What is the name of this Monad Stack function? - haskell

I've got a bunch of stateful functions inside a State monad. At one point in the program there needs to be some IO actions so I've wrapped IO inside a StateT getting a pair of types like this:
mostfunctions :: State Sometype a
toplevel :: StateT Sometype IO a
To keep things simple I don't want pass the IO context into the main set of functions and I would like to avoid wrapping them in the monad stack type. But in order to call them from the toplevel function I need something akin to a lift, but I'm not trying to lift a value from the inner monad. Rather I want to convert the state in the StateT monad into something equivalent in the State monad. To do this I've got the following:
wrapST :: (State Sometype a) -> StateT Sometype IO a
wrapST f = do s <- get
let (r,s2) = runState f s
put s2
return r
This then get used to interleave things like the following:
toplevel = do liftIO $ Some IO functions
wrapST $ Some state mutations
liftIO $ More IO functions
It seems like a fairly obvious block of code so I'm wondering does this function have a standard name, and it is already implemented somewhere in the standard libraries? I've tried to keep the description simple but obviously this extends to pulling one transformer out of a stack, converting the wrapped value to the cousin of the transformer type, skipping the monads below in the stack, and then pushing the results back in at the end.

It may be a good idea to refactor your code to use the type StateT SomeType m a instead of State SomeType a, because the first one is compatible to an arbitrary monad stack. If you'd change it like this, you don't need a function wrapST anymore, since you can call the stateful functions directly.
Okay. Suppose you have a function subOne :: Monad m => State Int Int:
subOne = do a <- get
put $ a - 1
return a
Now, change the types of all functions like this one from State SomeType a to StateT SomeType m a, leaving m as is. This way, your functions can work on any monadic stack. For those functions, that require IO, you can specify, that the monad at the bottom must be IO:
printState :: MonadIO m => StateT Int m ()
printState = do a <- get
liftIO $ print a
Now, it should be possible to use both functions together:
-- You could use me without IO as well!
subOne :: Monad m => StateT Int m ()
subOne = do a <- get
put $ a - 1
printState :: MonadIO m => StateT Int m ()
printState = do a <- get
liftIO $ print a
toZero :: StateT Int IO ()
toZero = do subOne -- A really pure function
printState -- function may perform IO
a <- get
when (a > 0) toZero
PS: I use GHC 7, some of the libs changed midway, so it might be a bit different on GHC 6.

A more direct answer to your question: the function hoist does exactly what you're describing in a slightly more generic way. Example usage:
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Functor.Identity
import Control.Monad.Morph
foo :: State Int Integer
foo = put 1 >> return 1
bar :: StateT Int IO Integer
bar = hoist (return . runIdentity) foo
hoist is part of the MFunctor class, which is defined like this:
class MFunctor t where
hoist :: Monad m => (forall a. m a -> n a) -> t m b -> t n b
There are instances for most monad tranformers, but not ContT.


Best practices with monad transformers : to hide or not to hide 'liftIO'

