Getting E488 errors using Pathogen with Vim - vim

I'm trying to use Pathogen to manage my vim add-ons under Ubuntu so I can do some rails development but following all the examples leads to a ton of E488 Trailing characters: errors when I run vim.
Here is my .vimrc not that it's much to look at...
call pathogen#runtime_append_all_bundles()
Has anyone experienced this and if so how did you fix it?

It might be that your file is in the wrong format (dos instead of unix).
Try the following:
$ dos2unix .vimrc

I turned up my scroll buffer so I could see the original error and it ended up being gist.vim which is for some reason an html file.. removing this plugin fixed everything.


Unknown function: htmlcomplete#DetectOmniFlavor

When I use vim to open one markdown file. i meet the following issue.
My Vim version is 7.4 and i use it on MacBook Pro with OS X Yosemite.
The following are the vim plugins i installed:
Anybody can help on this? many thanks:-)
Adding runtimepath
I got this error after I installed the Vim plugin YouCompleteMe. After I updated my html5.vim Vim plugin the issue disappeared for me.
You're missing the $VIMRUNTIME/autoload/htmlcomplete.vim script; in your case, it should be at /usr/local/Cellar/vim/7.4.488/share/vim/vim74/autoload/htmlcomplete.vim. If it really isn't there, try reinstalling Vim. Else, it might be a problem with your 'runtimepath'.
Edit: It is the latter; your 'runtimepath' has ~/.vim twice, at the beginning and end, no after directories, and not the .../share/vim/vim74 global one. Find our what messed up your 'runtimepath'.

vim and latex-box

I installed the vim plugin latex-box but I am having trouble getting it to compile my Latex file. The docs say it uses latexmk to do the compiling, and I have that installed and it works when called by itself.
But when I use the plugin's \ll command to compile I get an error that says 'cannot run latexmk in background without a VIM server'. I cannot find an explanation of why this error would occur in the plugin documentation.
I found a solution to this issue, but ran into others.
To fix this, you need to install the full version of vim (which is different depending on your OS) which will include things like server support. I suggest doing this even if you don't use this plugin because it will fix not been able to copy/paste from/to vim. In (K)ubuntu, install the package vim-gtk.
Start vim like this vim --servername SOMETHING file.tex
After doing this, the servername error went away and the compilation went through but the output from latexmk shows up on top of the file I'm editing. It doesn't overwrite it, it's just displayed on top of the text. When I move the cursor and vim highlights a word or bracket, that appears back on the screen. The only quick way I found to get rid of the compiler output is to scroll the file up and back down, that makes the text appear again.
You can ask vim to redraw the screen like this:
Append that command after running your latex command.

Vim + Pathogen not loading help docs

Currently I use Pathogen to organize my vim plugins. It seems to do this fine and without a hitch but for some reason the helptags are not generated. I don't think my file structure is at fault (although it could be) because as far as I can tell I've set it up correctly, e.g: pathogen.vim is in ~/.vim/autoload and all my plugins are in ~/.vim/bundle
My .vimrc is aliased to the HOME directory so I can quickly find it and open it and the pathogen related part looks like this:
filetype off
call pathogen#runtime_append_all_bundles()
call pathogen#helptags()
I feel like I've tried every iteration of this I've found on the internet as well and nothing has been successful. The plugins seem to work just fine every time but I can never get the help docs using the helptags. I'm using Mac OSX 10.6 if that helps.
Any advice is appreciated. Thanks.
I had the same problem of not finding the help when updating pathogen - I just had to run the following command to generate the helptags:
If you simply add the line to start pathogen to:
call pathogen#infect()
It will generate them on startup and you will have the help as always.
To quote tpope from the vim-pathogen README:
Normally to generate documentation, Vim expects you to run :helptags on each directory with documentation (e.g., :helptags ~/.vim/doc). Provided with pathogen.vim is a :Helptags command that does this on every directory in your 'runtimepath'. If you really want to get crazy, you could even invoke Helptags in your vimrc. I don't like to get crazy.
On 4/13/2011 a :Helptags command was added, which generates help tags along the 'runtimepath'
The preferred way of initializing the plugin is now:
call pathogen#infect()
syntax on
filetype plugin indent on
All this and more in the docs
Take a look at my reply to "Pathogen does not load plugins". I think it might address your problem. Once you follow what I mentioned there, you should get the documentation for your plugins as wanted.

Cannot edit HAML files in carlhuda - janus VIM distro

I switched from my own VIM setup to janus recently. I really like the organization.
When I tried to edit and save HAML files, I got following error.
Error detected while processing function <SNR>44_UpdateErrors..<SNR>44_RefreshSigns..<SNR>44_SignErrors:
line 12:
E474: Invalid argument
How can I fix this issue?
probably, it will fix with fixing following line in your vimrc.
let g:syntastic_enable_signs=1
let g:syntastic_enable_signs=0
It was an error with syntastic plugin. I created an issue at GitHub.
scrooloose has fixed this issue.
You can find the patch here
Simply run
inside your ~/.vim directory. It'll update the syntastic plugin.

fresh installation of gvim on ubuntu. where should I put my plugins?

I just installed gvim on fresh installation of ubuntu lucid. I've messed this up before that's why I want to start on the correct step here.
Where should I keep all my plugins and my .vimrc??
my current runtimepath on gvim is:
one thing that i've never been able to get working on gvim is snipMate. Anyone has pointers on having that work with gvim?
I use pathogen with ~/.vimrc and plugins in ~/.vim/bundle, more details here. You can see an example here.
Plugin folder is always under ~home/.vim or ~home/vimfiles your vim configuration file or .vimrc always in your ~home/ as for example: ~home/.vimrc
Snipmate fully works for me under Ubuntu. unzip it correclty and it should work right. BTW a great great plugin.
