!
Build failed
I still get the error when I try:
C:\Projects\TestProj>cordova -d platform add android
cordova library for "android" already exists. No need to download. Continuing.
Checking if platform "android" passes minimum requirements...
Creating android project...
Running command: C:\Users\Administrator\.cordova\lib\android\cordova\3.4.0\bin\c
reate.bat --cli C:\Projects\TestProj\platforms\android
throw e;
Error: ERROR : executing command 'ant', make sure you have ant installed and add
ed to your path.
From all of the posts that I have read, this is an issue with ANT_HOME, but it appears I have that part of it tackled. Edit I've installed ant 1.9.3 to program files, and bin resides in:
EDIT Changed to just ant, instead of apache-ant-1.9.3-bin\apache-ant-1.9.3
C:\Program Files\ant
Echo home:
C:\Projects\TestProj>echo %ANT_HOME%
C:\Program Files\ant
And of course I have %ANT_HOME%\bin in my path. Any help identifying the issue would be appreciated.
I think the path you use for ANT_HOME is wrong. C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\ant\ant seems to be the path to the ant npm module but not the ant command.
Ant command more probably is somewhere in program files. In a cmd, run where ant to know where in your path ant is found and use this path for ANT_HOME. (in the folder you should see ant, ant.cmd and ant.bat)
After further investigation, I think your problem is caused half by cordova not correctly checking node errors and half because of registry setting in your computer (a cmd autorun parameter).
You can check answers in those posts for more info:
nodejs child_process exec 'java -version'
Windows CMD.exe "The system cannot find the path specified."
Check if you have a registry key HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor\AutoRun
after setting the variables, restart your machine. Closing command prompt etc will not help.
Even I was stuck for quite a long time and next day when I started my system, it was working fine :P

Qt-based Face Recognition Application

Im trying to compile a Qt project based on the example given here.
I managed to compile without errors, but during execution there are errors. I'm getting these errors in pop up windows:
-open /dev/dsp error
-init failed
-start capture failed
-get frame failed
Moreover, the output displays:
sh: line 0: .:setqt4env:file not found
Trying open file
Could not open File! Error code: 5
/home/QFaceRec/QTFaceRecForPC exited with code 0
SIGSEGV Error when debugging with Qt Creator.
I have googled, answers are due to the application tries to access memory illegally.
Therefore, I try to execute in su - / root, but the run time error remain unsolved.
Im trying to compile and run the code in fedora with qt creator without the GPIO and serial port setting.
Anyone got any ideas to my problem? or knows how to compile the qt code in the link above
Answers are due to the application tries to access memory illegally. Therefore, I try to execute in su - / root
Do not do that! The illegal memory access is not a matter of permissions, it's a matter of the software having bugs. By running it as root, there's a possibility that those bugs will wreck your system.

Can't launch sonar 2.8 (permission denied to execute wrapper )

I'm new to Sonar, and i was trying to install Sonar 2.8 on my server (Linux 64 on HP-UX)
When i tried to launch it ( start) i got the following message
[myHomeDirectory]/sonar/2.8/bin/linux-x86-64/./wrapper: Execute permission denied.
what drives me crazy is that i've putthe whole package on 777 permissions, so i really don't understand what's exactly happening.
Can anyone help with this please ?
Thanks in advance !
I hit a similar issue hence why I came to this post. I was attempting to install SonarQube's scanner in a Docker container but when I was running it, I was getting something along the lines of:
/root/sonar-scanner-2.6.1/bin//sonar-scanner: 103: exec: : Permission denied
I had given the whole /root/ folder all permissions so I was curious about the permission denied. In the end for me it wasn't anything to do with permissions. I simply needed to RTFM.
Sonar-scanner needs a JRE to run and my Docker container didn't have one installed. So if anyone else does the same thing as me, I hope this saves you a few minutes of head scratching.
Not really convinced in the way you are launching it. To get Sonar running I recommend running it on tomcat, providing you just want to use the default database that comes with Sonar. The steps would be:
Install Tomcat
Navigate to your /war directory within your sonar instance and run the command: $] ./
When this finishes you should see a sonar.war file in the same directory.
Rename the war file ROOT.war instead of sonar.war: $] mv sonar.war ROOT.war
This ensures that sonar runs on tomcat's default port.
Move the war file into the tomcat webapps directory: $] mv ROOT.war /tomcathome/webapps
Navigate to the tomcat /bin folder and run the command $] ./ start
Type your server hostname in your browser with a port :8080 at the end and you should see sonar running.
These steps will have sonar running on the default database, though. If you want a MySQL database i'd look at sonar tutorials on how to do that.
I finally came out with the conclusion that the binary file (wrapper) is simply not compiled to run under HP-UX
when launching a file command on wrapper under a Linux i get : <ELF-64 executable object file> which doesn't match the <ELF-64 executable object file - IA64> required by HP-UX running on a Itanium processor
Please check if you have java installed on the machine. Java should be installed on the machine before running sonar-runner.
Use this to check java : java -version

getting error when starting xampp with error missing job name

I installed xampp in ubuntu 12.04 and everything is ok but when i am trying start it from terminal i get this error:
start: missing job name
try 'start --help' for more information.
JOB is the name of the job that is to be started, this may be followed by zero
or more environment variables to be defined in the new job. This is the information which i got from help but is my first experience with linux. all tutorials on the web tells that all the things that i need to do is just enter start...
What to do?
When you follow this guide:
and run command:
/opt/lampp/lampp start
Or, you run some other command?(in question is not specified what you have executed). If so, most likely something is not correctly installed...
Also you should provide xampp version, how the software was installed (rpm, compiled,....)
