What version to use to learn linux developing? [closed] - linux

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Closed 11 years ago.
I want to learn linux developing.
I develop for the last 8 years on visual studio (C++ / C# ) - and i want to setup some linux version on my machine and start to learn developing on linux.
What is the best ( and easy ) version that i can use ?
Does there is any site or book that i can learn from ?
Thanks for any help.

My guess would be one of the latest ubuntu releases.


Lightest Linux distro for Node.js [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
What is a good, ultra light Linux distro for Node.js.
No GUI, Just bash.
Planning to run Azure Extra Small VM instance.
Share CPU core, 768MB memory.
Ubuntu server is even light enough. Than you have a pretty easy / well-supported distribution. As added benefit you have distribution with LTS.
Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS is a long-term support release, with support
guaranteed for five years from April 2012

Sharepoint 2013 and VisualStudio 2012 tools to make deployment faster [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
I have some question about deployment, is there any way to make it faster? I have sharepoint 2013 in cloud, i am developing app-hosted application, and every time i have to wait some about 4/5 minutes. Is there any way, any tool to make it faster?
Yes, you can have a look here: http://blog.mastykarz.nl/quickly-deploying-sharepoint-2013-projects-mavention-quick-deploy/
It will only build your project, move the assembly to GAC and reset the App Pool.

Learning NodeJS [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
Really need a book recommendation for mastering node.js.
From this list...or ?
I personally like http://www.nodebeginner.org/ as a foundation.
PeepCode Full Stack Node.js screencast https://peepcode.com/products/full-stack-nodejs-i helps to understand aspects of practical use.
Also Google for deploying Node.js applications to production as it is not as straightforward as with more traditional server side technologies on web and it can make an impact on your application strategy.

Which lang to focus on cross-platform? [closed]

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Closed 12 years ago.
Lets say you r going to develop a photo editng software for win, linux and mac os. What language-gui woild you choose?
Dont tell me java because i dont like swing at all.
You should give QT of Trolltech a try, its a C++ framework which you can use
to develop nice GUI applications on almost any platform
QT Website
There's a cross-platform GUI toolkit called wxWidgets. It's a C++ library, but it has binding for Python, and possibly other languages as well. It works on all of the operating systems you've mentioned. I've used it successfully in the past, although it has been a while.

Get files from TFS under Linux [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
is there a free (command line) tool for linux which with I can get all files from a TFS-Repository (no Check in / Check out required - only get actual version)?
I have not tried it, but there is opentf - http://code.google.com/p/opentf/
I think that the Hudson/Jenkins TFS Plugin uses opentf.
Teamprise have a command line client for accessing TFS
You should 'check out'... SvnBridge, it's a free proxy that maps svn client commands to your TFS repository link text