I will preface this by saying that I am a novice Haskell programmer (tinkered with it sporadically over the years) but I have a fair few years on the counter when it comes to OOO and imperative programming. I am currently learning how to use monads & combining them via the use of monad transformers (assuming I've got the correct term).
While I am able to assemble/chain things together, I am finding it hard to build an intuition for what the best way and style is & how best to assemble/write those interactions.
Specifically, I am curious to know what the best practice (or at least your practice) is for using lift/liftIO and any flavour in between & if there is way (and benefit) to hide them as I am finding them rather 'noisy'.
Below is an example snippet which I have put together to illustrate what I mean :
consumeRenderStageGL' :: RenderStage -> StateT RenderStageContext IO ()
consumeRenderStageGL' r = do
pushDebugGroupGL (name r)
liftIO $ consumePrologueGL ( prologue r )
liftIO $ consumeEpilogueGL ( epilogue r )
consumeStreamGL ( stream r )
liftIO $ popDebugGroupGL
Some of the functions it calls make use of the state monad :
pushDebugGroupGL :: String -> StateT RenderStageContext IO ()
pushDebugGroupGL tag = do
currentDebugMessageID <- gets debugMessageID
liftIO $ GL.pushDebugGroup GL.DebugSourceApplication (GL.DebugMessageID currentDebugMessageID) tag
modify (\fc -> fc { debugMessageID = (currentDebugMessageID + 1) })
consumeStreamGL :: Stream -> StateT RenderStageContext IO ()
consumeStreamGL s = do
mapM_ consumeTokenGL s
While most don't and just live in IO (meaning they have to be lifted):
consumePrologueGL :: Prologue -> IO ()
consumePrologueGL p = do
colourClearFlag <- setupAndReturnClearFlag GL.ColorBuffer ( clearColour p ) (\(Colour4 r g b a) -> GL.clearColor $= (GL.Color4 r g b a))
depthClearFlag <- setupAndReturnClearFlag GL.DepthBuffer ( clearDepth p ) (\d -> GL.clearDepthf $= d)
stencilClearFlag <- setupAndReturnClearFlag GL.StencilBuffer ( clearStencil p ) (\s -> GL.clearStencil $= fromIntegral s)
GL.clear $ catMaybes [colourClearFlag, depthClearFlag, stencilClearFlag]
setupAndReturnClearFlag flag mValue function = case mValue of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just value -> (function value) >> return (Just flag)
My question is : is there any way to hide the liftIO in consumeRenderStageGL' and more importantly would this be a good or a bad idea?
One way I can think of hiding/getting rid of the liftIO is to bring both my consumePrologueGL & consumeEpilogueGL into my state monad but this seems wrong in the sense that those function do not need (and should not) interact with it ; all this just to reduce code noise.
The other option I can think of is to simply create the lifted version of the functions and call them in consumeRenderStageGL' - this would reduce the code noise but be identical in execution/evaluation.
The third option, which is how my logGLErrors works is that I have used a type class which has an instance defined for both IO & my state monads.
I look forward to reading what your opinions, advices and practices are.
Thanks in advance!
There are a few solutions. A common one is to make your basic actions MonadIO m => m … instead of IO …:
consumePrologueGL :: (MonadIO m) => Prologue -> m ()
consumePrologueGL p = liftIO $ do
Then you can use them in StateT RenderStageContext IO () without wrapping, due to MonadIO m => MonadIO (StateT s m), and of course MonadIO IO where liftIO is the identity function.
You can also abstract over the StateT part using MonadState from mtl, so if you add another transformer above/below it, you won’t have the same issue of lifting from/to StateT.
:: (MonadIO m, MonadState RenderStageContext m)
=> String -> m ()
Generally, a concrete stack of transformers types is fine, it just helps to wrap all your basic operations for convenience so that all the lifts are in one place.
mtl helps remove the lift noise from your code altogether, and working in a polymorphic type m means you have to declare which effects a function actually uses, and can substitute different implementations of all the effects (except for MonadIO) for testing. Using monad transformers as an effect system like this is great if you have few types of effects; if you want something finer-grained or more flexible, you’ll start hitting the pain points that make people reach for algebraic effects instead.
It’s also worth assessing whether you need StateT over IO. Typically if you’re in IO, you don’t need the pure state offered by StateT, so instead of StateT MutableState IO you might as well use ReaderT (IORef MutableState) IO.
It’s also possible to make that (or a newtype wrapper for it) an instance of MonadState MutableState, so your code using get/put/modify wouldn’t even need to change:
{-# Language GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
import Data.Coerce (coerce)
newtype MutT s m a = MutT
{ getMutT :: ReaderT (IORef s) m a }
( Alternative
, Applicative
, Functor
, Monad
, MonadIO
, MonadTrans
evalMutT :: MutT s m a -> IORef s -> m a
evalMutT = coerce
instance (MonadIO m) => MonadState s (MutT s m) where
state f = MutT $ do
r <- ask
liftIO $ do
-- NB: possibly lazier than you want.
(a, s) <- f <$> readIORef r
a <$ writeIORef r s
This combo of ReaderT & IO is a pretty common design pattern.

What is the purpose of liftIO?

