Get files from TFS under Linux [closed] - linux

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Closed 10 years ago.
is there a free (command line) tool for linux which with I can get all files from a TFS-Repository (no Check in / Check out required - only get actual version)?

I have not tried it, but there is opentf -
I think that the Hudson/Jenkins TFS Plugin uses opentf.

Teamprise have a command line client for accessing TFS

You should 'check out'... SvnBridge, it's a free proxy that maps svn client commands to your TFS repository link text


Is there a Vi or Vim plugin for the Toad Oracle client? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
I use the Toad client and it's editor while working with Oracle. I find myself missing the Vi/Vim key bindings. When working with SQL Server, I have the excellent ViEmu for SQL plugin that lets me use the Vi/Vim keybindings in SQL management studio. Is there something similar for Toad?

Sharepoint 2013 and VisualStudio 2012 tools to make deployment faster [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
I have some question about deployment, is there any way to make it faster? I have sharepoint 2013 in cloud, i am developing app-hosted application, and every time i have to wait some about 4/5 minutes. Is there any way, any tool to make it faster?
Yes, you can have a look here:
It will only build your project, move the assembly to GAC and reset the App Pool.

Strange Web App [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I would like to create a web app (desktop and mobile versions) that can work with and without Internet connection but synchronizes data when Internet connection is available. The web app must be highly secure (transmission encryption and data encryption). I have though of Adobe Flex and Air as tools for development. Any other suggestions?
HTML 5 is the technology for you. Local storage is supported too.

Node JS Live Reporting(Graphical) Modules [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
I have a production web service built with Node JS(HTTP Server) on a Linux box with a HAProxy Load Balancer and wanted some kind of graphical tool to do live reporting on the server. I specially wanted to look at requests/min, request failures, etc. Anything out there people would suggest. I need something non-intrusive b/c I will be handling 20mil+ requests a day.
Have you looked at cube (, graphite/carbon ( or opentsdb for such data monitoring/display?

What version to use to learn linux developing? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
I want to learn linux developing.
I develop for the last 8 years on visual studio (C++ / C# ) - and i want to setup some linux version on my machine and start to learn developing on linux.
What is the best ( and easy ) version that i can use ?
Does there is any site or book that i can learn from ?
Thanks for any help.
My guess would be one of the latest ubuntu releases.