I have the following code snippet from internet:
calculateLength :: LengthMonad Int
calculateLength = do
-- all the IO operations have to be lifted to the IO monad in the monad stack
liftIO $ putStrLn "Please enter a non-empty string: "
s <- liftIO getLine
if null s
then throwError "The string was empty!"
else return $ length s
and could not understand, why the author use liftIO?
What is the purpose of liftIO?
It is defined as follows:
class (Monad m) => MonadIO m where
-- | Lift a computation from the 'IO' monad.
liftIO :: IO a -> m a
Is it possible to lift IO a -> [a]? It looks like natural transformation.
IO operations like getLine, putStrLn "..." only work inside the IO monad. Using them inside any other monad will trigger a type error.
Still, there are many monads M which are defined in terms of IO (e.g. StateT Int IO, and apparently your LengthMonad as well) and because of that they allow IO actions to be converted into M-actions, and executed as such.
However, we need a conversion for each M:
convertIOintoM1 :: IO a -> M1 a
convertIOintoM2 :: IO a -> M2 a
convertIOintoM3 :: IO a -> M3 a
Since this is cumbersome, the library defines a typeclass MonadIO having such conversion function, so that all the functions above can be named liftIO instead.
In practice, liftIO is used each time one wants to run IO actions in another monad, provided such monad allows for it.

Monad and MonadIO for custom type

I have a Logger type of kind * -> * which can take any type and log the value in a file. I am trying to implement this in a monadic way so that I log and keep working the same. My code looks like
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import System.IO
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
instance Functor Logger where
fmap = liftM
instance Applicative Logger where
pure = return
(<*>) = ap
newtype Logger a = Logger a deriving (Show)
instance Monad (Logger) where
return = Logger
Logger logStr >>= f = f logStr
instance MonadIO (Logger) where
liftIO a = do
b <- liftIO a
return b
logContent :: (Show a) => a -> Logger a
logContent a = do
b <- liftIO $ logContent2 a
return b
logContent2 :: (Show a) => a -> IO a
logContent2 a = do
fHandle <- openFile "test.log" AppendMode
hPrint fHandle a
hClose fHandle
return (a)
The liftIO function goes on endless loop as it calls itself. I am not able to do b <- a either. Can someone help on getting MonadIO implementation right ?
As noted in the comments, I think you've misunderstood what MonadIO and liftIO do.
These typeclasses and functions come from mtl library. Rather unfortunately, mtl stands for "monad transformer library", but mtl is not a monad transformer library. Rather, mtl is a set of typeclasses that allow you to take a monad that --- and this is important --- already has a particular type of functionality and provide that monad with a consistent interface around that functionality. This ends up being really useful for working with actual monad transformers. That's because mtl allows you to use tell and ask and put to access the Writer, Reader, and State functionality of your monad transformer stack in a consistent way.
Separately from this transformer business, if you already have a custom monad, say that supports arbitrary IO and has State functionality, then you can define a MonadState instance to make the standard state operations (state, get, gets, put, modify) available for your custom monad, and you can define a MonadIO instance to allow an arbitrary IO action to be executed in your custom monad using liftIO. However, none of these typeclasses are capable of adding functionality to a monad that it doesn't already have. In particular, you can't transform an arbitrary monadic action m a into an IO a using a MonadIO instance.
Note that the transformers package contains types that are capable of adding functionality to a monad that it doesn't already have (e.g., adding reader or writer functionality), but there is no transformer to add IO to an arbitrary monad. Such a transformer would be impossible (without unsafe or nonterminating operations).
Also note that the signature for liftIO :: MonadIO m => IO a -> m a puts a MonadIO constraint on m, and this isn't just a trivial constraint. It actually indicates that liftIO only works for monads m that already have IO functionality, so either m is the IO monad, or it's a monad stack with IO at its base. Your Logger example doesn't have IO functionality and so can't have a (sensible) MonadIO instance.
Getting back to your specific problem, it's actually a little bit hard to steer you right here without knowing exactly what you're trying to do. If you just want to add file-based logging to an existing IO computation, then defining a new transformer stack will probably do the trick:
type LogIO = ReaderT Handle IO
logger :: (Show a) => a -> LogIO ()
logger a = do
h <- ask
liftIO $ hPrint h a
runLogIO :: LogIO a -> FilePath -> IO a
runLogIO act fp = withFile fp AppendMode $ \h -> runReaderT act h
and you can write things like:
main :: IO ()
main = runLogIO start "test.log"
start :: LogIO ()
start = do
logger "Starting program"
liftIO . putStrLn $ "Please enter your name:"
n <- liftIO $ getLine
logger n
liftIO . putStrLn $ "Hello, " ++ n
logger "Ending program"
The need to add liftIO calls when using IO actions within the LogIO monad is ugly but largely unavoidable.
This solution would also work for adding file-based logging to pure computations, with the understanding that you have to convert them to IO computations anyway if you want to safely log to a file.
The more general solution is to define your own monad transformer (not merely your own monad), like LoggerT m, together with an associated MonadLogger type class that will add file-based logging to to any IO-capable monad stack. The idea would be that you could then create arbitrary custom monad stacks:
type MyMonad = StateT Int (LoggerT IO)
and then write code that mixes monadic computations from different layers (like mixing state computations and file-based logging):
newSym :: String -> MyMonad String
newSym pfx = do
n <- get
logger (pfx, n)
put (n+1)
return $ pfx ++ show n
Is this what you what you're trying to do? If not, maybe you could describe, either here or in a new question, how you're trying to add logging to some example code.

Monad type mismatch

I am attempting to use the IO monad in a Spock application. The following code does not compile:
get "api/entities" $ do
entities <- loadEntities
let e1 : xs = entities
text $ note e1
loadEntities has the type IO [Entity]
The error is Couldn't match type ‘ActionT IO ()’ with ‘t0 -> IO b0’
Is Spock using a monad other than IO? If so, how do I get the result of loadEntities?
Writing answer so people can see a better explanation.
If you look at get it has the type.
get :: MonadIO m => SpockRoute -> ActionT m () -> SpockT m ()
ActionT is a monad transformer and it requires in inner monad to have an instance of MonadIO. If we look at the typeclass MonadIO it has a function
liftIO :: IO a -> m a
This means every that you call execute functions of the type IO a in that stack by using liftIO. ActionT has an instance of MonadIO also and which is the one you are using here to call your IO function. So to call loadEntities you had to
entities <- liftIO loadEntities
If you end of calling a certain function like that a lot you can create a separate module import it qualified and export a more friendly one.
module Lifted (loadEntities) where
import qualified SomeModule as IO
loadEntities :: MonadIO m => m Entities
loadEntities = liftIO IO.loadEntities
This will make it so you don't always have you use liftIO

Maybe monad inside stack of transformers

I have the following code:
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Control.Monad.Trans.State
type T = StateT Int IO Int
someMaybe = Just 3
f :: T
f = do
x <- get
val <- lift $ do
val <- someMaybe
-- more code in Maybe monad
-- return 4
return 3
When I use do notation inside to work in Maybe monad it fails. From the error it gives it looks like type signature for this do doesn't match. However I have no idea how to fix it. I tried some lift combinations, but none of them worked and I don't want to guess anymore.
The problem is that Maybe is not part of your transformer stack. If your transformer only knows about StateT Int and IO, it does not know anything about how to lift Maybe.
You can fix this by changing your type T to something like:
type T = StateT Int (MaybeT IO) Int
(You'll need to import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe.)
You will also need to change your inner do to work with MaybeT rather than Maybe. This means wrapping raw Maybe a values with MaybeT . return:
f :: T
f = do
x <- get
val <- lift $ do
val <- MaybeT $ return someMaybe
-- more code in Maybe monad
return 4
return 3
This is a little awkward, so you probably want to write a function like liftMaybe:
liftMaybe = MaybeT . return
If you used lift to lift IO a values in other parts of your code, this will now break because you have three levels in your transformer stack now. You will get an error that looks like this:
Couldn't match expected type `MaybeT IO t0'
with actual type `IO String'
To fix this, you should use liftIO for all your raw IO a values. This uses a typeclass to life IO actions through any number of transformer layers.
In response to your comment: if you only have a bit of code depending on Maybe, it would be easier just to put the result of the do notation into a variable and match against that:
let maybeVal = do val <- someMaybe
-- more Maybe code
return 4
case maybeVal of
Just res -> ...
Nothing -> ...
This means that the Maybe code will not be able to do an IO. You can also naturally use a function like fromMaybe instead of case.
If you want to run the code in the inner do purely in the Maybe monad, you will not have access to the StateT Int or IO monads (which might be a good thing). Doing so will return a Maybe value, which you will have to scrutinize:
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Control.Monad.Trans.State
type T = StateT Int IO Int
someMaybe = Just 3
f :: T
f = do
x <- get
-- no need to use bind
let mval = do
-- this code is purely in the Maybe monad
val <- someMaybe
-- more code in Maybe monad
return 4
-- scrutinize the resulting Maybe value now we are back in the StateT monad
case mval of
Just val -> liftIO . putStrLn $ "I got " ++ show val
Nothing -> liftIO . putStrLn $ "I got a rock"
return 3
